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RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Walnut replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
[i] During the journey through the south mine, Redgar had unexpectly taken a wrong turn that had lead the three of them stright to the cave.[/i] Ellsa: You've got us lost haven't you? Redgar: Its impossible for a dwarf to get lost, I must've devated away from the path. Sam: Will you please stop arguing and try and work out where we...ahhhhhhh [i] Sam fell, with a small goblin attached to his back. Ellsa's sword glowed blue with warning as Orc's came from all sides. Redgar started faling his axe into the foul creatures, while Ellsa knocked the goblin off Sam and helped him up. The Orc's poured in on them and suddenly Ellsa was down, being knocked on the back of the head with a shiled with the mark of the white hand on it. Sam ran to help his friend, only to see Redgar go down under a pile of Orc's. Had Sam been taught the ways of fighting he would have avenged his friends misfourtune, but instead he raised his sword high above his head and shouted:[/i] Sam: FOR THE SHIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
ooc: Hiya Sere. Soz about the post, I just wondered wheather you were still on or not. But who cares, Now things shall get really cool. IC:[i] Alpha leaned against the door of the old school. She vagly remembered something about once going here, but she was a vamp and that was everything. The door was crudly knocked aside so she slipped in unnoticed. She liked the shabby surroundings, and everything was where she wanted it to be. She wandered over to the book that lay open on a table. It was filled with plently of information about different deamons and vampires and other dark things, but for some reason she could never give it up. She glanced out of the window and saw a very faint light. She turned to her coffin and slipped nimbly inside. She smiled to herself as she thought of Magus's words. She would have to work things out with Summer, but that was for the darkness of night. She drifted into a dreamless sleep, well if only vampires could dream.[/i]
Okay this is complete fanasty which me and my mates made. Please tell me what you think of it. The moon shone from the black sky that lay over the City of Qualtras. The land surrounding the city seemed more magical than what it did by day. Wide, vast fields spread out in all directions. Each one had it own unique colour. Some were dark red and others were silver in the moonlight. There were a few that shone with many colours but these were where night time diamonds were and other magic devices that were greatly sort after. A young Unicorn danced around a small pool in the moonlight. It had a completely white body with silver markings at its side. Its mane was tinged with gold so that when it turned its head the rays of light would catch them and send a small showering out into the night. The horn on its forehead was different from most Unicorns as it had a line of red winding around its spiral. It was a Delara Unicorn, the rarest of them all, and the most sort after. Suddenly the Unicorn stopped its dance. It looked around the area it was in, nothing moved. The wind had stopped and an eerie silence took over the unheard music. Suddenly the animal took off with such a speed that nothing could have kept up with it. It tore through the wilderness ripping up flowers and grass. Things that usually seemed harmless became frightening to the young creature. A dark figure came in front of it with a sinister grin on painted its face and without thinking the Unicorn hit it full in the stomach, sending straw and an old clothes flying. Still the beast ran on, not knowing where or why it was running, but the Unicorn ran until it saw a fence coming towards it and without a glance backwards the Unicorn leapt from the safety of the City and out into the black fields. ~ From a window a young girl looked out over the City of Qualtras. It was the most strangest but beautiful city in her land. Tall marble buildings stretched up from the ground and rose into the dark sky. Although it was late at night, the voices of traders could be heard shouting, ?Moonlight Tickela for sale?, ?Piping hot fried Gerito?s only fifty nenny?, ?Get these lovely necklaces for the one you truly love? and other trades. But one lone voice stood out among them all to the girl, ?Hear the information first, Brother and Sister to City being brought home!?. The girl fiddled with her brown pigtail as she always did when she was nervous. Turning to stare at her older sister, the girl reflected over the last few hours. Her sister had come home earlier from her duties than she usually did to tell them that she had been asked to travel across the three dimensions to collect the Brother and Sister of their City. Her father and younger brother a plagued her with questions and there had been an argument like no other. ?Lynntilla?? the girl said in a quite voice. ?Hmm, what?? asked Lynntilla the girls older sister turning away from the book she was reading. ?I do?? started the girl. ?Oh! Not you too? said Lynntilla sighing. ?But sis, I want you to go? she said twisting the plait around her finger. ?Tiammy, are you serious?? Lynntilla asked her younger sister. ?Yeah! I?m serious? Tiammy replied. Lynntilla cuddled her younger sister. Looking at her Lynntilla smiled. Tiammy had dark brown hair that was in pigtails. She was slightly small for her age, but she had light blue eyes that could hypnotise you if she wanted to. Lynntilla pulled Tiammy closer to her and softly cried into her hair. ååå
Don't worry guys, Its kinda a pain when the good guys hardly ever post. Does anyone know whats happened to our slayer cause I'm waiting for her to post?
