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spike speigel

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Everything posted by spike speigel

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SpyderDragon [/i] [B]AFI ownz all! Awsome and no one knows about them (well maybe here). [/B][/QUOTE] Of course I've heard of AFI! They're quite possibly the best band ever! And I've heard of Jimmie's Chicken Shack, also. They kick***! I never thought I'd find anyone who actually listens to them. Well, mine as well post this one: Bouncing Souls. Has anyone heard of them? They're a really good Pop-Punk band. Not very big, though.
  2. Yeah, I agree,the ending was kinda sad. I know have another question, though. DOes anyone know what kinda of store or chain of stores would sell Char's Counter Attack. I can never seem to find it.
  3. The group set out to the north, hoping to find something. Ixodar took to the air, slowly flying above the group. "I bet you've done that all your life." said Xra. Ixodar shook his head. "No. Mortal Pheonixes can't use their wings to fly until they're at least 15. I began at 14." "Oh. Didn't know that." Xra said. "Looks like fun!! Can I try???" Ixodar began to laugh. "Trust me, it's not as fun as it looks. YOur insides feel like they're gonna melt and slide out your throat." "Whoa!" Gabriel said in surprise. "Same goes for me." Xra agreed. "You get used to it after a while, actually." Ixodar said. The group continued on.
  4. Wow, lot's 'o posts. Thanks to anybody who added to my poll! My favorite would have to be the Job system from FF5. You could choose what class you wanted for your character and then change it any time you wanted to. Plus, you could mix certain abilities of the other classes in with another. You could give a White Mage the strength of a Monk, or you could give a Dragoon black magic. I thought that that system worked the best. The Sphere grid would have to be a close second. Like a few other people stated, it gave you control over your characters leveling up. You could change many things with each level you gained. You basically created your own characters.
  5. Great story. If your not good at writing, then I'm the worst writer on the planet!
  6. I've had that problem and still do. I have this one friend who gets into fights with these two other friends I have. One minute he'll be fine and the next minute he'll jump at one of them (not literally). Then after a few minutes of name-calling (and sometimes even some light physical fighting) me and my other friends break thing up and everybody gets on with their lives. Then a few days later it will happen again. It's like a cycle. I hang out with these three guys and my other friends at the same time, never seperatley because, sometimes, they don't fight. My advice is this. Try and get them to stop fighting and calm down. If you can't do that, I don't know what to do.
  7. The Final Fantasy games have always had some strange yet cool ways of Leveling up or ability gaining in their games. From The normal level raising aspect to the sphere grid, they've all been very diverse. SO, which do you think is the most efficient way to gain abilities and [B]WHY[/B]? Don't forget the why, people. I don't wan't to see any one or two word posts. And please no spam. I'll post my choice later.
  8. James raced forward. "To hell with you all!!!" he shouted to the agents ahead. He plowed through a group of them, knocking them over. At last he reached a smooth metal wall with a small number pad on it. He punched in the numbers '370776' and a panel on the wall slid up, revealing a computer consel. James ran to the consel and sat down. A keyboard sat on a desk before him. He accessed a self-destruct file. "Please enter code for hallway sector self-destruct." a mechanical voice asked commanded. James entered the code "DW99O". "Hallway sector one will self destruct in 5 minutes." the voice said. James ran out of the room and into the hallway, where he found the goup had got passed the guards, but was still fighting off more coming from the way they came in. "Come on!" he shouted. "I set sector to self destruct. We've got 5 minutes!'
  9. Rack lunged at Xra. Xra braced himself for the impact. The two began to attack eachother. They slashed, punched, kicked, and did anything they could to hamr the other. "They've gone ballistic!" Gabriel shouted. "We've got to help Xra!" Ixodar said. "Then we's got's ta do this." Sunny agreed. Xra brought his blade against Racks cheek and slahsed, leaving a huge gash. Rack stumbled back. "Now's our chance!" Gabriel pointed out. Ixodar focused on his magic and set his hand aflame. He threw the flames at Rack. In midair, the group of flames formed a fireball. Rack was struck in the chest. He quickly recovered and ran at the group.
