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Everything posted by Walnut

  1. ooc: Lucky sod. The farthest I've been with school is Paris. Which was for a week and it was good fun. IC: [i] Ellsa fell awakadly as the man dumped her onto the ground. Two of his fellows tied her up and gaged her. The man turned to see the troll fall and cursed. Manx1: Dam thing, come on we can't stay here. They know that she's not with them. Manx2: Fine. Put her on the cart. leave no trace...move [i] the men complied and through her onto a cart. In it were several others. But one of them looked strangly familiar.[/i] Manx3: Hey check out whats in her bag. Prizes galore. Manx2: Leave it fool, it will be of no use to us. [i] the man dropped the bag carelessly and followed the trail of others.[/i]
  2. sounds cool count me in: Name: Labyrinth (Dragon) Gender: Female Age: young for a dragon, roughtly 250 years old Colour: White with a grey neck and tail. On the grey is a serlection of blue tears. In human form, she has long grey hair with blue strikes in. She tends to wear white top and trousers and has a deep purple necklase on Past: Lived in the mountains of (can't think of anywhere at the moment) from hatching. But left in search of a more suitable living area because she became to big. She is fair tempered but if angered as deadly as a Death himself.
  3. ooc: Okay everyone. Please can a couple of you post in both the present and future just to keep things going. It might take a little while for things to work out, but basically Summer has been transported six years into the future which seems all hunky dory for all evil in the present...but Alpha's mates going to make an appearance and lets say don't mess with her. I'll post in different colours to show present and future as well as my new SERIOUSLY EVIL GAL. HAHAHAHAHAHAH...... IC: (black is in the future) [i]Alpha slumped against a wall. Things were not as they ought to be but she had no time to try and work things out. She had to find Summer to try and work out what the hell was going on. She spotted the building where she knew humans were kept for 'food storages' or prisonment and evenutal public killing and eating. Typical of her old master. She pulled a black hood over her head and headed stright into the building. The recseptionist was sleeping soundly in a black shaped coffin. Alpha slamed her fist into the bell and he fell out with a look of serprise. Recptionist: What can I do for you? Alpha: (changes her voice) I have come to find suitable food for my mate. He's becoming weaker by the minuet Receptionist: Well we only have a few humans in stock. I'm sure you'll find someone. [he signals to a vamp standing at the door] Hey Mintir, take this lady to the prisons will you.. [i] Alpha nods her head and follows Mintir down the passage. He shows her many cells filled with terrified people and feel's sorry for them. Each time he asks her weather they are any good she simply repiles that they are not fresh enought. They come to a prison and as Alpha looks down she can clearly see two females in the room and one of them she recornises immeadatly.[/i] [blue] In the past... The books pages floated on the wind. A young woman stood in the alley way. She was tall and had long blond hair. She wore a dress of white and had large colourless eyes. She wandered down until she reached the road and looked about her. Everything was different to when she had last been out... but that made things feel alot better. Now to find her servants and punish that failer Alpha for once and for all. She walked stright out into the road and did not hear the car that was speeding towards her.[/blue]
  4. eh..only one small problem with that...all the other times (Old Gotenks a laught, and Gotenks a little brat) they had the figers not the fists, so it was Goten that had it wrong. PS soz about my spelling of piccallo but me dislexic
  5. [i] They ran for a few minuets, the cold dred of fear pushing them on. Ellsa dearly wished that there was something that she could do. And then she recalled...[/i] Ellsa: *whistles to the hawk* Go to your master, fly with all the speed you can muster, fly now [i] Ellsa watches as the hawk disappears in the darkness. Then unexpectly she turns and stop's dead in her tracks. All she could see was emptyness(sp?), no sign of the Black Riders. She turned back around and felt an ice cold hand grab her stomach and cover her mouth. The figure quietly pulled Ellsa away from the others, who had no idea what had happened...[/i]
  6. On Saturday, my mate brought around a recored video of DBZ for us to watch and I saw the Episode called Gotenks is born. When they first tried to fuse, Picallo said that it was Trunk's fault because he had his hands in fists but if you looked carefully it was Goten who had the fists. Anyone else notice this little mistake?
  7. [i]Ellsa looked up at Lauren and grinned. She turned her attention to the hawk that was on a nearby branch. It seemed uncontent with waiting, and Ellsa knew what it wanted but she had no news to send. Nev looked up at her..[/i] Nev: Miss Ellsa, erm..how do you know so many different peoples and other things? Ellsa: Nev call me Ellsa, please, I sound like a governess or some posh person's daughter. As for how I know, lets say that I've travelled some fair distances. Nev: [pleading eyes] Where? please I want to learn more about this world, please tell me of the other relms, please! Ellsa: [laughting] Your strange, but alright, what do you want to know?
  8. ooc: Sere put Alpha into the sub-story because she is trying to find Summer, cause she's gonna be in BIG trouble with an old friend of hers so to say. PM me whats going to happen in brife and I'll tell you who Al's in trouble with, K? IC: [i]Alpha ran down the street. Where oh where is she? Alpha wondered to herself. She changed direction and tripped up, the book fell directly in front of her, open at the exact centre. A hazy blue light filtered out of it. Alpha snapped the book shut and got up but something didn't feel right...[/i]
  9. [i] Ellsa looks down.[/i] Ellsa: You douht yourself too much my friend. What you did today would be what any father would naturally do. Lalaith: You think? Ellsa: I know. It's what my father did for me on many occassions. [i] There is a call of a hawk and they see one circling above. Ellsa whistles and it lands on her out-streatched arm.[/i] Abob: Another creature to join our pact? Ellsa: Nope, he's been following us for several days. Herity must have gone back to Gondor, with the message. [she removes a note and reads it] Or then again, maybe not. Lauren: What do you mean? Ellsa: This is Rohan script. Don't worry they're friends. They helped the origional fellowship out years ago. My father knew them well. We will probably meet them along the way to Gondor. ooc: Look, the Riders of Rohan or the Rohorrium, are in the second book and the second film. Forgive me if I keep bringing in things you don't know about but I'm a Tolkein freak and have read all three of the books. The only thing I haven't learned is to speak full Elvish, yet.:)
