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Everything posted by James

  1. James

    ~Star Wars~

    [color=royalblue]This should probably be combined with the old Star Wars thread..which is still on the first page. No need for a second one.[/color]
  2. [color=royalblue]While I appreciate the recognition (I think), I don't understand this, Zidane. You don't really have any plot...and you've put this thread in the incorrect forum. I think you should flesh this out a little more, so that we don't see another RPG go down the toilet.[/color]
  3. [color=royalblue]I hate to say it, but I think about 90% of the people here who are talking about suicide (and their own personal experience) are most likely just seeking attention. Remember, I did say [i]most likely[/i]. [/color]
  4. [color=royalblue]That's right. A lot of the problems in the world are not even physical problems; they are issues of perception, culture and history. And of course, every nation in the world could be doing more to help those who are disadvantaged. The world is far from perfect. But still, I'm unwilling to get too cynical about these things...I don't think it helps me or anyone else.[/color]
  5. [color=royalblue]I don't think there is any way you're going to see GTA: Vice City on GCN. I mean, you never know...but it's very doubtful. There was talk that GTAIII would appear on GCN, but DMA shot that rumor down pretty fast. GTAIII [i]is[/i] going to appear on the GBA, however. I don't know what they'll do with GTA: Vice City in terms of cross platform stuff. I would imagine that Sony is very determined to keep the franchise as exclusive as possible.[/color]
  6. [color=royalblue]I hope you realize that advertising links by using threads is against the rules. ;) Remember, all the old rules still apply.[/color]
  7. [color=royalblue]Animal Crossing has Super Mario Kart?! That has to be reason enough to buy the game! lol[/color]
  8. [color=royalblue]I think cynicism is a self defeating exercise. It's not realistic. I mean, being excessively idealistic isn't very realistic either...but both are self defeating. If we sit here and go on and on about what's wrong with the world and why nothing is right, what's the point? I always think that when people complain about these things, they should actually resolve to do something about it. I mean, obviously there is corruption in the world. And obviously being cynical is the easy way out. It's easy to be dismissive about everything and to assume the worst about people. It's much more difficult to be both a realist and an optimist. One thing I [i]do[/i] admire about President Bush (and it's not like I'm a huge fan of his, as anyone who knows me will attest to), is that he often talks in a very optimistic, ideological way...but he is also a realist. He understands what realistic steps must be taken in order to achieve a real change. That's what I like to see, especially in world leaders. That's kind of getting off the track of this discussion a little...but it's one reason why the public's often cynical nature annoys me. As I said, it's easy to sit there and point out what's wrong with everything. It's quite different to be constructive and optimistic about the world.[/color]
  9. [color=royalblue]I love the idea of being able to go into buildings in GTA: Vice City. I think it'll really expand the game's appeal. Also, the ability to shoot out tires is a small but useful addition...I mean, if you're chasing someone and you're too far away, you can use a sniper rifle to shoot them off the road basically. I think it's a very cool advancement. I wonder how the police will pursue you if you're in a chopper though. I mean, if you're shooting from a chopper...will they just ram into you, or shoot you or what? That part of the game sounds very cool...[/color]
  10. [color=royalblue]Yeah, the boards have been down for so long that the default forum display will cancel out a lot of what you see (as most threads would be older than 30 days). So, I recommend that everyone set their software on "from the beginning"...so that way, you can see everything from Version 3 all the way up to Version 6. :)[/color]
  11. [color=royalblue]Cloricus...you really have a very distorted view of reality. lol Since when is murdering thousands of people for your religion a righteous cause? And yes, Osama bin Laden DOES hide in caves...he's a pathetic coward. Did he fight against the troops in Afghanistan? Hell no. He ordered others to go out and do it for him. I have no respect for Osama bin Laden. He's not a man...he's just a coward.[/color]
  12. [color=royalblue]Well, regardless of what people say...she is obviously immature. And for her not to realize that it WASN'T her boyfriend talking to her...well, that's pretty silly. It's like if someone came to me under Adam's SN and said something like this: "hEy JEAmz HOW r U!?" I mean...it's pretty obvious Adam wouldn't do that. Or would he? lol.[/color]
  13. [color=royalblue]Hm, you know...I don't think it'd be too hard to have a Yoshi character that doesn't talk at all. Just use good description of action and stuff...I think it'd work well like that.[/color]
