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Everything posted by James

  1. [color=royalblue]And damn it, gokents...who on these boards things Saddam Hussein is "ok"? You're getting very close to being slapped with a dead fish. And as CWB said...try and actually discuss the [i]game[/i]. Let's keep it relevant, folks. :drunk:[/color]
  2. James

    12 Monkeys

    [color=royalblue]I didn't really like this movie. Though it certainly had some positive aspects (the story wasn't bad), it didn't come together terribly well. Some parts of the movie were pretty dry and boring in my opinion. But it's definitely not a bad movie...and it's worthy of a rent.[/color]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]Yeah, like James wouldn't allow a topic where he gets praise. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=royalblue]o_O Actually I am always suprised to see positive comments about me (because of comments like this one). Thanks for the vote of confidence, wrist cutter. :) Anyway, I think there are a lot of role models here on OB. I don't think I could list them all though...I'd be here forever. [b]Adam:[/b] The king of kings! Adam makes everything here possible and his commmitment to the network must never be forgotten. :) [b]BabyGirl:[/b] Always very civil with members and generally a bright and friendly person to talk to. [b]Transtic Nerve:[/b] Sometimes a little crazy...but he adds some definite spice to the boards. ;) [b]Break:[/b] Always friendly and funny. Cheers me up, keeps me just a little insane...and is a good friend. [b]Cera:[/b] Very interesting and intelligent person. And always a great person to talk to, as well. [b]GinnyLyn:[/b] Brilliant artist, bubbly personality and gracious nature make Ginny a much loved member. :) [b]Final Flash:[/b] What can be said about the guy who got the entire spriting movement on these boards started? Couple that with some killer RPGs and you have one heck of a member. [b]Justin:[/b] A pretty genuine person. Always contributes a great deal to the boards in many ways -- he's also an example of a what good posts are made of. And lately, I notice he's also a great RPer too! ^_^ [b]RicoTranzrig:[/b] Probably the best roleplayer I can think of, with only a couple of exceptions. Rico is [i]always[/i] friendly and deserves much credit for all his great work at OB. [b]Desbreko:[/b] Fantastic RPer (just look at his posts in my old Zelda RPG and Project Gamer!) and all-round nice guy. He's a hard worker (ShineGet.com -- coming soon hehe) and he lets me call him Desbreakfast. That's gotta be a plus. [b]Lady Katana:[/b] Great RPer and a pretty nice person too. :) [b]coolkam007:[/b] Never ceases to surprise me in his weirdness... [b]kuji:[/b] He's an anti-role model. He indicates what [i]not[/i] to do on a forum. o_O;; Of course, there are many more...these are merely a few. But all these people deserve credit for being great members. :)[/color]
  4. [color=royalblue]I haven't seen any reports of the "new Q", so I'm somewhat reluctant to believe that claim. Especially since no relevant media sources have reported it. But if something comes out, it'll be interesting to see. The reason PSO v1 & 2 works so well is primarily because of the infrastructure. Dedicated servers (and many of them) as well as a very clean and efficient programming code. Sonic Team itself has commented that these elements are necessary for a speedy online experience. As far as the Xbox 2 (or Freon, as it's being labelled currently), I'm reluctant to offer much speculation. It's hard to predict how things will go, simply because right now it's too early to tell how this generation will play out in terms of online gaming. And online gaming is the key word here. We're not talking about downloadable content in the future -- perhaps that is a discussion best left for another time. This thread is specifically about Xbox Live. And while it's possibly appropriate to consider the implications that a [i]successful[/i] Xbox Live might have in future...we must also remember that what we're talking about here is the take-up of online [i]games[/i], rather than any other services (such as downloadable movie content or recordable TV).[/color]
  5. [color=royalblue]All I have to say is: o_O;; This isn't really a discussion or even a question...it looks like you've copied and pasted someone's poetry or something here. I really don't know if this is the most appropriate kind of post...perhaps you could rephrase it to actually create a worthwhile discussion. Oh and...are you schratn9? You are using the same banner as him. [/color]
