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Everything posted by Walnut
ooc: Sorry didn't realise that. I'm gonna post as Al now, since Carren Heart hasn't shown up. IC: [i] Alpha looked out at the pale moon. The stars twinkled brightly in the pitch black sky. Usually Alpha like the night, but now she regarded it with fear. Her old master was free and was probably going to try and lock her for what she did to the remaining servants. Mangus sat in complete silence. Alpha had told him everying about Mazine and her past and he had taken it rather well.[/i] Alpha: Mangus, you alright? Mangus: huh...yeah I'm fine Alpha: You're not. Look I'm sorry about not telling you before, but I couldn't I was sworn under oath not to tell anyone, if they be alive or dead. Mangus: But why did you say you would help them fight her? You were her most loyalist servant, you stayed by her through the others mutiniy. You were... Alpha: Shut up Mangus...I [i]was[/i] all those things to her. She suspected me of being the one who started the others breaking away. But it wasn't me, but she wouldn't listen. She locked me up in a cross. Can you imagin the pain...the suffering...the longing to get out of that thing? When they said they'd relasise me I took it. Because I wanted to get out, I wanted to hurt her and I wanted to have my own dead life. There was no other way...[she starts to cry] Mangus: Oh Alpha, I'm sorry. It's just that I never guest that you were her servant at one time. But the deamonds and vampires do not know her, she soon might strike and bring the old tales true. What do you surgest we do? Alpha: Find Summer and explain all of this to her.
Hey Sere, you can have me as your gardian, no problemo
On Cartoon Network (UK) there have been advertisments for Beyblades. Now me and my mates will try and get into any, and I mean ANY aime series, and we've tried finding info on the Web but there appears to be none regaurding the TV show or its characters or storyline. Can anyone tell me what it is all about or give me a fairly desenct web link. please:)
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Walnut replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
[i] Ellsa had felt sorry for leaving the Eagle's but she knew that it would be impossible for them to servive in this dreaded land. She had asked Fawtone to make sure that the Eagle's father looked after Nev until there came a time when they would come and collect her. Lalaith wandered looking anixiously.[/i] Ellsa: If you fear for Nev, Lalaith then you needn't worry. I found her and she will be staying with the Eagles, well out of harms way. Lalaith: Thank you. I do worry about her Ellsa: Right now I'm worried about Mount Doom. For if the ring has been reforged we shall have to get it, befor the fires will quench it forever. Ilisma: I fear we might be to late. The Ring is already finished, I can feel it. Wait....Sam? -
Yep Lord Brocktree was the last one to be relased. I've still got to read it. I think there's nearly fifteen books. The one's I've got are: Redwall (half-read) Mossflower (really good) Salamanastron (really good) Plears of Lutura (first ever book and one of my biggest favs) Ledgend of Luke (enjoyed throughtout) Mariel of Redwall (half-read) The Bellmaker (one of my favs) The Long Patrol (really good) Lord Brocktree (still need to read) Marlfox (biggest fav) I've also read Mataeio(sp?) as well, which was good. heck I like em all.:rotflmao:
Ooc: Erm...Sere, Mazine or Maz, is Alpha's old 'friend' So where on earth do you want me to post something, about her? Future of present? Btw..does anyone actully know Carren Heart? I'll have to PM him to find out whats going on, but if anyone of you do actully know him then could you please ask him to post.
