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Everything posted by Walnut
The Officers literually threw Matt into his quaters and locked the door. He was breathing heavily and red hot tears stung his eyes but nothing came out. It was like his body was determinded to reduce him to being completely weak, emoutionally and psychically. He slumped down onto the bed and slowly tried to recover his breathing and make his mind work correctly. He felt tired, like he needed sleep...but he did not want to sleep. He knew what he would dream and he did not like the dream at all. He recoiled into the fetal posistion and wept silently to himself, wasn't he receiving enought punishment by being kept back in years? Why did he have to go through a school punishment? What example did he have to set? You helped comrades, you made sure they survived, that was the way. Brother and Sisters in arms. Why was Hector so scared of his help? Why had Charlotte not stopped to enquire further? His mind raced with thoughts, some which worried him greatly. They would all learn by the end of the school day, he already knew what "school punishment" and "example" meant. He was already dreading it....but why? Was it because he knew that he would not be able to withstand the punishment? Or was it because he was scared? ooc: if you guys get up to that bit in the next couple of days, can you leave it to me to write that bit cause I've got a nice idea for likkle Matt and it's going to be interesting to write.
ooc: just to warn you all now this is a very wierd post. Matt's last name is Hunter and is ID/serial no is H5681 short and simple. IC: Matt watched as Mira left and sighed, the others were lucky in the fact that they had places to go and things to do...he didn't. He was stuck with the prosect of either studying for the maths re-sit he had in a weeks time or working on Honeria. The latter of the two sounded the most appealing at the moment. He left the classroom and headed for the mech corridor, technically he was not susposed to be here at all but matience was a key factor in getting him out of his predictament. He hated to admit the fact that he had failed at his academic studies and therefore had been kept down two years to try and pass the required subjects. But he had done that and this was part of his punishment for it. He strolled down and stopped when he saw Mr. Tokoskai walking down the corridor. Matt unusually had once gotten along with him quite well, as he had kept his nose clean and done the work...but ever since he had been kept back they had become worse enemies. Mr. Tokaskai glared dangerously at him, "Hunter, what are you doing here?" he asked. "Private study sir. I thought I would do some matance checks on Honeria before I did some extra maths work" Matt knew he would be asked to produce his card which would say that he was aloud to do so and luckily he had. "Fine, get going" said Tokaskai, moving away. Matt stared at him and quickly headed in the oposite direction. There was something different about him and Matt did not like it at all. He looked up and nearly did a double-take. Sitting on a stool, dropping blue drops onto the floor was a girl of no more than 12 at a guess. From her shoulder down to her wrist there was a clean cut mark, deep and penentrating. Matt ran to her side and gently took ahold of her arm, "Keep still, I'll try and stop the bleeding" he said. "No! Don't! He'll hurt you more" she said in a scared voice trying to pull herself away from Matt. "What are you on about? Look I know it's scary the first time it happens...." he started before the girl interupted him, "This [i]isn't[/i] the first time. He's done it before and the kid who tried to help me ended up worse off than me!!! Please...just get away from me" her voice was a high pitched whisper. "What? Not the first time?" he looked down at the wound and then back into her terrified eyes, "You need to get to the infirmary. Come on I'll take you there" he said, gently as he could. "NO! You don't understand! I did a bad thing! This is my punishment...it can't be treated" she was on the verge of hysterics. "Don't be rediculas....anything punishment can be treated. Trust me I know" said Matt, quickly removing his jumper and tying it around her arm. The girl didn't respond and was looking with large fearful eyes at someone behind him. "Hunter" said a cold menacing voice. Matt instantly stopped trying to tie the makeshift bandage around her arm and turned around, knowing only to well that voice, "Yes sir" he asked. Tokoskai glared dangerously at him, "What are you doing?". Matt blinked, "Helping a fallen comrade sir" he said, making sure that his voice betrayed no emoution at all. "Hector get out of here. I need to have a small word with Hunter" said Tokoskai. The girl scouped herself up and ran down the corridor, still holding onto his jumper. "What is the rules conserning injurgered comrades, Hunter?" asked Tokoskai, still looking at him. "As far as I am aware sir, remove them from the battlefield and get them to medical help as soon as possible" said Matt, watching Tokoskai carefully. There was a pause and then Tokoskai laughed, "Hunter you are a fool! A fallen comrade is nothing more than something to slow you down and cause you problems! Extend your hand" hid voice eeked with vemon and danger...Matt knew he was for it. Slowly he extended his open palm, which had already been scared by the blade many times and waited, still watching Tokoskai. Instead of taking out the fearful blade, Tokoskai took out a small stamp and before Matt could react, smashed it down onto his open palm. Matt's knees buckled and he held his hand tightly to his chest, determinded not to shout out with the pain that was flowing through his body. "There's no point in resiting the pain, Hunter. This is only a small taster of the full pain you shall recieve. You have just broken one of the higher school rules...which was implaced two days ago" Tokoskai clicked his fingers and two soliders appeared and pulled Matt roughtly to his feet, "He is confined to quarters until tomorrow. His punishment will be done in front of the whole school...he can set an [i]example[/i] for everyone". Matt struggled against their grip, but the firey pain increased every time he tried. Tokoskai leaned over and whispered in his ear "An example will all you will be". ooc: warned ya all that it would be wierd. If you don't like it or want me to edit then tell me and I'll do what ya want.
