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About Walnut
- Birthday 07/30/1986
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mad student and part time worker...sums me up no problem
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Otaku (3/6)
not sure what happened on the edit but still...here it is
okay this is just a little dragon banner that I made....not exactly the ritz but I likes it. What you lot think of it? EDIT Thanks for the advise but I had to copy the text from Word and I don't have any other paint package, I might ask my mate to lend me one though. Still I've saved it as a JPEG so ti should look better...and I've reposted it too.
ooc: okay, if you could all please send me a pm asap I'll give you your desired weapons. IC: Ghost nodded at Musblood and Grave, "You'll like this, trust me. There's nothing better than hunting" she said. "Ghost?" asked Grave, obviously unsure of something. "what?" she asked, picking up a gun and casually loading it, "What are you?" he asked. In all of the training, Ghost had never revealed her true form to them, on the preset that she had done training a long time ago. "Grave, what I am is something.....that should not be. If you ever see me in my true form...you'll know about it" she said in a simple and very quiet voice.
Jenk stopped in her tracks and turned around, her movement and silence quite disturbing. Kendra glanced at her, quick and fluid in her motion, "What?" she asked unsure of why Jenk was acting like this. Jenk did not reply, she headed back down the rapidly lightening street, "Etta!" she called, searching left and right for her. There was no response for a few minutes and then Etta appeared, her eyes wide with confusion and anxiety, there was no sign of the two prisoners. "Etta?!" asked Jenk, her voice long and drawn, the question more of a demand. "They.....they....t-they got" started Etta before Jenk cut her off, "Where?" she asked, anger clipping her sentence. Etta pointed down the alley and Jenk sprinted to it, looking at the heavy door. Jenk cursed loudly to the growing light, "Kendra!! Runners!" she screamed and looked hopelessly at the door. "What?" came the sharp reply. Jenk half-turned, "They has to be others....they've ran" she said, hardly looking at her. "Get after them" came the order, sharp and straight to the point. Jenk didn't need a second warning.
ooc: okay Inti IC: Training, briefings, more training, information sessons, first contact co-ordination exercises and a hundred and one other things went on during the next three weeks. Ghost had long forgotten how hard training was, and often ended up with more work to do than her team. But still, one moth ago they had all passed their training and now the fun was really going to start. Ghost once again sat at her computer, filling out some reports with Deglow, Shift, Grave and Pack. Ghost had made it clear from the start that she would call them by their code-names and they would call her by hers as well. After a few moans and groans they had all finally agreed to it and now were working reasonably well. Switch appeared, this time in human form and winked at Deglow, "Hey Ghost, got this from Mac" he said throwing down a file and grinning. Ghost opened the file, quickly read the contense and smiled, "A hunting mission? Wow, we must've done well. Grave, go get the others....you three follow me to the weapons room, Grave take the others there as well" said Ghost getting up and streaching. "Why?" they all asked together, obviously confused as to Ghost's sudden change in mood. "We're off baddie hunting" she said, a touch of venom in her voice.
"Now that I've got your attention, I think I've got some explaining to do" there was several murmers around the drom at this, but Ghost silenced them with a wave of her hand, "The reason why you are hear is simply that the enemy has risen against us and is preparing to strike out at the world and kill every man, woman and child who will either be of no use to him or will not bow down to him. We have all one thing in common, we cannot abide to see the innocent hurt or riddaculed without good cause. True we [i]are[/i] monsters and deamons of the night, things which until a few hours ago you thought were simple figments of imagination. I am fully aware that several of you will have been aware of what you truely are for a while now...that will make the next part slightly easier" she paused. "Next part?" asked Kryu "Yes, next part. Most of you will have had some extrodinary expereiences with what you can do, but controlling what you are capable of is an neccistiy for every member of the N.P.F. Tommorrow you shall all start training, it'll take no more than two days at the most. It will be riggerous and heavy going, but what you learn can make you either the best or insane. I bid you a good night" said Ghost, turning to leave but then stopping and turning back. She dug into her pocket and produced several cards, they were no bigger than ID and held photographs and names on them, "These are your ID cards. You are expected to wear them at all times for security reasons. You'll find that you have been assigned a name. That will be what you are called around here. You no longer exist to the human world, you are part of our world now and I am your team leader. I will expect you all to be ready at 07:00 tommorrow morning for the brifeing. Night" she finished with a silent nod, before leaving the stunned room.
