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Everything posted by TarMeg1989
The super hero I'll be probaly will be Sailor Moon. I choice Sailor Moon because she has a cute ofit. Nice boyfriend. Friends that are always by her side. And you get to go into space. Another, I'll get to meet the talking cat, Luna and Diana *smiles* I also will get to have all this fancy wands and stuff. Sailor Moon also fight for love. She loves her friends and doesn't only care for herself. OR somethings. Anyway, Sailor Moon is the best.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitsuko [/i] [B]I was hanging out with my boyfriend/husband (not married but might as well be) one night, and he started coughing and choking. That seemed normal enough, people choke and cough all the time. Then his head fell back on the couch, his face turned ghost white. He had no pulse. His eyes were open and devoid of life. He died. If only for a few seconds. After me freaking out trying to wake him and my best friend about to dial 911, he woke and said "Whoa..." He was fine. None of us understand what happened. The fear of losing him was the scariest thing that has ever happened to me. [/B][/QUOTE] That's what I call scary. A one you love dying..You're lucky he is still alive.
What scared me the most was when I had thought my Tarren was going to die. He got badly tackled in football. He had broke his arm. I know, not too scary, but I was afraid of that because he had a heart mumor and I thought that killed you.. Silly me.. Another is when...My brother was gone for 1 hr and 30 mins. I had no clue he was gone. Oh, btw he was 2 at the time now he is 3. Anyway, He ran all the way to the highway with a stoller with a teddy bear in it. It was like 30 Degrees outside. He had almost got hit by a car. So someone called 911 and amulance and everything came. So then when I figured out Cash(my brother) was gone, my mom had came asking where Cash was.. We were like, he isn't here. Then my mom was like."OMG! There is police and everything there" So I ran as fast as I could to see what was wrong. Turns out Cash wasn't hit by a car, and the police didn't believe us that he was ours. LOL but I wasn't really scared for him. I just knew if he died. I was going to be blamed.. :demon:
Well, I've never thought of the lead singer with a horrible voice. I like the 1st one better too because it is a lot louder and more swearing than the second one, the perfect c.d to listen to when you are angry, or want to get angry. :flaming:
Hmm.. Well, I don't think he will want to be with me. I am not a real guys dream on looks. I am have a weight problem, and I can be an itch with a b. SO I don't think he will want to be desperate. But who knows I may be wrong.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RainbowGuy [/i] [B]Well, the perfect date would be to have a very hot guy come over, or go over to his place... He would have to be pretty well endowed... and let me videotape the session! Then go totally pig wild having all kinds of nasty hot sex for about an hour or two... then leave when it's over ! The more the merrier ! By the way, don't ever pay for sex because you can always find people to do it for free! ;) [/B][/QUOTE] No offense. That is disgusting. You are more into lust.. Oh, btw I am here.. :D
Yes, Tarren taught me out of breaking up. And he loves me. He told me :D I am soo happy. I was right. Anyway, we now have a committed relationship. I am officailly happy now, and I don't think I would be deppressed anymore. *jumps up excitedly* :D Thanks for yall help. You helped a lot.
KEWL!! One of my favorite songs is Needles because I like that one little part when he is singing about how he has needles in his hand. O btw Juu it isn't "Disorder" it's "toxicity".
[B]FINALLY!!!! A guys point of veiw![/B] Anyway, it's kind of funny how the girl would rather have a guy taller, and a guy would like her shorter. :D
Hmmmm... You really can't tell if you are in love. I guess it is a matter of feeling not knowing. But, yes, you'll know you are in love once you feel that feeling.
Yes, indeed. You just don't love someone for LUST! What kind of love is only about S E X, none of course.
Page 2: ACTION! Whatever, ANYWAYS!!!! I would like a guy who will want to always buy yu stuff and prove on how much he likes you and cares. Someone who will chear you up when you are depressed.
The lying about "I love you" is not really they love you. They really feel lust. I am sure yall all know that. It's not good when you lie about love because of lust.
Well, I am a huge fan of System of A Down. Here is my story. Okay, I first heard of System of A Down by there one song "Chop Suey". Before I knew SOAD had also had a song called "Sugar" that I was quite very fond of. I never knew who sung it, I always thought KoRn had sung "Sugar" for some reason. I was very gullable. SoOoOoO...I bought the C.D. Toxicity and listen to just one song "Chop Suey" Pretty soon I knew the whole c.d and sung nothing but. Christmas of 2001 I bought the first SOAD c.d. And I aslo learned that whole c.d and that's when I discovered SOAD had sung "Sugar". Well, anyway, If you are a System Of A Down fan, tell me your story.
