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Anime Were Goten, Trunks, and Bra born without tails?
Walnut replied to Geist's topic in Otaku Central
Eh...soz to say this sk8blind90, Bra is Vegeta's and Bluma's second kid. But I don't think she ever had a tail cause is aint a fighter appentally. -
Sign Up Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring
Walnut replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
just to let everyone know, if you haven't read the books or seen the last film (actually no one's seen it) Elrond doesn't exist anymore. I aint telling you how or why but if this is set after LOTRs then it wouldn't be Elrond it would be one of his twin sons, eihter Elladan or Elorhir. soz if I've offened everyone its just so that we don't get told off by some smart-arse when we start this up. Oh c'mon Chibi please start it up. -
Name: Zara Nickname: Za Age: 11 Personality: Oftern quiet until she gets to know you, then she is fun, friendly and sencible Physical description: 4"6, looks very small for her age, has long ginger hair done in pig-tails and wears a green dress and white shirt. Family background: Lives with her mother who is a total cutie freak. (explains why she's always in dresses and pig-tails) One older brother who teases her Crest + colour: Crest of Trust, mixture of red and blue Digimon training: Colemon, don't know of attack, white circluar thing with two lines of purple. Digimon rookie: Calomon (I know he's a real digimon but i'm paractially making everything up for him), Punch of hope, little roar, watch TV show for descripton Digimon Champion: Bikermon, Road rage, tyre lock and Biker Punch, looks like a very thin calomon but dressed completely in Biker clothing with helmet covering eyes, ears sticking out and riding a bike Digimon Ultamet: Metalwarbikemon, Road Hog, blaze inerfor and biker's domain, Bigger that Bikermon, all clothes change to white, helmet revels face which looks humanish, additoin of Wings of Red and Black Digimon Mega: Dragonanglemon, Sunspear and Fire thrower, looks like a red dragon with white angles wings Romance: Aint interested in boys as of yet Just one question is this with or without cards?
lets see on Yellow (how old) I have: Pickachu - Lighty Ratata - Binny Pidgey - Flappy Nideorina (male) - Ivy Nideorina (female) - Rosey Spearow - Stun Makey - Nutty (I think) and a catapie but can't remeber its name. There all the ones I've got so far.
Anime Were Goten, Trunks, and Bra born without tails?
Walnut replied to Geist's topic in Otaku Central
Actually...I think that Trunks did have a tail when her was young. I've seen this picture on Trunk's Domain of him. The way I found it was going to Yahoo, typing in Trunks Domain and clicking on the first link to it. It does take some time to load up but its a brilliant sight. If you go to rare pic's you'll find it, and you'll also see this lovely one of Bluma and Vegeta but I won't spoil it for you. -
Yonks is a slang word for a long time. Well were I live it is
Thankx everyone its a real help. But pretty please can anyone who knows any of their arguments just tell me a few, cause we're only at the place where Vegeta's blown himself up so it should take us yonks to get GT. Pretty please.
Sign Up Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring
Walnut replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
hehe, soz about not finishing my post but me mam and dad came in with tea. So I'll finish off Race: half-elven Bio: her mother was from Gondor, her father a wandering elf. Her mum died when she was very young, so her father returned to Mirkwood to protect his daughter. She spent alot of her early life there but at the age of 14 left in order to discover the fate of her father who had disappeared some years before. Is generally percived as a Ranger, but doesn't really cazre whats she's called. Appearance: tall, and of a medium build. She has extrondinary light brown hair that turns golden in the sunlight. She wears basic colours and appears human but with fine sight and hearing (from her dad) Wepons: cross-bow(Gondor style), Sword(Elven) and a small dart shooter that also becomes a flute. well thats it. can't wait to start. -
Kitty walks down the corridor and spots Rimmer in his PJ's. She can't stop herself almost giggeling. KY: Hey Rimmsy, hehe, you haven't seen Quartre around have you man. Cause if I don't get into some sort of napping situation within the next three seconds I shall totally go shopping crazzzzzzyyyyyyy. Oh by the way you gotta tell me your pajamer makers cause they are totally cool!!!
