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Everything posted by TarMeg1989

  1. Hmmmm... I have something totally different. One thing, I had a best guy friend. I told him everything too. Guess what? I started liking him too. I was too afraid that if I told him he would get freaked out. Then I talked to my other guy friend about this crush. Turns out my guy friend had said the same to him. So we liked each other. Chances are yall 2 may be more than just friends. But if you really like her, and you have to know for sure. You should tell her, then again I would be pretty siked if my bestfriend liked me. So maybe you should tell her if yall feel the same for each other. Or when the like becomes love. Well, who knows, I am a 13 year old wanting a commited relationship. What do I know. ~Megan :worried:
  2. Hmmmm. I am not much of any help, but I am probaly going to say do what you want. If your friends have problem with it there not much of friends are they? But who knows I am confused about religion so I am not much of anything. My mom is catholic just like John's and I can get very confused because my father is something else so I really don't know much to pick. So just do what you do. ~Megan
  3. Well, then, you should start it off real interesting then. Like a dream or something, maybe a person telling the story. I am not that very good at magna that is surios. I like to do comical so that's all I can think off. Maybe a little romance, what kind of magna has no romance. Okay, but that is your choice. Some blood and gore??
  4. Okay, do you want it to be surios, comical, romantic, action.. Tell us more information please. So I can help a bit. And have you drawn charatures yet?
  5. I am probaly going to give you the same advice as everyone else. Either wait a long time, or ask him out. Me, I am not a very patient girl and isnt old fashion. So, If I were you I would ask him out. If you really like him and want to be with him. Just ask him out. If he really liked you he will probaly say yes. I hope I helped some. ~Megan o_O
  6. TarMeg1989


    Anyway, Here you are talking to a fan of Weezer. My radio station I listen to play Weezer all the time. One of my favorite song which I found very comical is "The Sweater Song". The only negative part about Weezer that I had found was that all there songs almost sound the same. Or at least I think so. Another one of my favorites is "Hash Pipe", that song got me into Weezer. "Hash Pipe" is a song I think is stupid, but good. Anyway later. ~Megan O_o
  7. [SIZE=1][COLOR=blue]Oh! I play the clarinet. The one and only. Distric is coming up so wish me luck.[/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  8. Oh I can get good grades. But for like the 3rd time in my life I got straight A's.. I was so happy.. ^^
  9. My best day of the year is November 14 oh and my half brothers b-day is in april he is turning 2 years old its on th 20th...He is my fav bro and my only bro.. all the rest are sisters.
  10. :D :D [COLOR=blue]I will say Ryouga is my far most cutist I love P-Chan!!! he's so cute..[/COLOR] :tasty:
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1]My anime alter ego would be a combination of a few people. Yurika from Nadesico because she's so super crazy, Washu from Tenchi because I'm pure genius, Asuka from EVA because I have a superiority complex and I feel I must be BETTER than everyone or that I'm worthless, Shampoo from Ranma because I'm super hyper and cute ^_^;; (j/k, that sounds so immodest), and Ed from Cowboy Bebop because she is the CUTEST little CRAZY kid, plus she's pure GENIUS! Yep, that's me in a nutshell! :D By the WAY, I think Shampoo and Mousse would be cute, too, but ONLY when he has his glasses off.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=blue]That anime charature would make a very intresting one indeed I wonder what the name would be ::is wondering::[/COLOR] ^^ I guess I ain't a very good wonderer....
  12. LOL yeah I chose him because he is crazy I am one crazy girl for a fact ^^ I agree shampoo does look good with him sometimes but I think she would make a great couple with moose only if he isn't so dumb but he is sweet and with out the glasses I say he is kinda cute..:blush:
  13. Hmmm! Well even though I picked a lot I foregot about ramna I would call him my alter ego don't know why just that he acts just like me...:devil: :drunk:
  14. Yes I like totally agree you have so many _________ in that message..:eek:
  15. [url]http://TarMeg1989.friendtest.com[/url] Thats my test hehehehe:excited:
  16. Yeah when I made this thing I meant to put cartooon I guess my bad..Well I will be akito from Nadesico cause hes funny smart and dumb :p :p :p :p :tasty:
  17. [COLOR=blue]See I am do live in Texas but this is Austin the capital of Texas its okay I guess..I am 12 and I am in the 6th grade..[/COLOR] :D :D :D
  18. Well I will call mine Ed from ed, edd and eddy I chose him because I always act dumb and clueless sometimes smart but rarely.. I got to act blonde just to make guys think i am dumb then blow them away when i get a better grade on test...:angel:
  19. Not very far where I live so hows it over there..:)
  20. u must live some where else in Texas cause I live in Texas and I am 12 and is in 6th grade..
  21. [COLOR=blue]Please talk it 11:16 pm and I am very bored..[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=blue]Well I am used to it..my parents are a little over-protective and I am only 12..(yes I have a b/f but I will never do that stuff they should know that) sometimes I am surprised how my dad can get so freaked when he says a word That I AM NOT SUPOSSE TO KNOW WHAT IT MEENS..but I am 12 it obvios that I should know...I agree with some of yall you should at least care for your parents cause THEY LOVE YOU unlike some kids that get abused or neglected by theres..[/COLOR] :babble:
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