  6. [color=royalblue]I don't see the relevance of the Panasonic Q in this discussion. First and foremost, the Q is only available in Japan (and is thus irrelevant to gamers outside that country, unless they import). And secondly, the GameCube is the primary format here. Panasonic may end up handling online in a completely different way from Nintendo, if it chooses to go online with Q at all. You must also remember that whilst a new version of Q may come with a hard drive (even though I somewhat doubt this claim), the Nintendo GameCube will not have a hard drive built in. In order for developers to take advantage of that kind of technology, the technology has to be available in the first place. If the Q had a hard drive and the GameCube doesn't, then you're going to find absolutely no developers who will be making games that utilize a hard drive. In the case of Xbox Live, I think we're seeing things coming together a lot more quickly now. I am much more confident in the success of Xbox Live (in terms of specific game franchises and ease of use), as opposed to the PlayStation 2 service, which is far more disorganized. One of the great things about Xbox Live, in my opinion, is the active buddy list. You won't necessarily be joining games with totally unknown people -- the buddies on your list will appear every time they are online. And if they are playing a game, the buddy list will tell you what game they are playing. And you will have the option to join them/start a new game, etc... I think that this is one of the vital ingredients in this kind of online network. And the fact that Microsoft's network is centralized (as opposed to being based on third party publishers), is a [i]huge[/i] asset. Perhaps not so much for larger developers, but for smaller developers the benefits of Xbox Live probably outweigh the benefits of PS2's online services. Additionally, I support Microsoft's broadband only stance. Whilst it is arguable as to how fast this technology will be taken up by gamers (only about 25% of Europe is estimated to have access by 2005), it is necessary to use the appropriate technology to deliver the right kind of experience. In the case of Xbox Live, the broadband nature of the service indicates that you'll never (or rarely) experience slowdown/lag of any kind. And that is absolutely essential to an online console service. Having said that, Phantasty Star Online Episode 1 & 2 for GameCube experiences almost 0% lag. All this, despite the fact that it is running on a 56k dial-up modem. And broadband users experience no noticeable slowdown when they play against people who use dial-up. So clearly, other factors are at work, irrespective of the actual connection speed. At the end of the day, Xbox Live is the most advanced and most user-friendly online setup. So far, PlayStation 2 comes in second -- if only because Nintendo has not fully revealed its own plans. However, there are strong suggestions that Nintendo EAD has been working internally on a number of online titles for several months now -- and that testing has been underway for a while. Nintendo has also hinted that its own first and second party games will be [i]free[/i] to play online and that without a centralized network, players will not be required to pay any monthly fees for access (other than what they may pay for a dial-up connection or a broadband connection).[/color]
  7. [color=royalblue]That sucks, Kevin. I don't know what I can really say about it...sometimes life just piles all of these things on you and it can be very frustrating and difficult to cope. We all wish you luck in the future though...I'm sure you'll get back on your feet and get things going again in the future. :)[/color]
  8. [color=royalblue]The Xbox will have plenty of great games coming out over the next few months (particularly with the introduction of Xbox Live). Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance has infact not been cancelled for Xbox. And it won't make any appearance on GameCube. However, a game by the same director (Hideo Kojima) entitled "Glass Rose" will be making its way to GameCube. Hopefully we'll see it a next year's E3.[/color]
  9. [color=royalblue]I won't even enter the whole oil question (because frankly, it's stupid and a waste of my time). But as far as terrorism goes...we should of course do all we can to stop it. Or at least minimize the effects it has on our everyday lives. The best way to do that is to arrest those responsible, gain better intelligence and deal with the sources of terrorism (poor education, poverty, dictatorship Governments etc...)[/color]
  10. [color=royalblue]In total...I've probably had about four partners in my entire life. The first one lasted for about a year...and I was the one doing the breaking up (I found that I wasn't really in love...and I didn't want to lead the other person on). The other two were cases where the other person wasn't interested in me. And believe me, it was hard to find that out. But in retrospect...I don't think the relationship would have lasted anyway. And now I'm with someone who I've been with for over three years. To me, it's the most perfect relationship I could ever have. And it's definitely a life long one. So, I think that even if you get turned down...you should never loose hope. There is [i]always[/i] someone out there for you. It's really just a combination of luck (being in the right place at the right time) and guts (being able to take the first step...or make your interest known). Knowing that you have failed is a lot better than knowing that you never tried. :)[/color]
