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About Jonster777

  • Birthday 12/29/1987

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    I love emulation and video games!
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  1. Yes, sorry for my bad spelling, but I do mean Kazaa. It has viruses and everything.
  2. There sure is! I go to this comic store down the street from my church all the time and he told me to come down early in the morning today and get some free comics. It was hugely publicized on his place and also, it was printed on top of the comics. He didn't put them there, the company did. So go check it out!
  3. Today is National Free Comic Book Day. Head down to your nearest comic book store and get some free comics! I already did!
  4. Well, just to inform you, Zazza has some viruses attached to it. I got several viruses from it trying to download Gundam Episodes. It was all over the news a while ago.
  5. Well, I know that you could read them, but I want to watch them also. I have the first two Endless Waltz manga and I downloaded the first two episodes of Gundam, but I still need to know where I can download the rest. Help me out here!
  6. I'm asking for any episodes. I have the first two original Gundam episodes, but I need the rest. Thanks!
  7. Can anybody give me a link to where I can find all of the episodes? I don't care where it is I just want them. As long as I don't have to download some crappy download engine, anything else will be fine. Or if you can't find one, somebody email me as many episodes as they can. Once somebody says they have episodes, I will post my email. Thanks for your help!
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