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Everything posted by Walnut
[i] Alpha and Mangus had wandered around. Completely unsure of what to do. If they went back to Summer they would have no idea what was up with her and if they faced Maz without her....well things would get more than messy put mildly. They had come to a dark wood in the middle of no where. the tree's were bear of leaves and there was nosign of life. Even from the six bodies that were strunned on the floor. Alpha stopped and turned around.[/i] Alpha: Oh ****! I'm in trouble now Mangus: How...they're just a bunch of dead things that look like they've been dead for a few centries. Alpha: They have been dead for a few centries. They're the remains of the other minions. The ones I had to kill. Mangus: But why are they out of their graves? Alpha: She's trying to ressurect them
[i] Ellsa walked along recornising the area that she was in. She had wandered there many a time with her father long ago. She slightly shivered at remembering that. She had learned what had happened to her father and had lost it big time. Still, now was the time to forget all of that. The new fellowship was going after a new dark lord and she couldn't let the past effect her. She glanced up and thought for a few seconds that she saw someone in the trees. She stopped dead, and Lalaith who was walking behind, bumped into her.[/i] Lalaith: Oww...Ellsa whats up? Ellsa: I thought I saw someone or thing moving in the trees but it must've been the light playing tricks. Sorry. Lalaith: No problem...by the way where did you go after our first adventure? Ellsa: That is a long story my friend.....and....now is possibly not the time to tell it.
ooc: Sere is Alpha in the future or not? IC: [i] Maz stared at her minions. They were in a right state, they weren't even remotely viscious looking. They all appeared to be dead and were definatly not moving.[/i] Maz: Great....I bet Alpha had something to do with this.
Lynntilla: Yeah thats what I heard but I thought that they were a strictly non policety thing. [i] In the background, Labyrinth and Aerin crash about quiet happilly, and totally oblivisous to the fact that they had knocked down more than a few tree's.[/i]
ooc: So sorry , I've been busy this weekend. Saturday the Town Moore, Sunday Pre-sixteenth birthday party. Btw if we're heading to the Grey heavens I don't think we can come back to middle-earth. IC: [i]Ellsa as usual, was leaning looking out towards the sea. She oftern looked apon it with much interest, but not now. Something was definatly not right and she felt uneasy. At least most of the orginional fellowship were there, but she had hoped that Redgar would come. They had been good friends and it was a shame that they weren't going to meet one last time. She noticed Angel and wondered why she would be representing the same as herself. Humans and Elves???...Could she possibly be... She wanders over to Angel.[/i] Ellsa: Strange of you to be representing two cultures? Angel: Well I've got to. Ellsa: Why? Angel: urm....I'm.....a... Ellsa: Half-elf? Angel: How the..??? Ellsa: Ellsa Thirongle(can't remeber last name) at your service, half-elf of Gondor
ooc: Sorry Terran, but we're waiting on the Wing Leader to tell us that. But he hasn't posted yet. Annyoing!!
[i] Lynntilla watched Bazil fly high and laughted. Then a rather frequented moan came from the jewel. She grinned and closed her eyes. A five pointed white star appeared and started to spin until a large white sphere was formed and Labyrinth materialised out of it. Labyrinth shook her body and streched out her wings sending a light showering of gold out. She she slumped down and gently nosed Lynntilla, making a sound that sounded a mixture between a cat puring and a baby gurgleing(sp?).[/i] Lynntilla: You had a nice sleep? Labyrinth: Roar Lynntilla: You hungry? Labyrinth:[shakes her large head] Lynntilla: You want to play with the others? Labyrinth: [nods her head vigiously and accidently hits it off a tree] Lynntilla: All right but for the Gods sake don't try to latch onto anyones ear. [i] Labyrinth looks toward Aerin and does a rather stupid growl. Aerin in return does the same and they both lunged at eachother. Siren looks horrified and goes to try and break them up, but Lynntilla stops her.[/i] Siren: Lynntilla! They'll hurt eachother or kill themselves Lynntilla: Don't be silly, they're Dragons. They're just playing, you know like when you have play fights with younger siblings or mates. That's what they're doing. Just leave 'em. They won't hurt themselves or eachother.