ooc: Sorry for being late...but I don't get online much so I didn't know. Still here goes. Matt brushed a section of his hari away from his eyes and titled his head towards the empty seat next to him. Mira blinked and then joined him looking infuriated and annoyed. "Late again?" he asked, half looking up from his work. Matt had always liked art and in particular liked doing collages but at the moment he would have rather been sketching. He was better at sketching than collage but it was still something fun to do. "Don't start on me Matt...I've had enough problems as it is aready" said Mira, picking up her stuff and hunting around in her bag for something. Matt held up her pencil case, looking slightly bored and a bit amused. "Where did you find that?" asked Mira, snatching it off him and digging her things out hurriedly...spilling half the contense over the desk. "A thank you would've been nice. You dropped it in the cafe, when you were trying to get to training. Luckily I picked it up...otherwise who knows what would have happened" said Matt, helping her gather up her things adn setting back to his work. "Well thanks" said Mira, dropping the case down and automatically looking on the ground for something. Matt sighed, shook his head and leaned on one elbow with the pen that she needed pointing at her, "Looking for this?" he said.
Cool....hey count me in...I need to check on the digivoloutions for my digimon though as I only know two forms. lol. Name: Zara Techici Age: 14 Role: Negative Appearance: dark ginger hair, with unually dark brown eyes. Wears grey trousers and dark blue top with grey jerkin Attitude: quite cold hearted to other humans, but loves her digimon and will fight fairly and evenly...until she's cheesed off and then will take you on full pelt, doe shave her reasons for being quite and unresponsive but tends to hide them from the world. Country: Japan, Toyoko Bio: Having been born in England, Zara would appear to be an average kid, but due to an acident several years ago her whole family was killed and she was left alone. Her only living relative was her Uncle Kentich in Japan and she went to live with him. Teased for the colour of her hair she has become quite leanient with friends and enemies alike Digivice/element: Darkness Rookie: Labramon Champion: Ultimate: Catusramon (I'll check back on the spelling) Mega: Bio Merge: Onetatemon just outta curoisty...do we use cards for things like Digivolution? Just cause we're tamers and s3 is the only one with those references in it.
When men first settled on Rukbat?s third world and called it Pern, they took very little notice of the stranger planet, swinging about its adopted erratic orbit. For two generations no thought was given to the red star, until the path of the wanderer brought it close to its stepsister at perihelion. Then spore life, which grew thickly on the red star?s surface spun off into space and bridged the gap to Pern. The spores fell as thin threads, devouring anything organic and seeked to establish burrows in the warm earth which would cause more voracious threads. Humans started to work together to make the Northern Continent of Pern inhabitable, this included the breeding of a highly specialized variety of life-forms called dragons and they long thought the dangerous thread, risking their lives and their future?s to protect their fellows. It has been recorded in song and written word that Thread was indeed destroyed by these Dragons and it looked like the threat was lifted forever. But given anything a belief that it has been destroyed and it will come back. Thread is streaming through the lands of Pern, burning and wreaking everything it can. This Thread has evolved from its counter part and it dazzles in the night skies with purples and reds. This is the sort of threat that cannot be overlooked by anyone, and Lemos Weyr is preparing itself for the battle with the new Thread. [b]Positions[/b] [b]Weyrwoman[/b] - GardianStorm - Torlea (still avaiblity cause GS reminded me of the fact that there are more than one queen rider) - A lady of power and order who is greatly respected and slightly feared by those who serve her but is renowned for the work she does. Rides the Queen Dragon [b]Weyrleader[/b] ? The Lord of the Weyr who governs how things shall work and is seen as a powerful figure with the love of the Weyrwoman. Rides a Bronze Dragon [b]2 Bronze Dragon Riders[/b] ? men of great esteem and are usually wingleaders, they are smart and know the ways that must be upholded [b]3 Brown Dragon Riders[/b] ? men and women who are true and loyal