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Everything posted by spike speigel
I now know another present i'm getting! I'm finally getting a ps2 and final fantasy 10. Maybe some other games, too. I'll post any new discoveries later.
James heard the commotin on the roof. "Make 'em sorry, guys!" he shouted to his team mates. He listened closely and could hear the sounds of bodys hitting the ground. "I hope that's the other guys." James thought aloud. "It is." an answer came from nowhere. James looked over to see Franz. "WHy aren't you up there?" James asked. "Forgot my gun." Franz replied, picking up his gun. He raced off to join the fight again. A few minutes later, James heard someone enter the room. He looked over to get a huge shock. "Stone!!!!???" he asked. "Hey James." Stone replied, loading a gun. "Nash was right, you are to soft." "I'm prepared to fight you, even in this condition." James said. He sat up and grabbed his colt .45 and a box of extra bullets. "Let's do this then." Stone said.
I know a few thing i got. My dad was hinting about Magic:The Gathering cards(My parent's give me some every year.) and I *cough* stumbled *cough* upon the Trigun perfect collection on DVD. Just a few days ago, I was in the car with my dad. He was going to the post office and I noticed one of the envolpoes said Shonen Jump on it and I've been wanting a subscription ever since it came out. That's all I know now, but soon I'll know everything because me and my brother always find the gifts.
I just got the Slow Gherkin c.d. the other day. They're really good. I also got The Impossibles' new c.d., another great ska band.
Finch is pretty good. I haven't heard much by them, but what I have heard is good. I've been looking all over for an album. Anyone know where I can find one?
thanks guys. I'll see if I can borrow it or I'll just rent it before I buy it, if I like it.
Has any one seen thi anime? My friend saw the first ep at his cousin's house and he said it was great. He said i should buy it, but he almost always has the opposite opinion about stuff then me. If anyone has seen it, what did you think of it? Should I buy it? Your input would be greatly appreciated.
James sat up. He looked over to see Aiden aand Franz playing cards. "Awake again, aren't you?" Aiden asked without turning around. "Yeah." James replied cooly. "Alex is really mad about this." Franz informed him. "About what?" James asked. "You joining." Aiden replied, laying his hand on the table. "I've got to explain the situation to him." James said, rushing to get out of bed. "Stay." Aiden commanded. "You still should stay off your feet." "Fine." James said. He sat back down and began to think about his fight with Nash, when, all of a sudden, the sound of a helicopter came from outside. Saraneth burst into the room. "We got trouble."
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BlueEyesToon [/i] [B]No, your getting starters confused with structures. [/B][/QUOTE] that's another thing. Could someone explain the difference between structures and starters?
I've heard rumors about there being new starter decks coming out. I know the joey is real, but is there really gonna be a Pegasus deck and second Kaiba deck? If they answer is yes for any of these, if you know of any cards that will be in the deck, please tell me. Many thanks!
Bleh. I really don't like this show. It wasn't that funny. All the jokes were more of the stupid sort, in my opinion. I 've seen better. a lot better.
James awoke in the sick bay of Paranormal inc. He was bruised and bandaged. Franz stood next to his bed. "You were out cold." he said, not even looking at James. "How long have i been asleep?" James asked. "Alost a day." Franz replied. "ALMOST A DAY!!!!???" James sat up quickly. "REALLY!!??" "Yep." Aiden walked int tthe room. "finally a wake, huh?" he asked. "Yeah. My head still hurts though." "Go back to sleep. You need it." Franz said. James laid back down and let his weariness overcome him...
The rpg has started, so come post. edit: where is everybody? how come only one other person posted? if this is the way it's gonna be, we won't be able to keep the rpg going. Please come post, people.
Crono was stopped halfway to Lucca's house by Marle. "What are ya' doin?" she asked. "I'm going to Lucca's house. Another gate appeared at the market place." he answered. "WHA!!!???" Marle asked surprised. "C'mon. Let's go." Crono said. Marle followed him as they raced to Lucca's house.
James drove the jeep to headquaters. The group unloaded Alex and went to bring him inside when out of a dark alley, Agent Nash emerged. "You're to soft, Mr. Harper." James looked at the man. "I'm no longer going to work for the president. He's to evil." "Well, if you're going to work with them, you'll die with them." Nash said, pulling out a gun. James pulled out his. "Get inside, this is my fight." James commanded. "No way. We're in this together." Raccoon said. "I need to fight alone. I must atone for my past sins." He said. Raccoon and Saraneth carried Alex inside. James and Nash stared eachother down. Nash pulled the first move. A blow to the head from his fist. James swung back, knocking Nash to his knees. James fired his gun into Nashes arm, then kicked him in the stomach. Nash recovered and got his feet. James dodged three shots from Nash's gun, but a fourth hit his chest. James ran forward, raming Nash with his shoulder. He stumbled back from recoil. That's when Nash struck. He hit James' head with the handle of his gun, and then tripped him. "You've served your purpose. Now it's time to be eliminated." Nash said. He leveled his gun with James' face. "Goodbye." "I'm not ready to die yet!" James shouted. He fired at Nash's hand, making him drop the gun. Then he grabbed his former commrade and threw him into the streets. Nash landed on his back and skidded, leaving a trail of blood. "Even...if you..k-k-kill me.....it's to late. Sto-o-one is heading back........to America as...we..speak. He'll...re...return with more troops...and then..and then you're doomed." James reloaded his gun and put it to Nashes chest. Nashe pulled out his spare gun and used all of his last strneght to shoot James in the chest 3 times. Pain washed over him, but James resisted passing out. He once again placed his gun on the man's chest. "Goodbye." BLAM! James killed Nash and then collapsed on the street.