Oppsey sorry about that... it was just something i made up on the spot. I'll think things through and post back, Okay?
Sign Up Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring
Walnut replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
Cool!!! a LOTRs RP. Yer can count me in kid I totally love the book and the film (espically your fav charcter as well, if ya know what I mean) Name: Ellsa Age: looks about 25, but is really 102 (me 15) Bio: tends to keep quiet about her past. Will take you a long time -
Kitty sits looking at her concole screen. Ky: Where are they? A gals gotta have at least six naps a day She turns to another station and flicks Holly on. Ky: Hol, were is Quate? Holly: Just getting out of bed Ky: What!!! Man this is ultra boring, i'll have to wait about three hours for him to show up. Holly turned his head sympathetically Holly: Well it may make you interested in having a sing song with my potatos. Ky: No way! I'm off Kitty headed down the ships corridor determind to find Quartre
Hi, me and my mates would like to know one or two small things. 1) does Cell ever come back in GT? 2) Do Trunks and Bra get along fine or are they always arguing? 3) if they do argue then what is their best/most funniest argument? Thanx.
Name: Ikea Race: Rebel Age: 16 Bio: Ikea was taken away from her planet at an early age. She used to work for the Siths as a mercenary but after the mauled her family she quit and became a Rebel. Excellent on Sith information and still knows all codes relating to entrance to the siths. Wepon: Blaster rifiel and custom hand granators/deanators Personality: Loyal and generally friendly. Don't get her mad though cause she does have a bit of connection with the dark side and tends to hold grudes a very long time.
When is this RP gonna start. Oh and if ya want a better discription of a blue Tiger check out Dragonball Z Future Fight on the stroies thing.
Okay, just to let you know this is a slightly stragne story which I wrote from a game me and my mates conitually play so don't expect to already know some of the characters. Anyway heres first part, just tell me what you think and weather you want to learn more or not.DRAGONBALL Z FUTURE FIGHT PART 1 The sun blazed down on the school field. Trunks, Goten, Quinny, Daffs and Natt sat idly talking. It was afternoon break and they all wanted to get home. ?Hey Trunks you coming out tonight?? asked Daffs. ?Huh, are you kidding? Mom and Dad are still furious at me for what happened last time! I?ve got about as much chance as being allowed out as Natt has failing some test,? he said leaning back and sighing. Natt looked up from the book she was reading, ?Thanks very much mate, just remind me never to let you copy off my homework ever again?. ?I didn?t mean it like that. Why do girls take offence so easily?? he asked. ?Cause we?re smarter and just remember that they?re three girls here, Trunks? said Natt without looking up from her book. Trunks watched Natt quietly reading. Her long black hair was as usual tied up in pigtails at the side of her head. She was wearing her blue jeans that had the knees ripped and a sleeveless red top. She had dark drown skin and a nice smile. ?If only I could tell her? though Trunks to himself. He liked Natt. Not just as a friend but as someone who he had a crush on. But Natt wasn?t remotely interested in boys at the minute after she had broken up from Dave her third boyfriend. Goten elbowed him in the stomach, not too lightly. ?OW? what was that for?? he asked. ?You wandered off into fantasy land with her?? he pointed at Natt, ??and you haven?t got the guts to tell her? said Goten in a whisper. ?Ohh what?s this about?? asked Daffs Natt?s twin sister and the more streetwise of the two. ?He?s got a crush on?muph,? said Goten in reply only to be silenced by Trunks, ?One more word outta you pal and you?re dead,? he said in a harsh whisper. ?I bet I can guess what he was going to say,? said Quinny giggling. ?Shut it right now, Quinny!? said Trunks turning round to her. ?Ohhh tell? said Daffs, flicking one of her plates out of her face. ?Well he?s gotta crush on?? started Quinny before Trunks took a swipe at her as well. ?For Shenlongs sake Trunks it not that big of a deal? said Goten in his annoying voice. ?Yeah c?mon tell me who yer fancy. I won?t