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spike speigel

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Everything posted by spike speigel

  1. that's what i thought, but i'm not sure.....
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SS Vegeta [/i] [B]I saw it saturday and I must say it sucked, tremendously, the worst anime I have ever seen, literally. I hated it and I never want to hear it, see it, or talk about it again. I bid you adu. [/B][/QUOTE] You are totally correct.
  3. Hi, I was just wondering if anyone out there knows how old tenchi is, because I was trying to figure that out. If you do know how old he is, please tell me.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents [/i] [B]yea its not rare or anything. i would say it is good though. with out a doubt another one of the anime movies that you have to see before you can say you are all that hardcore about anime. bottom line: 4 out of 5 stars. not bad, good. [/B][/QUOTE] i agree with every word you said
  5. spike speigel

    Like Mike

    this is how I think the movie goes: 1 - gets the shoes 2 - gets into the nba, wins games, blah blah 3 - championship game, shoes lose power, gets pep talk about heart, comes down to the last shot 4 - when all of a sudden, the shot is abut to go in and MICHAEL JORDAN LEAPS out of the stands and TOTALLY FLIPS OUT 5 - hes all like "yo kid, why you trippin on my shoes, imma settle this hullabaloo once and do all" 6 - they battle to THE DEATH, michael jordan wins, its a box office flop, the studio goes out of business, but michael jordan and bow wow keep the millions they made and retire to the secret tropical hideout of tupac and biggie smalls (who are still alive) and there you have it! At least, i think so.
  6. It is set in the future about a guy named cashan who hunts down and kills the robots that have control over the world. It's pretty weird, but very cool.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by shadowdramon [/i] [B]One of the most philosophical anime I've seen is Gundam Wing. THe dialogue gets boring at times and I admit that if you don't see the show from the first episode (I started at six the first time because I didn't have time to sit down and watch to begin with) you will be lost. But I like Treize Kushrenada's constant speeches about war and feel that they seem sort of poetic in a way. [/B][/QUOTE] I completely agree. Treize's speeches are great. I especially liked his speech when he stepped down from leader of oz. Now back to the topic. I think the kenshin movies are incredibly confusing, especially with the flashbacks, but it didn't stump me.
  8. I would like to know if anyone has seen this anime movie, because it is so awesom! It is such a great movie.
  9. I just wanted to know, who do you like better: vicious or spike? I like vicious better. I think he's so cool. And his katana is wicked! Spike is my second favorite. I think he is also an incredibly cool character.
  10. I totally agree with ambioshi. The show is really boring to me.:sleeping: I was practically about to fall asleep because i was so bored. But that's just me.
  11. yes I have. I think they're an okay band.
  12. actually, it isn't pop-punk. The Dissenters are old school punk (that means they also use brass instruments) and the other two are alternative punk.
  13. i think the coolest weapon in the show is the angel arm. I wish I had one. To bad i'm not a plant.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zayle [/i] [B]Just warning you this quiz will be easy!!!!! I mean it. __________________________________ 1. How many sessions are in the series? 2. What is the name and # of the session Faye Valentine first appeared in? 3. Is Ed a boy or a girl? 4. What is the name of the drug that Asimov takes/sells in session 1? 5. What are the names of the 2 session that had 2 parts each?? Bonus: What is my favorite session??? _________________________________ Told you it was easy!!:babble: [/B][/QUOTE] 1.26 2.#3: Honky Tonk Woman 3.Girl 4. Red Eye 5. Jupiter Jazz and The Real Folk Blues Bonus: I have no idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Has any one here ever listened to The Dissenters, The Ataris, or The Alkaline Trio. They are all awesome bands.
  16. i think that would be kind of stupid. But that's just my opinion.
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zayle [/i] [B]I understand what you mean. But I would like to see an anime similar to it. Just one that has the feel of perfectness, that CB did. 26 sessions and a movie just aren't enough. [/B][/QUOTE] A similar series would be cool.
  18. i would also like to be vash the stampede. He is so cool!
  19. i have heard a few people talk about how cool it would be to have another season of CB,but i personally think it's a stupid idea. It would most likely ruin the perfect ending.
  20. i totally agree with everything you guys have said about people blaming video games, movies, t.v., ect. for children's horrible behavior. it's not the video games or t.v. that's doing that, it's mostly the fault of other things.
  21. spike speigel

    Like Mike

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raven131 [/i] [B]It looks pretty cool. I migt go see it if I have the time. I thought it was cute when the kid just beat that NBA player dude and he asks for his autograph ^_^ I think thats so funny. [/B][/QUOTE] I think that's so dumb.
  22. a few of their songs are "Woke up in a car", "I kissed a drunk girl", and "Punk rock princess". They have a lot more, though.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CrestOfEmpathy [/i] [B]I like Ayeka because I can sympathise with her. After all, whenever Ryoko isn't picking on her - and she does, Ayeka almost never starts their arguments - she's usually nice, polite, reserved and a little shy. Just like Tenchi, as a matter of fact! I also feel sorry for her. She's stranded on a backwater planet with no clear way of getting home, the man she was supposed to marry is now too old, and the man she now wants to marry is constantly being sexually harassed by her worst enemy. Consider this, everyone who thinks Ayeka is horrible to Ryoko - Ryoko attacked Jurai and killed lots of people, and almost killed Sasami, Ayeka's little sister. Then, because of Ryoko, Yosho left and never returned, and Ayeka spent 700 years chasing after him. Then, she falls in love with a guy, the first guy to ever see her as a person and not 'the First Princess of Jurai', and Ryoko can't take her hands off him! You can understand her disliking Ryoko, baring in mind that to begin with, she didn't know that Ryoko was under Kagato's control. She thought that Ryoko attacked Jurai by her own free will. I mainly sympathise with her over Tenchi. At the beginning of Tenchi Muyo, there were sparks between her and Tenchi, and it looked like he was starting to like-like her. But then Ryoko kept goading her and making fun of her, and Ayeka is too proud a person to let any insult slide. So she loses her temper and starts screeching like a banshee (yes, I admit her voice is annoying), and blowing things up. Which turns Tenchi off her like no-one's business. Ryoko never fails to bring out the worst of her personality. Thing is, there are so many rules on Jurai about courtship and proper conduct for a Princess, and Ayeka is very shy naturally, so even if Ryoko wasn't around, she'd still have a hard time telling Tenchi how she felt. Ryoko just makes it worse. I do like Ryoko, but the way she picks on Ayeka, while funny, is sometimes pretty mean. And as to the time Ryoko tells her all about watching Tenchi grow up and Ayeka just laughs - she was drunk. Extremely drunk. Bright-red-in-the-face drunk. Not a total excuse, as it was nevertheless a cruel thing to do, but were she sober, she would have held her tongue. She isn't heartless, even when it comes to Ryoko. I doubt she would have sympathised with Ryoko, but she would have known better than to taunt her. [/B][/QUOTE] I see your point.
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