  10. Kusana swung his sword at Percy, who parried the blow. Kusana noticed he moved quickly. Percy swung. Kusana side-stepped. He dodged the attack, and returned the swing, slicing a vulnerable area of Percy's torso. He cringed. The two began to get more violent know, swinging more quickly then before and striking with more force. Each time on of them attcked, the other blocked. Kusana was hit in the chest and fell back, Blood oozed from the wound. Percy sheatheed his sword. "We are done here." he said. He commanded his troops to retreat, and they did, leaving the rebels beaten and weak. Kusana climbed to his feet and saw the town in flames. "The Villagers!" he shouted, running towards the flames.
  11. The group reached the hospital to find it nothing more then burning remains. "Oh no! Keiko!" Yusuke shouted into the flames. He began to run towards the flames, but was stopped by Kurama. "Do not be so brash." he said calmly. "What the hell do you mean?! Keiko's in there." Yusuke shouted. "How do you know that?" asked Kurama. "Yes, she could be gone." Hiei agreed. "Don't say things like that!" Botan said angrily. "We are merely pointing out truths." Kurama said. "The best course of action would be to think first."
  12. Ixodar stood behind Xra and Gabriel. "What's goin' on?" Ixodar asked. Gabriel turned and lifted a finger to his lips, signaling Ixodar and Sunny to be quiet. He silently nodded in agreement. Sunny, however, kept talking "Howcome you's won't tell me's what's goin' on?" Ixodar commanded her to be quiet.
  13. Great picture Genkai! I wish I could draw like that. I read some more of Hikaru No Go and it's really getting good now. Speaking of Go, does anyone know where I could learn to play?
  14. James and Raccoon took cover in a corridor and began to fir at the agents. They're fire was quickly returned. From acroos the hall, alex shouted to Raccoon. "This isn't gonna work." James dodged a bullet and shot towards the person who fired it. "Yeah, you got that right." Raccoon agreed. "I have an idea." James said. "What?" asked Raccoon. "Just give me cover fire." he said. James turned, put his gun in his holstier, and ran right into the group of agents ahead. Raccoonf fired at the agents, giving James less to worry about.
  15. The group finally reached Sarayaski Jr. High. However, there was no demon in sight. "I know it's here." Yusuke said. "I can fel it." "Yes, I can feel a stronger force here. The demon must be here." Kurama said. "Then I suggest we find him." Hiei said. "Alright. Let's go." Yusuke commanded. The group began a search through Sarayaski Jr. High.
  16. Valen, Shiro, Xra, and Kusana all split the troops and broke up into 4 groups. Kusana raced forward and unsheated his sword. An Orion soldier raced at him. Their swords clashed. The force of the blows nocked both warrior in opposite directions. "CHARGE!!!" Kusana shouted to his troop, picking himslef up off the ground. His troops raced forward. The warrior he had fought aginst mimicked his command. His trrops also chraged. The two armies collided. Full-scale war broke out. Kusana gripped the hilt of his blade. "You must be the commander of these troops." Kusana observed. "I am Lt. Percy Lesco." the knight answered him. "I am Kusana Rokai." Kusana told him. Percy struck Kusana's blade with his sowrd. "I take it you wish for a duel." Kusana said. "Exactly." Percy answered.
