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spike speigel

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Everything posted by spike speigel

  1. James stood back up. His knees weren weak and his shirt was satined with blood. He clutched the bullet hole in his chest with his hand. He put his gun away and then pulled out a combat knife. "Now you die, Raccoon." James raised the knife above his haed. He was about to stab Raccoon when a horrible pain overcame him. He dropped the knife and fell to his knees. In front of him, he could see Raccoon stand. James fought the pain and stood up. The two stared into each others eyes. "Let's do this." James said, picking up his gun. Raccoon pulled his gun up from the sand. "Fine, buddy." The two raced for cover behind crates at opposite ends of the desert area. Each of them loaded their guns, and they began to fire at eachother from behind the crates.
  2. James had commanded the other 3 agents to rturn to base, and proceeded on trough the sand. Ahead of him, he could see Alex running trough the desert, alone. 'Perfect.' he thought. One on his own. It was great. he could kidnapp the kid, and demand the elf a ransom. James aimed his gun and wrapped his finger around the trigger. "I don't think so, James." a familiar voice said from behind. James truned to see Raccoon standing there, a gun in his hand. "Stay out of this, Raccoon." James commanded. He truned back to his target and fired at the sand at alex's feet. Alex jumped up, startled."What the hell was that?!" he looked around andthen saw James and Raccoon. "What's going on?" "Nevermind that. Find Raven, now!" Raccoon shouted. "He's right, this is between me and him." James said. Alex ran past the two, on int the desert. James and Raccoon aimed their guns at eachother's chest. "It's been a long time, Raccon." James said. "It sure has." Raccon replied. "I'm kinda surprised you remmeber me." "How could I forget my own cousin?" James asked. Raccon flashed a smile. James stared on. Then, two shots rang out, and the sound of two bodies hitting the sand could be heard.
  3. "JUMP!!!!!!!!!!" James shouted. The crew immediatley dove out, landing on the sand dunes. The copter exploded, sending debris everywhere. "****!" James cussed. His anger was too much. He pulled uot his gun and loaded it. "THAT"S IT! I"LL SEE TO IT THAT PARANORMAL INC IS DESTROYED!"
  4. James and the others pulled up at the excavation site. "Here it is." James announced, taking his helmet off. Burke and Shen hoped out of the jeep. Stone, Gray, Senfor, and Nash followed. "Let's go." Nash said. "Alright, let's do this." Stone confidently said, loading his gun. Everyone pulled there guns out and loaded them. James lead the team down a hidden path to where Aiden and Alex were. He could see the two were standing over a tablet. James Held his gun out and announced his arrival. "Aiden, I believ you will now come with us." Aiden and Alex looked up to see James and the 6 other agents. "It's Harper!" Alex shouted. Aiden pulled out his rapier and jumped at James. "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Burke quickley jumped in front of James, only to have is armed sliced off. Burke fell to the ground, gasping in pain. "HOLY****! They got Burke!" Senfor shouted. Aiden finished off Burke and then moved on to Gray. She jumped over Aiden and then fired at him. 2 shots connected with his chest. Stone, Shen, Senfor, and Nash all opened fire. Aiden dodged some of the bullets and then ran his rapier through Senfor's chest. The agent collapsed into a bloody heap. James pulled out an electricaly charged steel coil and rapped it aroun Aiden. The elf strugled to to get free, but the charge was too much. "Now we got you." James said. A helicopter flew over head and dropped ropes down for each of the agents, who grabbed onto one. the ropes retracted, bringing them into the Helicopter, along with Aiden. "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" Alex shouted. He pulled out a gun and blew a hole through Gray's chest. The agent fell to the gorund, dead. The helicopter then flew off, towards town.