[i] Zara sits and watches her boxes being moved into her new room. Its strange, but she wanted to stay. Zacx her elder brother poked her in the arm[/i] Zacx: I hope your not going to come into my room, twerp Zara: I don't intend to, so leave me alone. [i] As Zacx left, she heard her D terminal go off. She rumaged through her backpack and discovered it[/i] Zara: An e-mail. Hmm...'HELP! If you have a Digimon, meet me at Redville park tonight at 7:00. Please come if you have a Digimon, I need help' [i] she looked at he watch, 6:45, She could still make it and make some new friends. she jumped down and whistled. Her Calumon jumped out of her hiding place and landed neatly on her back[/i] Calumon: We gonna play now? Zara: Not quite but ready to do some battleing? Calumon: Yeah [i] Zara ran out of the apartments calling to her mom where she was going. She ran down to the town map and was downfallen.[/i] Zara: We won't make it in time. Calumon: We will...........Calumon digivolve to...... Bikermon Zara:(laughting) Come on, Bikermon, lets kick some bad digimon's butt. [i]they road off in the direction of the park[/i] ooc: Soz if its long but me like that
Alpha: Mangus, you are completely strange. You know any where we could grab a few early bites? [i] Mangus jumps down. Alpha grins, she knows she'll get in trouble with Summer but who cares[/i]. Mangus: I know a good place, not to known, get eat there Alpha: Alright, Mangy, lets go. I'm famished ???: Were you two thinking of eating by any chance Alpha: Dam! You always have good timing don't you [i] the person emerges. The two vamps know her by sight[/i]
[i] On the other side of town, Alpha rests against a wall. She looks left and right, and sees no one.[/i] Alpha: Oh come on Summer where are you? I'm hungry and Mangus won't give me anything to eat.
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Walnut replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
ooc: Have we split up yet....oh we have, right. IC: [i] Ellsa, Sam and Redgar at that point in time were trying to scramble over some sharp rocks. True Sam was clinging to Ellsa's back but she didn't mind. It had been a while since Ellsa had been around these mountains but she had a good memory and kept to the quickest and safetes path. Of cause Redgar also remembered this trail.[/i] Redgar: It would appear to me, Ellsa, that you are heading towards the south gate of The Mines of Moria, am I correct? Ellsa: You could say that Sam: We're going through the mines! but isn't that dangerous?# Ellsa: Don't worry Sam I don't intend to go through them. Theres a path that lead stright over them and brings us out near to Lothlorien if my memeory serves me correctly. Redgar: But wouldn't it be better to go under-ground were no ememy of Sauron could see us. [i]Ellsa stopped. She had not thought of that, but to go through Moria was suiside wasn't it[/i] Redgar: Your worried about the old tales of that place? Well let me tell you that the south door doesn't lead to the rest becasue those flithy orcs closed it off. It shouldn't be too hard to walk through. Sam: Well I know one thing, I would rather walk than hamper you, Elly Ellsa: Elly? Oh okay we'll head through the south side of Moria, even though it is againts my liking. and if we survive you can explain to the others why we didn't meet up with them were we're suurposed to. [i] taking their time they reached the broken door and entered. Redgar was filled with joy, while Sam and Ellsa, drew their swords and kept a constant lookout.[/i] ooc: Where are we actully meeting up? -
hey, when this gonna start. We've got six people on already so if others see it being played out then they might join up.
Eh..guys just to let you know I've started this RP. It's under the name of Summer the Vampire Slayer, on the main board. Ignor my first post, and lets get going.
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Walnut replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
[i] Ellsa sits and thinks. This is a situation that she did not want to get involved in.[/i] Ellsa: [still trying to decide] I don't think that we should split up at all. But if we must, then I would rather head the slightly longer way. I had a run in with those particular gang of trolls once and I don't want to go throught that again. -
Okay, I thought I'd give this a go. Basically its gonna be something like a big (hopefully) e-mail mates thing. But All you do is RP as someone or other. We should make mates and create some wild ideas about whats going on in our local area, that can be turned into DBZ styles of stuff. All you do is post: Name of character: Place where you live: E-mail: and what you might create. Some of the e-mails could turn into RP's but I'll have to see about it. Well its a surgestion. I'll post any details if anyone joins up.
