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D x SaBrE

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Everything posted by D x SaBrE

  1. Xanos had spotted the three racers he had seen before. Truly marvelous... It was quite humid that day on Malastare. The podracer he had just been protecting had died a week before, and now the Jedi seeks to find redemption. Xanos could hear the sound of engines being tuned, and he could sense the tension between the riders. This race was another risk of death and life, and Xanos was there to see that nothing tricky was up. Suddenly, the Force came....and it was now aware of a new presence...one of darkness... "Darkness........"
  2. That's all apart of Toriyama's sense of humor. I mean, take a look at the whole Dragon Ball series...all comedy. Not so much in DBZ, but alot in DBGT
  3. Does anybody know anything about these rumored "Sequels" to FFX? I hear there will be 2, each some sort of spinoff involving the people of Spira and life after the destruction of sin...
  4. In that case, 1. D x Sabre 2. Spike 3. Ballad of Fallen Angels 4. "The Real Folk Blues"
  5. [b]]Name:[/b]Xanatos II(Xanos for short) [b]Age:[/b] 28 human years [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Occupation:[/b] Jedi Knight (Outkast) [b]Weapon(s):[/b] 2 twin pure blue lightsabers, the Force [b]Ship (if any):[/b] Jedi Starfighter [b]Bio:[/b] Unlike his father, Xanos is not a sith. However, inside him looms the blood of the most dangerous Sith, but it makes Xanos all the more to be one of the greatest Jedi known. Like his father, he instinctively is able to wield two lightsabers, but though he is a good jedi, he knows the temptation of the dark side exists. Therefore, he chooses to be a Jedi, but stays away from the new council in the Academy. He now chooses to defend anyone in need of trouble, and specifically on Tatooine. [b]Description:[/b] About 6'3", short, crew cut hair, ponytail [b]Personality:[/b] Relaxed, likes to enjoy life but can get serious when needed, wise and fair
  6. [i] Exit. You need an exit.....your life hangs in the balance. Join the ranks of the freed minds of the world of the real. The scorched remains ever burning, and the people look to the resistance to stop the machines from total domination of Zion. The year: 1940's The crew of the Nebuchannezeddar consists of old faces, not known to anyone. Morpheus, the single surviver of the original crew has not been freed. But this crew in 1945 is. Date: D-day World War II has errupted. The frontlines are now battling, but why? Certain humans have staged it- the people of Zion. With the slaughter of millions of lives, the machines will lose mass quantities of food and energy sources. But, the machines have a plan to evade this. They will learn to conquer it- and they almost have. The codes to Zion have been discovered, and the keeper of it will be tortured unto its release. Agents and Virii have been dispatched. Who is there left to stop them from taking over? Who is there that can even stop one of them in the first place? Journey in 50 years in the past, where the freed minds continue their search for the One. Journey into a world of war, where the balance of the man against machine exists. Journey into the rabbit hole. Take the red pill.[/i] _________________________________________________ Required fields: Name/ Alias Name Age Skills/ expertise Birthplace (real world or Matrix) Current Location (does not need to be on the ship yet) Weapon of choice Appearance Brief Background ________________________________________________ Alter Age:25 Skill: Point man- knows technology, but after using construct programs is more equipped to go into missions involving artillery and strategy; also good with guns and white fire arms Birthplace: The Matrix Current Location: Works on hovercraft, the "Exodus", helps find more crew and people ready to be freed Weapon of choice: 3 foot bushido and twin berrettas Apperance: realworld- dirty, skinny, black hair matrix- muscular, dark clothes, black hair Brief bio: Before WWII started, the cold war was booming. Alter lived in America, but discriminated since he was asian. They also believed that Alter was a spy, since he worked well with technology and always seemed to be looking for something- The Matrix. He eventually found it, and was freed from the hardships of the world. He was brought to the real world, and now works on his own ship, aiding the Nebchunezzard and looking for new crewmen.
  7. Ryan watched them battle. The teacher was stranger then most, being that she was always angry and bothered. Just the night before, glyde came back, but with no true facts on how he left. "whoa.."