  5. James flashed a quick smile and pulled a knife from his boot. He stuck it in Franz's chest and wacthed as franz fell to the floor, gasping. "That should keep you at bay for a while." James said as he climbed onto a mototrcycle hidden behind a fruit stand. He put on his red helmet and started ther motorcycle, leaving Franz in the dust. As James dissapeared into the horizen, Franz opened his eyes and pulled out the knife. "Good job, Harper. However, it would have worked better if you hadn't missed my heart." Franz whispered. He beagn to race down the street at a super human speed, chasing after James.
  6. "Try me." James said calmly. Franz took aim. James readied himself. Franz bulled back the trigger. James moved to the side quickley. The bulled grazed his shoulder. He emptied the rest of the 5 shots in his revolver into franz's chin and then placed the gun back in it's holster. Franz jumped into the air and brought his fist down on James' head. James fell to the floor, hi head spun. Before he could recover, Franz kicked him in the chest. James caught his breath and then picked himself up. "Let me return the favor!" James snapped, punching Franz in the stomach 3 times. The vampire stumbled backwards and then raced forward at full force, ramming James in the chest.
  7. In N.J., we currently have 6 1/2 inches in my area(That's right, I actually took a ruler and stuck it in the snow.) we have no school here, and if the snow continues like it is now until 12:00 midnight, like it is supposed to, there probably won't be school tomorrow either. I LOVE SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dark_Apocalyps [/i] [B]Thats Janus ;) Magus went back to 600 at the end of CT [/B][/QUOTE] Well, Janus is Magus, and I'm talking about the time they lived in originally. P.s. I'm going to give until monday, and then i'll start the rpg.
  9. Your hands can be bronze, I have no problem with that.
  10. "Really, Franz?" James asked casually. The jeep pulled up at that moment. "Get in!" Nash shouted. Shen and burke hopped in, but James stayed. "You guys go ahead, I have to deal with something here." "Ok, we'll meet up later." Nash answered. The jeep drove away quickly. "Now, where were we?" James asked, pulling out his colt .45."That's right, I was about to see if you can stop me." James held his gun out in front of himself and smiled. Then, he fired.
  11. yep, we're using the good ending. and yes, frog does use a sword.
  12. i think magus' home time is 6000 b.c. but let me make sure. Edit: sorry, it's 12,000 B.C.
  13. Here is some info for lucca: Weapon: gun Element: fire Home time: same as chrono's(just look atmy sign up) Appearance: you can make up your own, because she could have changed over three years, however remember: she has purple hair and glasses. Bio: you don't need one,she's a game chracter. that's all. if you have anymore questions, just post em. P.S. She is a genius and she events incredible advanced things(i.e.: the time machine that got evryone into the original mess.),even though she lives 1003. She is also Chrono's best friend.
  14. Robo's element is shadow and his weapon is his hand. he also uses a laser sometimes.
  15. Jmaes stood in the town square watching alex and AIden climb into the jeep and drive away. Next to him stood agent Shen and agent Burke. "Should I Radio for trnsportation, now?" Burke asked. "Yes. Go ahead." James answered quickly. They were all dressed in casual clothes instead of their suits, so no suspisions would arise. Burke spoke into his communicator. "Burke to Nash. I repeat, this is Burke to Nash, over." "This is Nash, I read you Burke, over." "We need you to bring out the jeep, over." "Sure. Me, Stone, Gray, and Senfor have been looking for some action. We'll be there soon, over." Burke put his communicator away. "They'll be here soon." He informed Shen and James.