Okay, I've started this RP up so lets have some fun. So far on the good side we have: Sere/ Summer St.Clair/ slayer Carren Heart/ Mangus/ vamp Me/ Alpha/ vamp and on the bad side: Ravenstorture/ Spyder/ deamon The Harleqin/ Davien/ vamp I'll let you guys make the first posts, K? :wigout:
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Walnut replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
[i] Ellsa pulls out the sword which she hardley ever used. It shone a strange blue colour and there was no mistake that it was elven. She struck down five that cam within reach of her. Suddenly a very small goblin grabbed one of her legs and knocked her down. She went for a slice at it, but before she could do anything in sank its sharp teeth into her leg. She screamed with pain and promptly beheaded the thing.[/i] ooc: Abob, it was in past tence so that yous knew what had happened after Laliths admittal. Anyway it helps me to keep track cause the number of posts keeps on rising faster than I can type. -
Thanks for joining guys. I wish some others would join up. Do yous know anyone who might be interested?
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Walnut replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
[i] Ellsa had been shocked at Lalaiths admissions. She had tried to talk to him but he'd brushed past her to the others. She for some unknown reason hadn't gone back to camp and walked on futher into the wood. She listened to the whispear of the tree's and the night sounds. She was worried about angering anyone of them and seeing the way that Lalaith had reacted just then, she feared the time when they would learn the truth about her[/i] Ellsa: (to herself) They'll learn in due time. [i] She returned to the camp and found the others sleeping. She lay with her back against a tree and was soon fast asleep. She was not too pleased at being woke up.[/i] Ellsa: Is this the usual time you wake up? Lalaith: No, but Lauren sences something, so we better get going. Ellsa: By the way, which way are you planning to get to the shadow lands? Redgar: The shadow lands? Where are those? Ellsa: The lands of evil, were the Dark Lord is. You must forgive me, I never say its real name. Sam: Well I go whichever way you go Ellsa: (smiles) You are a strange little hobbit, but whichever way we do go I think I'll might be able to get some help from an old friend. ooc: Guys one of my mates might join up on this. I just thought that I'd check with yous first. Please tell me if she would be allowed on. -
[i] Kitty slinks down the long complicated shafts and finds her way into the hologram room[/i] KY: Let's see, I might as well grab some more info on Rimsey, it'll take him yonks to get down here [i] she uploads Rimmers file and starts browsing through. She hears something and turns and accidently hits something which shuts the screen down.[/i] KY: Oopsey, I know [i] takes out a fishing net[/i] I'm gonna eat you little fishy, I'm going to eat you little fishy...
KY: I finish my shift in about 2 seconds. Oh I'm finished now. [i] She grins manically[/i] KY: Well if ya don't mind I'm off to go and have a nice long nap. Rr: I don't think so, missie, there's still your Z shift duties to finish off so hop to it. KY: Do I have to? Rr: Yes, now get moving [i] Kitty slouches her shoulders and starts down the coridor. Stops halfway down, turns around and shouts[/i] Hey Rimmer does that include that inflatable doll of yours?[i] Rimmer fums and goes to get her, but she simply moon walks backwards, opens a shaft and disapears down it.[/i] ooc: Just in case you don't know, Z shift was run by Rimmer in the book 'Infinaty welcomes careful drivers' by Grant Naylor.