to their purpose and can be seen as either wingleaders or second-in-commands [b]3 Blue Dragon Riders[/b] ? men and women who are swift in emotions and caring in their beasts and their families, they fight until their death and strive ever on-wards [b]3 Green Dragon Riders[/b] ? men and women of a graceful nature with an understanding of the balance of life, respect their others and remain as one to those they trust [b]Harper[/b] ? a singer of songs and a teller of tales, a teacher of the old ways to all the Weyr children and a resourceful person set to give advise to those who require it [b]2 Headwomen [/b] ? ladies who direct the on-goings of the Weyr, they are respected and can be quite snappy but they have an understanding nature that helps the work to be done fairly and resourcefully [b]2 Minders[/b] ? ladies or young girls who watch over the children of the Weyr and guild them into their respective crafts through play and gentleness, often motherly and home bound they rule with a swift and careful hand and are well loved by all the children [b]Craftspeople[/b] ? men and women skilled in certain areas that are useful to all, these include mining, carpentry, healing, building and all other sorts of ground that take years to learn and perfect. Sign up Name: Age: Hair colour: Eye colour: Position: (Weyrwoman, Weyrleader, Bronze rider, Brown rider, Blue rider, Green Rider, Harper, Headwoman or Minder) Dragon?s name: (only if Dragon Rider) Firelizards: (anyone can have firelizards but no more than four) Craft: (if you?re a craft person then fill this in, you can also have your character know a craft if you want) Description: Personality: Bio: Mis: Love: (an open option but please check with the other person to see if you?re two chars are in love or not) My sign up: Name: Truele Age: 19 Hair colour: Black Eye colour: Green Position: Minder Dragon?s name: N/A Firelizards: 2 Bronze ? Coin Green - Leaf Craft: Childcare and healing, though only a small bit of knowledge and sings with a harmonious voice Description: tall and of medium build, often wears practical work clothes consisting of a grey shirt, a brown weyrhide jerkin with either a brown skirt or black trousers Personality: calm and quiet and gentle to those who she watches over, usually seen as friendly and happy but can become snappy, irritable and annoying when pressurized Bio: Truele was abandoned by her real parents when she was a little over three years old, so she has no recollection of who they are or were. She was found by chance by the old Harper of Lemos Weyr and was taken back to the Weyr for her own safety. She grew up in the Weyr with the help of her adoptive father and mother and learned many of the songs that were sung. The old Harper died when she was sixteen but he said that she was his true daughter and would live forever on in his heart. Shortly after that Truele started helping with the children in the Weyr and also managed to impress two firelizards. She works hard and helps wherever she can, and just sometimes daydreams of a different place. Mis: Love: (a possibility of one of the dragon riders) We await you at Lemos Weyr.
Name: Matt Age: 18 Apperence: tall, with whitish/grey hair cut short and pale green eyes. Wears bark blue trousers, light blue top and grey over-jecket, blue leather gloves and black boots. Bio: like all blue bloods, Matt was taken to become a solider but he has no recollection of his family or friends outside...except in dreams which he can never explain. Quiet and rather secreative he can appear to be cold, heartless and a bit bossy...but does have a side that can be hurt if pushed to far. Mech Name: Ryu Honiara Apperance: (I'll post once I get the addy) Weaponry: shot guns and lazer rifle
My mate annoyed me with this game but meh I'll give it a go Name: Latrian Jiro Age: 29 Weapon(s): Spear of medium length, topped with a silver edged blade Dragoon: Water Dragoon Appearence: Tall with water blue eyes and light white hair, slightly tinged with blue. Wears dark blue top, trousers and light blue boots Bio: Latrian was brought up on the river as a child and has been in love with water for all of her years, she has a natural ability to swim and enjoys being in contact with one of natures most beautiful and misunderstood resorces. She recently headed inland, drawn by some unknown force to understand the meaning of water. Her mind has become set and she believes that a new threat is set to posion the world. She is not aware that she is a Dragoon yet but will soon find out her affinity with water extends beyound a simple love of it.
