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spike speigel

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Everything posted by spike speigel

  1. My friend told me today. Poor Mr. Rogers. He was a good man... Oh well. I'll get over it.
  2. Nikka jumped at Xra. Xra dodged. Nikka hit the ground. She pulled into a roll and quickly recovered. She turned to Xra and smiled. Ixodar shot a fireball at her back. Nikka turned. "I'll get you!" he shouted. "No." Xra said. "This is our fight." "Let us help." Ixodar said, already forming a flame in his palm. "Yeah." Gabriel agreed.
  3. I use the liquid skin. I like the color scheme a lot. The light blue/light gray is really cool. And the little OB banner at the top is cool. I don't know why I think it's cool, it just is.
  4. Koro awoke to find himself in a chair in a Loetoew Army breifing room. "Wha..." he began but he was cut off by a general who stood at the front of the room. "Ah, yes. Your finally awake, Koro." the general said. "Now we can begin the breifing." "Where am I?" Koro asked. "With your 'brethren' as they call us." a soldier next to him replied sarcastically. "Yeah." another agreed. "We're their slaves." the first one said. He pointed to the SLave Crown on his head. It glistened lightly in the bright lights. "So, I'm not the only one." "Nope. There are about 56 of us. 57 counting you." 'Koro.' Rozin began in his head. "Yeah." Koro asked. 'Just play along for now. I heard some troops planning a revolt. When the time comes, join it.' "Fine..." Koro whispered quietly. He turned his attention to the general who began to talk.
  5. I think she deserved it. I hated Aeris. She was basically the most uselesss character in the game, in my opinion. When she died, I started to cheer for Sephiroth(No lie). The only reson I liked her was becuse she died. The movie where she dies is my favorite movie un the game
  6. I saw a commercial and it looked like it would be a waste of my life if I watched it, so I didn't bother. Glad to know that I made the right decision.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] [B]I'll take a guess and say the dirty magazine. [/B][/QUOTE] close, but not it.
  8. I've got a couple of Ralph quotes. *Bart and Nelson are racing fruits on the bus* Bart: Go apple! Nelson: Go orange! *Ralp puts down a banana, which doesn't move* Ralph: Go banana! "I can't go into the deep end of my sandbox. That's where the leperchaun lives. He teels me to burn things." I love the sandbox one.
  9. Ixodar flew high above the group. He got a great view of the forest from his posistion in the sky. He could see the burnt village and the campsite he met Xra at. The cool breez felt good against his face. Ixodar dove silently down toward the ground. He was level with Xra's eyes when he asked him another question. "This guy.....you've known him before this, haven't you?" "Yeah." Xra replied. "That's all I wanted to know." Ixodar said. He returned to the air and soared on.
  10. Koro awoke to find he had a splitting headache. He casually rubbed his head and blinked a few times. "Where am I?" he weakly whispered. 'Another jail cell.' Rozin answered. "Rozin....?!? You're here too?" Koro asked excitedly. "At least I'm not alone..but my head hurts like hell." 'My guess would be the Slave Crown.' "Slave Crown..." Images of the room, the scientists, and the strahge device flashed into his head. He slowly brought his hand up and felt around his forehead. Nothing----yet. He moved his hand towards his upped forhead. His forefinger touched something cold and metallic. "The....have it on me...." Koro said. "i'm doomed to serve these morons now. I DON'T BELIEVE THIS!!!" he began to trash the cell, but a searing pain surged through his body. He got a massive headache andn he began to hear a voice. [I]"Relax. Don't do anything brash. Sit down."[/I] Koro's muscles began to lose feeling. His body uncontrollably walked to the bed, where he sat. He tried to get up, but he couldn't. "This damn crown..." he muttered. 'Calm down. there's got to be a way to break it.' Rozin comforted. "There-" Koro was cut off by the voice again. [I]"Don't talk. There's no need to. Now, go to sleep. You'll need your rest." [/I] Once again, his body moved on it's own. It layed down and he feel asleep without even trying.