  10. [i] Ellsa grins. She's used to the orc's but wishes that they wouldn't keep attacking. She fired off several arrows from her cross-bow, and suddenly stopped and listend. She was sure she could hear something beyond the battle and by the looks of these orc's they weren't trying to attack them but flee from something and the group was an interferance. She fired off another arrow and then realised that it was her last. She drew here sword and called to Lauren..[/i] Ellsa: Lauren, I don't think that they were sent to hurt us. I think I can hear horsemen about half a league away. And it might be what is left of the Rohirrim.
  11. Ellsa: You'll scare her to death with that story, my friend. But I supose she'd better learn, if she is to come with us. [i] Ellsa digs around in her bag and removes of all things a small wooden pipe of a fine make. She hunts for a few more seconds and then sights.[/i] Ellsa: Sam lad have you got any Old Toby on you? Sam: Yes, you can have some if you want[hands it over] Ellsa: Thanks. [fills up the pipe and starts to light it. Nevorelie looks at her with the most suprise] What? Oh this, don't worry its an old habbit I picked up on the road. Nevorelie: I thought that no female could smoke a pipe Redgar: You learn something new everyday, my little friend. More than some others anyway. Ellsa: Oh shut up, Redgar. By now you could have been in one of the finest elvish kindoms in this land, well whats left of it, if you had not made us go through those flipping mines. Lalaith: [laughting] You two are so alike its unbelivable. Ellsa+Redgar: We are not! [i] the rest of the group burst into laughter and after a few seconds so does Ellsa. Redgar sits trying to look stubborn but cannot help it and ends up laughting as well.[/i] Ellsa: Well, Lalaith are you gonna start telling young Neveil here, or are you gonna laught until next year?[she blows a small smoke ring]
  12. [i] the day drags on and soon dusk falls. Alpha awakes with the drawing of the night. She pulls herself up and looks down at the burns on her arms. They are black and would take some time to heal. She picks up a jacket to cover the marks, and then notices the book.[/i] Alpha: Strange, that thing looks as good as new? [i] she walks over and picks the book up. She flicks through and stares in utter amaziment. All of the pages are empty. a thought struck Alpha. She snapped the book closed and headed for the door. She had to find Summer and warn her, for there was only one reason why the book would be like that, and only Alpha knew why.[/i]
  13. I remember finding something like this on a name generator for Star Wars. And it was excatly the same. My Jedi name is Ellsa Dacra. Which I can pronance. My porn name would be rediculase, it would be either, Inky Gowanburn or Sweep Gowanburn???
  14. Ellsa: [in bewilderment] Are you crazy? Those things are in-killable. It was only by luck that the Fellowship of the Ring escaped from this thing. Samather: Well what do you expect us to do? Ellsa: The most sencible thing possible. All: What? Ellsa: RUN!
  15. Okay on Yellow, I've finally got the item finder and its down right annyoing. I know how to select it and here it go bleep, bleep, bleep but when I keep on pressing the 'A' button in the area I'm in there is nothing there. How do you find items and pick them up???
  16. ooc: Hello anyone noticed that this guy has just sent a flaming fire ball at me!!! IC: [i] The fireball was red hot and hit Alpha full on. She cried out in pain and slumped to the floor.[/i]
  17. [i] Ellsa shakes her head. Didn't they know about the cave elves. Obvisorly(sp?) not. But she decided the better to keep her toung. She noticed one of the crowed and imeadatly knew who it was. He must've recornised her as well for at that very moment he stood up and bowed.[/i] ?>?: Your Highness, your eyes decive you. True there are some elves and humans, a dwarf and a hobbit as I believe they are called. But one of them you should remember well, for she is neither Elf nor Human. King: Telzar, I do not remember asking for you to voice your opionion in this court. But now you come to mention it, I recornise a name... Telzar: My Lord, I remember the girl well. And so should you. Although it has been three and ten years since she was last here. One of you know what I am on about. [i] Ellsa averts her gaze, the others look at Telzar strangly.[/i] Sam: What are you on about? Telzar: Ahh..so you haven't told them, have you Ellsa? Ellsa: Hold your toung, I'll talk with you later. Telzar: No, they have a right to know. And if you don't tell them I will. Lauren: What is it Ellsa? [i]Ellsa remains quiet, knowing that either way her secret is about to be discovered by the rest of the group.[/i] Telzar: Since you will not tell...Lady Lauren of Mirkwood, you travelle with Ellsa Silverthith, half-elf of Gondor... [i] Ellsa hangs her head and tries not to look at the others. All the members look at her in astonishment.[/i]:eek:
  18. [i] Alpha watched the fight with much interest. A new deamon on the block and by the looks of things this guy meant trouble.[/i] Alpha: [to herself] Don't they always. [i] She jumped down and landed neatly behind the deamon. With presision timing she kicked out and hit him in the small of the back. He turned around eyes flaring and sent a fireball racing towards Alpha....[/i]
  19. [i] Mangus and Alpha enter the night club. It is unlike most new places with Star covered walls and windows. Everything is either a dark satin red, or black or purple. The music is up to date and is pouring out of four heavey metal speakers.[/i] Mangus:[shouting] Do you want a drink? Alpha: [also shouting] Yeah, I'll have Bloody Mary if they do them here. Mangus: How much do you think I've got on me? Alpha: It was a joke, darling, just get a half larger [i] Mangus starts to push through the crowd, calling back to Alpha to stay where she is. The music changes to Popadillys 'RACK,SLASH AND NAFF OFF TEACHER'. Alpha listens to the music, unaware that she is being watched.[/i]
  20. ooc: hiyas. Soz about not posting but I've hit my GCSE's and posting might become a pain. Oh and Boba I've seen Episode 2. IC:[i] Ellsa woke up and looks around. Of what she can see in the dim light they are in some sort of prison. She pushes herself up and stumbles towards the curdley made bars. She notices a array of people sitting near some sort of fire. She can just hear one of them speaking.[/i] ???: I say its too risky, for all we know they could be part of Saurons army. next to him: No they are most definatly not. I know one of them but sight. ???: And who is that, may I ask? NTH: One of the girls, I've known her a while. Her past is unknown to me, but I knew her mother well. And plus one of the wepons she carries is of Gondor [i] the conversation continued on, but Ellsa didn't hear much of more cause the others began to stir.[/i]
  21. At the minuet my mates have got me to try and capture certain types of Pokemon and name them after them. Let's see, if I get an: Eevee- she's gotta be called Mandy Gastly- he's Johnathon Ponyta- Gemma another Pikacu or Riachu- Kelly Staru-Natz Wierd or what but I named the Charmander which I got Zarzy so soon I'll have a team of my mates.
  22. Walnut