Sign Up Ruingarth: Part One- The Eye of Darkus (Big RPG)
Walnut replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in Theater
Name: Harmonia Gibbleson Age: 16 Race: Human Weapons: two daggers with golden hilts, woven with black and silver in a criss-cross style. Each one is topped with a gem, the one used in the right hand with a ruby, the one used in the left hand with a saffire. The blades are coated with bees-wax and have a slight off-white colouring. Outfit: A purple straight cut dress flows gently down her young body and blue embroyderary gently winds it's way around the bottom part of the dress, forming the shapes of long winding dragons and tree branches. An armoured body plate, appearing to be made of a very light weight gold, rests across her front which is embosed in a criss-cross style similar to that of her daggers. Her arms are bare, with just a piece of blue material wrapped around her left arm hiding a scar. she wears plain brown leather gloves which are fingerless and have a star cut out on the back and the palm of the hand. Magic: none, unfortunatly Appearance: brown bobbed hair, which is tied back with a silver hair band that not only loops around her head but falls over backwards and flows freely down her back, splitting into two. Blue eyes which seem to search deep within everyones soul and a pale brown skin colour, giving her the air of mystery. Occupation: Roadwarnen on some of the more uncharted paths of the world. Her basic jon is protect those that travell on her assaigned paths but these have led to more and more dark and danerous paths...so she has moved further a field, trying to get into a better and more potent occupation, like a squire. Description: Harmonia is a very strange young lady of the road, given her time she has a fair amount of knowledge as to the workings of the trade routes and where they go. She has a rather harsh and partically dry sense of humour that can sometimes land her in trouble with many of her 'employees'. She appears to be good natured and a little bit hyper at times, but she does have a darker side. If someone is stupid enough to try and hurt her in any form, she has been known to kill, wound and even mame persons and she can hold grudes for a very long time. Not so quick to anger as to hate but if you ever do her wrong....just watch your back. History: Harmonia was abandoned in the wilderness as a baby by her parents. She would have surely died if it had not been for a passing group of knights who discovered the young child and took her into their care. They travelled far and wide over the world and taught Harmonia her first words and steps. They named her as well, saying that she was a reason for harmony in the group and they were also told by a fourtune teller that she would glow with the radiance of Onia - a flower that grows only once every century and is meant to bring truth and light to those who witness it. Shortly after this prediction, the knights were captured and tried for treason against the state. Harmonia was removed from this as she was to young to know what was going on and was passed from pillar to post for any price that her masters and mistresses could see fit for her. She never found anyone who was willing to keep her by them for long and subsequently she ended up feeling guilt if she out-stayed her welcome with anyone. Eventually, after much deliberation, she was given as a payment to a Roadwarden by the name of Gibliseon who taught her the ways and rules of the road. Since a Roadwarden's job is usually done alone, Harmonia was soon left to her own ends and to make her money where she could. The darkness has warned her that it is time to move on and she now heads to the towns and villiages, in search of somewhere to properly call 'home'. Likes: Jesington - her horse and most loyal friend, water, the silent country roads with nothing but a pack on your back and no where to go Dislikes: people who try and swindel, abuse, insult, cheat, steal or backstab her. Style: She is very delicate in talking and will often be very quiet and surreal. "I believe that these times are indeed dark and dangerous...the ground beneath me tells me so" is very much her manner of talking, adding to her mysterious character and nature. hope that's okay...it took me ages to do this. -
Name: Thomas James Gray (yes I'm playing a guy) Age: 26 Appearance: average height with a dark brown skin colour, brown eyes and black hair always worn in dred-locks which are tied back with a green piece of material. Wears faded grey jeans and a dark green t-shirt with 'Insanity' printed on it in white letters. Wears a black leather jerkin with wolf head design on the back and has green fingerless gloves which are studded with black studds. Biography: Thomas was origionally a teacher in a local school before this whole mess bagan with the darkening skies. At first he turned to God and forgiveness but after a strange attack on his family which whipped out three generations, including his newly born daughter. Naturally Thomas set out on revenge, determind to sort out this mess and give these voices a piece of his own mind. Thomas turned to a crime sindacate that was set on braking the threat through terrorist ways, but he disbanded after a disagreement with the boss of the group. Now Thomas roams the streets, trying to find ways to stop the control of the aliens, from small things like smashing windows to big things like slipping virius into computer systems. Opinion: Hates the Aliens for the attack on his family and has sworn revenge and intends to make sure that they will never be able to hurt anyone else ever again. Even if it entails making his own rules.