Ghost sat at her desk, occassionly checking the monitor of the room with the newbies in and then looking back at the admin work. She hated admin work, it wasn't like they were even going to be......she paused in her thoughts and quickly scoured through the papers. There on the very bottom was the file relating to her new group....she opened it and realises that she was doing the admin for her own group. She growled and quickened her typing, that meant she had to go and brife them further, in about half-an-hour. When she had just completed Shya's admin form, Switch made an appearance on her desk, the black cat purring obsessively at her. "Switch go away, I'm not in the mood" said Ghost, trying to keep calm. Switch moaned, "Oh...c'mon Ghost. Leave the admin for their team leader". Ghost glared at him, "Ahh....I forgot to give you that". "Switch, shut-up or you're going in the bin" said Ghost, now back to typing up Nathan's information. "ohhhhhhhhh, look whos in a moody-mood..th-ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyweeeeeeeee" said Switch as Ghost, not one to give threats idely, shoved him into the bin and placed a heavy file on top of it. *** Ghost finished off her admin work and headed up the stairs to meet her new team for the second time of the day. "Squid, unlock the door" she said and then entered.
[COLOR=red]Jenk slowed in her pace, bending and slowly picking up the thin blade that had narrowly avoided the runner, "Damn it" she cursed to herself, "Not even a trace of blood". Without looking at what she was doing, Jenk spun the blade with a sharp clicking motion back into its holder. She blinked lightly and gazed down the alley way, careful not to protray her presence. Up ahead was a flash of human body heat, dissappearing quickly down a side-walk. A thin smile crossed her face and slowly she crept up to the off-cut. There she waited, hardly breathing and not protraying any sound. There was a whispered converstation, barely auditble. 'Two now are there? Hmmm....it sounds like another good night for me' Jenk thought inwadley. She counted in her head, waiting to see if they would make the first move or if she would have to do the hard work herself. After 1 minute she knew that they were waiting for her to leave down the street she had just ran. What fools they were. Lain slowly removed his hand from Ton's mouth, "I think it's safe" he said. Ton went to say "Thanks" but the dagger that had been thrown at him, landed barely inches from his left hand. Jenk rounded the corner, her black goggles replaced and her sword drawn. Once again she didn't utter anything, but a slight tilt of her head and a raised eyebrow was all that was really needed to alert the two boys that they were offically in deep trouble. Ton instantly scampered back and attempted to take flight, the muck and grime of the floor making it exceedingly hard to get any form of grip. Jenk made to grab the struggeling Ton, but Lain lunged at her, catching her on the side of her face. Jenk cursed as she hit the wall, but rebounded onto the boy, striking him hard on the shoulder. She knew that it was a basic manover and that anyone could have avoided it, but she did not have the time to think. Lain stumbled sideways and shouted, "Get moving to the other boy" before lunging straight at Jenk again, intent on bringing her down. Jenk stepped aside with calculated procision and tripped the boy, letting him fall to the cold stone floor. Shocking him and winding him. She bent down and sneered into his ear, "Next time watch your opponent" and grabbed one of his arms, pulling it up against his back like a police officer would when dealing with a suspect. Quickly she fished into her pocket and pulled out a restrainer, she she dutifully locked onto Lain's held hand and then the other after he had stopped resisting and struggeling. Ton, after a few cautious minutes, also decided to join in the fray and leapt at Jenk, this time knocking her to the ground and sending them both sprawling. Jenk rolled awakadly into the wall and attempted to gain her balance as fast as she could. Ton had rollen onto her dagger and quickly picked it up, thrashing it about widley. Jenk rolled her eyes and went in to grab Ton, but by some stroke of unseen luck on Ton's side, he struck out and caught the side of her face...drawing a long thin blood streak across it. Jenk raised her hand to her face, felt the blood and turned her attention back on the target again. Ton's eyes held the wonder and fear of what he had just done to her before he even registered that she had punched him across the face, knocking him to the ground roughtly. Five minutes later, Jenk headed back down the street, gripping both boys roughtly by their tops and dragging them uncermonisly before her. She spotted Kendra and threw them both down in front of her, "Two for the price of one?" asked Kendra, with a grin of statisfaction. "You could say that..." said Jenk, apparently looking into Kendra's eyes through the goggles. "What's happened to your face, Jenk?" asked Etta. Jenk ran her hand over the blood stained scar, and nods towards the boys, "One of them" she simply said.[/COLOR] ooc: just to let you know I checked this out with Bishie and Baka before hand so it should be okay.