  14. [color=royalblue]Okay...thanks for answering my questions, CWB. :) I'll sign up now. This should be really interesting...I hope people put in some effort to make it work! :) [/color] [size=1][b]Character Name:[/b] Mario [IMG]http://images.nintendo.com/nintendo/contents/gamepage/gamecontent/images/m/mariosunshine_gcn_art7.jpg[/IMG] [b]Reason for Choosing Character:[/b] What can I say...I grew up with Mario. I've played everything from his arcade adventures in the 80's, to his Game & Watch appearances...to his console appearances. He's a part of my life. I couldn't live without Mario games. Also, I think that the added dynamic of "Fludd" (his water pack), combined with Yoshi (if someone else chooses Yoshi) would be very interesting for the game and add some unique possibilities. [b]My Knowledge of This Character:[/b] Well, apart from the video games...I used to watch the Super Mario Bros. Super Show when it was on years ago. It was wonderful...but came on at 6AM here in Australia, so I didn't see it every single day. But nevertheless, my Mario knowledge is absolutely unparalleled. [b]Starting Location of This Character:[/b] The Mushroom Kingdom[/size]
  15. [color=royalblue]In real life? Um...I've seen kangaroos, koalas, kookaburras, cockatoos (there are black ones with bright yellow crests that live by the Murray River, which borders the north of my home state of Victoria. They're incredible to watch.)...um...what else...I've seen emus in the wild...swans...I could go on and on. I just realized how relatively pointless this topic is. lol[/color]
  16. [color=royalblue]Well, based on the Xbox shots I've seen, I doubt that the PS2 version will look that good. And I have doubts that the Xbox version will look as good as the screenshots suggest. The developer had originally said that Malice was going to come out a lot sooner...and it hasn't. I don't know, I just forsee this game being a dissappointment in some aspects. I really hope I'm wrong (I'd love to play it), but I don't have a good feeling about it so far.[/color]
  17. [color=royalblue]I was pretty excited...but now I'm not so sure. This game started out looking utterly beautiful and such, but those screenshots look a hell of a lot uglier than the original demo version. So this leads me to believe that the demo was running on an emulator or something...and that it wasn't a "real" game. When development got further ahead, I'm guessing that the team was learning they couldn't fulfill their promises. So, I suspect that this game might end up like Munch's Oddysee; with lofty promises and gorgeous demos...but with a shoddy, ugly final game release. I hope I'm wrong though. :)[/color]
  18. [color=royalblue]By intelligence, I assume Trumen is referring directly to technological capability. Afterall, when we talk about "intelligent life" we are usually talking about life that is capable of using (at least) basic language/communication and presumably some kind of technology. So...I think the whole issue of variables is irrelevant. Astronomers aren't looking at it in that kind of detail; they're only going to be worried about discovering life that is capable of [i]any[/i] kind of basic communication. That would be what we consider "intelligent life".[/color]
  19. [color=royalblue]Ever since the Sega Saturn, I've loved Panzer Dragoon. I only ever owned Panzer Dragoon Zwei (II), but it would have to be one of my all-time favourite Saturn games. Upon first playing it years ago, I was amazed at the visuals and the sheer "smoothness" of gameplay. Even on the Saturn, there was so much stuff on the screen...and unlike traditional top-down shooters in the arcades, Panzer Dragoon provided a sense of extra realism and depth by allowing the player to view behind, side-to-side and forward. I will never forget some of the most intense battles in PDZ; battles that required sharp reflexes and quick thinking in order to survive. During the later levels, the game became significantly more difficult...though it was not a particularly long game by any measure. My only real complaint with the game was that in some circumstances, control was very limited. Although, in the latest version of the game -- exclusive to Xbox -- Smilebit seems to be injecting a lot more real-time options (including branching paths and increased movement/control); but I'll get to that in a minute. My only other complaint was that Panzer Dragoon Saga was never released here in Australia. By the time it came out overseas, Saturn was long dead on local shores. Since PDZ, there really hasn't been a single sequel at all. I had really hoped to see one on Dreamcast...but alas, nothing happened. Fast forward to E3 2002, where Smilebit unveils Panzer Dragoon Orta in all its glory. The game caught my interest at E3, but more recently, SEGA demonstrated a totally new build. And it is utterly breathtaking...