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Everything posted by spike speigel
Sanza looked at the two. "Sorry to interrupt, but we have a job to do." he said. "Yeah, guys. Time to get back to work." Lunar agreed. "Fine then. On to Robotnik's fortress." Sonic said. The group began to walk towards the heart of the forest. Sanza sheathed his sword and followed.
OOC: Here we go guys. Kenshin Himura walked along the dusty mountain road. His legs were tired do to the fact that he had been walking for many hours. The breeze kicked up and tossed his reddish hair about. As he walked on, he thought to himself about the years past. About his old life. About the Hitokiri Battousai. He shuddered at the thought. [I]I will never again be like that, that I won't. [/I] He thought to himself. As he walked on, he came to a small village. "I didn't know there was anything here..." he wondered aloud. "It wouldn't hurt to visit the people."
I agree with Transtic Nerve. The show looks realy dumb. I found basically no point to it. And, as JCBaggee said, Reality T.V. is getting dumb. Really dumb. It just shows how desperate T.V. stations are for good ratings.
I haven't seen much of this show (only the first 2 episodes in fact), but I like it. I'd have to say I like TIra more then Chocolat. I really don't know why, but it's probably because Chocolat is annoying...
Ixodar moved to a good position behind Xion. He began creating a fireball. A bright orange flame ignited in his hand. He looked over to Gabriel for a signal. Gabriel nodded. Ixodar threw the flame. It sizzeled through the air and smashed Xion on the back. With a surprise Xion truned to see him. Ixodar took to the air and threw a volley of fireballs. Gabriel began firing arrows at this point. Sunny started chucking stones at him. "Infernal beings....now DIE!" he shouted. Xiona raced at Ixodar. He braced himself for impact.
All right, just one or two more people and I'll start.
Sanza raced forward. He swung his sword with all his might and slahed through one of the big robots. It fell to its knees. Another came at him from behind. With a quick swipe, the robot's head was gone. "Wow...." Sonic said. "I used to be alon all the time. All I did was train." Sanza explained, slashin another robot to pieces. All of a sudden, a laser hit Sanza's back. He went flying, losing his sword and his emeralds in the process. When he got back up, he found his emeralds were gone. "They got the emeralds!" he shouted
Who: Shishio Makato Anime: Rurouni Kenshin Info:The succesor of Kenshin's title of Battousai, Shishio is a bit psychotic, though he doens't show it in a psychotic manner. He wouldn't give up on being a killer, even after the revoultion, so the government tried to kill him by pouring burning hot oil all over him. Did it stop him? No way. Why: As I stated, he is a calm psycopath. Not even burning hot oil will stop him. His personality makes for a great villian. Plus he's an awesome fighter.
This really isn't the kind of movie I'm in to. It looks kind of boring, if you ask me. I mean, the movie really can't be that good if it all takes place in a phone booth. And who answeres pay phones when they ring, seriously? Well, I know I don't. OOC:don't pay attention to this
Ixodar stared quietly as the two clashed. He was still amazed at Xra's stregth. He looked over at Gabriel. Gabe was on the ground, thinking hard. "Hey Gabe, Xra may look good now, but he could wear down at anytime, so you've got to think hard." he warned. Gabe nodded in agreement. Ixodar returned to watching the battle. OOC: Xra, you may want to post soon. we can't do much without you.
The five of them walked on following Rali. "Tell me again why we are following a bushes advice?" Langal asked "It's our only lead." Percius answered. "Yes, plus this human seems to know what he's talkign about." Neo agreed. "You're the only one who seems to think so." Percius argued. All of a sudden, Rali stopped. The group cam to a halt behind him. "Something's coming...." he said to then all.
Sanza followed the group to the forest. As they got to the edge of the forest, Sanza stopped. "There's something coming. I can feel it." he said. "What do you mean?" Sonic asked. "I've lived here all my life. I have become on with the forest. I know what's going on in it." Sanza answered. He unsheathed his sword and charged at the forest. A humanoid robot jumper out, firing a gun. Sanza sliced it in half. "There are more coming. Brace yourselves!" he shouted.
yeah, more then one weapon is fine. Here's mine: Name: Kenshin Himura Age:23 Description: A short young man with red hair tied back in a ponytail. He has purple-ish eyes and an X shaped scar on his cheek. He wears white pants and a light maroon shirt. At his side is his Sakabatou Bio: As a young boy, Kenshin's (then known as Sota) parents were killed by a disease known as Cholerea. He was then sold into slavery. Once while in a village, Kenshin and his masters were attacked by a group of samurai. Even though his masters died, Kenshin was saved by a mysterious man. The man took Kenahin in and renamed him Kenshin becasue he felt that Sota was too soft. He then taught Kenshin the Hiten-Mitsurugi style of sword combat. Later, Kenshin became the Hitokiri Battousai. He killed many to usher in the Meiji Era, and for that he felt horrible. At a fight in the mountains, Kenshin mistakenly killed his wife, Tomoe. Because of this and all the people he killed, Kenshin sowre to never kill again. He is now a wanderer, seeking to help people in need. Weapon: Sakabatou (Reversed Blade sword)
I guess I'll start an new RPW. I hope you guys like. Maybe this one won't crash like all my others... [I]Kenshin Himura. He was known as the Hitokiri Battousai. During the Tokugawa Revolution, he slayed many for his beliefs. He became a feared swordsman. [/I] [I]After the war was over, and the Meiji Era began, Kenshin became a Ruruoni, a wanderer. He began to seek people to help them, to repent for his killings. 4 years later, Kenshin wandered into a small secluded mountain village. Though all the people seemed calm on the outside, Kenshin could tell that there was unrest. He set out to find what made these villagers uneasy. However, he does not know that this could be his end. For in this village lie many secrets. Warriors who couldn't abandon their swords, a corrupt government, and a secret that could be his end. [/I] Allright, here's the lowdown: this takes place 4 years after the Bakametsu Era, so it's before Rurouni Kenshin. That means no characters from the show. Here's what you need to sign up: Name: Age: Description: Bio: Weapon: Since I'm pressed for time, I'll post mine later. However, I'm gonna be Kenshin Himura, so nobody steal him.