  16. The year is 1003, a.d., three years after Chrono and the six other heors saved the world from Lavos. Everyone has returned to their own time, and life is peaceful. That is, until, the time gates that were destroyed after Lavos was killed mysteriously reopened. Now, Chrono, Marle, Lucca, Robo, Magus, Frog, and Ayla must join forces again to find out what is going on. Alright, here's the deal: you can play as one of the folowing people- Marle(Princess Nadia)-Water Ayla-Nothing (only uses pyhsical attacks) Lucca-Fire Robo-Shadow Magus-shadow frog-water or your own character (it can be good or evil.) SIgn ups should look like this: Name: Weapon: Element: Apearance: (Only if you made up a character or or know what the game charcter you picked looks like.) home time: (prehistoric, current day, mid evil, early a.d., etc.) bio: (only if you made up a character or know the bio of the game character you picked.) Here's mine: Name: Chrono Weapon: Katana Element: Lightning Appearance: Chrono has spikey red hair and wears a white bandanna. He has a blue tunic with brown pants. Home time: early a.d. (1003) Bio: Chrono help save the world from Lavos with the help of the others and returned to live a peaceful life at home. However, his peaceful life was shattered when he found a new gate one day...... Just to let you know if you didn't already, the element determines what kind of spells you use. If you have any questions about anything, post them.
  17. "Alright, everybody to the briefing room, NOW!" James announced to his crew, who had just finished setting up the lab. Everyone gathered in the briefin room and James began. "Now, this is going to be a tough mission. The elf is strong, and he has commrades with some good skills, too. In fact one of them is Racoon." He stopped for a moment and let his words sink in. All around him, a buzz of whispers sounded. "Sir." Agent shen said. She was a tall woman with long, black hair and dark brown eyes. "Yes, what is it Shen?" James asked. "Racoon, is he really in Pranormal inc?" "Yes, he is. He leads them." "But....isn't he-" "Yes, yes he is my former partner. For one mission, that is. My first mission....." James cut her off. after he said those words,he trailed off but soon snapped out of it when Shen asked another question. "Sir, isn't he also-" "That's enough, Shen." James interrupted her again and continued his talk. "I've carefully evaluated each of your strenghts and determined who will come with me and who wil saty at the base to wacth things and give assistence to us over our radios. I have selected 6 of you to come, and they are: Agent Stone Agent Shen Agent Burke Agent Gray Agent Nash and, Agent Senfor" Agent Burke was a muscular man who was slow, but if he caught you, you wouldn't survive. Agent Gray was a woman who was sleek, agile, and the fastest of the bunch. Agent Nash was the battle hardened, former navy seal, second in command of the force. He had short gray hair and dark black eyes. Agent Snefor was an man who was incredibly skilled with a gun. He had shoulder lenght blonde hair. Agent Stone, James' best friend, had shaggy, black hair and battle strategies that no one except him could come up with. "We'll be moving out soon, so get ready. The rest of you, get to your stations in the base." James announced, and then he left to get ready.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rick Hunter [/i] [B]Wow O_O so many questions about this, I'm going to try and explain this as best as I can and it's going to be rather long so please bear with me all you can with it. First off the general standard for animes is 26 episodes the reason being that most Japanese directors don't like to milk a series for more then its worth. Also a major issue in how long an anime last is based on fan interest. Shows like Dragon Ball Z and Sailor Moon are 250 plus episodes for the fact the fan interest was much stronger then in other series. Dragon Ball Z in paticular was suppose to end at the very end of Cell Saga. But do to the fact fans wouldn't accept the whole Goku passing to torch Gohan thing they extended the series just to cash in on the merchandising licenses. The same goes with Sailor Moon. The problem I have with these type of shows is that most of the time a plot is drawn out way to long like with Majin Buu saga or better yet Frieza. Another thing the depends on how long an anime show last is the company that makes it. Bandai for example with the Gundam Franchise almost always uses it's standard 49 episode trademark. Sure there are some exceptions like the ones made by former Macross writers and creators but thats why. Another factor is the director himself certain guys like Shoji Kawamori are well known to do the 26 or 49 episode standards. Now for the other half of the questions regarding to shows that are less then 26 episodes usually they are based off of OVA's or were just OVA's but on a few occassions anime shows have been cancelled before being finished... As for the Love Hina OVA being counted as part of the show please don't count them as that. An OVA's main purpose is to test out the idea of making a new series or finishing up a series storyline a couple of years or months later. Whatever you do please don't go to an anime convention and tell someone that you count an OVA as part of the same series. Hardcore fans, and various others will rip you apart for saying that it's sort of an anime don't...^_^; *Not trying to be rude just honest about that please don't take offense* I hope this pretty much explained what defines how long a series runs for. [/B][/QUOTE] :eek: It sure did clear things up. It cleared a lot up.