[COLOR=red]Jenk turned her head sharply, dazzling herself with the sudden colour change. One of the other members of the Fallen screamed down the main hall, "Whoever's made a running jump. He's out on the street!!" his voice was dipped in the disappointment of a missed kill. Jenk did not bother to be told, the dark streets where one of her favourite hunting grounds. She turned to Kendra and slowly removed her black goggles, "Track down and kill? Or track down and withhold?" she simply asked. Jenk knew Kendra well enough to know that she had more power over her, but could be crafty in her words and phrases when actually giving her an order. Kendra locked eyes, nodded once and received the same signal back from Jenk. Within seconds, Jenk was out on the street running after the person. She glanced up and spotted the Fallen member who had informed them of the jump. He pointed west and she turned, her eyes sparkling even more darkly with the thrill of a chase. Colours flashed before her eyes, dark blues of the buildings outlined with streaks of red and orange.... some tipped with white. She concentrated, piercing the darkness better than her other team members, and smiled silently to herself as the human figure appeared in her sights. It was not an angle, for the colours were wrong...more than likely some kid who had been caught out and was outside curfew. But still orders were orders, even though she had given them to herself technically. She started to run, concentrating on her footing and focusing her power.... magic would be of no help here. Another good point about chasing this person. She took off, his image coming closer as she caught up with him. She did not call out, nor tell him to stop....but she did draw one of her throwing daggers, and started to aim it.....'for what was the fun of letting a rule breaker play exactly by the rules?' she mused quietly to herself. Jenk carefully took aim and released the dagger, watching it's progress as far as she could but not sure if she had wounded the intended target.[/COLOR]
Smoke curdled from Ghost?s gun and five of the people who had been in the room now lay dead, their true forms showing through the layers of skin, ?It?s a shame that they had to die. Their lives could have been far more productive? said Ghost, her voice switched as she turned her eyes onto the new recruits, an authoritive tone that was not to be messed with, ?Follow me. We need to proceed with the administration? she said, spinning the gun back into its holder and leaving the room. The group shot tentative glances at each other and quickly began to move off, determind not to receive the same fate as those who had refused Ghost?s offer. Ghost moved quickly, sometimes passing through objects and sometimes hitting them hard and painfully. She stopped at an black door, took out a card and swiped it through apparent thin air, slowly it changed and scanning unit appeared above her head. Ghost reached up, placed her hand on it for a few seconds, cursed and concentrated for half-an-minute and then replaced her hand. There was a computer like sound and the black door slid silently open, revealing N.P.F HQ. ?Wow, talk about MIB? said David. Ghost turned and glared at him dangerously, her voice still chipped with authority, ?Unlike [i]that[/i] thing though, we are real and there is no fantasy here?. She moved off once again. ?What?s her problem?? asked Felicia, none to pleased. ?I don?t think it?s a good idea to ask? said Sebastian, scratching irritably at his nose. ?Move it, you lot!? said Ghost without turning around. Once again they all exchanged glances and moved off after her. The HQ was dull and very plain and ordinary. Desk?s filled with paper were scattered about, coffee cups were all over the place and the odd inexplicable tiny creature dived happily in and out of bins. The officers of the N.P.F came in various different forms and had or at least appeared to have a great respect for Ghost, many calling out their hellos and