tell anyone? said Daffs prodding Trunks in the shoulder with her finger. He winced. The scar still hurt but he wasn?t about to let Goten and Quinny find out and then blab to his mum about it. ?No? he said folding his arms in a mood. ?Don?t take any offence Trunks but your becoming more like your dad every day? said Natt looking straight at him and grinning. ?How long have you been listening in?? asked Daffs. Natt didn?t reply and looked like she was trying desperately not to laugh. ?C?mon how long have you been eaves-dropping?? asked Quinny. ?The whole conversation? laughed Natt. ?HOW?? they all asked in one voice. ?Yous are really thick not to realise that I?ve been looking at my blank note book for the last ten minutes? she said laughing at her own joke. ?WHAT? right sis your dead? said Daffs going to grab Natt, only to find that Natt was up and running. ?Get her!? yelled Goten as he jumped off the picnic table and started to chase after her. The others followed, pleased at the fact that Natt had given them the perfect way to let of steam. Unlike the others, Natt was quick and could change direction easily without bumping into a wall or anyone else but for some reason she didn?t head towards the school playground at all. Goten was slowing down after his first burst of energy and Trunks knew that he was thinking of using his Sayian energy to catch up to Natt. ?Don?t even bother? he said as he ran past Goten. Quinny who was right behind Trunks smashed into Goten cause she was running so fast and they fell in a sprawled heap on the grass. Trunks and Daffs continued on to catch the running Natt when suddenly she stopped and dodged around her sister and charge into Trunks. If he had expected her to do that then he would have been able to stop her but she hit him full on and forced him to the ground. He tried to push her off him but without success. She rolled to the side and they went rolling down the slope. When they finally stopped they were both laughing. Trunks quickly pinned Natt to the ground knowing that she wouldn?t be able to do anything but give up. ?Alright, Alright get off me Trunks? she said half-laughing, half-aggressively. ?Hey Trunks I didn?t relies that you fancied her that much? yelled Goten from the top of the slope. Trunks jumped up and looked at Goten in a mad and angry way. ?Why had he gone and told her like that? he though to himself. Natt got up and looked at Trunks with a face of complete surprise, ?Is it true?? she asked. Trunks turned away and blushed, ?Erm? kinda? he said in a very quiet voice. ?Your sweet? she said and then turned her attention to Goten not after a smile towards Trunks. ?Goten you are a horrible liar? Natt called back up the slope. ?Huh? What are you on about? asked Goten. ?Your just Trying to embarrass him, just cause you can?t get a girl you like? she called up and punched Trunks lightly in his stomach. ?BBBBBBBRRRRRIIIIIIIINNNNNNGGGGGGG? went the school bell. ?C?mon, Mr Frankfurter will kill us if we?re late of maths? yelled Daffs as she ran off. ?Hey come back here sis,? yelled Natt running after her sister. Goten, Trunks and Quinny followed them knowing what Frankfurter was like. ~ ?See yers tomorrow? yelled Natt as she turned down her own street. ?Yeah see ya,? yelled Goten. She waved and disappeared into her own house. The others continued down the road. Quinny and Goten were prating on as usual and talking about where they were going to go that night. ?No way am I going to the Grange its rubbish there? said Quinny shoving Goten into a wall. ?Well I aint going to Madam Confers again!! That is a waste of time? said Goten grabbing Quinny round the middle and trying to throw her to the ground. ?Quit it, Goten or I?ll tell? she said slapping him across the head. ?Alright enough all ready. Hey Trunks where d?yer think we should go?? said Goten noticing that his best mate hadn?t said anything in a while. ?Why should I know? I can?t come remember? he said in a moody voice. ?Oh?oops sorry Trunks? said Quinny. ?No problem? he replied back not looking up from the can he was kicking. Goten looked around the area they were in. there was nobody around. ?C?mon you guys, I?ll give you a race home,? he said securing his school bag to his back. Quinny?s eyes lit up with the idea of a race, ?Yeah and I?ll beat both