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Everything posted by spike speigel
Hm, well I've got to agree with Lady Asphyxia. The stroy is kinda pointless. Maybe if you explained everything a little more, it would be better. And rude comments like that last post will get you no where.
The group stayed silent as Xion careied them through the jungle. "You guys are awfully quiet." he said suspiciously. "You's out! You's talked!" Sunny shouted. Ixodar and Gabriel quickly covered her mouth. "SH!" Ixodar whispered angrily. "Mmmf! Mmmf!" Sunny tried to talk, but her voice was muffled by Gabriel and Ixodar's hands. "Good job, you two." Xion said. "If she makes one more stupid remark, though, you're all gonna regret it!"
Sho finished eating and then glanced at his wristwatch. 11:30. "Well, we got half and hour. How about we get going?" Sho asked Vincent. "Fine with me." Vincent answered. Sho and Vincent left the restaurant and began to walk to the graveyard. It was sort of chilly out. Sho buttoned his coat. As they walked, two thug like guys emerged from an alley. "Hey, kid, give me your money!" one shouted. Sho's happy eyes turned to fierce slits. "No. Now leave before I make you." Sho answered. "Right.....what are you gonna do to us, kid?" the other asked. Sho began to chant. Vincent merged into him. A large spear appeared in Sho's hand. "This." the boy replied. He thrusted his spear at one, slicing his side leaving a large, but not fatal, cut. He rammed the back of his spear into the other, knocking him out. Vincent and Sho separated. "That was fun." Vincent said with a smile. Sho's eyes returned to his normal happy look. "Let's get to the graveyard."
It was later now. The people seemed to have calmed down from earlier, when Percius had told them the danger. But still, everyone was jumpy. Percius walked to the main tent of the camp. The commander had summoned him there. "Hello sir." Percius greeted the man as he entered. "Hello, Percius." the commander answered back. "There is word that a group of Elves is heading for here right now. We've begun setting up troops on the front lines already. In the battle earlier today, one of my platoon leaders was injured badly. Would you mind taking charge of that platoon for tonight?" "I shall do so." Percius answered. Though those two Elves had helped him earlier that day, Percius still felt that the majority of the race was slime. An hour passed, and everyone was set up at the front of the forest. Percius was at the head of his platoon. From inside the bush, slight rustling sounds could be heard. Percius readied his spear. A small army of Elves stampeded out of the forest. The humans braced themselves. Then, the two races clashed.
I think I know this.......you have to fight the Guardian, an invincible boss. In Final Fantasy 5, what is the name of Bartz's home town?
Sho awoke to see his cat walking along on his chest. "Hey, you come to walk me up?" Sho asked playfully. He was answered by a meow. "What time is it?" he asked himself. He turned to see the clock. 10:00. "Well, I got two hours. Might as well just go get some breakfast." Sho got up from his bed and walked into the kitchen, where he saw Vinvcent standing around. "Hello. How'd you sleep?" Sho greeted. "I'm a spirit. I don't sleep." he answered. "Oh yeah, sorry." Sho looked at the table where he saw a note next to some money. 'Sho, we both went to work. Here's money for a breakfast at the restaurant down the street. Love, Mom and Dad' Sho grabbed the money and put it in his pocket. He flung his coat on. "C'mon, Vin. I'm gonna go eat."
More dumb jokes! YAY! A canadian, George W. Bush, and Osama Binladen are walking through a forest, when they find a genie. "I will grant you all one wish." the genies says. "I'm a framer, so I wish for all the land in Canada to be fertile." the Canadian says. "Your wish is granted." the genie replies. "I want a giant wall all around Afghanistan, so that nothing can get in or out." Says Osama. "Your wish is granted." the genie replies. "Fill the wall with water." George Bush says.
Percius arrived at the abse camp where soldiers sat around the fire, laughing. They had obviously won a battle. "So, I guess you won." Percius greeted them. "yeah, no thanks to you." won joked. "Where in the 'ell were ya'?" another asked. "Out for a walk." Percius replied, taking a seat next to a man polishing his sword. "We crushed them damn Elves." a jovial man shouted. "Here, Here!" the others agreed. "I bring some new that is more important than this celebration." Percius announced grimly over the voices of the happy soldiers. "What is it?" somebody asked. "There is a vicious power coming soon. A power that seeks to destroy the humans and elves." Gasps rang out around him. "Where'd ya here this?" the man polishing his sword asked. "A mage I met on my walk." Percius lied. "He had just escaped from some Elves. He told me to warn everybody about an evil, far more powerful then anything in this world."