The unlikely group of people walked quietly through the forest. Neo explained to Elsyan what a Ner'Qual was. Langal and Percius readied their weapons, just incase something came along. Rali walked along , not paying attention to them. He rushed through the rain soaked bushes, stopping now and then yo stare at something. "Just what are you doing?" Percius asked. "These seem to be tracks of some sort of animal.." Rali trailed off. "Let me see." Neo said. He moved up next to Rali and loked down at the mud. "Where are they? I don't see them." "Look closer." Rali said with hint of deviousness in his voice. Neo bent down more. Rali then quickley pushed him down, thrusting him into the mud. "Ha! The great Rali has done it again." Rali smirked, moving off through the woods. "Maybe we would be better off without him.." muttered Percius.
Sanza. "What is this chaos?" Sanza asked quizically. "An evil monster. It uses the emeralds to gain power." Sonic replied. "I bet that's who stole your emeralds!" Lunar shouted. "You mean....I wrongley accused you?" Sanza asked. "Yeah, you sure did." Amber replied. "I am sorry then." Sanza said, bowing his head. "To apologize, I offer my service and my emeralds." "Thanks." Tails said. "Now come on. We have an emerald theif to take care of." The group walked on. Sanza, now knowing that these people were trustworthy, excepted them as friends. He knew he would need them.
Sanza ran to the head of the group. "A man has two of my emeralds..." Sanza growled. "If you wish to help me get them back, fine. But I will not give them to you." "Fine. If you listen to us, maybe you will understand." Sonic replied. "I doubt it, emerald thieves." Sanza said to them. He walked on forward, brooding his anger.
Sanza stared at the people in the room. "If you believe that you are going to get this emerald from me, then you are mistaken." Sanza growled. "Hey, we just wanted to experiment with it." Tails said. "Yeah." Filth agreed. "I want to fuse with some one." "Well, I won't allow you to." Sanza gripped the hilt of his sword. "Calm down." Sonic said. Sanza surveyed the room. he spotted the two other emeralds. "So, you are the thieves who took the rest of my emeralds!" he shouted ferociously. In a flash, he jumper at the emeralds, grabbed them, and jumper back. "Where are the rest!?" he shouted. "We don't have them." Amber replied. "Now please, calm down." "Yeah, let us explain who we are." Sonic said. Sanza lossened up. "Fine, I shall listen to your story."
I was happy for that. The other other nominees were all really bad, but when I saw that Spirited Away was up for it, I wanted it to win. I've never actually seen the movie, but I want to. It looks good. Anyway, I think this may be a step up for anime. Sure, it was licensed to Disney for American distirubution and crud, but it's still an anime. An oscar winning anime, none the less. Of course, if things continue on like this, OtakuBoards will probably become flooded with anime newbies....
Sanza emerged from the jungle, emerald in hand. What he saw shocked him. A looked up to see a small house on a hill not to far from where he was. There was also some sort of bridge above it with a tower leading to it. "Interesting.." Sanza began. Just then, a train rolled across the high tracks. The loud noise made Sanza jump back. He unsheated his sword and growled. "Come here, foul beast. I shall destroy you!" he shouted. the train rolled on by in a silver blur. After it left, Sanza sheated his sword. "I guess I scared it away." he muttered to himself. He began to walk towards the house on the hill, wondering what could be in it.
Sanza sat silently at the side of the river. The rushing water calmed him. He closed his eyes and tried to remember what happened a month ago. From inside his mind, he recalled the events clearly. He had all 7 of the emeralds he was told to guard. As he walked among the trees, looking for some food, he heard a loud sound coming from where he kept the emeralds. He raced off, only to get there in enough time to see a strange glowing orb carry off his emeralds. He unsheated his sword and swung. The orb dropped one emerald, but carried the rest off. Sanza's eyes snapped open. At his side lay the only emerald he had left. A blue emerald with a green stripe. Sanza climbed to his feet and surveyed the jungle. "I must find the other emeralds. It is my job to protect them, and I will do just that." The tiger started off towards the edge of the jungle. He had never left these trees he called home, nor had he ever encountered any other being. For all he knew, he was the only sentient being in the world. He was about to find out what lay beyond his home.
Gabriel appeared to be thinking hard. "Keep thinking. I'll make sure Xra doesnt get the crap kicked out of him to hard." Ixodar said. "Me too! Gabby can think, but let's gos to help Xwa." Sunny piped up cheerfully. "Keep a safe distance." Ixodar commanded. He raced in to get close to the battle. He could tell the two warriors were concentrating hard. Their weapons clashed. Though Ixodar couldn't believe it, it seemed as though Xra has holding his own. "He was never this strong before...Where'd he get such power?" he wondered aloud. If he continued like this, Xra would win for sure.
"Well, what is it?" Sho asked curiously. "It seems as though Leen acan't join us..." Will trailed off. "Why?" Sho asked. The group fell silent. I twas kind of eerie. the kicked up and blew a few leaves around. "Well?" Vincent waited inpatiently. OOC: I can't think of anything to be on the note, so someone else put it down.
Well, I just have to tell Dark_Apocalyps something. Knuckles is an Echidna, not a Hedgdhog.
I loved Teknoman. That show was awesome! Of course I'm looking for a DVD.