[COLOR=teal]The second evolution of X-Men. New mutants and children of the old mutants. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal]This is how the sign up should look:
Mutant Powers: (6 at the most)
Okay, we can have an Xavier too, and a few of the older mutants, as long as their older than in the series. No godmanning, alright? My charcter's not "all-mighty powerful mutant of them all" and yours shouldn't be either. We can also have the bad mutants. [/COLOR]
Name: Jessie Cade
X-Name: JayCat, Jay, or Catwings
Mutant Powers: Teleportation, walking through walls, flying, transforming into a black panther (with bat wings.)
Age: 16
Appearance: Curled under shoulder length red hair, blue eyes, she always has black cat ears and a black cat tail, round green earrings.
Background: Both her parents were archeologists(?) and while digging in Egypt Jessie was born. Only a few days afterward, both her parents were lost and Jessie was sent to an orphanage in America. At the age of six she began a mutation transformation and the other children were scared of her, and she never found any friends there. At the age of eight she ran away and has travelled until Kurt and Kitty found her and took her in as their own.[/COLOR]