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Everything posted by spike speigel
Well, here's yet another question about yet another rumor that I've heard online: Is there gonna be another Tenchi series? I've heard so many rumors about it that my head is spinning!!! If anyone could clear this up, that would be great.
I heard a rumor online about a sequel to outlaw star called Outlaw Star 2. Is this true? Alos, I heard that it might come to cn. Is this also true? If anyone could answer this question, please do. I would really like to know.
I would definantly like to see something about Jim and Gene's past. That would make an excellent series. Something about the Mcdougal brothers might be interesting, too.
I 'm with Vegeta Rocker on this one. I don't care how bad your crime was, no one deserves to be killed. Killing is horrible. It's just vile. Look at it this way: You all think it's so horrible that some one was murdered, yet you feel it is ok to just go and murder the guy who did it? Doesn't that make us the murderers in that case? Killing some one is murder, no matter what the circumstance. And Gokents, what about the murderer's rights, huh? All people are created equal. No one has more rights then another person, and no one has less rights then another person.
I've never been asked out either (I'm only in 7th grade, though). I agree with everyone else: eventually everyone will find the right person. I'm sure of it. I'm one of the non-popular kids in my school, and I'm happy about that. I'd rather have good friends and be myself then be friends with the jerks who are popular. Plus, if I was popular I would have to act cool and dress like all the cool kids just to fit in. I wouldn't be able to be myself. I'd have to act the way the popular kids tell me to, that would just suck. Hope I helped.
Their not uneducated. Not uneducated at all. They're over-all message would probably be the government has become a web of lies and it's time to stop it(that's not exactly their message, but I can't put it in my own words, so that will have to do.) In most of their songs they don't just ramble on without soultion. They sometimes don't offer any solution, though. However, a few of their songs are about past things that have already happened. The stuff they rant about is all legit. There's none of that stupid 'The government is after me!' crap. Hope this answer's your questions.
Great poems. I thought # 4 was awesome. It was one of my favorite poems that I've read here. Keep it. I look forward to your next poems!
Karama Lokked over at Hiei. "We must go." he said. Hiei nodded. Yusuke looked back at the two. "Fine. We'll go. But we better not take to long." he said. Kurama smiled. "Let's go, then." Kurama, Yusuke, Hiei, Kuwabara, and Botan all began to leave the room. "I won't be long, Keiko." Yusuke said. ************ The group left the hospital and continued down the streets. "The demon is north of here." Kurama said. "I can sense something coming the direction of the empty lot near Srayaski Jr. High." Hiei stated. "Then let's go that way!" Yusuke shouted.
Has any here read the manga Hikaru No Go? I've only read the first two volumes, but so far it's preety good. It's about this kid (I forget his name :D ) who becomes inhabited by the spirit of a former Go player and now he has to play the game to get the spirit to leave him. It's really good, so I was wondering if anyone has read the manga. Oh yeah, does anyone know if this is also an anime series? I'm not very sure on the matter.
Naruto is good so far. I've only read the first volume of the manga in shonen jump and seen the first and second episode of the anime, but I like it. The action's really good and the humor is a nice touch.
Ixodar emerged from a bush and began to greet the man at the camp, but soon realised that no one was there. "Hello? Anybody here?" he called out. No one answered. Ixodar shrugged. 'Maybe I was hallucinating.' he thought. Ixodar turned to leave when, all of a sudden, he pain surged through his back. "AHHHHHHHHHHH!" he screamed. He fell to the ground and laid there. He felt like he was laying in a puddle. He quickly realized that it was his own blood. A face stared at him from a bove. "Who are you?" The mysterious person asked. Ixodar mustered up his strength so he could talk. "I-I-I'm.....Ixodar. Wh-wh-who are you?" Ixodar responded. "Why are you here?" Xra asked angrily. "I..was looking....f-f-for something to..e-eat. I f-figured you....would sh-sh-share." Xra's angry face qucikley truned to a nervous smile. "Oops. Heh, I, uhhhh, thought you were here to kill me." Xra said. Ixodar shook his head. "You...shouldn't as-as-assume things like that." Ixodar said. "I'll bandage you up and then you can share what I just caught with me. By the way, I'm Xra." Xra said, helping Ixodar up.
Kusana and Xra quickly ran to the stables and found two horses to ride. They each climbed on to a horse. "Xra, go to the battle and help the troops out their already. I'm gonna see if I can get some more people to help." Kusana said. "Sure." Xra agreed. "Just move quickley, we'll need all the help we can get. The Army of Orion is stronger then ususal." Kusana shook his head in agreement. "They probably got a bunch of new recruits." Xra started off on his horse, galloping toward the battle field. Kusana went the opposite direction, racing through the village. "Anyone who has any skill with any sort of weapon, report to the Inn to get armor and then get to the battle field! We need all the help we can get!" he shouted, moving quickley. All around him, people began emerged from their houses and ran off to the Inn. Kusana began to shout again: "Anyone who can't fight, please get to the Bujutsu school! There's a makeshift hospital set up there and we're short on help!" He cotinued forward, getting more and more help.
