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spike speigel

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Everything posted by spike speigel

  1. i'm 16... i joined when i was like, 12, and posted pretty avidly for almost two years. then i turned my back on otaku boards until, well, today. so it's been 3 years, probably longer in actuality. i originally joined because i wanted to share my love for anime with other people. see, back then, i didn't have anyone else to talk to about anime/manga. however, when i found real life kids who i could talk to, i left otaku boards. i came back not because i lost these friends (on the contrary: i've got more friends now then i ever have before), but because i got bored, and i wanted to see what became of my old stomping grounds.
  2. i'm a sucker for a girl in a band. the whole rock and roll thing is just so sexy.... anyway, here are the big ones: hayley williams- the singer from paramore. she's cute in that "girl-next-door" way. plus, we're the same age. that gives me even more (false) hope than normal. Heather- singer/keyboardist from on the surface. she's hot in that "older-girl/friend's-older-sister" way. beautiful girls who play great music. what more can a music-loving teen ask for?
  3. [QUOTE=CoLoR_Me_EviL][FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkOrange]I A few of my favourite bands include Metric, Arcade Fire, Mobile, Murder City Sparrows, The New Pornographers, Death Cab For Cutie, Modest Mouse, Tegan and Sara, Billy Talent, etc. [/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] listening to tegan and sara, modest mouse, and death cab makes you cool in my eyes. (as i type this, i'm listening to DCFC's newest, "Plans". That album is beautiful. So f'ing beautiful.) and, about the Mars Volta, i saw someone say there were ex-members of the movielife. If there are, this is news to me. I think you may have confused the movielife with At The Dirve-In. Cedric and Omar (singer and lead guitar, respectively) are ex-members of this band, and they started TMV. I'm pretty sure that the movielife disentegrated into Nightmare of You (awesome band, i suggest you listen) and I am The Avalanche (not as good as NOY, but they're decent.) anyway, some bands i suggest: Bloc Party (mellow indie rock), Tourmaline (dancey synth pop), SayAnything (probably the best emo/punk hybrid band in the world right now), The Blood Brothers (progressive hardcore, amazingly talented guys. pick up a copy of "Crimes". Music lovers will not be dissapointed.) There's a slew of others i could list, but i think i've made myself sound like an a-hole music snob enough already. sorry if i sound like a pretentious jerk with this post..i didn't mean to....
  4. I had to read The Outsiders for school over this past summer. At first, I was skeptical about it becasue all they books they made us read in school were boring, but I ended up loving this book. The characters were some of the most well-done characters I've ever encountered in reading. The story was really quite enjoyable. Basically everything about this book was great, in my opinion. I'd definately recommend it to anyone looking for a good book.
  5. I've been a fan of Yellowcard for a few years, ever since I first heard their "Underdog" EP. In my opinion, they are a really good band and I'm happy they're finally getting the credit they deserve. Though, I will say I wish they hadn't played on that Real World/Road Rules Challenge. That show is just so bad that it doesn't deserve a good band like YC to play on it. Of course, YC should have never agreed, either.
  6. Hikaru No Go is one of my all time favorite mangas. I've read up to volume 12 and it gets better with each volume. The characters and story are done very well. As more and more people are introduced, it gets really fun to read. The characters interaction with each other is really great. Of course, the best part of the manga is......it really gets you into Go. Since I've started reading it, I've really taken an interest to the game. It's definately on my all time best manga list.
  7. Sounds good, Xra. I think I'll join as.....Mr. Angry!!!!!!!! Just joking with ya. (I know you would kill me if I was serious) Name: Zacharius Age: 29 Race: Human Sex: Male Description: 6 feet tall and 149 pounds with brown hair that reaches his shoulders and black eyes. He has a distinctive scar running down the left side of his face, from the eye to the chin. Weapon: "The Demon's Fang" (refer to picture for description) Cloak/Armor: A long, brown cloak worn over black chain-mail made by his father. Languages: Common and Human There ya go. Hope it's good.
  8. Coheed and Cambria is a band I have just recentley found out about through my friend, and they are really amazing. They are an emo/hardcore/rock band (one of the few emo bands I like), and they have quite some talent. All of the songs are like the soundtrack to lead singer Claudio Sanchez's work-in-progress, the Sci-Fi Novel [I]Coheed and Cambria[/I], which explains the band's name. Their songs are very guitar heavy, despite being an emo band, which makes for some very good music (in my opinion). You should definately check them out if you haven't. If you have, what are your thoughts on them? (Don't kill me if you find out I got the name of the Sci-Fi novel wrong. I'm not 100% sure of it being correct. The title was given to me by a friend, so, if you want to kill anyone, kill him ;) .
  9. I got the C.D. the first day it came out, and I love it. The songs are all a different style from Leaving Through the Window. I can't really explain it, but I'm sure anyone who has heard the C.D. knows what I'm talking about. However, I think it was a good change. The piano in most of the songs is really good, as are the other instruments. The piano just seems to stand out to me. My favorites would have to be She Paints Me Blue, 21 And Invincible, Miss America, and Down. P.S. I would have posted earlier on this thread, but i haven't been here in a while.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Drix D'Zanth [/i] [B] I was 5, it's one of the only memories I have from so long ago. [/B][/QUOTE] Ah, yes, childhood. A seemingly endless wealth of inspiration.
  11. I can't say I'm a big fan of the Gorillaz, seeing that all I've heard by them is Clint Eastwood and 19/2000, but I liked both of those songs. They really are a unique band. I can't think of many other bands like them, but that doesn't really matter. All in all, they are pretty good from what I've heard. P.S. 2D's eye's scare me.......