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Walnut replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
[i] The troll is joined by the other two and they bear down apon the friends. The Orcs hang back but keep on firing arrows to try and distrack them.[/i] Lalaith: Damm..these things don't give up do they! Abob: It appears not but keep on going and we might be able to stop them. Ilisma: Are you crazy! Not even my magic affects them. [sends a purple bolt into one who looks confused for about five seconds and then strikes out at them with more power than before] [i] Suddenly one of the Trolls gives an almightly yell and raises his club high enought, for a killing blow. The friends gather round back to back and prepare for the impact. Just as the Troll started to move his club down, a sharp pair of talons locked onto his shoulders, while a shape beak sank through his head. It waved and then promtly fell of the troll to its left, killing it as well. The eagle, who had dispacted from the creature sent up an high pitched cry and suddenly twenty-fire others came flying in. Three took on the third and probably most senciblesest troll, while the remainder attacked the orcs with much glea and abundents. The first Eagle looked towards the group.[/i] Eagle: I am Hawtone, daughter of Fawley, Master of the Eagles are you friends of Ellsa Eaglefriend? -
[i] Mazine was slumped in a corner of the club. She wasn't in a good mood. All of her servants had been destroyed, except that traitors Alpha, but she worked for the slayer now. She needed to find new servants and fast. Her brothers couldn't wait too long to be ressurected. She scanned the packed place and notices Saethi in one corner. Maybe she could become friends with this part deamon, maybe. She got up and walked over to where he was.[/i] Maz: Hi. Can some dejected vamp join you?
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Walnut replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
[i] Ellsa scanned the vast area of ground. She could see nothing. Fawley, the egale spotted something.[/i] Fawley: Friend Ellsa, look towards Mordor. Tell me what your young eyes can see [i] Ellsa squints and makes out a faint black shape and imeadatly recornises it.[/i] Ellsa: It's a Nazgul. Fly towards it, Fawley it might have caught one of my friends. [i] The eagle sored high and fast and came apon the Nazgul with terrifiying speed. Ellsa drew her blade and took a swipe at the confused villan. It wailed and fell from the creature. There was a second scream that was too young to be that of a Nazgul. Ellsa was just about to tell Fawley to dive when the bird went down and hooked the small figure gently in his strong claws. He circled and found a suitable landing place. As soon as they were down, Ellsa jumped down and pulled the small figure of Nev towards her. The poor elfling was shaking and weeping something terrible.[/i] Ellsa: Shh...it okay Nev. It's me, Ellsa Nev: I was so scared..I thought I was going to .. Ellsa: Shh..its alright. Nothing will happen to you anymore. I'm hear, with Fawley. Nev: Who's he? Ellsa: A great eagle of these lands. He won't let you come to harm. I promise. -
I wouldn't want to have another Pikachu, I would evolve the newly caught one to a Raichu because my mate loves them. Thanx everyone. I finally caught Growlith, I got the teeth and strenght and now I stuck trying to work out the bloody rock bit on Seaform Islands.
ooc: You two are sick minded, you do know that don't you? Just to let everyone know I'm still around but I'm waiting for Carren Heart to post before Alpha shows up and Mazine is proving to be a bit harder to play.
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Walnut replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
[i] Ilisma jumps back, slightly startled, and then breaths a sigh of relife.[/i] Ilisma: Oh..its yous. Finally I've found some of you Abob: Where did you dissapear to all of a sudden? Ilisma: Temperal void, my friends. Wraiths usually create them, its the only kind of magic that I cannot stop Lalaith: But aren't you a witch? Ilisma: Yes, but there are different levels of magic. As well as good and evil. It is far harder to counter act temperal voids when created by those evil sods. +++ [i] The wraith gripped Ellsa's arms tightly, even though she was struggeling. Ellsa raised her elbows and sent one stright back into his stomach, if they indeed had one. The wraith let out something that sounded like a mone and lost control of the winged beast. It turned violently to the side and both of them fell towards the earth. When Ellsa came around she found herself on a large flat open space. she got up and saw a great Eagle resting. She grinned and gently poked it. It awoke with a start.[/i] Eagle: Must you awaken me like that? Ellsa: I'm sorry my friend. But I do have to find the rest of my group, do you think you might be able to help me find them, Hawawy? Hawawy: Yes, friend Ellsa, some of the younger one's I sent out earlier to try and find them. They have not come back so we must unffortuantly find them the hard way. [i] Ellsa nodded and climbed onto his back. Soon they were flying over the land, searching for the others.[/i] -
There are two plears of Lutra? That I never knew. I own about nine of them. I've read most of them all the way through, but theres a couple which I need to finish. At the minute I've started re-reading Mariel of Redwall, cause I didn't finish it. I've still got to read Redwall, and Lord Brocktree. Triss? That one sounds wierd, any idea when its due to be released?
ooc: No prob, your mate can join up.