of yer,? she said. ?Fat chance of that Quinny slow-couch? said Trunks in his usual voice. ?Well then, three? two? one? lets rock and roll? yelled Goten speeding away. ?Hey no fair? said Quinny taking off after Goten. Trunks watched them go and then turned back around to the town. He smiled secretly to himself. ?Hey you two wait for me? he said as he took off after them. *** The hanger hummed and buzzed with many different noises. Telique sat alone fiddling with a small computer. She knew that it wasn?t majorly important that it was fixed but if it meant she could stay here a little longer then she would fix it. ?Teli your becoming just like your father? she heard Tammy say in her mind once more. She half-grinned. Good old Tammy always there to help her out, but not now, not on this mission, just like her dad. Sadness over-took her. She still missed her dad even though he had died almost three years ago. ?I don?t care what the others say it was still my fault? she though to herself. She pictured the disaster in her mind. The wide open ground stretched before her and she could see her dad? she dismissed the picture from her mind and tried to work on the computer but it still lingered there, the guilt. ?Ready to go then?? came a voice she recognised as Marling her elder brother. She didn?t bother replying, but moved herself into sitting crossed legged on the chair. ?Ah?thought this would happen,? he said pulling up a chair and sitting on it so that he could lean on the back of it. ?What would happen?? she asked trying not to show her pain in her voice and fiddled on with the computer. ?Teli? I?m your older brother. I should be able to tell when something?s upsetting you,? he said removing the computer from her hands. ?Why did they pick me?? she asked feeling tears coming into her eyes. ?Cause your are the same age as them, and Marvin has got a better chance of recognising you? he said trying to make her look at him. She turned away looking out of the small window, a sign her brother recognised as her trying not to let her emotions show through. Marling looked his younger sister over. His mom and Tammy were right, she was exactly like her dad in every way. Her long pink hair was tied in a ponytail but it didn?t hide the curtains she had had, she had blue eyes just like her dad and she could be really stubborn if she wanted to be. The only thing that made her similar to his mom was the slight darkening of her skin and part of her personality. He half laughed to himself. She turned around, ?What are you laughing at?? she asked. ?Don?t take offence, Teli but you are like dad in so many ways? he said smiling. She turned away and in the reflection of the glass he could see the tears falling down her cheeks. ?Hey Spudnic c?mon stop crying? he said turning her around and cuddling her close. She cried even harder at the mention of her old nickname. Marling hated it when his little sister was upset, even though she was 17 years old and he was 21, but it didn?t matter to him. She was still the little baby, in his eyes, who had gurgled happily the first time she ever saw him. ?Hey now stop crying. You?re covering me in snots and other stuff? he said in a joking voice. She laughed at her brother and pushed him off. He wiped away her tears as best he could. ?Thanks Merlin? she said smiling. ?You?ll do fine I promise you. And you have to promise me one thing in return?? he said taking her hands in his. ?What?? she asked not a hundred percent certain what her older brother was on about. ??Promise me that you?ll stop blaming yourself for Dads death. Now promise me Telique? he said looking her straight in the eyes. She sighed, ?Okay I promise,? she said in a small whisper. Marlin hugged his sister knowing, deep down that he was going to miss her like she missed their dad. *** Vegeta leaned against the post watching out for Trunks and Goten. ?They are in so much trouble? he thought to himself. He looked back at his wife who was sitting down fast asleep. A grin overtook him. How could he ever live without her, she was stubborn and aggressive at times but that made him love her even more. He shook his head, he couldn?t let his emotions over-run him now. There was a slight rustling noise from the old Oak tree at the bottom of the path. He turned his attention towards it. From