  11. [color=royalblue]Gokents; Australia entered East Timor in 1999. We did so because that region wanted autonomy from Indonesia. And we fostered elections in that area. When the elections proved that the people didn't want to be part of Indonesia, violence broke out across the region. Not only were pro-Indonesian militia attacking and killing East Timorese families...but there were reports that the Indonesian military were involved in providing arms and turning a blind eye. So, our Government made an appeal to the UN about the problem. And the UN gave us authorisation to enter East Timor. So we sent fleets of helicopters/APCs/troops/blackhawks etc etc... And Indonesia then pulled its own military out of there. It was very embarassing for Indonesia...and it provoked anti-Australian riots in Jakarta. But frankly, as I said, I think it was worthwhile. Now East Timor is a free nation. And we are still there along with the UN to protect them. I'm proud of that. :)[/color]
  12. [color=royalblue]I agree with Liam. Even though it could simply be an "anti-Western" attack..some have said that it could be a Government opposition group, trying to destabilize Indonesia's fragile democracy. The fact that Australia has supported democracy in Indonesia...and has liberated East Timor (and continues to defend it against West Timor militants) is probably a very aggrivating thing for the more hardline Muslim leaders in Indonesia. But yeah, I'm glad Australia was involved. Had we not been, many thousands more people would have died before the UN or USA would have reacted. It was important to step in at that time. Oh well...it's certainly horrible to think that this could happen so close to us (and apparently be so deliberately aimed at us). I just hope nothing like this happens in one of our cities on the mainland.[/color]
  13. [color=royalblue]In my opinion, this is another case of people taking the Bible literally. You can't pick and choose. If you want to take references to homosexuality literally, then you must also take references to the Earth's creation literally (many of which have been disproven over time). So I think that when people say that homosexuality (or any non-heterosexual practice) is "wrong", and they point to the Bible, it's really quite a weak excuse. In any case, regardless of people's personal prejudices, I'm sure we all agree that discrimination on any grounds is simply not right. And as long as we further that concept, we'll be able to relieve a lot of tension in society. Anyway, I think we're really getting away from the main point of the discussion here. This isn't a discussion about homosexuality and religion, it's a discussion about whether men can have female friends. So, I recommend that from here on, everyone please stick to the topic. If you have nothing to add to the topic at hand, please don't continue posting here.[/color]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Solo Tremaine [/i] [B] Maybe I'm making an unfair generalisation here, but that's what I see. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=royalblue]No, you're absolutely correct with your observations. Denial that a significant problem exists only further contributes to that problem.[/color]
  15. [color=royalblue]People who have a history in the previous RPG (Maverick Hunters: Replimasters) and people who have a good recent history with RPGs are most likely to get in. It's important to know the story of the previous RPG if you want in.[/color]
  16. [color=royalblue]I don't think the attack was aimed at Australians...it was most likely just aimed at "western looking tourists". The Prime Minister said that there are many, many Australians missing at this point, though...:([/color]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B][color=darkblue][size=1] James should make Shift bring it back, give him something to do. lol -Shy[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=royalblue]Shift already has [i]plenty[/i] to do. lol[/color]
  18. [color=royalblue]Crazy White Boy is exactly right. [i]Intelligent[/i] favourites topics that include some sort of discussion are fine. But topics like "Do you like Coke or Pepsi?" are absolutely stupid. Common sense is what is most needed in this situation. :)[/color]
  19. [color=royalblue]What happens? You don't get your name back, that's what. lol As you can see, there are many problems with name changing. Especially on a large site like this one. But I'm still happy to have the feature included...it's just that I haven't heard from Shift in a while. *taps foot*[/color]