James, Raccoon, and Saraneth ran to Alex. He was bruised and battered. Blood stain his clothing.He looked up and saw James. "What's he doing here?" Alex asked Raccoon. Raccoon looked over at James, who was taking some bandages out of his pocket. "He's against the president's commands now. I'll explain more of the story later, but right now we have to get you back to base." Raccoon answered. James bandaged Alex up. "Sorry about all the trouble I caused." James apologized. "There will be time for that later." Alex answered. Saraneth picked up Alex and the goup beagn to walk to the government jeep James still had parked in the desert.
I just read it today, and I have to say...it's REALLY different then the show. Everyone looks different, and they have a different story to it. And it's a lot less kiddie-like.
Alright, here it goes...... ______________________________________________________________________ Crono looked up at the roof and sighed. He was laying on his bed and thinking about three years ago. Though it was life threatening, he thought it was exciting. Better then his boring normal life. "Crono!" his mother called from downstairs, snapping him back to reality. "Yeah mom?" he shouted back. "I need you to go to the market place and get me some rice!" "I'll be down in a second!" he answered. He picked himself up off the bed and walked down stairs. He grabbed the money off the table. "Be back soon." he said. He walked outside. The fresh air was nice. He walked to the market place and bought some rice. He turned to go back home when all of a sudden, a violent tremor rocked the earth. People began to scream and stands began to fall. Crono landed on his butt. He sat there until the tremor stopped. He then rose to his feet and saw a blue floating orb in the center of the market place. [I]A gate? I thought they were all destroyed along with lavos. [/I] Crono thought to himself. [I]I gotta tell Lucca.[/I] He ran off to his house, gave his mom the rice, grabbed his katana, and raced out the door. "I'm going to Lucca's house. Bye mom." he said, stepping out the door and racing off to Lucca's house.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by HyperShadow [/i] [B]To win, you don't need to summon Exodia, just have the pieces in your hand. Infact if you have all the pieces on the field, you won't win. Only if it is in your hand. [/B][/QUOTE] So, it's only if you have all five peices in your hand that you win...got it. it think.....oh, whatever.
STEP OFF SON! in howell we say "that shiznit is the rizzal dizzal fo shizzal my nizzal whickity whickity whickity whizel." that means cool j/k :laugh: we really don't have a dialect down here.
I've got 2 weeks to go. Just 2 more boring weeks of school. Hope i can live through them.
so, hold on....if you summon Exodia, you automatically win? Is that how it works? if it, it would explain why it's the unstoppable exodia, because its attack power isn't that great. and as for obeliesk's power all I can say is.........wow.
James pointed his colt at the man. "Should we listen to him?" James asked Raccoon. "Yes, he seems to have no intentions of killing us." Raccoon answered. James lowered his gun. "We have no time to lose, let's go!" James said. Saraneth began to follow the two and they ran on, looking for Alex.
"Why won't you just DIE!!" James shouted. He began to shoot at Raccoon's head. Raccoon dove behind a crate and loaded his gun. James took out a fresh cartridge and loaded his automatic. "James, this isn't right. We should be fighting against the Cult of Zion, not eachother." Raccoon pleaded. "NO! I am NOT an agent of Paranormal inc., and I never will be." James answered, firing at the crate. Raccoon jumped and ran to another crate. "Why won't you join us?" "Because I would never help a coward like YOU!" James looked over at Raccoon. "What do you mean?" "I mean you are a coward. That mission....just when it got dangerous, you ran. I had to fight by myself....no help..." James trailed off. "That's not true! I didn't run! I was captured! One of the demons captured me!" Raccoon answered. James stared at his cousin, and he could tell that Raccoon was telling the truth. In an instant, the memories flushed back to him...... 20-year-old James ran down the corridor, followed by a younger Raccoon. The two were armed with German Lugers. James burst trough a door. Raccoon followed him. They continued running until they reached a huge room. A huge demon stood in the center of the room. It had red skin and a huge horn on its head. Its eyes were like fire. The beast snarled and lunged at James. James fired into the beast's stomach. The demon punced on him. Slashing his face down the side. blood rushed out. "Help!" he shouted. He looked around the room to see no other humans. One thought surged through his head: His cousin had ran and left him there. James was filled with anger. He took it out on the demon. He kicked it in the stomach 3 times, and then fired his gun into its mouth until it died. James pushed the carcass of himself and left the building. Raccoon was outside, getting medical attention for a few huge gashes. James figured he had fell a few times scrambling out like a coward. "So....that's where the wounds came from." James stammered. He dropped his automatic. Then he looked into Raccoons eyes and told him all the about the president's plan. "It's evil....really. I can't let it go on. I must stop it." "Then let me help. Let paranormal inc help." Raccoon said. "I can't do it alone." James said. "So let's go. We have to warn the others at the base." "Why?" Raccoon asked. "Because," James answered " I commanded the other three remaining agents to get aiden." Then let's go." Raccoon said. "What about Alex...we should se if he's alright." James said. "I"ll alert the others with my communicator, then we'll look for Alex." Raccoon warned Franz about the agents and the two then ran to find Alex.
James unloaded three shots inot a crate in front of Raccoon, splintering it. Raccoon returned the favor, shooting the crates in front of James three times. The shots continued on until Raccoon nailed James in the arm. He pulled out some bandages like the ones that covered his chest and wrapped his arm. He loaded his gun again fired 6 shots straight in to Raccoon's only remaining cover, it shattered, and the last bullet hit Raccoon's chest. Raccoon began to shoot nonstop at James. A few connected, but most missed. With all his cover broken, James took a chance and ran out into the open for a split second. He dove behind a crane and put away his colt .45. It was strong, but he had to reload to many times. He took out an automatic and loaded. Then he stood and shot continuosly at Raccoon. The two continued to exchange fire.