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Everything posted by Walnut

  1. [i] Lynntilla grinned. They hadn't flown for yonks now, and she was begining to wonder weather they would fly ever again.[/i] Lynntilla: Please can we fly. No one will see us, please? Sirven: Okay! the gang: YES!!! [i] Lynntilla called Labyrinth to her, which was a bit of a pain since she was winning in the fight or at least thought she was, can climbed onto her neck. She looked at the others and grinned.[/i] Lynntilla: Hey you guys, last one to the castle is a Broken Dragon Egg!
  2. ooc: Sorry, I've been on a short break and I couldn't get onto a computer at all. IC:[i] Ellsa walked along the streach of beach she was on, and now with Sweep in toe. The dog proved to be a great conpainion and she felt more at ease with her trotting along behind her, and barking like mad to have a stick or stone thrown. She continued on into the night and thought that she could see a small but definate fire blazing away.[/i] Ellsa: C'mon Sweep, lets go and see who's over there.
  3. ooc: Hi sorry I'm a little late in posting but I was away at the weekend and couldn't get to a computer. IC:[i] Shadow greeted the sun with please. It had almost been four hours since the drea or nightmare. she was not usually a one for sleeping at night but when she did the heart would be there, pumping in a desperate struggle. The golden object coming close to her, almost crushing her and a strange manic laught. It frighten her often, but she kept it quite. she glanced down the street and could see no one. 'That's strange?' she thought and then remembered that no one would be up yet, except a few traveller's and the odd stall or two. she walked along and looked into what could possibly be descrided as the [i]Main Street[/i]. Life here was dull and momnotiums(sp?). Nothing of interest to her ever happened here, but something kept her there. she had no idea what but something stopped her from leaving. She looked around and decided that it was best to sit down and wait for the town people to be clumsy enough to let her take their money away from them. Shadow slumped down on a fountain and listened to the sounds. Nothing, aboslutly nothing.[/i] Shadow: Why am I stuck here? No where to go and nothing to do. I must be mad. That dream though what did it mean. I should stop asking that, no one knows and if I ever find out what it means I'll probably just die or burst out laughting. [i] She leaned back and decied to wait again, as she had always done.[/i]
  4. Kel, first of Hi soz I wasn't around over the weekend but I was on a bus trip with my Gran to Pendle and Botony Bay (Which I'll tell you about when I get the chance), and second if you wanna get a banner go to the Artwork section and look for the Banner Request Thread and put in what you want or would like.
  5. The first book I read was [i]Pearls[/i] and I got a free map with it so that I could follow (or at least try to) where the characters went. I've never heard of Taggerung what's it about?
  6. Cera, the one with the bandaner is Zara with Calumon.
  7. Okay this is an on going fanfic. I'm only on disc one of FFIX so I don't know if half of this will work. But hey its a fan fic. There are some character who you won't know but you'll learn about them as we go along. Feel free to give me advice or submit some more charcters if you wanna. if you do please give a good description and as much info about them in a PM to me. Thanx. Here's the first bit of the first chapter . Chapter 1 The village was busy as usual. People came and went through different shops and talked to friends that they met along the way. A hooded figure stood to one side watching the crowd go by. From far away the figure looked like an old woman who was waiting for someone or she could have been a gypsy waiting to be allowed to walk in the city. But both of these ideas were wrong. The figure was waiting for someone but she was not old or a gypsy. A small figure trotted down the path. She was wearing a long cloak and blue jacket that covered her up. But no one really paid her any attention. The girl slipped and fell onto her bottom. She sat there for a few seconds and then picked herself up. She wandered on a little way and slipped again. The figure in the hood sighed and shook her head and walked over to her. ?Lili you?ve gotta be more careful, you?re going to get pointed out? said the figure helping Lili up. ?Sorry, Shadow? said Lili. ?C?mon we?ll find the others together? said Shadow. They wandered off down the street, unknowingly into danger. ?Come off it, there is no way that he?s going to go out with her? said Marcus. ?There?s every chance that he will go out with her. You know fine well he?s got the hot?s for her? said Cinna slurping from a drink. ?Aye, he might have the hot?s for her, but she doesn?t have the hot?s for him. She can?t stand the way that he constantly hangs around her? said Marcus. ?Hey Blank, d?ye think that Zaela gotta chance with Shadow or not?? asked