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spike speigel

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Everything posted by spike speigel

  1. :laugh: That was hilarious! :laugh: I almost fell off my chair laughing! That was just so funny! :laugh:
  2. The group arrived at the gate after running as fast as they could. Lucca handed Crono the suit. "Good luck." she said. Crono began putting it on. "I'll be fine." he said. "Crono strong. Crono come back." Ayla assured Lucca and Marle. The two girls were worried. "alright. See ya later guys." Crono said. He turned to the gate and jumped in. There was a flash of blinding blue light, and then he was gone.
  3. James still raced forward. He knew Aiden had been caught. He also knew that because Aiden was caught, Alex would try even harder to shhot down the helicopter. James jumped. He slammed into Alex, knocking him off balance. Alex fell and James grabbed the shotgun. "You could have been killed!!!" James shouted. "He's right." Raccoon agreed. "I know where they're taking him." James announced. "Where?" Saraneth questioned. "Follow me." James commanded.
  4. Terrato charged up. His body was engulfed in blue energy. He roared and then let lose an Earth Aura. A huge, blue, shockwave was released from his mouth. The earth began to split as the shockwave caused a massive earth quake. Yevon smiled and then shot an energy beam that stopped the quake right in it's tracks. "They're to strong." Terrato said. "Yeah." Griver agreed. "We need to do something to stop him. We can't give up." Tiamat added in. "Don't worry. We haven't given up yet." Griver informed them.
  5. "it's time to do this!" Terrato yelled, joining the charge with the other Aeons. Bahamut, Tiamat, Griver, Zell, him, and the rest raced forward. This was it. Their chance. The Aeons were all worried. They knew that this was a go for broke situation. All they could do was hope. Terrato unleashed an Earth Wall to give the Aeons some extra protection. The Wall of stone formed in front of them and faded, it's energy boosting the defense of the warriors to insane porportions. They had a limited time, though. And terrato wasn't sure if it would be enough. "Get ready!" Griver and Tidus both shouted.
  6. James saw Alex trying to shoot down the helicopter. "Don't do it! It won't work!" James shouted. "I bet it will. I bet you are with the government still and you want your commrades to stay alive!" Alex shouted back. James looked over at the boy. Then he began to race forward, ready to tackle him. "I won't let you get hurt!" James said. He was going to tackle Alex. It was the only thing he could do to stop him from getting hurt.
  7. Terrato roared as he changed into his Aeon form. He grew into a huge snake-like dragon. His skin turned brown and scales formed. He let out a mighty roar and shot an energy wave from his mouth. The blast hit Sin without causing any damage. "Terrato! Stand down!" Griver shouted. Terrato retreated back next Bahamut. The dragon looked over at Terrato. "We shall destroy this monster soon enough." Bahamut said. Terrato agreed. " I will help, even if it costs my life."
  8. Terrato looked back at the area were Griver was. 'That fool.....' he thought. 'He's always got to be the hero.' Terrato shook his head. "My job right now is to find some help." he said to himself. He turned forward and raced on, until he reached a base camp. He ran to the center of the camp and stood on a huge boulder. "Everyone on guard! There should be a fight commencing soon! Very soon! As I speak, Girver is trying to hold off Seymour, Sin, and Yevon." A loud buzz of whispers started up. The Aeons began to grab their weapons and get ready. "To the front lines, everyone!" Terrato shouted.
  9. "What the hell is wrong with Franz?" James asked. "He's leting his vampire instincts take control." Raccoon answered, shooting 3 times at a group of agents. "Isn't that a problem?" James responded, punching one in the jaw. "He's got it covered." Raccoon replied. "I hope so." James whispered.
  10. Terrato ran up next to Griver. "Need help?" He asked, drawing his Najinata. "Appreciated." Griver said. The two Jumped and slahsed. The Sin Spawn howled in pain. "We're gonna need more then that." Griver said. Terrato began to charge up for a Quake Slash. His sword was ingulfed in green energy. He stood waiting for the right moment to strike.