Well, here's another one of my threads about a band that hardly anyone knows. Of course, it will probably be like the others I've made in the past and have about 10 posts before it falls through. Oh well, I just gotta try. Anyway, the band this time is Bouncing Souls. They, like all the other bands I speak about, are a punk band. I'm a fairly new fan of them, but I still think they're excellent. If you've heard of them, tell me what you thought and why, and, if you wish, tell me your favorite song by them. I like these guys because they have a great sound. It's amazing, really. If anyone replies, I'll post my favorite song later, when I finally know which is my favorite.
Ixodar walked slently through the woods. He was alone now, like he always was. He never had anyone to talk to ever sonce the incident. At the thought of his home, his mind wandered off to that day........ It was cold out. Unusually cold for Zehen. Ixodar had gone outside to play with some friends. He remmembered how they played for a while and then.....and then one of the mountains exploded into fragments of rock. It rained down around them. Houses were smashed, people were crushed, and animals were massacred. Then...the mysterious man appeared. He set fires everywhere. He shot bolts of energy killing everyone. Everyone except him and three others, that is. Ixodar remmebered fleeing the mountains and discovering his parents' massacred bodies lying in a field. Ixodar cringed at the thoughts. It was all horrible. He continued to walk on until he saw smoke rising from a campsite. The fire gave off an orange glow, and Ixodar saw a shadowed figure sitting by himself. 'I'll go see who that is...' Ixodar thought to himself. He started off toward the camp.
I keep the witty phantom and neo the magic swordsman cardds in my deck. I don't xactly know why for the witty phantom(I guess i just like him for some reason), but I know i keep neo in there because he's saved my butt a million time, and he can save it a million more.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rick Hunter [/i] [B]As Sem said this is a good oppertunity for you guys to not be dependent on network anime. Go out and get the dvd volumes, and if you really can't wait to have them put all the Yasha dvds out, get the imported Region 0 box sets. It's time you guys became a little less dependent on stations to bring you anime. [/B][/QUOTE] Yeha, but some of us don't have money for it. I'm not old enough for a job and all i get is $5 a week from my parents. I really can't get anime on 5 dollars a week, which is why I was happy when cn played anime because I could see some anime without having to save up money for about a month or 2. Trust me, I wouldn't even pay attention to cn if I had money.
Kusana heard the sounds of war break out behind him. The sound of steel on steel rang out. He continued on. He finally reached his house and ran inside. He grabbed his broad sword and strapped it to his waist. He grabbed a bag of medicines and left quickly, but he was stopped by a familiar face. "Xra!" he shouted surprised. "I was right," Xra said. "There is trouble." "Yea." Kusana agreed, gazing at the plains. "We need to see the elder before we go." Kusana said. Xra agreed and the two began to run to the elder's house.
Well, here it goes: The Plains of Amur used to be such a quiet place. A place you could go to think. Not anymore, however. Ever since the Army of Orion had shown up, there were always battles going on there. The once beautiful plains were reduced to nothing but a barren wasteland. Kusana looked up from the pack he was rummaging through on the ground. It had belonged to a dead soldier, and most of the time you can find something useful in their packs. Kusana stared up at the sky. Then, the silence was interuppted by a horn sounding through the fields. Kusana knew the sound. The Army of Orion's war cry. Immediatley, he began to run back to his small village in the north. He bolted through the plains, avoiding obstacles and constantly making sure no onw was following. Even though he was a master swordsman and one of the appointed leaders of a group of rebels, he wasn't prepared to fight at all. He continued to run on, hoping he would make it out of the plains alive.
"OH there's a back door, alright." James said. He motioned for the group to follow him around the side of the building. As they rounded the corner, they saw a smooth steel wall. No sign of a door. "Are you trying to trick us!?" Alex shouted. He raised his gun. Raccoon ordered him to drop them. "No trick." James said. He walked over to the wall and placed his hand on it. A section of the wall slid back, revealing a doorway. "Come on." he told them.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cyko [/i] [B] [b]Edit:[/b] Die for your government is the only song I have for them in my music folder. I like that as well, [b]but[/b] I don't like the message it puts out. Everyone should have to serve their country. That is just my view though. [/B][/QUOTE] Well, what would you expect from a political punk band? They're against how our governmnet has become so full of scandals and lies.
Well, the 6 have signed up. I'll start the rpg soon. Keep your eyes open for it. Edit: I started the rpg, just to let you know.
One slot left now. Hurry and sign up! It's fine that you know nothing of the storyline. We won't be using to many things related to the game in the storyline. Mine is original. :D
James stopped the jeep in front of a tall building. "We're here." James announced. Then he turned to Saraneth. "You better tell us what you want now, or we're not gonna need your help." "Yeah. YOu won't have much of a chance left after this." Franz agreed. Saraneth began to think. "I want..............."
Well, there's three slots left now. Hurry up and sign up if you want to join because all three slots could be taken soon.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by genkai [/i] [B] But there's no Trigun Maximum anime yet, though, right? [/B][/QUOTE] I don't think so. I only heard about a manga, not an anime.