  12. I really can't stand Good Charlotte. Their lyrics are some of the worst I've heard, which is the main reason i don't like them. I mean, if you're going to make music, put some effort into your songs. I especially hate "Anthem". That one line that goes "another loser anthem" pisses me off. They should definately stop with the so-called "loser" front. Everyone knows they aren't "losers". Not to mention they give "losers" like me a bad name.
  13. The only episode I saw was the one on today when the pegasus guy and the dragon guy fought. It wasn't really all that good. The dubbing was off and the fight scenes weren't really good at all. And the characters were really irriatating. However, if what Cyke is saying is true, then what they did to this anime is a terrible injustice.
  14. How the heck did you come up with that ice cream poem? Honestly, that's the weirdest thing to write a poem about, and yet you pulled it off. But, hey, I'm not complaining. I absolutely loved all your stuff (especially Ode to an Ice Cream Truck). But, seriously, how'd you come up with that poem?
  15. Well, looks like The (Sic) Shape has the same opinion as me. Final Fantasy 6 was the best RPG I have ever played. It was the first Final Fantasy game I ever played. If it wasn't for the great characters and awesome story line, I wouldn't have ever played another FF game. I loved the esper magic system, and Kefka was a great villian. Not to mention his laugh, which will eternally be stuck in my head.
  16. Wait a minute.... .....Macho Man Randy Savage made a rap song?!?!?!? I have got to hear this. Anyone know where I can hear it?
  17. I love Relient K. My favorite song is I'm Lion-O. That song is hilarious. Marilyn Manson ate my girlfriend is good, too.
  18. Has any one heard of the band From Autumn to Ashes? They are a really, really good band. I can't really categorize them in a genre, but they are mostly hardcore. They scream a lot, so if you don't liek that, they aren't for you. If you haven't heard anything by them and you want to, I suggest downloading Short Stories with Tragic Endings. It's an awesome song. However, it' s about 9 minutes long. So, If you've heard them, what do you think about them?
  19. Trip was confused. A half-demon? He never believd in that kind of stuff. He stumbled backwards a little. Thoughts rushed through his head. Who is she? What is she doing here? How did she get injured? AFter a while, Trip was able to calm himself and bring himself back into reality. Trip: "Sorry about that. I never believed in demons, and seeing somone who is part demon kind of shocked me." Wolf: "It shocked me a little bit, too, but not much. I always believed in demons." Trip looked at Trance. Trip: "Are you sure you're okay?" Trance: "Yes....I should be fine."
  20. Trip looked at the man and woman who stood at the gates of central park. The girl seemed to be in pain. Trip raised his hand into a slight wave. Trip: "Hey there! Are you guys all right?" The two of them looked at him Man: "Yeah, we should be fine." Trip: "Are you sure? The lady there looks a little pained." (OOC: Sorry I haven't posetd in a while. I wasy away all yesterday and friday night.)
  21. Trip carefully mulled over the man's proposition. It seemed like he was telling the truth. Trip carefully moved away from the man and then placed his gun on the ground. Trip:"Now you." The man slowly placed his katana down. Trip: "What exactley are you doing with a katana?" ???: "I could ask you the same about your gun." Trip cracked a smile. This guy was no thug. He could tell. Trip: "Let's just say I keep crime in check. Now what about you and your katana?" ???: "Well..."
  22. Trip finished his coffee and left the cafe. He needed something to do, for it was getting very boring just hopping from cafe to cafe. After some careful consideration, he decided to go to Central Park. Maybe there was something thee for him. As he got to the entrance of the park, he saw a man carrying a katana. [I]This guy looks like he might be bad news...[/I] he thought to himself. As he passed the man, he quickley pulled one of his Colts out and shoved the barrel against the man's back. Trip: "Listen, buddy, it isn't exactley normal to carry a sword out here in Central Park. I hope you aren't planning on doing anything with it."
  23. Trip sat in a small cafe, smoking. It had been a long day for him. He had just got back from an excursion on the outer areas of the town between him and some guys trying to smuggle some illegal weapons. Of cours,e he taught them a lesson. Now, he just wanted to relax. Unfourtunately, he couldn't do that becuas eof an annoying waiter. Waiter: "Please, sir, could you stop smoking? It is annoying the other customers." Trip: "Listen, buddy, all I wanna do is relax and have a smoke. Is that too much to ask?" Waiter: "Could you do it outside?" Trip: "It's cold out there." He paused for a second to take a long drag on his cigarette "Now make yourself useful and get me a coffee" The waiter shook his head, sighed, and walked away. Trip laughed Trip: "I love being me."
  24. I don't really like Samurai Jack. It just really bores me and the main villian(I don't know is name)makes me laugh every time I see him. They could have at least made an evil shape-shifting demon look cooler, don't you think? The long hair thing makes no sense to me. When ever his ponytail gets separated, they give him way too much hair. He shouldn't have that much from his small ponytail. Of course, this is all just my opinion.
  25. Name: Trip Age: 26 Weapons: Two Colt .45's in holsters on his belt, combat knife in right boot, 2 grenades and 2 smoke bombs hidden in jacket. Appearance: Black hair, black jeans, black boots, white t-shirt, black leather jacket over t-shirt. He has pale skin and black eyes. Bio: Trip had a relatively good life as a child. There weren't many hardships in his family. One day when he was 12, he was attacked by a gang of thugs. They beat him until he was almost dead. Then, one of them put gun to his head and was about to kill him when a man carrying a gun came out of no where. He shot some of the thugs and beat the rest of them with his fists. The man then left without a word. Ever since that day, Trip has trained to be like that man. Somone who helps those in need.
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