  11. "Listen Alex, this is no trick. I'm against these guys, just like you." James explained. He punched an agent in the stomach and then kneed him in the chin. He grabbed anothe one and threw him off the building. "I can't trust you." Alex said. "Not after all you've done." "Then don't." James replied. "It's your choice. I won't try to convince you." James was hit in the arm with a bullet and punched in the back. He turned around and shot the guy who punched him, then he rammed the guy who shot him with his shoulder. The man fell to the floor. "We need to finish these guys off soon." Aiden anounced. "Let's do it then." James agreed.
  12. Terrato surveyed the lands below the mountain on which he stood. He sighed and closed his eyes. It was all quiet. A little to quiet. He unsheathed his najinata and raced down the mountain at full speed. He moved quickley acroos the land, trying to reach the fort where Griver was. He had to report the status of the valley.
  13. Name:Terrato Element: Earth Aeon looks: A huge, brown, snake-like dragon. Human looks: a gold chestplate and gold gaunlets. He has long, brown hair that goes down to his waist in a ponytail and brown eyes. He wears a black shirt under his armor and brown pants. Weapon: Najinata(5-foot long katana) Human overdrives: Earth Blade Quake Slash Rock Slide Aeon overdrives: Earth Aura Earth Wall hope this is good.
  14. I saw the first episode finally. it's pretty good so far. If the rest are all that good, I think I'll buy it.
  15. James raced to the top of the building. Tons of agents swarmed the building, but his commrades were doing a ggod job of fighting. "WHat are you doing here?" Aiden asked. "I'm better." James replied, loading his gun. H e fired at three agents, sending them all to the ground. "Let's get this show on the road." James said.
  16. Yeah, they're both right. that's the spelling.
  17. "Then let's go." Crono said. "Right." Marle and Lucca agreed in unison. "But who's gonna use it?" Lucca asked. "I will." Marle replied. "No, I will." Crono said. "Who is it then?" Lucca puzzled. "It should be me." Crono said. "Alright. Let's go." Lucca said.
  18. These guys are modern ska, alright.
  19. Crono and Marle were almost at Lucca's house. The two hurridly crossed the bridge and ran to Lucca's front porch. Crono knocked on the door. Lucca answered it. "Hey guys. What's the matter? You seem out of breath." "The gates are back." Crono said. "You've got to be kidding me." Lucca answered. "No joke." Marle replied. "Come on in. We've got to research this." Lucca said. The three headed inside.
  20. James dove for cover behind his bed. He fired a round at Stone. One colided with his arm, causing him to howl with pain. Jame reloaded hi gun and stood up. He posistioned the barrel of the gun in front of Stone's chest. Stone looked up and flashed a smile. He quickley tripped James. James fell to the floor. Stone stood and aimed his gun. "Sorry, buddy. See you in Hell." "You'll be there first!!!" James shouted. He recovered from his fall and rose up to his feet, driving his shoulder into Stone's chest. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING???!!!!" Stone frantically shouted. James fired his gun at Stone, blowing a hole in his arm. "Now go before I kill you." James commanded. "You wouldn't dare." Stone whispered weakly. "Watch me." James blew a hole in Stone's chest. He began to cough up blood. "H-h-how could y-y-you? I'm y-your b-b-b-best friend." Stone stammered. "Not if you're going to side with evil." James replied. With that, James ran out of the room and headed for thr roof.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by calumon_luver [/i] [B] Hey did you know that is you switch some letters around in Santa you get Satan? [/B][/QUOTE] That's really disturbing.......
  22. The worst gift I ever got was socks from my grandmother. Could it have been worse? Probably. That's why i'm happy it was socks and not something really dumb. I hope my grandma gets me something better this year.
  23. Does anyone know what times the shows will be on when adult swim starts its weekday run???
  24. I love penny-arcade. It's hilarious. Some of the newest ones aren't that funny, though.
  25. I'm not a fan of tupac(or rap/hip hop, for that matter.), but i have to post this: I don't think he's dead. I think he faked it. Like Endymion said in an earlier post, how many previously recorded, unreleased songs can one man have?
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