[i] Ellsa rode on that night. It appeared that Sam and Abob had left some time earlier. She'd met up with Ilisma who had taken resisdence there and was quite happy to bring up her little family. It was dark and nothing moved. Ellsa reflected back to the time when she had feared the dark and quiet because of the Nazgul but those times were over and something else was buggin her. A feeling of dread but she would find out in due time. Mythanmyre giltered in the darkness, and Ellsa grinned. Her brother in Gondor was right. She needed to be with her friends if she was ever to become the old Ellsa again. She reached for her eye and felt the slight withered part of skin. She had hated becoming like she did but now she was on the road to recovery and she intended to keep it that way. It was early dawn when at last she reached the gate to the Elven Kingdom. Ellsa had heard of this place but never really bothered to come to it. She dismounted and knocked on the door. An elf appeared through a slit in it.[i] Vardareion: Who are you to come banging on the gates of Mythanmyre at this hour? Ellsa: [i]grins[/i] I'm Ellsa, I was informed about a concil that was due to take place here. I'm a friend of Samatha's. Vardareion: Oh right come in. [i] He opens the door and once Ellsa is in she feels completely different. In the distance she can just see a familair(sp?) running towards her.[/i]
[i] Ellsa dried her hands on her sleeve, as she usually did. She never cared how she behaved when no one was around. She looked down at her hands and tutted.[/i] Ellsa: Stupid mud, always gets stuck under the finger nails, but I'll leave it for now. Where am I actully? [i] She gets up and looks around and notices a few elven scouts around watching her. She then realises where she is.[/i] Ellsa: It's alright, I'm a friend of Lady Lauren. Elf 1: How do we know that? Ellsa: Does the name Ellsa ring a bell? [i] The rest of her time in Mirkwood is spent meeting with old friends and some distant realitons who she had no idea ever existed. She had asked to see the Lord and Lady of the wood but was told that they had left more than two days ago to see Samather in My(sorry forgot the spelling of the place). So after a night she bid farewell to her friends and headed out onto the dusty track. She headed east instinctively and came to Rivendell afte about two nights travelle. She rested there for a short time and then reclaimed her hourse, Zilver and trotted off to Hobbiton. She didn't really know why she was moving as fast as she could but something told her that something was wrong. She finally appeared at the Sire and went in search of Samwise Gamgee the second and Abob her old friends.[/i]
Lynntilla: Alright..everyone just carm down. It was a mistake but we've all made worse ones, and we learn by our mistakes. And that man was drunk so no one will belive him. Now lets get out of the snow and out of sight and sound, all right.
Yeah, go and make it into a fanfic. It should be a good read. Well I can't wait for this one to start and we've got a lot of new people on as well. Which should make life interesting.
[i]Lynntilla looks at Lauren with admiration. But to keep on Sirvens good side, helps her up and tells her off.[/i] Lynntilla: Lauren, that was exceedingly dangerous, don't you relasise what trouble we could have been in?[then quietly out the side of her mouth] Nice move, scared him stupid
[I] Alpha and Mangus slipped out through and back door and made sure that the doors and windows were locked and bolted.[/i] Alpha: That was too close Mangus: You're telling me, but what has happened and how do we sort things out? Alpha: How am I meant to know? I've never seen and Slayer go like this before. Mangus: Not one? It's gotta be something to do with that Mazine...but what? Alpha: I don't know.[she stops and thinks for a few seconds] There actully might be someone who can help us Mangus Mangus: Eh?..someone would help a couple of vampires, and a rather deluisional(sp?) Slayer. Alpha: Yes, The monks Mangus:[confused look] Alpha: The one's who freed me from the cross. The one's who I said I would help if Maz ever came back. Mangus: Any idea where they possibly are! Alpha: You don't happen to have a Yellow Pages on you by any chance, do you? *~* [i] Mazine walked along a stretch of dirt track. She had learned from a couple of vamp and a very drunk deamon that the Graves of the Dammed were hidden in a secrete place. so secrete that any moron could find it. she came to a small clearling and looked at the ring of five stones. Each one bore a name crudley written. Beta, Caros, Delta, Elf and France they were called. there was one grave missing, being Alpha's but a guess was that she had struck a deal with someone in order to servive. She walked foreward and chanted a spell under her breath. No one could have missed the effects. The night sky turned silvery grey and black lightening struck the ground. The Servants were arising, the Time of The Spawn of the Queen of the Dammed had come.[/i]
ooc: Okay, okay Sere. I will, but give me a chance I've been busy for some time now. IC: [i] Lynntilla shakes her head slightly and then looks a Sirven, desperatly wanting to know what is going on.[/i]
Hey Lauren, I'm gonna come back onto this one cause it was an excellent RP. Name: Ellsa (duh who else would I be) Age: Cannot remeber first age so I'll make her about 35 in human years, don't know how old it would be considered in Elvish terms Race: Half-elf Wepons: Sword and poision dart shoter Bio: Ellsa is still the same as she was, but with a dark secreat. She learned what happened to her father and nearly wen't insane. But after some time with her half Brother in Gondor she regained her sences and started to wander the land looking for adventures. Unintentinally(sp?) she finds herself in Mirkwood and learns of her friends Lauren and Lalaith going to Mythanmyre, for some unknown reason. Smelling that trouble is afoot she travelle's towards the place. Unknown to her someone follows her...(Lauren I'll give you a hint to who it is on FITS) Appearance: Tall and slim, with darker skin, her eyes are duller in colour, wears dark green trousers and tan coloured Tunic, her hair is longer than before and tied up to keep it from her face.