[/color] (Note: The shots were SO wide that I've used URLs instead of images.) [b][i]Quote from IGNxbox:[/b][quote] Panzer Dragoon Orta may be the best looking Xbox game put out this year. It's hard to believe that Panzer could look so much better than what was shown at E3, but after playing Smilebit's beautiful shooter I'm left amazed by the visuals. It seemed a given that Splinter Cell could be the prettiest game this fall, but Sega may very well steal that title from Ubi Soft's Metal Gear Solid 2 killer. [/i][/quote] [url=http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/iwadex-image352.jpg]Fantastic Aerial Shot[/url] [color=royalblue]It seems that PDO has undergone a pretty significant visual overhaul since E3. With the power of next generation hardware, Smilebit is able to really accurately represent the world of Panzer Dragoon. [/color] [b][i]Quote from IGNxbox:[/b][quote] Levels include the swamp, where you battle a giant worm that leaps from the murky depths to attack you. The level is filled with brilliant color and the water effects are some of the best I've ever seen. More stunning is a scene along a cliff side where you dash behind waterfalls while nailing a flurry of bright blue and red enemies. If the visuals in Panzer don't impress you, then you need to take your Xbox backs to your local retailer and tell them you're just not worthy of the 'Box. [/quote][/i] [color=royalblue]What surprises me most, is that so far, few developers have been able to truly harness the Xbox's power; despite the machine being supposedly easy to develop for. I've seen a lot of shoddy games on Xbox and it has always surprised me. I supposed I merely assumed that as time went on, more and more developers would begin to truly unlock the console's raw horsepower. Panzer Dragoon Orta is really one of the first games (in my opinion) to truly demonstrate what the Xbox can do when she stretches her legs.[/color] [URL=http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/iwadex-image20.jpg]Amazing...[/URL] [color=royalblue]I can't get over this image. How gorgeous is that? Just imagine flying under those branches and skimming over the cool water...[/color] [URL=http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/iwadex-image28.jpg]Beautiful Blue Dragons in the Valley[/URL] [b][i]Quote from IGN:[/b][quote] Because I am such a whore for this game, I managed to sneak in a few more levels of the Panzer. The game isn't a fly-straight shooter though it is on rails. There are multiple branching paths and your flight won't just be on a horizontal plane. One level has you flying straight up in the sky at a sea of deadly sky barges. The level is jam-packed with enemies, including some ships with giant shields that rotate when you fire. Only by adjusting your speed quickly can you hope to get past their defvenses. [/i][/quote] [color=royalblue]This sounds especially interesting. I really hope that the game provides more freedom than previous versions.[/color] [URL=http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/iwadex-image153.jpg]Going Crazy With the Laser[/URL] [URL=http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/iwadex-image154.jpg]Escaping a Weird Creature[/URL] [color=royalblue]There isn't much in the way of real specifics at the moment. But needless to say, I'm really looking forward to this game a great deal. For those of you who are able (I think it requires Insider...), click [url=http://mediaviewer.ign.com/ignMediaPage.jsp?media_id=1515867&object_id=16253&channel_id=73&page_title=Panzer+Dragoon+Orta&adtag=network%3Dign%26pagetype%3Darticle%26site%3Dxboxviewer&return_url=http%3A%2F%2Fxbox.ign.com%2Fobjects%2F016%2F016253.html] here[/url] for the latest trailer of the game. Well worth the download. :)[/color]
  20. [color=royalblue]Ahh! Now this is what I'm talking about. This is why I haven't bought an Xbox yet. All the really big hitters are going to be appearing next year. Halo 2 is looking very nice...and there are a number of other must-have Xbox games that I'm personally looking forward to. I'm going to be creating a new thread about one of them soon. :)[/color]
  21. [color=royalblue]Hm, there isn't much I'd change about myself. I'm happy about who I am and I accept my flaws. Like everyone else here, I'm only human afterall. There's really no such thing as achieving perfection...everyone will always have a flaw of some kind. And even then, what is a flaw to you or me might not be to someone else...so it's subjective. The only thing I'd change would be my math skills. They're horrible. But that's really the only thing I can think of...[/color]
  22. [color=royalblue]What does spam taste like? Not ham, that's for sure. [/color]
  23. [color=royalblue]Okay, thanks for the information everyone. I'll take it all into consideration. :)[/color]
  24. [color=royalblue]Your girlfriend is an idiot. It's as simple as that. lol She should have known it wasn't you on that other S/N...it seems obvious to me that if she didn't know, she's definitely a few apples short of a fruit bowl. Or something. o_O;; There is a very easy way to sort this out. Call her or talk to her in person. [i]Talk to her[/i]. Emailing and IMing won't do much (although email might be okay, but not ideal). It sounds to me that she was planning to dump you before that conversation...so I don't think she thought you were dumping her; she just thought you were acting like an idiot and it made her angry. So, if you want to stay with her...you really need to talk to her and explain everything to her. It's the only way. EDIT: Oh, and your friend is an absolute little ***. He could see what his stupid actions were doing, but he continued. I think you should be very clear with him too.[/color]
  25. [color=royalblue]My god...this thread is FULL of spoilers. lol We really need that spoiler tag feature...[/color] [color=indigo]Well, I put "Beware Spoilers" in the subject, so I guess that will have to do. - Desbreko[/color]
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