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Everything posted by TarMeg1989

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by QueenBee [/i] [B] I go Man hunting lol[/B][/QUOTE] Man hunting? You really go man hunting. Is that possible. If so I should try. I am getting tired having no friends to hang at the mall with. If I had girls that are friends to go to the mall with that will be what I do.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amibasuki [/i] [B][FONT=arial]when I was in sixth grade my mom tried putting 'highlights' in my hair. she ended up doing my enire head, and it came out completely bleached and tinted orange.[/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] Moms tend to do that. I am not going to ever let my mom do it [B]AGAIN[/b]. I don't want that hair color ever again. Count down to orignal hair color: 1 year *sighs* -_-
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by doukeshi03 [/i] [B]I tried dying my hair purple before [/B][/QUOTE] My friend Ben did that to his hair. It look like crap. :o We made fun of him saying that his hair looked like a plum.:D I got a picture of him, but not with that hair color. But that was the most funniest thing I've ever seen him do. Okay, I have another story to tell. Alright, one of my friend's friends dyed her hair BLUE! It was soo funny. We all called her moma smurf. She had matching clothes, backback, binder. It was hillerius(sp) Man you should of seen her. ^^
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by pbfrontmanvdp [/i] [B] ( or like my friend pure orange). [/B][/QUOTE] That's exactly what happened to mine. I was soo embarrased that I didn't even want to go to school. My boyfriend, TARREN laughed at me. I can't wait until my hair color comes back. So I can be happy again about my hair. Don't leave on too long just like my mom made me and didn't frost it like the way I wanted it. :flaming: I am still mad at her for that. :mad:
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B][color=crimson] Needles is the best song on Toxicity[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Yea that is true. Needles is pretty good. But if you didn't like "Steel This Album" that's too bad. I not even sure if I should buy it now *sighs and then faints*
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by stardust [/i] [B]My front yard is a lake, so we have lots of duckys. [/B][/QUOTE] That is sooo kewl. I never thought about calling someone. That is true though. Now just thinking about that I would've saved it too, and called someone. *sighs*:bawl:
  7. Hmmm, not fair... >.> I want to party..*throws a temper tandrum* I can't wait long enough to be able to party. I am not sure I'll drink though. *sighs* Anyway, back to topic. I also like to sit, and lay down. OR maybe even read a book. ^_^
  8. No matter what, the birdie will have gotten killed because the bird wouldn't know how to feed itself without it's mother. SoOoOo..That wil be a long death, and suffering.. So at least the death was quick just like what RPG chick said.
  9. Yes it is, for a matter of fact.. Anyway, don't change the subject.. Now people tell me.. Don't be shy..
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Chris [/i] [B][color=green][size=1]i never met my biological father, because when he found out that i was going to be born he wanted my mom to get an abortion(sp?) and my mom is against abortion, so that didn't work out. [/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Well that is my boyfriends story. He has never met his father because of the same reason. His mom was 16 and she really doesn't like Tarren(my b/f). I can tell, and he can tell too. I guess it was that his father really didn't care. The same thing happened whe she was like 26, she was pregnant again and the father left. Tarren is lucky he has grandparents that care, and me.. Then he'll probaly commit suicide.
  11. Mitch, that sounds really fun -_- *sighs* I wish I can do that.. Does anyone else have something to say.. I am very interested..*listens intensly*
  12. Well, those are all your opinions and I still find System my most favorite band.. SoOoOoOoOo... Remember that when you see me next time. I do think the guys voice is weird and creepy.
  13. Hmmm... Yea the movie was pretty confusing.. I thought it was cute how they called Nygel Strawberry. I found that very funny. BUT.. Angelica was just boring throughout the movie. Nothing exciting really didn't happen.
  14. Did you mean super hero's right.. Sailor Moon is a super hero, she saves the day, but if you meant someone else. I will be Rouge(SP) from X-Men Evolution. I think she is soo kewl. The reason is because she's got a kewl shirt. I like the white highlights she has. But I don't think it is fair she can't touch anyone without hurting anyone, but I'll love the hurt em' because I mean.