[i] Lynntilla grins at seeing Lauren, and quietly nudges her.[/i] Lynntilla: That was a good trick to pull mate, I thought Sirven was going to kill you for a second. Lauren: I've always known Dwarfy here. He knew me the second I walked in. Lynntilla: Dwarfy? Oh you mean Thorgrim here? hehe...never heard him called that before. [i] She takes another sip of her glass and nearly bolts out of her chair. she places the glass down and shakes her head and looks slightly startled. Then sorts herself out and looks at the glass closely.[/i] Lynntilla: Thorgrim! Heat crystals? You're dead Thorgrim: Heh..now you cool down lassy. I musta spilt some in. [i] Lynntilla rolls her eyes and looks towards Sirven.[/i] Lynntilla: C'mon Sirven, what's so important that you have to get us all up at dawn for then?
Okay lets start this RP up. [b][u]Dragon Warriors[/b][/u] Me = Lynntilla with Labyrinth Sirven_2002 = Sirven with Flarebrass - Wing Leader Lauren = Lauren with Bazil Sere = Selen with Nani Stormwing = Siren with Aerin [b][u]Children Of Light[/b][/u] Mist = Mara Heartlock in the Second dimention Terran = Endran Kalarn in the First dimention [b][u]Advisiour[/b][/u] Harlequin = Lacroix [i] The fields hung heavy with the morning dew. A light mist hung apon the ground as if un-rapping the city of Qualtras. The city was immeansly beautify with long spireling(sp) buildings that disappeared into the sky. The sun raised herself slowly over the city, the early morning light reflecting off the polished surfaces. The street was deserted and no one stired as Lynntilla made her way down. The snow lay thick and heavy and she could see her breath. She pulled her leather and fur colader(sp?) coat closer. She spotted the 'Eagle-eyed' Inn, a meeting place for most of the locals and also for her friends. She entered and nodded towards Thorgrim, a dwarf bar tender. He grinned and got a tall thin glass down from the shelf.[/i] Thorgrim: Well, missee, another call for your group? Lynntilla: Yes, my friend, for Sirven's group, not mine Thorgrim:[places the filled glass in front of her] Well get that down your throught. It'll make you feel warmer and if old Sirven tell's you off then just blame me. [i] Lynntilla starts to sip the contence of the glass, reliseing that it was Futiente, a strong non-alcholic drink which somehow made the drinker warm up more quickly, and waited for her friends to arrive.[/i]
I'm going to start up this RP. Look for a thread entitled Fire In the sky and enjoy.
Leonardo as Miria Trunks??? No thanks, no offence but I don't like him. Personally I could see Jackie making a very good Baddie, or wierd henchman who changes sides. It's a shame that Bruce Lee isn't around any more he could make a really excellent fighter and they wouldn't need to speed up the film for the fast fights, caus in Enter the Dragon they had to use slowed down film and you still can't see him move.
Wow...practically got all the people in one day. Not Bad. Right this is information for the DW's. I've decided to make us appear more like a proper group and I'm going to post a Wing Leader. Now please don't anyone think I'm being favourite or sexist about this, I'm going partly by the age of the character and the age of the Dragon. And plus Dragon Units need a leader to keep them in order, so Sirven is Wing Leader, but You have to remember that he is older than all of us girls, and probably more used to dealing with Dragons. Oh all right...stop complaining. Look he's going to be training us to be Wing Leaders ourselves, so please don't leave this RP or tell me off. We will all have power over others but we're not fully trained Okay. And Sirven if you are dead snobby about it, I'll give the post to someone else alright? Right erm...only two more Children of Light needed and then we can set off.