asking how she was as she went past. One, a tall blond man who could have been about twenty, deliberately stopped her, ?Ghost, have you got that report yet?? he asked. Ghost sighed irritably, ?No. And it?s not going to be ready for some time yet as I?ve going to have to do admin for this lot. Do people think just because I?m a [i]ghost[/i] I [i]don?t[/i] get irate?? she asked, obviously irate at the fact that she was being badgered about something that should have been done a while ago but had been far to busy to actually work on it. Mac nodded and wandered off, Ghost looked up and pointed, ?and Right you lot, see that glass tank over there? she asked. There was a general nod from everyone, ?Good, that is where Squid is. He is not an earth born creature but his use for anything technical is indispensable. If you?re ever told to go and see Squid then you go there? she said, and turning her head she indicated another door, ?Right, the administration process will start in there??Switch!! What are you up to!!? she screamed. A small black cat appeared, and lovingly rubbed itself around her legs?.before spotting the new assortment and heading straight towards them, ?Kitty!? said Shya bending down to stroke it. The other girls joined in, arring and smiling. Ghost cut in rather sharply, ?Girls back off from him?. ?Why? He?s adorable? said Shya, not sure what Ghost was getting at. ?Switch, you change back right now or I?ll report you to Mac? said Ghost, ignoring her question. The cat turned and seemed to slouch, ?Why? You always do this to me!!!? it said. ?Because you?re untrustworthy. Now change back? she ordered roughly. ?Yeah, okay? said Switch, and suddenly the cat began to change. It grew and slowly mutated into a tall human with bright blue eyes and orange hair, he caught Ghost?s eye and quickly slinked off. Ghost shook her head, ?You?ll learn? she said simply and then pushed them into the administration room. Two hours later they were discharged. Everything had been taken and tested, blood, reactions, exposure to light, personnel details?..everything that was physically possible was taken. Ghost smiled slightly at seeing the new ones looking tired and immediately led them up several flights of stairs to a dormitory. It was basic in design, nine beds all of the same metal and with a brown blanket over the top. There was nothing else in the room at all, ?Right, yous?you say in here for the time being. Tomorrow at 07:00 there will be a meeting called for and you all have to attend. There you will be assigned your team leader and your code names. I suggest you get some sleep as training will commence straight after that. Use this time to get to know one another as you are in your given team. I shall monitor your progress. No one is to leave this room at all. Dinner will be brought up at 21:30 and last lights are at 23:00. Goodnight? said Ghost, and with that she turned, left the room and locked the door. ?Squid? she said into a handheld communications device, which bleeped in return, ?Full security lock on room 813. Keep a check on them? she clicked the communications device to off and went down the stairs again, dreading the amount of paper work she would have to do.
Matt, breathed heavily...."I....can't....keep...ahold...much longer. Charlotte....help me!" his words were heavy and raspy, if he didn't recieve medical attention soon then he would end his time here. ooc: hint lol
Okay, nice sign-ups everyone. You're all in and your code names run as follows Manson - Pack (as in pack member) Zell - RB (short for Red Blood) David - Musblood (musel blood) Felicia - Vieamon (violet and deamon) Shya - Deglow (deamon glow) Nathan - Herod (heruka and odd) Sophia - Yosum (young summoner) Kyru - Whitepire (white and vampire) Alexander - Grave (cause you're dead) You don't have to role play using these names, but Ghost just to let you know. If all goes to plan I'll have this up and running on Tuesday at the latest, cause that's when I'm next online.