Cinna. Blank looked at him and shook his head, ?If Shadow?s got more sense she?ll keep away from the likes of him?. ?Hey up guys, did any of yous know that a hanging was on today?? asked Marcus. ?WHAT??? How can there be, it would have been posted around the town, wouldn?t it?? said Cinna. ?Well I can defiantly see the hang-mans noose up there. We?ve gotta check this out? said Marcus. ?Defiantly? said Cinna and Blank together. All three of them ran down the street as fast as they could. When they reached the platform, Shadow and Lili were already there and in the middle of an argument with a Pluto knight. ?Look I?ve told you two twice now, we?ve just been ordered to hang someone and we?ve gotta obey orders. So push off? he said and pushed Shadow. Shadow went to push the knight, but Blank pulled her back and said, ?C?mon Grandma, no time to be annoying the knights now is there?. With a rather heavy shove, Blank got Shadow down to an alleyway. The others followed. ?All right, all right ye can stop pushing me Blank!? said Shadow in an annoyed voice. ?What was that all about?? asked Marcus. ?That idiot of a knight wouldn?t tell us who was due to be hanged? said Lili. The others looked at her in surprise. Shadow slightly raised an eyebrow but grinned. Lili blushed, ?E..erm?well he was an idiot?. ?Looks like your finally learning? said Shadow and then turning onto Blank, ?And what?s with the Grandma business, may I ask??. ?Well I had to say something to explain how I knew you, didn?t I? said Blank. ?Look you lot, we?ve gotta stop this stupid arguing right now. We?ve got to work out who?s gonna be hung and when they are as well? said Marcus. ?Right, Cinna and Marcus go and find Baku, he should be able to help us. Shadow, you and Lili go and keep an eye on that place from the roofs? said Blank. ?Were will you be?? asked Cinna. ?I?ll stay here until you two come back with Baku and any one else. Then we?ll find out what we can from these two, Okay?? said Blank. ?Right? said everyone and they did the Tantalus salute and quickly went about their business. ~ The cell was dark and damp. Old straw littered the floor with ease. There was a disgusting smell of death and other substances. It would be enough to lock anyone into a deep depression. Unless of cause they happened to like living in a cold, dark, damp and smelly place. There was a strange dripping sound as well. It echoed around the room and sounded like a clock ticking away, every second lasting an eternity for the occupant of the cell. He sat with his back against the cold wall. Around his wrists where large, rusted manacles which were connected to the wall by a long thick and very heavy chain. To anyone who past, he looked like he had been there for years. He was thin and looked under-fed. His clothes consisted of a pair of discoloured trousers and a very thin waistcoat. His hair, which at one time had been a dark blond was no hanging limp and looked like it was losing its colour. Anyone would have thought that he was an old man who had been put in jail for life. But they were wrong. He was Zidane, Lord of Alexandria and only nineteen years old. He looked up at the bared window. All that was visible was a clear blue sky and some white clouds. There was no hope for him, his strength was gone and soon he would feel the pull of the noose around his neck. ~ Shadow stare helplessly at the hang-mans noose. There had been absolutely nothing to say what or who was going to be hanged. She could clearly see two knights lounging around but couldn?t quiet hear what they were saying. She checked the rooftop and saw nobody. She carefully removed her hood and wriggled her ears. Unlike most people of the Mist continent, Shadow was part animal. Everyone was unsure of how she was part animal but it was generally accepted. It was believed, at first, that she was part dog. But when Blank and Marcus once found her howling at the moon, they guessed that she was in fact part wolf. Shadow didn?t appear to have fangs or red eyes, as such, but she did have features. The most obvious things were her ears and tail. Her ears were on top of her head and were dark grey in colour and looked like those of a wolf. She could move them freely and without any problems, they were also good for hearing things a long distance, which was why the group often made her wear earplugs so that she couldn?t hear about something?s. Her tail was the same colour as her ears and she often used it to pickpocket from people cause they would just think that she was in a mood and had swung her tail to show it. She also had wolf paws instead of feet but you would have to be looking down to see them. As for fangs if she had any she could hide them very well. She concentrated on the two knights and discovered that they were talking about someone finally going out with some girl by the name of Sandra. Still it was an interesting conversation, but of no use to her. She looked around and could see no other knights. ?Hi Shadow? said a voice, which made her jump