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spike speigel

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Everything posted by spike speigel

  1. Vocalist: Joe Brown from A Static Lullaby. That guy has so much energy. Guitarist: Dave Nassie from No Use For A Name. He plays some awesome guitar lines. Bassist: Dan Andriano from The Alakline Trio. Three words: best bassist ever. I have yet to hear someone as amazing as him. Drums: Travis Barker from Blink 182. I have heard people say he might just be the best drummer ever. I agree. There you go, my dream band.
  2. Ok guys, this is the second banner I have ever made. I know it's not very good, so I would appreciate tips.
  3. I really don't think the mods are too strict. Just as most of you have said, they are just doing their jobs. They are only doing the things they do to prevent chaos and ensure order on the boards. None of them are abusing their powers or being really strict.
  4. Me First and the Gimme Gimmes is an awesome band. I really don't have a favorite song by them because I can't really choose one. Here's and interesting fact for those of you who don't know: Fat Mike from the band NOFX is in Me First and the Gimme Gimmes.
  5. I'm a bit surprised that someone started a topic about Rufio. I don't know many people who like them, besides me. My brother got the C.D., and I must say it was awesome, just like Perhaps, I Suppose was. Science Fiction is one of their best songs ever. Pirate is pretty awesome, too. As you said, Above Me's guitar lines are awesome. Still's base intro is totally amazing. The first time I heard it, it blew me away.
  6. Let's see... Cloud: Ultima Weapon Tifa: Premium Heart Vincent: Death Penalty Barret: Missing Score Aeris: Princess Guard Cid: Venus Gospel Red XIII: Limited Moon Cait Sith: Hp Shout Yuffie: Conformer That should do it. Q: In FF5, what is Faris' real name?
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ABL [/i] [B]Guess what I read in a magazine? It said that .Hack was INSPIRED by the Matrix! Yeah! Does that answer all your questions? [/B][/QUOTE] I'm betting that you made that up. Either that or you heard a rumor. I'm pretty sure that, as almost everyone has said, .hack was inspired by MMORPGs.
  8. T his game is my second favorite Rpg (the first being ff7). I absolutely love the characters, the battle system is great, and the graphics are pretty good for a SNES game. The double and triple techs were a really cool idea. I really do love how the enemies move in the battle system and how attacks have a certain range in whihc they hit. Now that was a good idea. Crono was definantley my favorite character. He was really strong. He, Ayla, and Frog made up the best party in the game, if you ask me.
  9. Well, since you want me to, I'll play as sonic as well, ok?
  10. Me...I'm the brains. I'm always being invited to participate in a bunch of academic competitions, programs, and all that stuff. Not to mention I scored in the top 25% of the seventh and eight graders who took the SAT's this year, but I really dont mean to brag(seriously, I don't). Whenever someone needs help with something that requires intellegence, I'm there. Of course, it gets very boring.
  11. Well, since you need a Shadow, why not. I've got him covered.
  12. The only similarity I see is the fact that, in both, people log in or out of something. "The World" in .Hack is a voluntary game, mind you all. The world in the Matrix is, for the most part, a virtual world created where people are forced to live. Not to mention, the purpose of the two worlds is totally different. In the matrix, it was a virtual world that the humans believed they lived in, not knowing what had become of the actual world. In .Hack, "The World" is a video game. See, there isn't that much of a similarity.
  13. I really do doubt that the stuff you are mentioning is anime references. Just because the girl has blue hair means nothing, really. She does look a bit like Rei, but the two really aren't as similar some of you make it sound. And think about this: Anime isn't the only thing that has Cherry Blossoms.
  14. Actually, guys, in the first episode with Krim, he calls his weapon a Heavy Spear. Hence his nickname, Master of the Heavy Spear. There, that should clear this up.
  15. SoCo is my favorite band ever. I started a topic about them a while ago, but I only got like 3 posts. I hope your'se does better. Anyway, my favorite song by them is "If I Die". Incase anyone cares, they are currentley working on their new C.D. Oh yeah, I believe they are categorized as 'Indie Rock' when it comes to genre.
  16. What can I say? It's obviously "trendy" (or something like that) to sing about sex. Ever notice how it's basically the meaning behind all pop songs? And, of course, parents wouldn't notice this. They aren't paying close enough attention. All they're thinking is that their children are listening to sweet, innocent people sing sweet, innocent songs. But, hey, that's only one of many problems with our society today.
  17. Deathknight, I really must say that your last post makes a lot of sense to me. Now that I think about it, it makes a good point. All of us use fear for something or another.
  18. Interesting....interesting indeed. If you added some more structure, like a game board of some type, it could stand a change against other games of the type. Just put a little more into it, I'd say.
  19. How could I forget Less Than Jake? They are totally awesome. I love their song "Johnny Quest Thinks We're Sellouts".
  20. Well, after reviewing what you guys have said and thinking about the story, I've come up with this: No, he is not a terrorist. As it says in the stories, he "steals from the rich and gives to the poor". Heroic, no? Yes, this is stealing, but not terrorism. However, the point that seems to make it all terrorism to you guys is this: it's against the government. Well, according to the stories, King John took the taxes for his own good, not anyone else's. Is that fair? I think not.[I]That[/I] is basically stealing. Robin Hood steals back the goods and returns them to the people who need them. So, really, Robing Hood is a just a theif. He's theiving for good, though.
  21. Good poem. Very good indeed. Keep up the great work and I hope you decide to post more poems in the future.
  22. Yeah, you can join. Try and bring the topic back to life, if you want.
  23. Name: Lance Ganger Height: 6" Weight: 217 lbs. Age: 20 Gundam: Sonic Gundam (not related to sonic the hedgehog in any way) Pilot Suit Desc: Blue with a red stripe around the waist. There is a white "X" on each of his shoulders. Shuffle Symbol: Club Ace Special Moves: Hyper Wave, Blazing Thrust; Hyper Mode Moves: Final Run Description: Lance has blond, spikey hair and brown eyes. He wears blue jeans and a red t-shirt. He always has brown gloves on. Gundam Description: The Sonic Gundam has blue legs and a red main body. The arms are mostley white, except for the wrists, wich are red. There is a green orb in the center of the Gundam's cockpit. On each shoulder is a guard piece which is red; they kind of resemble the Gundam Maxter's shoulder pieces except they are less rounded. The head had a standered V-fin white. It's armaments are 2x vulcan guns, stored in head; 1x short buster rifle, stored at side, hand held in use; 1x Beam glaive, stored on back, hand held in use. Bio: Lance lived a pretty good life. He was born on the neo America colony where his father worked as a succesful Doctor. Around the time he was 13, Lance and his younger brother were attacked by a group of thugs form Neo Japan. Unable to defend him, his brother was violentley beaten. He was sent into critical condidtion and emerged paralyzed from the waiste down and with severe internal injuries. Lance developed a deep hatred for Neo Japan. He learned how to fight so that he could prevent further eventslike that which happened to his brother. He was recognized as a great fighter and was made Neo America's gundam fighter.
  24. Hey, I'm surprised. I thought eveyrone would hate it. Guess I was wrong. And I can see where you're coming from, Ginny. The sharp edges are kinda annoying, but I started working on one that, I hope, will get rid of the edges. Of course, that's only if all goes according to plan. And I supposes you mean like this, Nephroxide:
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