Okay this is going to be based very roughtly on a fanfic that I'm still writing. But I'm only borrowing aspects of it. Basically there are three Dimentions, being Ours (first dimention), a futureistic one(with a load of computers and robots yadadadya, commonly called the Second dimention) and a sorta medievil land with castle's a buildings made out of Marble and magic, basically a fantasy land(Third dimention and the main place) The basic plot is that the Queens Advisiour has summond the Black Dragons to destroy the Third dimention. But no-one suspects him, because he keep on coming up with ideas to protect the city of Qualtras. Five (me +4 others) of the finest Dragon Warriors have been asked to go and find the three Children of the Light, who were sent to the different dimentions and had their memories changed. But they only have a certain time to do it in before the Black Dragons destroy their world. Okay only 8 people will be on this RPG. And I'm afraid the characters are first come first served. I will allow four other Dragon Warriors, three Children of Light and someone can be the Royal advisiour Who is really evil. Character Sheet: Type: (Dragon Warrior, Child of Light, Advisiour) Name: Age: Description: (This bit only applies to Warriors) Name of Dragon: Age: Kept in: (e.g Ring, necklace, chocker, bracelet, watch ect) Colour of jewelle: (Any colour but don't copy someone else) Descrition: (This bit only applies to Children of Light) Dimention in: (please don't allow all three in the same one, two in one and one in the other one is fine) Artifical Bio: (what was placed into your head to keep you unnoticable) Real Bio: (what happened before you were sent away) (This bit is only for Advisiour) Magic abilities: How do you control: (black Dragons) Why: (why do you want to destroy the Third dimention) Okay, if more people sign on than the number I will go on posts. Mine would be: Type: Dragon Warrior Name: Lynntilla Age: 18 description: tall, with long brown hair, blue eyes. wears a silver pair of trousers with a light grey top and blue shash (to show rank. I'll sort that out later when I've got the other four) Name of Dragon: Labyrinth Age: 8 (you recieve the Dragons when they first hatch so none of them are to be older than 15, K?) Kept in: Chocker (Jewelle's are fitted into whatever) Jewelle: Purple Description: look at my banner and imagin the Dragon is white with a grey neck and tail with tear-drop pattern on the grey sections and her wings are split into a gold and silver repeatingpattern inside a band of white.
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Walnut replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
Oh well, this was actually alot of fun. God, it was only about two mounths or so since we started it. It feels like a lot longer time. Well hopefully we'll meet up in a different RPG. -
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Walnut replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
Abob, can you still get onto Burning Zone Forums? Soz if this is spamming but its mega anyoing on my part cause I can't get onto the blooming thing. -
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Walnut replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
ooc: Abob, outta curiousity can you still get onto BZ forums? IC: [i] Ellsa watches as the others try to stop the bleeding. She wishes there was a way that she could help but there wasn't one.[/i] Ellsa:[to herself] What would you do in a situation like this mother? [i] She looks up at the sky and suddenly remembers. She looks towards Nev and tries to reassure her[/i] Ellsa: Shh...its alright. He'll make it Nev: Don't be silly, we're too far away. Ellsa: Maybe by walking but not by flight Lauren: What? What did you just say? Ellsa: Its far quicker to go the way the crow flies than the hare runs Lalaith: What? Nev: She's talking about the Eagles. We get the Eagles to help us. Lauren: They're too far away though, they won't hear us. Ellsa: Ilisma... Ilisma: I've already called Ellsa, they shall soon be here. [i] Soon the sound of flapping wings can be heard. The look up with hope rekindled in their hearts as Hawtone and several others appear in the blue sky.[/i] -
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Walnut replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
[i] The flames of the lava rage eigher side of them. It was one of the most frightening experiences any of them had gone through. A shudder passed through them.[/i] Abob: Well here goes [i] He moved out onto the ledge with his arm extended. The Ring clearly visable, held between his thumb and forefinger. Suddenly there was a sweal of pain and fright. Ellsa spun around to see a armour clad figure. He was tall and it was not possible to see his eyes or his face. In his clutches he held the teriffied form of Nev. Lalaith ran to grab her, but Ellsa stopped him.[/i] Ellsa: Lalaith no. He'll kill her for certain Lalaith: Let her go Ilisma: Come to your sences, that is the lord Sauron and he will defeat you if you are not careful. [i]Ellsa looks at Ilisma, completely stunned. Ther is a flash of Green light and suddenly there stands a young woman. She has long brazen hair and blue eyes. Her skin is tanned and she wears a long green dress. A staff of Ashwood topped with a crytal flower is held gently in her hands.[/i] Sam: Ilisma? Ilisma: Yes Sam, I am Ilisma, or she was me. Lauren: What do you mean? Who are you really? Ilisma: I am the Witch of Mother Earth, thats what the people of Gondor called me. Ellsa: You are the Witch of the Earth? Ilisma: Yes, dear child. And I know what each of your hearts desire. But as for now...[she turns and the light fades. The woman now looks old and wears tatters. But anyone could tell that she was powerful]...And now Sauron we will finish what we started years ago before you locked me away. Relase the child and prepare to face your impending doom.