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Everything posted by batch

  1. batch

    Boss Help

    Okay i went to see the old man and he tells me I have killed one golden monster, which was news to me! You say you can help with the golden monsters, could you let me know where and when I'll find them. I don't have much patience to carry on searching all over in each of the seasons!
  2. batch

    Boss Help

    I could do with some help as I prepare to defeat Oxon in OOS!!! I've found some info on how to but it says it would help to have the Red Ring. Aparently I get this when I defeat 4 golden monsters. Does anyone know anything that can help me with this. And how about the blue ring?
  3. I have now made it to level 7, Jabu JABU'S Belly. And I'm stuck once again so Desbreko I'm glad to hear you've reminded yourself of the level! Okay I'm having trouble reaching one of the Treasure Chests. Its on floor 2F and is four rooms to the left of the dungeon boss. That is the room on the outside left on its own. Okay to get into the room it seems you need to swap places with the diamond block. But you are in water and can't use the switch hook. I have only been to the enty of this room when the water is 'in' as when I have let it 'out' I am unable to get back in there due to the room to the right becoming a pit! Please help?
  4. Ah Desbreko, you say you don't remember much about this level. Well I'll need help so if you or anyone else can help that would be cool! I have tried but since my last post I've got no where. Still being advised about a maze. WHeres that? Theres these touches in the cave but there in the middle of the water, how do I light them? Also theres a room with loads of cracked blocks, I bombed them expecting to fing a staircase but nothing. What am I missing?!?!?!?! Will i ever complete this level, seems unlikely! please help if you can! Batch PS. when do I get bomb carrier for 20 bombs?
  5. OOPs sorry about not using the edit button, I didn't think-I won't do it again. No need for you to apologise about not replying sooner. I have solved it now. My problem was I didn't have both the keys to the Mermaids cave. Getting rid of the lava juice and doing that dance again, gave me the key. All I have to do now is complete the level?! The smart goron tells me I'll be solving a maze next. i'll get there eventually! Cheers for your help. No doubt speak soon! Batch
  6. Help I'm stuck again! I've made it to level 5, the mermaid one. I've managed to get two keys but now don't know what to do. I've only seen one locked door and I can't get up there cause theres no steps and i've tried diving for another room but had no luck. I thought I may be able to change time and enter the cave again but the keys didn't work! Also whos the lava juice for? batch ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOPS Its actually Level 6 not 5 and called Mermaid Cave. Please help, I now rely on this sight for your insight. And is it me or is Ages harder than seasons?! [color=indigo]Combined your double-post... Don't do it again, it's against the rules... If you want to add something, use the edit feature. It's accessed using the little button down in the right corner of the post. - Desbreko[/color]
  7. MM the tuni nut and Patch thats right. ANy info you've got would be great. Cheers batch
  8. Hello, If anyone can help me you could justmy life. After getting a gameboy for christmas, I ran up a HUGE phonebill calling the Nintendo helpline. Anyway it wasn't much help so I've given up. That was until I found this. SO I've just completed level 3 and I returned to the main village and I'm in search of level 4. I have a stone of some sort which needs work done to it but this guy ( sorry forgotten name). Does anyone know how I can find him and then level 4? Batch
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