?Many humans live their lives in complete submission that creatures of darkness are figments of an over-reactive imagination ? or things to scare children and others with on a frequent basis. However human?s, with so many little faults, are vain and dangerously stupid when it comes to these sort of things ? they never look beyond their small lives, they don?t see things like you and me do. Look around, what do you see? You can?t explain it can you? You can see what I see, you and me share one thing in common?we?re not human. Don?t look so shocked, you?ve always known you were different from the other humans. You found you could defy the nature of humanity, being able to do things which you thought were impossible ? defying all of humanities weaknesses. People steered away from you ? yet you?re a person who no one could fault? In school, collage or work you were the ?freak? or ?weirdo? who never seemed to do anything but work? You were bullied cause you appeared different?but there was nothing wrong with you? What I?m basically saying, is that these are all traits that signify you as different?like I said, you are not human, I am not and neither is anyone else in this room? the girl pauses, takes a breath and looks up. ?You see, several hundred years ago humans were fully aware of vampires, werewolves, ghosts, monsters, daemons and the whole lot?and there was a balance between the two races?not exactly the most fairest of balances but enough to keep us going and in check. But balances never last for long, cause we..like humans don?t always agree on certain terms. Things started to change, the balance was disrupted by the humans?.the first result was the over-throwing of the Vampire Lords and the Monster Lords. Human?s decided that we were their enemy, and we had to be destroyed. None of us at the time realised that it was in fact a Daemon Lord who had manipulated them to his will. Slowly everyone and everything was pushed back and killed, we dwindled in numbers and soon only me and five others remained. We hid ourselves in caves and became known as wraiths, warning all to stay away. Eventually we learned that the Daemon Lord had re-risen his minions and had started to kill of humans?.he tortured and maimed many of them. We came back, rose as many as we could and took him down. But humans don?t accept things easily?and my friends were killed. They could not touch me, as I am a ghost or sprite, depending what to call me. For over 10 centuries I have watched over the growing earth and it?s trails and tribulations. The balance corrected itself and my kin became legends and slowly myths to entertain those who like to scare themselves. But now the darkness is returning? I have seen the Daemon Lord rise from the ground and he calls to his minions once again. You are all re-incarnated creatures from that time?you are all things old and wise, but those memories will be lost to you. I cannot tell you which side you used to be on, all I am doing is giving you a chance to make a choice now? she pauses, stands up and takes out a gun, cocks it and raises it, ?Either you join my side and fight to stop the Daemon Lord and his minions??or? she sights it on you, ?I pull this trigger and you don?t get a choice as to where you go. And don?t think of running, he won?t give me a chance?.so I won?t give him any. Your choice, what?s it to be?? Rules: 1) Please make you character original, I will not accept any Dracula?s, Frankenstein?s or Freddy Kruger?s or anything else of that ilk 2) Please be prepared to write in story format, not script and posts must be at least two paragraphs long 3) NO bad guy sign-ups please?we?re all gonna be on my side and all baddies are NPC?s controlled by me 4) Don?t make your character immortal because this is only one part of history and it has to fall into place 5) Be creative, have fun and don?t have nightmares Sign-up form (please follow exactly) Name: Nick/Code name: (Leave this blank as I?ll allocate you one) Gender: Age: (please keep it reasonable, between 18 ? 30, though I might change a little for some characters) Description: (Please write this, I don?t want images, and make the information detailed) Creature: (i.e are you vampire, werewolf, monster, etc?one acceptation no ghosts or poltergeists) Trigger factor: (what can unitentually make you change to your true form) No bio required because it will be irrelevant to the story line and Ghost doesn?t want to hear it. If you?re lost on the sign-up then take a look at mine, any other points you need clarifying or any questions please PM me and I?ll respond asap. My sign-up: Name: Aiyesa Haectar Nick/Code name: Ghostsprite (more commonly called Ghost for short) Gender: Female Age: unknown (as she is a ghost and died a while ago) Description: appears to be about 18 years of age, with panther black hair and pale grey lifeless eyes. She wears a black pair of trousers with black sleeveless top that has a pentagon design on the front and back. Black shoes of a plain and simple style and grey gloves with just the tops of the fingers missing. Denim blue jerkin with lightening pattern on it and several metal badges mark her as different from the crowd. Ghost has a very short temper and does not take any form of mockery easily or subordination. Creature: Ghost/Spirit ? able to project herself into a solid form and appear perfectly human, when a ghost she can communicate with the undead world and discover secrets out about anyone?even when she?s is solid form she can see ghosts who have as of yet to pass into the next world. Trigger: a murder happening in front of her eyes There you all go, so have you made your choice yet?
Matt looked up at her with sorrowful eyes, "I'm sorry if I cause anyone any pain. I.....never meant to" he coughed up more blood. "Hey, shush...you'll be okay. I promise you" said Charlottem her voice still holding the worry there. "Tell...tell the oth...others....I've moved.....on" he said, looking up into her eyes, "S...s...stay...until....I.....go" his voice was serious and he already knew his fate. ooc: hey might as well add a bit more anxt to this, mighten I?