  20. A young woman clutched her husband's arm eagerly. She had been waiting for this day for years and finally it had come. The line of people infront of her was vast. Some of the most important dignitaries of Moldavia were in attendance this year. It was always the dream of young women to marry a rich man and become part of a wealthy and influential family. This particular Annual Ball was especially noteable; Prince Vlad Voivode was in attendance. Though it was apparent to most of the ball's visitors that he had not been seen all evening. Most assumed that he had more important business to attend to. But nevertheless, there were countless men who had brought their virgin daughters to the ball with the hope of winning the Prince's acclaim. As the young woman entered the reception area, her long white dress became enveloped in the soft glow of enormous overhead chandeliers. Despite the fact that he was holding her hand, the woman's husband did not seem interested in his wife whatsoever. She noticed that he was paying far more attention to the many single young maids who were in attendance. She carefully released herself from her husband's grip, to which he responded by grabbing her arm forcefully and glaring at her. "What are you doing?", he snapped quietly, so as not to arouse interest from passers-by. "I was just going to find something suitable for you to drink, my love", his wife replied as she nervously looked around the room. Her reply must have been satisfactory, because he instantly released his wife's arm and spun around in the opposite direction. The woman made her way through reception toward a large oak table, which was decorated with hand-made ornaments and featured large platters containing various delicacies. Standing at the other end of the table was a man. She noticed him instantly. She glanced at him and smiled, as she continued to walk towards the large wine bar at the opposite end of the room. Upon reaching the bar, she noticed a large crowd infront of her. So she stood behind them and waited, hoping to gain entry when a few people had received their drinks. Within only a few minutes, she felt tired. She felt exhausted, as though she'd been standing there all day. Upon looking up at a clock on the wall, however, she noticed that she'd only been standing there for two minutes. She looked around uneasily. The air around her felt warmer than before...as though someone had lit a fire in the room. And suddenly, the temperature cooled down again. She felt faint...and she felt herself falling backwards slowly. The entire world slowed down for just a moment. She could feel herself falling through the air, as light as a feather. And as suddenly as it had started, it stopped. She opened her eyes and saw the man that she had seen before. He was holding her in his arms. He spoke with a slow, deliberate tone. As if he knew exactly what he was going to say. "My dear, are you hurt?", he inquired. His eyes were green. Or maybe they weren't, she didn't know. Sometimes they were green and sometimes they were red. And sometimes they were many shades of color all at once. They seemed to change every time she blinked. "I-I'm fine. Thank you, sir.", she muttered softly. She couldn't stop looking into his eyes. She could see fire dancing in each iris. And beyond, she thought she could see mountains and valleys stretching far into the distance... The man reached down and took her hand, kissing it softly. "What is your name, my dear?" "My name is Anne..." She stuttered. Though she didn't feel embarassed in this man's presence. She was more frightened than she'd been in her life, but she also felt calm and peaceful. The mix of emotions was so alien to her, that she felt completely indifferent to the situation itself. "Your name is lovely, madame. I am Prince Voivode of Moldavia, pleased to meet you." The Prince removed his grey top-hat and bowed ever so slightly. Anne blinked. Was it really him? His clothing, though somewhat recognizable, also had an exotic flavour. The Prince never stopped peering into her eyes. Even when he bowed, he didn't shift his gaze for one second. Anne noticed that he didn't even blink, though given her current state of confusion, it was of little significance to her. The Prince gently took her gloved hand and gestured for her to follow him. "I have never attended the Annual Ball. I would very much like a partner to talk to, if you have the available time, madame." Anne nodded. "Yes, sir. I would be happy to sit in your company." Anne remembered very little of that night. She didn't quite remember what her discussions with the Prince entailed. But she remembered his passionate eyes and his handsome face. She sat up in her elaborate four-poster bed and then stood up next to it. She walked over to a large mirror nearby and produced a small wooden brush from the top drawer. As she brushed her hair absently, she noticed something in the mirror. The side of her neck was red. She pulled her hair back slowly and saw it; two small red indentations on one side...