"My name is Percius." Percius replied. "Why are you so willing to speak to me,filthy elf,"We could ask you the same question, dirty pig." Langal shot back. Percius gripped his spear. Langal reached for another arrow. "STOP!" Neo shouted. Percius let his spear fall casually to his side. Langal let go of the arrow. "This coming danger is worse then this war. For bothe race's sake, we must fight it together." Neo warned. "I shal tell my people, then." Percius said. "So, you humans will believe Neo's lies?" Langal taunted. "No one would joke about something like that." Percius replied. "Do not tell the other humans taht an elf awrned you. They might not be as excepting." Neo said. "Yes, I know." Percius agreed. They bid eachother farewll and Percius set off, back towards his village.
Percius walked until morning. The sunlight shone over the dew soaked leaves in the forest. "I needed that." he said to himself. I guess I'll return to the base camp now." Percius began the long walk back. The grass rustled as he walked slowly through it. As he continued on, he could hear the voices of two people. As they got closer, he could tell they were Elves. "You dirty human! Leave this place at once!" one shouted. "I'm no human." the other replied. "Well, your not Neo. That story is a lie!" the first one insisted. "Right...." the other trailed off. Percius ducked behind some bushes and readied his spear.
The man ran quickly. The net they were stuck in bounced methodicaly up and down. Sunny, still unconcious, bounced up and down like a rag doll. "What do you want with us?" Ixodar asked. "Nothing, really." Xion answered. "Then would you kindly let us go?" Gabriel asked. "No." Xion replied. Ixodar could tell the man was cold and unfeeling. He looked so much like Xra, yet he was the exact opposite. "I wonder what happened to Xra....." Gabriel pondered. "Who knows?" Ixodar answered.
Ok I got a few but they're kind of a stupid-funny. Why did the one monkey fall out of the tree? Because he was dead. Why did the second monkey fall out of the tree? Because he was holding onto the first. Why did the third monkey fall out of the tree? Becasue of peer pressure. Q. What do you call a dead horse? A. A dead horse. What else would you call it? YAY! I'm a memeber! Let's throw a party! :D
The group continued down the dirt path. As they moved farther on, the dirt path opened into a waterfall. "Ooooooooooo.....pwetty...." Sunny squeaked. "Hmm...it reminds me of home." Ixodar said. He closed his eyes and thought of the mountains where he used to live. However, his joyful memories soon turned to anguisha and dispair as he thought of the man who destroyed the village. "Someday, I'll get him...." Ixodar said aloud. "Get who?" Xra asked. "Forget it...." Ixodar trailed off. "Well, are we gonna get goin?" Gabriel asked. "We probably should." Xra agreed. In the trees something slightly rustled. The group shrugged it off as some chipmunk or something. But it wasn't. It was something much bigger.....
The group set off into a city. "Now what?" asked Melody. "I....don't know." Will said. Sho looked down at his watch. 1:25. "I best be getting home now. My parents wanted me back home by 1:30." Sho snnounced. "Alright then. We'll be seein ya." Will said. Everyon else said thier good-bye's for the night and Sho began home. As he walked dwon the street, he head melody call him. "Meet us at the graveyard tommorrow around noon!" "Sure!" he replied. Sho turned around again and headed off. He quickly reached his apartment and found hid dad waiting for him. "Find your spirit or whatever?" his father asked. "Yep. Now I'm ready to sleep." "Good night then." "Good night." Sho walked to his room and collapsed on his bed. As soon as his head hit the pillow, he was asleep.
Percius emerged into the tavern. People all around him drank and laughed and sang. Of course, they were all drunk. Percius calmly walked to the bar, dodging half concius people on the floor. He moved slowly towards the counter where a tall thin man stood. "What 'ya want?" "Some ale. Make it heavy." Percius replied. The young man obeyed, pouring a thick ale into a mug. He dropped a few coins onto the counter and swigged the drink. It tasted excelent compared to the stuff he had been drinking. He finished the mug and left the tavern. 'i think I'll tke a walk.' he thought to himself.
Hm, I like it. I think I'll join.... Name: Percius Navan Race: Human Descrpition: A tall man with black hair. He alwasy has his red cloak on his back and his beloved spear in his hand. He usually uses silver chain mail as his armor of choice. Bio: A man at the age of 32, Percius has been fighting the war for many years. He is completely ruthless on the battlefield and has seemingly no weakness. However, he does have one. He has been afraid of lightning ever since he was young. His father was killed right in front of his eyes by a bolt of lightning, which is why Percius rarely stays outside during thunder storms. he has never revelaed this to anyone, in fear that it might cause his downfall if anyone knew.