somewhere in the branches a bright yellow ruby ball fell to the floor. ?Strange?? he said out loud and then saw who the ball belonged to. There was more rustling and an animal fell out of the tree and landed on its stomach. After a few ?owees? the creature picked herself up and continued to throw the ball about in the most ridiculous manner. She had light blue fur covering most of her body, with bark blue and thickly black lined triangles going down her sides. Her face was a mixture of yellow and brown fur and she had extremely large brown eyes that made her look adorable. The top of her head, and ears, had tufts of white fuzz that didn?t look like they wanted to grow like they were meant to. She had two tails that could often be lethal if she turned around suddenly and smacked your legs or as she had somehow learned just below the belt. She was a Blue Tiger by the name of Tammo and a formidable warrior, if she wasn?t hiding under a rock. Unknown to Vegeta, she and Marvin were trying to warn Trunks, Goten and Quinny. At that point in time the three were flying towards Trunks home. Quinny and Goten had decided to stay for a little while and then go and meet up with Natt and Daffs at the club they were going to. ?You don?t have to stay you know that, don?t you guys?? asked Trunks who had finally caught up with them. ?Are you kidding? We said that we?d come around and that?s what we are going to do,? said Quinny for the hundredth time. ?Yeah, we got you locked up looking after twerp so it?s the least we can do? said Goten. ?Hey isn?t that Tammo in your yard?? asked Quinny seeing the blue tiger throwing the ball really high. ?We?d better land guys. By the looks of things she and Marv have found something out? said Trunks, stopping in mid air and distending down towards earth. The others followed. Marvin greeted them, ?Heya guys?. Trunks ruffled his hair, ?What?s up?? he asked. ?You-sa daddy found tickets for the Moulin Blue and he note gory happy about it, me-sa tell yoo? said Tammo who had just ?accidentally? thrown her ball over the wall to go and inform them of what had happened. ?Ah, we?re in trouble,? said Trunks. ?How on earth did he find them?? Goten asked Tammo. ?Ra? was all she answered with. ?Ra? Who?s Ra?? asked Goten stupidly. ?My little brat of a sister? said Trunks in a whisper. ?I take it that I?d better get outta the way?? Quinny asked. ?Yep, and don?t bother waiting for us tonight? said Goten, ?Cause I don?t think our parents are going to let us come out at all?. Quinny nodded and ruffled Tammo?s soft fur, ?Well I guess I?ll see you two at school on Monday then? she said and headed down the street towards her house. ?Better get this over and done with? said Trunks picking himself up, nodding a thanks to Marvin and picking up Tammo?s ball, headed down his own path trying to look like nothing unusual was about to happen. What will happen to Trunks and Goten? And who is Telique and what mission is she on about? Well you?ll just have to wait till I write the next part of the story.
Name: Tammy (Tammo) age: difficult to work out cause she aint human sex: female appearance: Outwardly she looks like a early twenty's girl with long brown hair, wierd eyes which are dark brown and slighted at the pupil, oftern wears dark purple trousers and matching top with demin waiste coat. bio: Tammy is a blue tiger in human form. She belongs to the milatery but she keeps away from them as much as pos. She works for a science lab where they thing Emporer Wang will reserect and is in charge of a small infant with mysterious markings on its forehead. btw BLue tigers are these creature that look like a tiger but with blue strpies and two tails.
Hi, I'm new but don't let that put you off. I'll join up if you want: Name: Telique Age: 17 Height: 5'9 Power: unsure of Speed: very quick Personality: a good mate to all, but quick to anyoe and can be stubborn. Gender: female Hope to hear from you soon
Hi ya, I'll join up if it's okay Name: Cathrine (Kitty/Kit to friends) Age: 15 Gen: Lass Appearance: tall, short spikey brown hair, oftern in Space uniform on duty, off duty she wears camoflage pants and tops and has brown eyes Bio: Loves doing crazy things, fav word is fiddle Personatliy: Sometimes mad, sometimes goodie two shoe's but a great friend to have on board.