  17. Ixodar stared at the fire. "Raised by elves, huh." he echoed Gabriel. "Yeah." Gabriel answered. "If you don't mind me asking, what are you, exactly?" Ixodar shifted his gaze to the stars. "I'm a mortal pheonix." he answered. " It's a race of humanity-like creature with pheonix wings. As we get older, our full pehonix powers are unlocked and we can transform at will into a pheonix. We can revive soul, and we can use the power of fire. I am not at the age where I can transform or bring back souls, but I can use some fire magic and a little healing magic." Ixodar looked back at the fire. "Where did you live?" Gabriel asked. Ixodar cringed at the hought. "I'll......tell you later." Ixodar answered. OOC: Xra is bankrupt! please donate to the 'Brankrupt Xra Found'
  18. Kusana and the other commanders sat around a small fire. It lit the darkness and around them with an ever-fading glow. It had been hours since the retreat, and yet nothing had happened. "Maybe they really did retreat." Shiro pondered. "That's not like them." Xra said as he finished off the last of his bread. "Yeah." Valen agreed. "Then what are they waiting for?" Kusana asked. "Something. There has got to be something." Valen pondered. Kusana stared up at the star-filled sky. The Plains of Amur were quiet, like they used to be. He recalled the stories and Grandfather had told him. The stories of peace and harmony. Of course, it was nothin like the world now. Kusana shook his head and returned his gaze to the fire, when an explosion lit up the sky. "What the hell was that?!!" Shiro asked startled. "Looked to me like....chinese firecrackers!" Xra shouted. Explosions began to go off everywhere. "Gather the troops!" Kusana shouted. "We've got to stop them before they launch some at the village!"
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Syk3 [/i] [B]You know, I really doubt that there is going to be an Outlaw Star 2. First of all, if they did make more episodes, it would just be an extension to Outlaw Star; they probably wouldn't change the title. Second, if the producers have wanted to create an extension, I would have though that they would have done it already when their minds were still fresh on the series. Obviously, those are just my opinions. There very well may be more episodes in the making. I don't know, I thought that the ending was pretty solid, and I'd really have to see more evidence to this supposed series sequal. It seems that there are so many animes these days that have a rumored second season. [/B][/QUOTE] That's they way I felt when I read the rumors. I came here just to see if anyone had some info on it.
  20. Well, you could see which type of.....oh...wait...that's the one I'm doing. Oh well. Can't help ya there.:devil:
  21. Kusana raced towards the battle field on his horse. A huge group of people ran behind him. They were a strange looking group: everyday villagers iron-clad and carrying various weapons. "To the battle field we go!" Kusana shouted to them. A loud roar of cheers rose from the group. "If you're nervous, turn back now! Now is not the time to for cowardice!" he shouted to them. More cheers. Kusana was confident that they could drive back the Army of Orion if the rebels all worked together. They reached the battle field to find hundreds of wounded soldiers lying on the ground. Some were even dead. Kusana reached the front lines where a few soldiers and Shiro and Xra were fighting. He dismounted. "I brought some recruits for ya'." he said. Xra turned to him. "Now is the perfect time." "For what?" Kusana asked. "We decided to cahrge when you brought the recruits." Shiro answered. "Well, it's now or never." Xra said. "Then let's do it." Kusana said.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents [/i] [B]I will say this much, if it makes you feel better, go ahead and tell yourself that prison is worse than death. But if you believe in god judging these people, hell will be a better punishment for Westerfield. [/B][/QUOTE] Well, I do believe in God judging them and your right, Hell is a better punishment for murderers. Let God judge them when they die because we, as human beings, have absolutley no right to judge others. GOd is the one who will do the juding, not us.
  23. Yay! I found some people who like it! Thanks for the help with is name Mztik_Gohan10. If you don't mind, could you post some fanart Genkai? I'd love to see it.
  24. "What was that?" Ixodar asked. "I don't know...." Xra said. He handed Gabrile a roll of bandages and stood up. "Gabriel, bandage Ixodar's wound; I'm gonna go see what that was." he said. "O.k." Gabirel answered. "Call if you need help." Ixodar said. "You know I will." Xra answered as he left the camp.
  25. That's exactly what I was trying to say in my post, Elite. People are being incredibly hypocritical about the Death Penalty. People go around saying that killing is evil but then they just go and kill some one as a punishment. It makes no sense to do it. It is quite possibly the most assinine from of punishment there is.
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