I know that they're aimed at a younger auidence but I think that they are really cool. My bigest favorites have to to be 'Plears of Lutra' and 'Marlfox'. What's your favorite book/character or do you just like them all?
[i] Mazine scowls. How could she mistake these two pathetic excuses for her servants. She glares stright at Davien.[/i] Mazine: huh...I needn't bother with the likes of yous. But if you're going after the slayer and that idiot Alpha, then I wouldn't bother. Cathos: Why? They cause too much trouble in this town and the sooner their gone the better. Mazine: [laughts] Have you not noticed that the Slayer has not been around, and her [i]pets's[/i] haven't been seen in the last couple of nights? Spydra: What are you on about? Mazine: Take a look around you sugar. Can't you feel the change. Mind you, you proably have no idea of the Book of Calantine, do you? [i] the others look at her completely baffled.[/i] Mazine: Maybe, if your lucky enought and find that traitor's Alpha before I do, then you might get your answers. But as for now, I must be gone. I have old friends to ressurect as well as family. [i] she picks herself up and heads towards the door. Davien goes to stop her but she turns and wacks in stright in the jaw. She leaves and disappears down the street.[/i] ooc: Okay, just in case any of you are confused over who Mazine is, PM me and I'll explain as best as I can.
Er..hi again. On Yellow, I'm really stuck cause I don't know a couple of things. First of all how do I get STRENTH to teach to one of my pokemon, secondly where do I fine the wardens teeth and thirdly where can I find another Pikachu/Riachu and a Growlith. Please help me out.
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Walnut replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
ooc: Thanx a bunch...not IC: [i] Ellsa shakes her head and slightly laughts[/i] Ellsa: Abob, Witch hobbits are not stories to frighten children. I used to believe the same as you once did. It is true that hobbits aren't generally seen to have magical powers, but like all spieces some do. Dwarfs, Elves, Humans they all have Witches and Wizards. Ilisma here calls herself a Witch hobbit because she knows how to use the magic. But she uses GOOD magic only. Ilisma: techicnally, I sholdn't have the power at all. But, luck cums in meany a form. I hate the name Witch, it makes me sound evil stright off. But no other word exists. -
ooc: Okay thats fine with me. And I hope that you enjoy wherever your going Sere. And don't worry about it Carren I know what it can be like trying to get to a computer sometimes. IC: [i] Mazine woke up with a start. That dream was so realistic and frightening. But what did it matter, those stupid munks were long dead and Alpha was propaply burnt to a crisp. She climbed out of the bed and picked up the bag. WIthout hesatation she walked out of her appartment and out into the cold night air. She had to find the graveyard of her servants. She knew that it was probably a cursed place and no one went there unless they were totally stupid but who cares. She wandered aimlessly, killing anyone who wolf-wistled at her and came to an estate. She walked down and could clearly sence the presence of a fire deamon and another vampire. And something else. She walked until she reached the house and looked. A grin appeared on her dark lips.[/i] Mazine: Ah..two of my old servants. I shall wait they will appear soon enought or I could always knock on the door. Let's see any death around here lately![she closes her eyes and focues] One, a young man by the name of Luck. Lets see I shall be his girlfriend who...Oh just make it up as you go along. C'mon Princess time for some fun. [i] She hitches the bag onto her shoulder and walks stright up to the door and knocks. She puts on an anatious face, and waits.[/i]
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Walnut replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
[i] Ellsa, watched the army with interest. How dare Sauron attack the home of her mother. He would pay greatly for that. She turned and followed the others and recalled a distant memory, which her father had told her. It would take days to reach that vilve place but she carried on. Nev was restless and becoming figaty.(sp?)[/i] Abob: Will you stop wriggleing, Nev Nev: I want to walk though Abob: Fine get down. [i] Nev gets down and trots beside the group. Ellsa looks at her and notices that she seems to be able to recornise the different types of plants and various animals that succurrie away. She hears a sound like that of a pony trotting, and grins. She turns and see's someone riding very slowly behind them.[/i] Ellsa: Alright Ilisma, I know its you Ilisma: Ahh I see that your ability to recornise me hasn't changed Ellsa; And neighter have you by the sounds of things [i] The others turn, swords and bows drawn.[/i] Lauren: Who are you? Ellsa: Whoa..Lauren clam down. She's an old friend of mine Sam: How can you be sure? Ellsa: Simple, I'm surprised that you do not know her yourself Sam. Lauren may I intorduce Ilisma Thistledown the Witch-hobbit -
About two years ago my dad heard that they were planning to make a Red Dwarf movie. I've tried discovering info and only found what the plot maybe like. Anyone got any info and/or websites?