out of her skin. She turned around and saw Vivi and Ekio. She breathed a sigh of relief, ?Just give me a heart attack, why don?t ye? she said. ?Sorry, but Blank said that you were up here with Lili and that we should find out if you knew anything, yet? said Ekio. ?Nope, don?t know anything. There?s a couple of knights but their talking about some girl called Sandra which on of their mates managed to get off with the other night? said Shadow. ?By the way, where?s Lili?? asked Vivi. ?Hmm?oh she went to check the other side. See if she could learn anything from a different point of view. But she hasn?t come back around yet, so she either knows something or she?s still waiting? said Shadow, scanning the roofs on the other side of the street and not seeing or smelling anyone. ?Okay, I?ll go and tell Blank that. You don?t mind if Ekio stays up here do you?? asked Vivi. ?Nah?she?ll give me some company. Oh and tell Blank that Steiner is nowhere in sight, at all. I can?t even smell him? said Shadow. Vivi climbed down the ladder and sorted out his hat. He looked around and spotted the others where he had left them. ?Any news?? asked Zaela, Ruby?s son. ?Nope she says that there?s been nothing going on there at all. And she also says that Steiner is nowhere to be seen or smell whatever that means? said Vivi. ?That means Steiner?s not in the Castle. Something?s up then? said Blank. ?Yeah, but wouldn?t Zidane have tried to let us know that something was going on?? asked Marcus. ?Maybe he can?t let us know for some reason. We?ll have to see, right now we must wait until one of them three notice something? said Blank looking at the rooftops. Lili finally reached the rooftop of the house that directly faced the one where Shadow and Ekio were waiting. She waved across at them and they signalled back. She looked towards the noose and saw that the knights had gone, but two trumpeters were coming out to signal the start of the hanging. She watched with growing interest as they mounted the stall and blew out several loud notes. She noticed that Shadow had ducked down clutching her ears at this point. The town crier, a large built man by the name of Shaak, yelled out in a voice of all similar criers, ?People of Alexandria, In ten minuets a hanging is due to take place. All are welcome to watch this spectacle, hear ye, hear ye?.? his voice drifted down the street as people ran to see the hanging. Lili looked towards the prison and could just about see the poor retch that was to be hung. She almost fell off the roof as she hurried to go and tell the others. Ekio and Shadow strained to see the entrance, but found it becoming harder by the second. Shadow did manage to catch a bit of the conversation that was going on between a knight and the prisoner and she wasn?t completely sure if she had heard right. This is what she heard, ?Well, it looks like it?s your time to die? said a knight. ?Why are you doing this?? said the prisoner in a weak and sore voice. ?Simple dimwit, the new Queen orders for you and that other impostor to be destroyed and that is how it is going to be?? started the knight but then the street became too busy for her to focus on one conversation. ?Well, who is it?? asked Ekio. ?I still don?t know. But one thing at least is that something?s going on in the Castle? said Shadow. ?What?? asked Ekio, curious as ever. ?I don?t quite know, all I heard was that a new Queen was in power and that two people were..? said Shadow but then was interrupted by Lili, running pell-mell towards them. ?Guys, we?ve gotta stop this!? she said in a panicky voice. ?Why?? asked Ekio and Shadow both together. ?They?re gonna hang Zidane!? said Lili. ?WHAT???? they said in unison. ?Well, by the sounds of things the shows nearly on the road? said Cinna. ?Hey, Blank aren?t you?? started Marcus. ?BLANK! GET UP HERE QUICK? yelled Shadow from the rooftop. Blank was up in a few seconds, ?What is it?? he asked. ?Look? said Shadow pointing towards the open door and the figure. ?Is that??? asked Blank. ?Zidane! Yes, it?s him? said Shadow. ?C?mon, get down, we?ve got to work this out quickly? said Blank. The scrambled down the roof and dropped onto the pavement. ?What?s up?? asked Zaela. ?They?re gonna hang Zidane? said Lili and Ekio together. ?Are they serious?? asked Marcus. ?Yes, they are. I?ve seen it with my own eyes and smelt it with my own nose. They?re gonna kill Zidane? said Shadow, who was slightly out of breath. ?What are we going to do?? asked Mott, a different member of the gang. ?I know,? said Vivi, quiet unexpectedly, ?..we split up into groups and go and do different things in order to save his life?. ?Like what?? asked Zaela and Mott together. ?Okay, Lili, Vivi and Ekio go onto the rooftops and create a big enough distraction with your magic. Marcus, Cinna and Zaela go and destroy that platform when those three start the magic show. Mott and Shadow your with me? said Blank quickly. ?What are we gonna do?? asked Mott. ?Grab Zidane, by any chance?? asked Shadow slightly raising her eyebrows. ?Got it in one. Okay move out and lets get this going? said Blank. Vivi, Lili and Ekio ran to the houses on the other side of the street and clambered onto the roofs, while Marcus, Cinna and Zaela ran towards the crowd and Shadow, Mott and Blank ran to the Fountain at the rear of the hang-mans noose. Okay I'll post the next bit in a while. But I still need some more characters. So post some to me please.