Ixodar lunged forward, takling Nikka. he jumper off quickly as Nikka hit the ground. Xra kicked her in the side. She cringed. Ixodar fired a flame. Nikka rolled over just in time. She lept to her feet and swung her fist at Gabriel. it connected, sending him spiining to the ground. Ixodar made a dive bomb headfirst at Nikka, crashing into her back. She turned and grabbed one of Ixodar's wings. She tossed him at the ground. He hit hard. Then she turned to Xra. "Shall we fight one on one, now that the rest of your team is down?"
By beating all of the Dark Aeons. In FF6, what is Edgar's alias when you find him in them world of ruin? P.S. Sorry Xra. I had to.:laugh:
The group walking by a few tombstones as melody explained the situation. Sho looked at his watch. 1:15. He had 15 minutes to find a spirit, and his chances didn't look good. "Anyone know of a spirit here I could channel?" Sho asked when Melody finished. "Not really..." Will answered. "Me neither." Melody agreed. "Not off the top of my head, but I know there are a few." Leela said. "Well, I've got 15 and then I have to go home and I won't be able to come back here for a week." "Why?" asked Will. "My parents only let me come here on Saturdays." he replied. The group continued on until they came across a few lonely, overgrown tombstones. A few unfriendly looking spirits stood around. One in particular caught Sho's eye. A tall spirit with dark hair and a long spear at his side. He was wearing a green tunic and black pants. "You seem to be a warrior of sorts." Sho said. The spirit grinned. "You could say that. And you seem to be a shaman." "Correct." "I'm Vincent. A mercenary from Europe. Long ago I traveled to here on a mission. I was killed and buried here, alone." Vincent said. "Well, I'm looking for a spirit I can channel. Could I use you?" Sho asked. "I don't see why not." Vincent answered. "Everything else around here is boring."
Sho meandered along slowly through the rows of graves. The spirits all looked at him with curiosity. "A new face here, hmm.." one said. "Yeah. I just got here." Sho replied with a smile. "Friendly little thing, aren't ya?" the spirit asked. "Yep." Sho agreed. "there are some other shamans towards the center of the graveyard." the spirit informed him. "What!??!?" he asked. He was surprised to hear that there were more shamans here. "I'm gonna go find 'em. thanks for the info!" "No problem." the spirit replied. Sho raced towards the middle of the graveyard. Two figures came into view. "Hey!" Sho shouted. He panted along the path, waving his arm. "Hey!" he repeated.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] [B] [b]Question[/b]: in FF7, Odin has two attacks. What are they (or describe them), and in what circumstance will he use one as opposed to the other? [/B][/QUOTE] Gunge Lance and Steel-Bladed Edge or Sword(I'm not sure which one), I believe. He uses Steel-Bladed Edge/Sword on normal enemies and Gunge lance on bosses and reall strong enemies. The answer to my question, by the way, was Playboy. Question: In FF6, what is the name of Terra's father?
Sho walked about the streets of Tokyo. 'This is getting kinda boring.' he thought to himself. It was getting late. He looked down at his watch. 12:55. "Damn...I've got to get home before 1:30. My time's limited." he whispered to himself. "Ugh...I wanna go back to Beijing." Sho silently moaned. His parents had brought him to Tokyo as a year long pit stop on their move to America. After the year was up, he would be continuing his travels to the U.S. Though his parents said the move was for the best, Sho loved Beijing. He wanted to go back. Some more moaning and about 5 minutes later. He found himself at the gates of a cemetary. "Maybe the spirits can offer advice..." Sho walked quietly into the gates, hoping he would find some comfort.
Art Here's Xra..I mean me...I mean Xra..I arr!! A drawing.
spike speigel replied to Xra's topic in Creative Works
Cool pic. I think you've improved at drawing. that's just my opinion, though. -
Name: Sho Ryu Age: 13 Gender: Male Description: Long black hair in a pony tail(Like Kenshin) and bright green eyes. He's fairly tall and he wears a whit t-shirt and blue jeans. Warrior's Spirit you will obtain: Vincent, an legendary spear-bearing mercenary from the times of medival Europe. Bio: Sho was born in Beijing, China. There his parents hired a private tutor for him. He was very smart and learned to speak 5 languages: Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, English, and French. When he was 8, he met a Shaman and became very interested in his arts. The Shaman realized his great potential and taught him. Now, Sho seeks the spirit of Azeiku Nua. He is very friendly and likes to be around people.