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Atomic Sock [/i] [B]Oh. Sorry I don't want to be known as assumtion man, but your friendly neighborhood Atomic Sock. I just enjoyed watch SS Trunks yell at people. It's fun. [/B][/QUOTE] you're a friendly neighboorhood as well? Yes! Spider-Man hype is rising here!
  9. Riley appeared 15 ft. away before this grueling fight. He saw one of the monsters...bent like a tree...spine sticking out. He saw a liquid mass and Yuugi in the distance. He called to them: "Guys! You alright?" Yuugi replied with a nod, but with anger on his face. The puddle seemed to wave at Riley. Riley smirked and came a bit closer, but stood right at the radius distance in order not to get caught in the wave. "You guys fighting without me?" He rasied his finger and made a small light "We got more important business guys. Let's go!"
  10. Well, it's not really a fight. Atomic over there just made an assumption that I questioned.
  11. It's not cool to live in a violent area. It toughens you up, but it's not cool. I had to live in East Compton for over 12 years now..and finally, I have left that hell whole and am now living in the safest place in California.
  12. D x SaBrE

    Lilo and Stich

    Stitch is cool. I like him; certainly a twist on most Disney's films. But did anybody see SNL on the 11th? If you did, Bambi 2002 was friggin hilarious! And Scooby Doo CAN be saved if Sarah Michelle Gellar has more time on screen...:D
  13. Thanks for spoiling it Boba... Anyways, I believe the classic version was much better, being that the Rat Pack was in it.
  14. I believe this is one of many reasons nude colonies sprung.
  15. Umm... "with Telekinesis"? Knowing Craig, he'll say something about this...cause doesn't that power make your character near indestructible?
  16. I'm not making fun of him. I don't mean to be rude or anything, it's just that it's kinda funny. Well, I should actually tell people things about me instead of letting them say something then using it on them. But really, I am a hardcore Spidey fan. Saw the movie ...20 times now, have the games, cards, toys, etc. Only thing I will never do: camp out to see it. And whenever somebody is out to prove me wrong about Spidey, I go out and prove that wrong. It's my habit. But I don't see why he will kick me out if I have corrected my mistake with the character.... And I also don't see why he would get upset over what I said. It's not like I'm distorting or hurting anything.. And one more thing: He's only 15? Ahh...no wonder why the Mod isn't as tolerate here. I feel for him..at the other boards I was named the most irritated since I got upset with Newbs who couldn't play the RPG correctly there either. It's a 14-15 year old thing..
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SS Trunks [/i] [B] This is unacceptable. You can't have "spidey's power with kinetic charging" because: 1) You haven't even explained how you came to have the exact same power as Spidey 2) I already have Spidey's power 3) Having "kinetic charging would make you stronger than me, puh-lease!!! Also, Peter drown in his suit, so how you came to have it is beyond me. [/B][/QUOTE] Hey S9!! You gotta be laughing at this! An otaku person is contradicting a Spider-Man hype person! PUAHAHAHAHHAHAHH!!! This is so funny.... Ok, lemme clarify then: Name: Lee Reilly Alias: Blitz Super Power: Kinetic charging that also supports agility, strength, and bio-magnetivity Age: 23 Height: 6'2" Bio: After Peter became Spider-Man again, Lee (a mutant) was still interested in the Richochet outfit. Upon learning that someone still wore it (Ever heard of the comic called "Spinners"?) He created a replica with his own insignia and name. Description: See Richochet costume; replicated and modified with a "B" Personality: A smart *** but actually smart __________- I'm sure you're a spidey fan, but understand now, that you're dealing with a hardcore fan here. And to explain about the costume, "Spinners", the spinoff of Spidey's identity crisis, has the character Richochet. Any normal person could copy that costume.