  8. Kelz your mad! Well I'm gonna wait until the box set comes out and hopefully they should all be directors cuts. I've heard that if you see Austin Powers Goldmember or summat like that, you get to see the second trailer. But I'm completely unsure about it. As for the fifth Harry Potter book I've heard that it might not get relased until 2003 in UK, which I'm a bit cheesed off about cause I've been waiting for yonks for it to come out. Mind you I can't wait to see how they do Mrs Lob (me and my dad's pet name so that we didn't spoil it for me mum) in the next film, and the third with the path of the....I better stop before I spoil it for anyone (especially Kel). If your just gonna read the LOTRs books then I would definatly leave the prologe out cause that totally confuses you.
  9. Hiya Kel, thought I'd join up on this. But I'm not one hundred percent sure how many people actully like this. Oh and I'll make a join up character sheet for you it makes life easier. Okay from what I've read you need to post: Name: Age: Beyblade colour: Beybeast: Name of Beybeast: Bio: Personality: Right here's mine Kel: Name: Lori (who else) Age: 14 Beyblade colour: Gold Beybeast: Golden Dragon (I'm so predicable) Name of Beybeast: Lyndon Bio: Take too long to write it out. Personality: Kind and senciavtive but when it comes to battle she's as deadly as a knife. Oh Kelz you may want to post your character as well. And I know where we can actully buy Beyblades for only £6.
  10. In reply to an earlier post: Yeah Cera, only two digidestin + digimon from me. But I've got four other mates with two digidestin and parteners, so that take's it up to eight, then there's the additional character of one of them so that's nine and then I think, hence THINK, there are two badie digimon and a few self created armour and digivlutions as well so there are possibly 15 or more. And Natanimon I think that drawing is really classic. It really looks excellent. It's not in the least way bad, my drawing would look pathectic but I don't have a scanner which works so I can't post any of my 'art' work. Well is anyone going or in the process of making my charaters. don't worry about it too much. catch ya all later
  11. Could someone do me a fav. Me and my mates have created two fic series of digimon (we're a bit wacky put mildly) and I was wondering is someonw could possibly draw the characters. I'll only post my two for the time being (cause I'll have to get descent descriptions off my mates watch this space). Okay, my season two character: Name: Soulma Age: 14 Description: okay she had fairly long brown hair and blue eyes. she wears a pair of very pale jenes and a stripped tank style of top. Her digivice is attached to a piece of string which is around her neck. Digimon: Gatomon (called Cherry) but what makes her different from Kari's Gatomon is that she has a little tuff of purple hair on top of her head. And my S3 character: Name: Zara Age: 12 Description: She is small and has long ginger hair that is usually in plats. She wears grey jenes, a orangy/yellow top and a demin waist coat. Covering her hair is a demin scarf with a zig/zag pattern going across it. Blue eyes and light brown skin. Digimon: Calumon, no real difference from the one on the TV except she's got a very thin gold necklace on. I don't really mind what they turn out like. Cause I've done images of them and I want to see what yous think they should look like.
  12. Lynntilla: He might help us...after all he is the Queen's most trusted advisiour. but I can't be a hundred per-cent sure of it.
  13. [i] Ellsa woke up on the sands of somewhere which she did not know. She pushed herself up and looked around. Everywhere was green and fertile. Nothing out of place, it was strange. She looked down the beach and could see no one. she felt her heart sink. Could all of her friends really be lost at sea? She looked out and saw nothing but the water and the sky. She sank down onto her knees and cried, fearing for her friends. Then she heard a sound behind her, she turned and saw a small dog. It was black and had a white smudge on its chest. She beckond it towards her and held it tightly.[/i] ooc: Btw are we by any chance in the Undying lands?? Please someone tell me. Oh and Lauren are you still on Fire In the Sky?
  14. Eh...what are you on about. Luke never made it back to his home. I ain't trying to spoil it for anyone. That's why the books called Ledgend of Luke. It is Martin in Mossflower, cause Luke's story is told to him when they are re-building the place to make it into Redwall. Honest.
  15. Walnut