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Walnut replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
[i] Ellsa struggled against the ropes on her wrists to no avail. One of the travelles in the cart, jabed her lightly. Ellsa turned and looked at the young hobbit maid and nodded. There was no mistaking her. She and Ellsa had been friends a long time ago. She looked in the tree's and spotted webs. She froze that could only mean one thing. Spiders, big blooming Spiders. Which was strange cause she had thought they only lived in Mirkwood but the world was changing. She also spotted a hawk, different from the others she had seen but she knew it had to be from Rohan. It looked down and seemed to understand because it turned around and dived out of view.[/i] -
ooc: Okay just to let everyone know what is going on. Sere is posting her sub plot to explain to us where summer is and it also shows the possible future of our present. I will post in the present and see what Sere posts. Please everyone read so that when she does eventually get back to the present she won't have to explain everything ten times over. :D IC: [i]Alpha groaned and pushed her self up. Her head was spining and she could feel blood dripping down the side of her face. She gazed at the remains of the book. It was torn and shades of writing where all over them. Alpha knew what happened and now there was no one to stop it. She looks up and sees the night has thinned out. Dawn approaches and unless she finds some dark serlcueded place she knows that she will die. She gets up and stumbles to the end of the alley and looks around.[/i] Alpha: Damit I'm too far away [i] she stops and remembers Mangus's place. It wasn't far from here and if she was quick enought she might be able to make it back in time. She ran down the streets looking left and right and seeing pages all over the place. Tears form in her eyes as she remembers what her master did to her last time she was out. She runs and trips over, removing the scab of her burn on her left arm. more blood flows. She see's Mangus's place and stumbles towards it. She bangs lightly on the door and falls in a crumpled heap. She looks towards the east and can see the sky turning red. She brings her knee's into her chest and cries.[/i] +++ [i] On the other side of town, a car is set a blaze and the humans sucked dry. The woman laughts and heads down the street.[/i] ???: Hmm..things have changed alot. I think a new style is in mind. [i] She walks along and finds a modern shop. In the front window there is a black slim line dress with squares cut out of the sides. The girl takes a liking to it and reaches out against the glass, which shatteres at her touch. She walks in and removes the dress from the stand, and slips into the changing rooms. when she comes out she feels different. She looks at the mirror and can only see the dress. She mutters a curse and it shows her reflection, because of a deamon power that now set apon it. She looks at herself and changes her light frizzy blond hair to jet balck and smooth in no time at all. She then applies black eye-shadow and lipstick and slightly whitens her face. she then takes a wolf necklase and puts it on. She grinned, the perfect 21st century Princess of the Dammed. Of cause there were her brothers but she wanted some fun of her own first. She grabed a black bag and smashed the till open. She found over three hundred and fifty pounds (cause we're in London) and stashed it. She then grabbed accessorites and some othe rcloths and headed out into the night. She wandered around and came to a reasonable hotel. She waled in and looked at the recpetionist.[/i] ???: I would like a room receptionist: Certainly, misses, Your lucky we only have one room left, but its twenty a night. ???: Fine, I'll buy it off you. [throws down two hundred] recption: Y..Yes miss, here's the key. [hands it over] What name shall I put you under? ???: Call me Masizna
They were meant to have the fingers out, thats why Goten had it wrong in the first place.
erm...Shibatku, I only watched it once and noticed it. And Piromonkey.. There are different types of it. Not all of us thing of things back-to-front. SOme people have trouble spelling and writing which I am. So think before you post...because I'm certified as dislexic.