  21. [color=royalblue]Whoa, major spam here. 1) Don't double post. 2) Isn't it obvious how this forum works? You don't post a thread and say "Hey, tell me what I can sign up 2!!!". Nuh-uh. You read the threads that are here and you sign up to something that you like. If you don't see anything you like, you can always start your own RPG. But there isn't much else you can do. Now...please, READ THE RULES. I can't believe how many times I have to say that. -_-;;[/color]
  22. James

    The Fold

    [color=royalblue]Faris, for OBB contestants...the entire Otaku Arena category will remain open. So you will be able to post in RPGs and OBBII only. But not in any other forum. :)[/color]
  23. [color=royalblue]I could still hear his voice. Even now, I can still see the look of fear in his eyes as his body shattered into a million pieces of pure white light. That was the first day in my short life that I had ever cried. Funny; I didn't even know what tears were until that moment. And ever since that day, I had been wondering why I was created with human emotions. Why? To give me compassion? Perhaps compassion was important to the units that were being produced. Perhaps our creators felt that by including emotion, we would be less likely to malfunction in other ways -- to become aggressive or to commit violence against defenseless citizens. But did they ever stop to consider how [i]we[/i] felt? Did they ever wonder what would happen if we should form lifelong friendships with other units in our batallions? I will probably never know the answer to that question. Interestingly, my memory of life had suddenly stopped at some point in the last century. I'm not sure how...I don't remember the incidents that led to my death. But I'm still here. And I still dream. I dream about my birth, about my friends...about Flash's death. I never stop dreaming. Sometimes I wonder if robots have a soul. I mean, I'm not really dead, am I? I am sure that people can't dream when they die. Or perhaps people who don't go to heaven dream while they're dead...and they never stop reliving horrible memories from their past. Maybe robots don't go to heaven. Maybe that's why I'm still here. But recently, something has changed. Sometimes I hear noises in my head. And every now and then I hear a specific word. Sometimes I even feel heat against my face. But I don't know what it means. All I know is that it's different now. And more recently, I've re-aquired some of my senses. Sometimes I can smell the scent of burning plastic. And occasionally I feel pressure on my forehead. But I can't open my eyes. I can't see. And I can't talk. And I don't stop dreaming...[/color] [b]Sign Up[/b] You can either be a robot (ala-Megaman) or a human being. And if you haven't been able to tell, this story is a sequel to Flash's original "Maverick Hunters: Replimasters". I had some ideas and I felt the need to write 'em down. The only thing I'll say so far is that this story is radically different. It takes place in the far future...and right now, you will not have the opportunity to complete a full sign up. Instead, you will complete a very basic sign up. When the RPG starts, you will progressively fill in your sign up as the story goes on. I hope that's not too confusing -- you'll see how it works when the story starts. For now, fill in the following... [b]Name:[/b] [b]Category (Robot/Human):[/b] Here is my sign up... [b]Name:[/b] Proteus [b]Category:[/b] Robot Once there are enough sign ups, I'll choose people to enter. ^_^
  24. [color=royalblue]I think Square already did this with Final Fantasy Chronicles, didn't they? I could be wrong though (I suspect that FFC included FFV, FFVI and Chrono Trigger). I have not heard of a re-release of FF/II/III on PlayStation, though. However, I have heard reports that Square might be re-releasing those games on GBA. So, I'm not exactly clear on that one. But I do know that Final Fantasy Chronicles is already out in the UK, so you should be able to find that if you have not already bought it. :)[/color]
  25. [color=royalblue]I also think we have to remember that Nintendo has itself been internally restructuring over the past year or so. This has primarily been because game development times have increased to the point where it is becoming unprofitable -- Nintendo desires to have a larger quantity of smaller teams working on these projects. So, this year I think has really been a big transition for Nintendo. GameCube was launched...and the first generation batch of titles was pushed out. So what can I say about this first year? Overall, I'm pleased with it, if not overly-pleased. Nintendo should have been more prepared earlier on in my opinion. But having said that, the titles that were delivered in Japan, USA and PAL territories were still very worthwhile. Resident Evil was a very noteable release, updates to Wave Race and SSBM were also worthy games in my view. But Super Mario Sunshine is what really convinced me that GameCube is a viable platform. And no doubt, games like Animal Crossing and Metroid Prime will continue to further that viewpoint. So, yeah...in retrospect, I'm pretty happy with this first year. But this first year is a drop in the ocean compared to 2003 and beyond. I can't wait. :)[/color]
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