Name: Laura Jenkin Nickname: Jenk (and also the one she is most commonly refered to by everyone she knows) Gender: Female Age: 22 Character Type: Fallen Attributes: Not one to be known for her magical abilities, Jenk tries as much as possible to leave her powers alone. She has not beomce inexpereienced in any style but like to think she's in control of herself. When her powers do come into play, which is few and far between, she prefers to control the storms that rage through cities and in the vast wilderness beyond the domes - when she does use her magic a moon-dragon necklase around her neck glows, allowing the black orb to glow eariely. Jenk prefer's fighting with hand-held weapony, favouring the sword and throwing daggers for the most part but with a few adaptions of her own along the way. She is swift and quick to learn any form of this style of weapony and aspires to become a known weapon master but is a long way from achieving that staus yet. Appearance: Jenk is about 5"9 in height, with a well built figure from years of training and meditation. She has black hair that reaches down below her shoulder blades, it is streaked with two silver highlights, appearing to be about five centimeters wide, that run the whole lenght of her hair. She usually wears her hair in a half-twist with a braided gold band holding it in place. Her eye colour is indistinguable as her eyes are hidden behind thick blacked out gogglesm but she is far from blind. Her eyes are light sentistive which seems to give her an edge in fighting in the darkened alley's of the city. Her skin tone is quite dark for most Angel standards and it often reflects her mood. She wears a black body-suit that has a white zig-zag patten running down either side and a white tunic over the top which has an bone dragon inprint of the back, done in black and edged with gold. She wears a grey metal belt with bone-dragon style buckle on the front and around her neck is the moon-dragon necklase given to her by a family relative and a thin silver scarf with black tassels. Leather, fingerless gloves cover her hand and a samuri sword is visible on her back, the handle a criss-cross of black, silver and gold bands. The shef is of a similar style and when the blade is drawn it is long and thin with a semingly pure white glow. Personality: Jenk is not a girl to be messed with, she is often very quiet and focused on her mission and orders. Some would say that she was overly loyal to Tenchoglobe - but she would disagree with this. Jenk feels she owes her loyality to them but for what reason she cannot say. Jenk is also a very lonely and lost person, a little lost child searching to understand the reactions of society to her and the other Fallen. She feel's that a part of her life is missing and therefore can become quite depressed and a little insane at times if she is pushed to far. When Jenk is not feeling depressed, insane or focused on a mission she can often be found meditating or improving on her weapon skills, in simulated training zones. She believes she has very little time for socialistation and tries to discounnect herself from society. Bio: Laura was born into the Technoglobe world, just weeks before her birth her mother had been rounded up and labelled in one of the many 'liquidistation' proccesses. Before her mother had the chance to claim her daughter as her own, the company took her away and said that she would act as their payment. Laura did not have a normal, happy child-hood. As soon as she was old enough they trained her night and day, tourtured her on many an occassion to try to push her to her limits. They never denied what she [i]was[/i] they just never [i]informed[/i] her of what she could become. One training session, when she was a little over eight years, an instructor visiously beat her across her face with the back of his hand. Jenk responded to this by counter-attacking him with her magic and causing a lightening bolt to strike him down. The flash of the light caused her much pain and would have blinded her...the the corp had other plans for her. An operation was carried out to make her eyes light-sensitive, therefore meaning that sunlight of any amount would cause great pain to her but she would have an advantage in the dark street's and corners. Since her eyes were of no use in sunlight, she would be able to see in darkness and use this ability as a hunter of the night. Jenk soon learned to live with her new eye-sight, picking up images of the world around her in a oddly pink world with yellow and blue flashes as things moved differently throughout her line of vision. She made a promise to herself that her powers would go mainly unused, unless there was no other way that she could 'resolve' the situation. As the years went on she progressed in her skills with the sword and throwing dagger and learned to channel her power more throughtly. The necklase that she wears she knows belonged to someone who had seen her as family one time and she can only rely on what information the corp give her about her past. She is fallen, but she has never known what life is like without the corp. Technoglobe are her family....yet why does she feel so alone and lost? A question that has recently started to grow in her mind. Her missions are important and she will carry them out to the end...but a new objective is growing. Who is Laura Jenkin? ooc: hope you like Doukeshi ^_^ it took me ages. I'll have a hunt and send you a post right now. oh, anything you want me to ed...give me a yell.