    Digimon RPG!

    Zara:*to TJ* What do you mean pick on someone your own age. I'll have you know that I'm 11 nearly 12 and just because I look young doesn't mean that I am, got it, bub?
  23. [i] Alpha leans against the door of the old school building. She had changed her look a little so that maybe her and Mangus could check out a couple of the new bar's. She had thought of seeing Summer but when she'd called she had sounded right cheesed off and would probably quite happily kill her. She heard the distant sound of feet running down the street and grinned. Mangus was late as usual but she learned to put up with him. She watched him run around the corner and trip on a few disregarded bits of debrie which she hadn't had time to remove.[/i] Alpha: You alright Mangus? Mangus: Yes, I'm fine, Alpha but I wish you would sort this place out. And I'm sorry.... Alpha: About being late again? Don't worry, you're getting better. So where do you fancy checking out? ooc: Hey Carren are Mangus and Alpha going out or not?
  24. Walnut

    Digimon RPG!

    ooc: Okay, I better get back in this again. IC: [i] There was a screaching of breaks and a dust cloud fell over the park. The digidestins who were there looked at Bikermon in utter amaziment.[/i] Axxe: What in the name of digital monsters is that? EX-xumon: I don't even know that digimon small voice: This is Bikermon, my digimon. [i] TJ and the others turn to see a kid who looks about eight years old standing there[/i] TJ:Who are you? I've never seen you around before Zara: I'm Zara, I'm new here and I got an e-mail from someone saying that if anyone had a digimon then we were to come and help. And me and Bikermon decided to come and help out
  25. hi all, Can anyone help me on Digi-world 2. Basically I want to get my champions up to Ultamets, but I can't work out how to get DP points and I also need some help with finding the DNA chips or thingys. Actually its my mate who needs the help but..neh...so can anyone help me to help her?
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