  11. Sugar, honey, and lard, I think. In FF5, what magazine does Bartz look for on the periodicals rack in the Library of Surgate Castle?
  12. I had the same problem for a while. When we first got aol, My parnets never did this because thaey had their "parental controls", but when we got optimum online, my dad began to watch my every move. He read my coneverstaions, my e-mail,and my history. He even read my private stuff! He had to know exactly who I was talking to. I got so fed up I began to exit out of eeverything when he entered the room and pretend to do homework until he left. FInally, he got the message and I now have sweet, sweet internet freedom.
  13. "Why are you in such a rush?" Ixodar asked as he flew along side Xra. "I think I know who did this..." he answered. "Who?' ixodar asked. "Long story. I'll tell you later." Xra answered. Xra began to run even faster. Ixodar began to slow down. he dropped back to talk to Gabriel. "What's going on?" Gabriel asked. "Xra seems to be troubled." he answered. "We better hurry." "Alrighty!" Sunny piped in. The excited little girl ran quickly to catch up with Xra. Gabriel follwed. Ixodar began to fly at full speed. "I don't know what your doing but...." he began to say to Xra. ".....I'm behind you all the way! Let's do this!"
  14. The man led Koro to a large white room. Bright lights shone down on around 10 scientists. The were all working with strnage looking machines Koro hadn't seen before. "Have you brought the specimen?" A scientist asked the man. "Yes. He's right over there." the man pointed to Koro. "Good." the scientist said. He returned to his desk and then turned around and showed Koro what looked like a mechanical headband. "What's that?" Koro asked. "You'll know in good time, my friend." the scientist replied. Koro pulled his hand up slowly and grasped Razin. 'That's not a good idea.' Razin warned. "Don't worry." Koro answered. "I'll make it." Koro flipped the spear out in front of him. "Looks like I'm never gonna find out what it is 'cause you'll all be dead!" Koro shouted. "Silent S-" Before Koro could finish his attack, 3 soldiers restrained him. "Let me go!" he shouted. the sholdiers strapped him to an operating table. The scientist walked up to the table, holding the stranhge device. "This is a Slave Crown, a new machine developed by out wonderful race." the scientist began gleefully. His strange happiness made Koro feel sick. "It is placed on someone's head and then a pathway to the brain through the nerves. The person then loses their free will. Sure, they can still think the way they wan't, and, if they're really strong, can talk the way they wan't. But all physical actions, like walking, are all controlled." "Damnit." Koro breathed. Suddenly, a great pain flooded through his body and he began to feel drowsy. "Have a good sleep." the scientist chuckled." Then, Koro passed out.
  15. Koro followed the man down a dark hall. "What are you going to do?" Koro asked. The man quietly chuckled and replied "We're going to test something on you. Kind of like an.....experiment." "Oh great. I'm just so exicited to to help my planet achieve peace!" Koro sarcastically cheered. The man turned around and stared straight into Koro's eyes. "You'll be singing a different tune after a little while." the man smiled.
  16. Koro sat alone in his jail cell. It had been a week since he was locked up becasue of his 'insubordination'. "It's disgusting." he said, seemingly talking to himself. However, he was actually talking to his Spear, Rozin. The spear was inhabiteted by the ghost of a warrior. 'What is?' flashed through Koro's mind. Rozin was responding telepathically. "How they keep everyone in control with their sick lies." Koro replied. "People actually beieve that we're at war with Zeru because if we win, we'll 'unify' the worlds." 'You must learn, Koro, that most people are naive. They will believe anything, aslong as it promises what they want.' "Yeah, that may be true but...I know we can stop this!" Rozin silently laughed at Koro. He knew that the boy meant well, but his skill as a warrior usually got in his way of thinking. A few hours later, a man in a back suit appeared at the door to Koro's cell. "Mr. Koro, I presume?" the man asked. "Yeah, that's me. Let me guess: you're here to deliver my punishment." Koro snapped. "You...could say that.." the man trailed off. He had a develish grin that made Koro fell sick. 'This isn't gonna turn out good.' Rozin warned Koro.