[B][COLOR=blue]Good point! Love is just game, but the only problem is you don't win nor do you lose. Love is always good, but can get bad. Such as you loving your parents is good. Getting hurt is a emotion that can never be taken away, but loving is easy to get over. Yes, saying " I love you " is a big lie. It's the one way to seduce someone. Yet agian, some people may not be lying and truely believe it until the person breaks up with them. Anyway, what do I know, I am a kid. *sighs* [/COLOR][/B]
[B][FONT=arial][COLOR=blue]Oh, also, I would like them to have lots in common. And keep stuff like a rubberband or a picture you drew or gave them and tack it 2 their wall. That would be very flattering. And yes have a good taste in music. Like Rock, or heavy metal. And I perfer REALLY white guys for some reason with freckles, maybe glasses. I ain't racest, so don't hate me. And does not cuss/swear and tells me why he likes me all the time. And, they have to be taller than me or at least my height. :D That would be kewl too. Man I am sure I got more but yall have to give it to me.[/COLOR][/FONT][/B]
[B][FONT=arial][COLOR=blue]Okay, I asked what is your idea of a perfect date, not how band people are geeks. Anyway, I would like a guy who plays in the band so we have something to compete about, expecially the brass section. I would also like a guy, who will call you so early in the morning just to say good morning. Or say he loves me before I leave or get off the phone. Or someone who will say they like me for no darn reason, just because they felt the need to say that. Or kiss the phone for no reason. Someone who gives me a nice nickname like Sweetie, Honey, or Babe. Will stay with you even if he is tired and wants to go to sleep. Or drive 5 hours just to see you for only 1 hour. That will be a perfect guy.[/COLOR][/FONT][/B]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by stardust [/i] [B] Humor is a big plus,I like guys who play instruments too,dunno why,lol,they have to be nice,that's all.Doesn't take much to please me [/B][/QUOTE] Good Point. I seem to like guys that play instruments, but trumpet the most. Lols Anyway, it's very interesting about what yall think.
Well, I'll break up, or I will try. Thanks for the advice. If you have more advice, please post more.
What scares me? Well, scary movies scare me. Also, when my parents get in fights it scares me. Or like when my brother runs out into the street and a car is coming. Or when someone is choking me and I am only thinking about my life flashing away. Or when I am home alone when no one is home. That's what scares me. Mosters don't scare me.
Okay, I am very surios. I am really wanting to know this. My perfect idea of a guy is that the guy is nice, kewl, nice sense of humor, cares about you as much as you care about them, doesn't ignore you, atheletic, smart, and cute, but I think every guy is cute :P Anyways, your turn. I am wanting to know :rolleyes:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B][color=indigo]I tend to agree with pretty much everything that has been said...however I have a question for you. How do you know he loves you? I think you two are very familiar with each other, probably too familiar. I think you two should break up, if he is your true love, you can wait until you are a little older to realize it ;)[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Exactly what I've been trying to do, but he won't let me. If this is truely love and dated someone else I would know that I am in love with him. I just want to test my love. How I know he does, I really don't know how I know. I guess it is that I can read his mind or something. I also see it in his eyes.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]If you've been together 2 years, you should know what a committed relationship means. But you're kids. I don't believe kids have any notion of what love is. They think they know, but they don't. From my experience growing up, s middle school/high school relationship was 90% likely to fail, based on the simple fact the only reason they exist is to fit into social norm, to feel wanted, sex, to not be alone, etc etc all of the above. USUALLY love is not ont he agenda when it comes to young relationships. It's obvious he's very confused. He either doesn't love you anymore, doesn't even love you now, doesn't know what love means, or doesn't want to have all that pressure. When you truely love someone, you physically feel sick when they aren't around. You cry when they aren't around. When you can't see them for a few hours, you feel like they've been missing for years. When you're with them, you can tell them what they are thinking just by looking at them. You know when they are happy, you know when there's something wrong. SO if you truely love him, you already know what he's thinking. You already know the answer to your question. You already know what to do, you just gotta get up and do it. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=blue]Well, I feel all that. I know he loves me, but is afraid because something had happened when he was younger. You may think it is impossible for a girl my age to love. Chances are very slim, but it is possible. My friend's mom's friend had a relationship like mine when she was my age and they ended up getting married and having 2 kids. So I know it is possible ,but 11% chance though.[/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]You're 14, you don't know what love is. You LIKE the guy. If he's not ready for a committed relationship like you are, it won't work. BELIEVE ME when i tell you this. You'll just cause yourself and him more pain. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=blue]Okay I should've worded that better. He does want a commited relationship, but really doesn't understand what you do when you are committed. We've been going out for 2 years already. Everytime I come to thinking about breaking up I cry, so I think it is love, I know it ain't just like. Btw, I am 13.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]Okay, I need help. Okay, I am pretty sure I love this guy. And I want a commited relationship, and he doesn't. So I am not sure if I should leave him or not. I tell him I love him everyday and I never get a reply. It really hurts and I just want to leave, but then again I don't want to because I love him or at least I am sure I love him. He tells me he does then like 2 minutes later he is like, " I don't love you" It really hurts and I can't live with that. So I need your help. Should I break up or should I stay with him and just continue getting no reply when I say I love you. :nervous: :worried: :( :bawl: [/COLOR]