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Walnut replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
[i] Ellsa watched Lalaith wander off. Something was bothering him. She looked towards Sam.[/i] Ellsa: Cheer up, Sam. He didn't mean what he said. Trust me I know what a hobbit can do in battle when their roused enought and he just needs time to learn thats all. [i] She waited a little while and talked of some of her earlier adventures with the hobbit, who like his Grandfather was most definatly interested. Abob listened as well, and oftern questioned her but at length she grew tiresome and decided that it would be a good time to go and speak with Lalaith. She took leave of the others and followed the trail that he had left. She found him in a small clearing, standing alone.[/i] Ellsa: A strange way to spend an evening, would you agree my friend? Lalaith: [i] turns with drawn sword, and then realises who it is[/i] Why would you say that? Ellsa: You talk in your sleep, my friend. I know what its like to carry secreats. But you cannot keep them locked up forever. What happened that day? Anything that you wish to tell me or not I shall keep as secreat as I hold mine. [i] She watched his reaction and placed her hand just on the hilt of her sword, which lay hidden. She knew what Elves could be like when they were angered, true she was only part-one herself, but she wanted to make sure that she was well protected incase of the worse.[/i] -
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Walnut replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
[i] Ellsa sits next to Sam, and expertly takes a red hot piece of food out the pan.[/i] Samwise: You'll burn yourself mind. Ellsa: Don't worry my little friend. I've never burned my fingers...oww Samwise: Aye, you may never burn your fingers but if you keep stealing food then I'll burn your hand off Ellsa: Your a crule 'un. I only pinched a bit that was going to fall out of the pan. [i] She starts to eat the food[/i] Samwise: Go on be off with ya. [i] Ellsa got up and walked to the edge of the small clearing. When she was out of sight of the others, she took out a small needle and thread. She pulled up her sleave and saw the slash that she had recieved.[/i] Ellsa: Stupid Yrch, that'll treach you keep watch your back more oftern [i] She started sitching the wound. She see's Samatha and Redgar talking. She pays them no head and looks in the opposite direction. She whistled a soft tune and a small harwk came down from its flight. She removed the message from it and quickly read it. It was not good news.[/i] Ellsa: Lauren, Lalaith, Samwise find the others. We are in great danger and must move quickly. ooc: Just out of curisoisty (sp?) do you guys live in the same area or summat cause you seem to post tons of messages one after the other? -
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Walnut replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
[i] a strage musical sound of a flute is heard. The tune is unrecornisable and sounds like it is being played well out of tune. The two wraiths receed at little but then regain their sences and charge. Two arrows hit the first Wraith, and a third strikes the second. The wraiths turn and see someone standing. Her eyes flash and several darts fly from a dart thrower, each one hitting a horse. The horses turn and rear trying to break away. The person jumps around to reach the others. [/i] Ellsa: We cannot stay here. Those horses will only be unable to move for a little while. We must get off this road. I know these lands well, and it would be safer to go high. Please I only wish to help you Lalaith: Who are you and why should we trust you? Ellsa: I am Ellsa, daughter of Tentacle. Believe me, the road is not safe anymore. Please follow me to the high pass, the wraiths will not follow you there. ooc: eh guys can you please remeber that I can only get on the web at certain times during the week, so don't leave me in the learch please. -
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Walnut replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
[i] Ellsa leaned against the wall of the council room. She had heard of many strange things and had come to discover what she could from Elladan. She watched the others with interest but kept quiet. One of them she knew at a glance. She smiled at seeing Lord Legolas once again and decided that it would be good to talk to an old friend.[/i] Ellsa: Greetings, Lord Legolas. It has been a long time since you ventured from Mirkwood, is it not? Legolas: Indeed it is, Ellsa. Though it is not yet near as long since you left. tell me what brings you to Rivendell? Ellsa: I have heard of many a strange thing, Legolas. Of evil and good but I need to know more information. Tell me who sits younder? [i] she points in the direction of the others.[/i] -
Okay, being a big fan of Buffy I've tride to find a desent Rp online and there appears to be none. So I thought why not start one here. There will be alot of differences from the TV show. First of all I will state this is not entitly based on the TV show so I DON'T WANT any of the characters from the TV show. This one is set in Britian, where a different slayer kicks ***. Anyway better think of a story line... Everyone thinks that Vamp's only exist in Sunnydale. I don't think so. There are vamps all over the world, and this summer one gang of teenagers are going to learn not to mess with the Master. okay, okay...I know the master is in Buffy but I can't think of anything right now, so put up with me, okay. Right character wise you can be: A slayer (one only and preferably a girl) A vamp (maxium of three others on good side, god knows how many on Evil) A deamon A human (friend of the slayer) A watcher (one only) Here's how to post a bio: Class: Good/Evil Name: Age: character: Personality: Bio: Appearance: for example my character: Class: Good Name: Alpha Age: 299 Character: Vampire Personality: hyper, rebellious but loyal and sencible Bio: for me too long to post Appearance: short black partly spikey hair, red top, balck trousers several tato's going down both arms and scar just above left eyebrow. I look foreward to meeting you.