  17. Ixodar dove down and grabbed two people off the ground. A huge building collapsed on the spot where they were right after Ixodar grabbed them. He flew quickly towards the spot where he left the kid with Gaberiel. When he arrived, he found that Gabriel had finally snapped out of his trance and was helping. 'Good. he's fine now. But what was he talking about before?' Ixodar thought to himself. He dropped the people off and returned to helping the others. Soon, the village was empty. The people were evacuated and the buildings were burned to the ground. Ashes smoldered in the remains of the village. They gave off a faint glow. "Well, looks like everyone's safe." Xra said. "Yeah..." Ixodar agreed. Secretly, he was still thinking about what Gabriel had said. [I]'This.....this.....village......my .....home.....'[/I] 'What had he meant?' Ixodar thought..
  18. Name: Koro Age: 26 Sex: Male Planet: Lotoew Appearance: He has short, blue hair and dark green eyes. His ears are slitly pointed, like that of an elf. He is relativly tall, compared to others from his planet. He has a gold spear always tied to his back. Weapon: Spear Attack(s): Force Rush, Silent Storm. Special Attack: Ultimate Misery Bio: Koro is a warrior, drafted into the Lotoew Army at a young age. He carries around a gold spear which he calls Rozin. He is very friendly and, sometimes, even talks to his spear, which he claims can communicate with him telepathically because the soul of a former warrior is trapped inside. Though he's part of the Lotoew Army, he doesn't support the fact that Lotoew is planning an attack on Zeru. Because of his insubordination, he has been thrown in jail. However, the Lotoew Army seems to be planning something for him.....
  19. Ugh....... As if I didn't hate disney enough, they do this. Why? Why? Why!!!!??? Alright, I think I was being a little extreme about that. I really hate Disney , especially after Kingdom Hearts was released (How could square even put their label on it?!). Lizzie Mcguire is horrible. I probably just think that because I'm a guy, but how in the hell are they gonna make it into a comic!?!?! However, I can deal with Kim Possible. That show can be pretty funny sometimes, so I guess it won't be that bad. But Lizzie Mcguire!?!? Oh, come on Tokyopop!
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Break [/i] [B][size=1][color=crimson]Prove it and I will be happy. :)[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I think we'd all be happy if it was proven. However, I still strongly doubt there's going to be a remake or sequel.
  21. Cool. I was hoping for this! Now i've got to find out when it's to be released.
  22. Ixodar ran into the burning village. He met up with Xra and Sunny. "So's Gabey sick???" Sunny asked. "He-He-He said this was his village." Ixodar stammered. "What!??!" Xra half asked, half shouted. "No time to think about it. C'mon, We've got to help.!" Ixodar said. "Right!" Xra agreed. Ixodar took to the air.His wings spread out and caught air, boosting him to the skies. Below he saw people running about. He flew down into a burning house and grabbed the child inside. "Who are you? I want my daddy!" the child screamed. "It's dangerous here." Ixodar said. He flew back to where Gabriel stood. "Watch this kid for me." he asked. Even thought he knew Gabriel paid no attention, he returned to the air.
  23. I think I'm the second mouth.....*proceeds to confirm DOK's post* Square decided against a remake for FF7. However, I have heard rumors for an FF7-2, yet I strongly doubt that.
  24. Yeah, I'd agree that you have way too much free time....... Anyway, it was funny. I laughed! I cried! I made the crying part up because I also have to much free time!
  25. "What the hell is the matter with you!!?? Talk to me!" Xra shouted into Gabriel's face. "Don't waste your time, Xra. You and Sunny go see what you can do to help. I'll try and snap him out of it." Ixodar said. "Good idea." Xra agreed. "Let's go and help 'em, yep. LEt's save some peoples!" Sunny cheered. "Maybe I should stay and you go with her." Xra stated. Sunny grabbed his wrist and began to drag him off. "C'mon!" She cried. Ixodar stared at Gabriel. "Snap out of this! I can't stay here the while a village burns!" Gabriel gritted his teeth. A strange look came to his face.
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