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spike speigel

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Everything posted by spike speigel

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SS Vegeta [/i] [B]I am pretty sure you were telling Gundam Sandrock off and not me, but anyway. Yes, I have seen dubs and subs of both series. While I don't think it is way better than Wing, I don't even think it is better than Wing. But geez, you have to admit this about the plot, it sucks. They made some mech designs and threw them in a tournament. Simple concept. ;) [/B][/QUOTE] I don't really think the plot is bad. it's simple, but not bad. What i like about it is that it gives the viewer a break from thinking as much as the other series'(sp) did. It's easier to watch because it doesn't have all the intricate concepts the other series' did and lets you just watch a good action show with no real deep thought invovled, so you don't get confused and have to try so hard to figure what's happening if you miss a few episodes.
  2. i like zoids chaotic century a lot. it's a great show, but i never really liked the zoids with bit cloud. The manga for chatoc century is great. i've read the first 4 volumes so far and i love it.
  3. Kyle trudged on in the deserted town. Doomsday looked up at him. "Are you tired?" the blue jubjub asked. "No." kyle answered. Despite his answer, he knew he really was tired. The two continued on until Doomsday pointed out a food shop. "Good. I'm hungry." Kyle said. "Me, too." Doomsday agreed . They walked into the food store and got a huge surprise.
  4. To answer your question olgathedwarf, none of the bands I listen to are on mtv or the radio, for example The alkaline trio, Rufio, The dissenters, The starting line, Something corporate, Catch22, and a whole lot more. And transatic nerve, when I said everyone I really didn't mean everyone(I should probably change it). What I meant was I have found more threads about popular bands then I have about the lesser known ones.
  5. Is it just me, or do most people here only like the bands on mtv? Where are all the groups that don't sell out?
  6. I really don't like trust company, but that's just me.
  7. Nice to know someone agrees with me.
  8. I like Anavel Gato the most. I like his attitude towards the war and he is a great pilot.
  9. I think the cockpits in the mobile fighters from G-gundam are really cool. What do you guys think?
  10. I disagree with you Gundam sandrock. I don't think that the plot is cheap.
  11. yeah, I love "Super Rad" anyway, to answer your question I have that cd and the Fury of the Aquabats.
  12. Blake shifted through the files on the desk in the S.T.A.R.S. captain's desk. [I]There's got to be something here[/I] he thought to himself. He stopped suddenly when he saw a folder marked "Revenge Project: stages 1-3." "This has got to be it." he said to himself. He opened it and began to read. He was horrified at what it said. The folder explained umbrella's plan to take revenge on Racoon City for stopping it's plans. Stage 1 was to send Nemisis back for S.T.A.R.S. members. Stage 2 was to release the T-virus on the city again. And stage 3 was the prepair themutation chemical for Nemisis. [I]Mutation Chemicals? That's not good. I've got to find Sam. He might know what's going on. [/I] Blake thought to himself. He grabbed the folder and racedout to find Sam. Then something crossed his mind. Something very strange. [I]Why is this folder in the S.T.A.R.S. office?[/I]
  13. Some of my favorites are "I fell asleep on my arm", "Worms make dirt", and "Pool party". But all their songs are great.
  14. Yes, I agree with domon, G-gundam is great.
  15. Jill drove down the winding road and up to the hotel she was staying in. She walked inside and checked in. the bellboy carried her bags to her room and she followed. After a few minutes of settleing in she heard a strangely familiar sound coming from her closet. Jill opened one of her bags and took out her old combat knife. She opened the door and saw a familiar, horrifying site. A zombie stood there, giving off the smell of rotten flesh. Jill decapitated it as quickly as she could. she dumped the body out the window and put away her knife. Then she collapsed on her bed and whispered to herself "No, not again. Not now." Blake walked into front area of the police station and saw Sam and Lauren talking to another girl. "Who's your new friend?" he asked. "I'm Crystal." the girl answered. "Can you use weaponry?" Blake asked. "Yes I can." Crystal answered, holding up the shotgun as proof. [I]Good, we've got a new commrade[/I] Blake thought to himself.
  16. Does anyone here listen to the aquabats? if you don't you should. Why did I say this you ask? Because the aquabats are hilarious. They are just incredibly funny.
  17. "This should be useful." Blake thought aloud. He was in the cheif's room and he had found an assault rifle and one extra clip. "Just incase i meet some really strong undead freaks." He tested it out and it was okay. He slung the rifle over his shoulder and held is gun in his hand as he left the room.
  18. wow, you are really good at this. I haven't seen poems like this in a while. They are just so great
  19. The group had decided to split up and go in different dirctions for about a half hour then met back in the lobby. Blake walked slowly through the corridoors, his gun out in front so he could blow anything dangerous away. As he walked through the halls he shuddered to think about how the city was fine but the R.P.D. building was completely empty. after a few minutes of wandering, Blake opened the door to the cafeteria. "Holy-!" Blake was about to finsh but was cut of by the sound of a brain sucker hissing. He Pulled the tigger on his gun over and over as his shots rang out and smashed the brainsucker's head to pieces. He Had emptied the clip in doing so. He reloaded with a fresh clip and decided to continue on, hoping that nothing else like that would happen.
  20. The police station is empty, not the city.
  21. well hmm.......you can join. The more the marrier! however, this is the last entry i'll take.
  22. Name: kyle Burke Age:12 Neopet: Doomsday the blue JubJub(yes, strange name for a jubjub, I know.) Perso:Kyle is a quiet and smart kid who seems to make many friends even though he hardly ever talks.Kyle enjoys being alone rather then being with people. Dis: Kyle is 5 ft 5 in. with brown spikey hair and ice blue eyes that can easily give a cold stare to anyone kyle sees as a pest or a bother. He wears a blue t-shirt and black jeans.
  23. "Well now that we all know eachother I'd like to tell you guys that besides the zombie today, I saw Nemisis yesterday. He killed my partner Joe. And know one believes me because Joe's body is gone." Blake said to them all. "Weird". Lauren agreed. "It's got to be umbrella." Sam declared. At the airport, Jill Valentine was packing her bags in the rental car she was using on the trip. She got in the car and turned on the ignition. "I'm back home." she said to herself as she left the parking lot behind and headed into the main part of the city unaware of what was silently happening in the shadows there.
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