    I'm Lost

    Thanx guys for the help. Unfortunatly I've had to re-start cause a mate put a cheat on for all items and I got seriously board with it. So I thought what the heck and re-started, but this time with a walk through so I can discover what and where I need to go. Still I might even get lost with that, knowing what I'm like, so I might just have to post here again.
  16. ooc: Er...by any chance we are not heading West to the Undying lands are we??? I could be completely wrong but will someone please tell me. IC: [i] Ellsa stared out at the dark ocean. To her it was more magical than anything she'd ever seen. But as the sunlight dipped away she turned and took a long last look at Middle Earth. She knew that she might not live to see it again. But that was going to be part of the Adventure.[/i]
  17. [i] Lynntilla looked at Sirven with disbalife. He expected them to know a Sourcer?? What was he thinking? She looked towards the two dragons and grinned at seeing Labyrinth go down under Aerin but then nip his/hers (soz forgotten what Aerin is) ear playfully.[/i] Lynntilla: Well I don't know about the others but the only person I can think of is the Queens advisiour. He's meant to have some sort of power. Maybe he can help us out?
  18. Walnut

    I'm Lost

    Yeah I know all of that cause its happened. But where I'm lost is just after you meet Freya (I think that's her name) in the bar place and then you get to control Zidane. Erm...its the part with the ATS bit where you see Vivi get the moogle nut and Sithnew(the knight of pluto) eat that weird thing. any help as to where to go???
  19. Walnut

    I'm Lost

    Okay on FFIX I've just reached Libumun(or however you spell it) and I'm lost. I can walk around the area and I've got potions and some other things and I don't know where the heck I'm meant to go. Any help? Actully it'll probablly sound total sad but hey its my first ever FF game.
  20. On behalf of Kelz (i'm one of her mates in the real world) I'd like to say that she loves the books and has read all of them. I'll talk her when I next get the chance.
  21. Yeah someone else likes Marlfox as well. I heaven't read Martin the Warrior, but Mossflower is a good one. I think he's the first martin thats always in the tapsery. That is a real good book.
  22. [i] Ellsa shakes her head.[/i] Ellsa: Okay...but you're not going to like this. After a few days I went home to Gondor, to see my mother and half brother of sorts. When I got there I found her weeping. She'd learnt what happened to my father, my Elven father. Lalaith: What had happened? Ellsa: We thought that he had disappeared without trace on some sort of daft mission. It turned out that Sauruman(sp?) had caught him long ago. He turned my father into a Uki-hi (those wierd and seriously freaky Orc thingys). It was frightening to leanr that. I lost it. Lalaith: How d'you mean. Ellsa: I went insane...well almost. I didn't care about anything. I just wasn't thinking right. It was my brother who brought me back, got me back on the right track. Told me that I needed to go out into the world and find myself once again. I'm still looking...Lalaith do you think I'm myself? I mean the old Ellsa?
  23. Walnut

    Digimon RPG!

    Oh...its back up. Can a mate of mine join up. She's kinda new but she is just about as mad as digimon as I am if not madder.
  24. ooc: hiya Kelz...soz about that. Erm...Sorry to say this but the others aren't going to like this much as its been going a while but you can join one of my other RP's. Don't take offence but this ones been going quite a while. I'll PM you K?
  25. Okay you'll have to forgive me cause I've only played on FF9 but this still sounds fun so I'll join up. Name: Shadow (real name unknown as for now) Sex: F Age: 17 Height: 5'7 Weight: ? Hair + Eyes: Dark blue eyes and light almost white brown hair Description: Looks like most humans but with stutle(sp?) differances. Ears on top of her head which resemble wolves and a tail also like a wolf. (spieces thing probably learn later) Birthplace:? Background: Never known who her parents are. She was found by a group of thiefs at an early age and basically brought up by them. Personality: Fun loving and a tricky character to get along with at times, but when it comes to battle and serious things she is level headed and smart. Class: Thief Alignment: Good Miscellaneous Ability: unsure of (someone help me out here) Magic (Other): (this is going off FF9 cause its the only one I know) Flee Detect Equipment: Weapon Right Hand: dagger Weapon (shield) Left Hand: none Armor Head: none (due to ears) Armor Body: Leather shirt Armor Feet: boots Relic (only 1 to start): A pendant around her neck which allows her to Focus energy during a battle Items: Potions x5, Pheonix down x2, Eye drops x2, Antidote x1 Okay thats about it. If anythings wrong or I've made a mistake don't hesitate to correct me in any way.
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