  18. Xanos woke up from the dream.. "Only a dream..but why?" Lately he had seen many Jedi encounters with Sith, but not explanation for them. He could not rest, knowing the world was still full of Sith knights. Xanos left the Naboo city and headed for a local spring. His lightsabers clanked heavily, and sweat dripped down his head from the experience. Upon reaching the spring, he rose water to his face and washed himself. "Sith battling jedi...i could be next.." Suddely...a sharp noise fell upon his ear.. The next second..another A shadow clad figured marched toward Xanos from behind a tree.. "Jedi meet no life" "What?" The clad figured withdrew a double-sided lightsaber, and revealed his face. Dark, with red eyes. "My God! Sith exist here?" He quickly withdrew his two lightsabers, still weary from his dream, but ready for the Sith's attack. "Double edged? Let's see if you can back that thing up.." he mocked
  19. [I]OOC: sorry guys, i accidentally put gate- it was suppose to be glyde.exe[/I] Morning came and Ryan's exchange family woke him up. He grabbed his PET and darted off for school. Upon his arrival, the bully Dex and Lan were making abusive comments about each other. He approached Lan with a concern: "What's wrong, bro?" Lan replied "Megaman...he's...gone!" "What do you mean 'gone'?" "I was in a netbattle yesterday when he suddenly disappeared!" Ryan's device started to beep. He looked down to see Glyde trying to warn him of something, when he disentagrated instantly.. "WHAT THE !??!?" The boys were all confused, and angry, not knowing the cause of this random occurance...
  20. Name:Lee Reilly Alias: Blitz Super Power: Spidey's with kinetic charging Age: 23 Height: 6'2" Bio: Took on Pete's old ruise costume and renamed "Blitz" Description: Ricochet from identity crisis Personality: Smart ***, but actually smart
  21. [I]Following the death of Rikimaru, Ayame was devastated. Her only love died in order to save the princess from the crutches of evil. However, in the next 15 years, she took in orphans and trained them in the way of the ninja assasin. A new shogun has rised to power and is near on the brink of controlling Japan as well as China. He has sided with the Devil for power, using dark magic and shadow warriors; much stronger then the ordinary human ninja. Ayame, too old to continue defence, has one last chance and must risk it all on one thing: The skills of her students.[/I] Essentials: Name Sex Inventory: 4 items(including magic items)-grapple already given Description(include weapon and fighting specialty) Bio ________________________________________________ Name: Murakami Sex: Male Inventory: Rice, Disguise, Speed scroll, Lightning scroll Description: Short, wild black hair, ninja mask only covering mouth and everything around in the same distance, uses twin katanas, trained by Ayame so uses assasin fighintg techniques Bio: Murakami is one of Ayame's top students. He is faithful to Ayame and ever praises the great warrior Rikimaru. In an act of honor, he will fight to save his home from tyranny.
  22. still waiting... And Blue Gender, that song rocks!
  23. About 10 clicks away, Xanos instantly turned his head in the direction of a light hum.. "Zmmm...hmmm.....peww peww" He could hear faintly the sound of two swords clashing. There could only be one thing: a Jedi and Sith. Xanos got on his speeder and drove hard. He finally reached his destination and shouted "Zachary!!!" Zachary turned his head to see a fellow Jedi from the Academy; a graduate. Xanos withdrew his two lightsabers and struck a pose in front of the Sith. The breathed heavily as he gave a mad stare at the 2 Jedi that challenged him Zachary made the first move, with loud clashes and Xanos moving in from behind...
  24. Name: Riley Masters Mutant Name: Blitz Age: n/a (should be 2,000) Sex: Male Mutant ability: Brain forms kinetic energy out of all parts of body, hyper body performance(senses, agility,strength,etc.), kinetic energy also creates bio-magnetic ability in fingers, teleportation Bio: Riley was 18 when he was at the academy; he learned from the best how to deal with extreme situations, but none like what the future encountered. Cable, a mutant from the future left a message and time travelling watch for Riley, with the words "Save us.." Though Riley didn't know what to do, the watch thrusted him into the dark future. Now he awaits for a resistance against the menace Herald... Description: Think gambit, but with black and gold hilited hair; black head band, gloves with tips cut off, twin long knives
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