  19. TRIGUN MIGHT BE ON CN!!!!!????? *Falls over and faints.* Hm..well...sorry about that...but now I'll finally be able to see the rest of trigun! It's time for super happy psycho dance!!! *snaps ou tof it* anyway, I know Lupin the third has got good ratings from a lot of magazines and my friend who saw it says it was good.
  20. "Sorry, Sir." agent Stone said, lowering his gun. "Use common sense next time, Stone" James replied, returning to his seat. He turned on his comunicator and relayed the folowing message to his troops: "Remmember, stay disguised and don't like any one, I mean ANYONE know who you are." A barrage of 'Yes Sir.' was sent at him. He turned off his communicator and sat back in his seat, watching Aiden.
  21. "Welcome back, James. Good job handleing the chubracabras." The president gongradulated him. "Thank you, Sir." James answered back. "We've found out that paranormal inc. will be going to egypt soon. That's where you'll capture the elf. We'll give you the aid of all the top agents in the paranormal task force." the President informed him. "I'll begin preparations soon." James said. He turned and walked out of the room. 'Taking control of someone....it just seems.....evil.....' James thought to himself. 'However, it's orders. I must do it.'
  22. "Why am I working for the government?" James quoted Franz. "Everyone needs a job." "Yes, but why the Government?" Franz asked him. "My parents were killed by a demon...on a walk one night. I was only 15. I began to hate the paranormal. The government heard about this, and recruited me to lead a task force against the paranormal." James answered. The memory of his parents welled up inside. "How do you know Racoon?" Franz questioned. "I met him during the mission that I got this scar." James paused an pointed at the scar on his face. "The governemnt was collaberating with him. I must be going now." He picked up his things a walked to his car. "But what happened on the mission?" Franz shouted to him. James looked up from the steering wheel. "Ask Raccon." Then he sped off.
  23. The plane ride back was boring, as usual. James sat in his seat, thinking about his run in with racoon, the chubracabras he shot, and the elf, aiden. There was something about him that he knew the government would be interested in. He reported to the President over the communication screen on his computer. "So, this elf was strong, right?" the President asked eagerly. "Very," James replied. "Good, Good. We'll need him.....to run some tests.....even take control of him for military use. We'd be an unstoppable country." "Do you think that's right?" James asked. "Yes. Everything is right when it's for the country. We could rule the world." the President was know extatic. "I'll have some people locate Paranormal inc.'s next stop, and then you'll capture him." "Yes, Sir." James helplessly answered. He couldn't argue with the president.
  24. James had finished up inspecting the body and now he was at the mouth of a cave in the forest. From inside, he could here people. "I think Paranormal, inc. is in there." James said to Juan. "Stay here, I'll go check it out." With that, he walked into the cave. He drew his colt .45 and loaded it. Ahead, he could see light. In the light there were 4 people and what looked like a creature of some sort. Suddenly, the people all spun around and stared right at James. "Who are you?" one of them asked. "I can answer that for you, Alex." Racoon said. "He is James Harper." "So, you remember me, Racoon?" James said. "I'm kinda surprised. Anyway, I'm agent James Harper of the United States governmental task force against the paranormal." "Well then, let me introduce you to my crew. The boy is my assistant, Alex. The elf is Aiden, and the vampire is Franz." Racoon informed him. "How do you know him?" Aiden asked Racoon. James answered for racoon. "It's a long story. He can tell you later because right now, we have to kill this thing." As he said it, he pointed to the chubracabras. BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! James shot it 3 times. "That was unnessecary!" Alex shouted. "It's already injured!" "So?" James replied. "Now you can tell them the story, Racoon."
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