  15. When my parents were divorced I really didn't care, but they were divorced for a quite while. They split-up in 3rd grade. I really didn't care. Like I said already. They finally got divorced when I was in the 5th grade. The onlt thing that affected me was that I had to move with my mom. I know she was going to make me a slave. That's what she did.. *sighs*
  16. Why are you homeschooled.. Oh yea I remember, Oh yea, I foregot that too. I am on Yahoo! a lot and OB sometimes. And also every other weekend I am on the computer for a long time because I am at my dad's.
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kesaki_Inedia [/i] [B]i like to stalk people and feed them spegetios [/B][/QUOTE] I hope not....:rolleyes: I am scared of staulkers, BUT...I would like to eat spegetios.. So you'll be an exception. :D
  18. Well, I just thought it was the weekend and all and what are yall all doing. I like to tie up the telephone line. You know like talking on the phone with the most acctrive guy, or give out my number on the net to see what other peoples sound like. Or go on the internet.. That's tieing up the line. I also like to ride my bike. Usually at night because it is soo hot in Texas, but I am really only aloud during daytime. I wish people weren't soo lazy because I wouldn't be tieing up the line. I would be riding my bike. Another, is SLEEP!! I am sure a lot of people do that. Sleeping on rainy weekends are kewl. Why?,well, because there is no sunshine. It looks like it is dark time all day.. :eek:
  19. [FONT=times new roman][COLOR=blue][B] Hmmm, the last movied I cried to tell the truth was the "Hearts of Atlantis"(sp). It made me cry when the kid hit the main charatures girlfriend with a baseball bat while she was reading.. And the kid broke her arm. :bawl:[/b][/color][/font]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by stardust [/i] [B]I find it sorta contridicting how the bible says no sex until marrage,but God supposedly made our bodies able to reproduce at young ages,I find that a little strange. [/B][/QUOTE] Stardust?? I have never thought of that, but that is very interesting.. But I agree with you, have sex when you feel you are ready. I mean READY not forced..
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SJchan Mayran [/i] [B]Hehehe... TarMeg, you rock! ^^v I wouldn't necisarily Say Sailor MOON is the best though...[/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][FONT=courier new][COLOR=blue][B]Sailor V would be my second choice though. I just like sailor moon because we have a lot in common. I am nothing like Sailor V though. May be looks I guess in away.. Eh! Maybe not..[/b][/color][/font][/size]
  22. [SIZE=1][FONT=times new roman][COLOR=blue]Okay..I don't think it matters about premarital sex, it matters if you are ready.. Only have sex when you're ready Some conditions of premarital sex is rape or threatend to have sex. But most people do it for fun and no offense I think thats WRONG!! Yu shouldn't just do sex if it is for fun. Anyway, those are my opinions and I hope none of this offends..[/color][/font][/size]
  23. [COLOR=blue][FONT=arial][SIZE=1]Alright, I think I should tell the truth. Tarren said he loved me right. I misunderstood. He said he thinks he does and I took that as a no, but he isn't quite sure if it is or not. I just thought I should post this because I am making him sound like a bad guy. He was born when his mom was 16 and grew up thinking his mom hated him. So he really needs me, he said I am the only one who really cares. Which I think is true. His mom does act like she hates him. I feel very sorry for him and don't want to make him any depressed. Soo.. I shouldn't just leave him because I love him. I really don't care if I have it in return or not. So I am done. [/size][/font][/COLOR]
  24. Have you've seen Rugrats Go Wild? Well, I have. I thought it was kind of cute. Too much music though, and very short. It was kind of disapointing on how the kids were saved at the end. I would've enjoyed like it was too late and all of a sudden thing. I love Spike though. He was soo kewl. Bruce really fit him well. Anyway, it was too kiddish for me to actually enjoy, but I liked it.
  25. What I want in a guy? Well... 1) Be kewl, and fun to be around with 2) Act stupid, but really smart 3) Older than me 4) Taller or same height which isn't hard because I barely 5ft 5) Not too perverted, but a little. 6) And Cares about what I have to say and is willing to listen 7) The guy has to like football because I LOVE FOOTBALL! Well, there you go.. Very simple. I could make it even more detailed, but NAH!!! :D
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