Claudia shifted a little, wanting harshly to kick Kyle but stopping herself. She had not meant to sound rude to Cassandera at all, she just hadn't realised who she was. "Forgive Lady Cassandera, I did not realise it was you. My name is Claudia Farrows, an old sirred. We got into a little trouble which was partly my fault" she paused and looked up at the building shuddering. "Dr. Pierres causes himself to much trouble, and the bobby's around here are a little slack. If you need any help Lady then I am willing to help" she said, wishing to break the fault she had caused.
Justice Fight High is a renowned martial arts school, offering the finest training in the many different styles and holding high academic achievements promise to all of its students. Each and every student who passes through J.F.H is taught the ways of self-control and meditation which allow for a more fluent understanding of the arts taught and how they can be used in the modern society. Unfortunately strange occurrences have aroused within the school over the last few months, with many of the students disappearing from the campus. Many rumors have spread like wild fire and the schools intake of argumentative fights has grown as more and more people start to panic and take offence all the more easily. Many parents are threatening to withdraw their children from the school if the missing students are not found soon. The police are at a complete loss and the government official¡¦s cannot find a single clue to the whereabouts of the missing students. Several of the schools fighting groups have banded together in order to try and unlock the mystery themselves. But with a Tournament suddenly called up things might have to be put on hold¡Kor could this tournament hold the key to the students where abouts??? [centre]School Rules:[/centre] 1) Students must sort out any of their differences or arguments between other students in the battle area (this also applies to teachers) 2) All forms of Self- defense must be respected by all students and teachers ¡V anyone found to be discriminating against any style with be punished 3) Fight clean and fair Styles that are studied and perfected at Justice Fight High: [b]Kung fu[b] (Chinese boxing) is, with [b]Karate[/b], the most popularly known of all the martial arts. It employs kicks, strikes, throws, body turns, dodges, holds, crouches and starts, leaps and falls, handsprings and somersaults. These movements include more techniques involving the open hand, such as claws and rips, than those used in karate. [b]Jujitsu or jiujitsu[/b] (from Japanese J?å, for ¡§gentle¡¨), uses holds, chokes, throws, trips, joint locks, kicks, and atemi (strikes to vital body areas). The techniques are gentle only in the sense that they are directed toward deflecting or controlling an attack; however, they can maim or kill. [b]Judo[/b] is a popular wrestling form developed from jujitsu in 1882 by Jigor?ß Kan?ß, a Japanese educator. Like jujitsu, it attempts to turn an attacker's force to one's own advantage. Techniques include throwing and grappling. [b]Aikido[/b] was, like judo, derived from jujitsu within the last century. In aikido, an attack is avoided with flowing, circular movements. The opponent can then be brought to the ground with painful, immobilizing joint locks. Aikido is, with tai chi chuan, the gentlest martial art and is not practiced as a competitive sport. [b]Tai chi chuan[/b], more popularly referred to as tai chi, is an ancient Chinese exercise and fighting system, still practiced in China and elsewhere in the world, mainly for its health benefits. It employs slow, graceful movements that are stylized renditions of original arm and foot blows. [b]Tae kwon do[/b] is a type of fighting system that originated in Korea and that employs kicking, punching, and various evasive techniques. Most famous for its kicks, tae kwon do incorporates jumping and kicking into characteristic maneuvers called ¡§flying kicks.¡¨ [b]Sumo wrestling[/b], a popular Japanese combative sport, pits huge men against one another in an attempt to force a wrestler out of the ring, or to bring his body, below the knees, to the mat. The rules of sumo wrestling prohibit kicking, gouging, hair pulling, and the like, but allow such actions as pushing, pulling, slapping, throwing, and grappling [b]Kendo[/b], or Japanese fencing, is a sport derived from ancient sword fighting, now using bamboo swords. [b]Karate[/b] students learn deep mental control as a prelude to unleashing latent forces, which enable them to deliver lethal blows with the hands and feet. (Any other styles of self defence that I have not listed but you would like your character to use please PM me and I¡¦ll add it to the list) Teams of Justice Fight High (Student Teams) ChinTron [img]http://www.angelfire.com/sc2/sfwh9/ROBERTOP.JPG[/img] [img]http://www.angelfire.com/sc2/sfwh9/ROYP.JPG[/img] [img]http://www.helephant.com/wafuru/origins/natsu.gif[/img] Ballin¡' Fists [img]http://www.angelfire.com/sc2/sfwh9/BATSUP.JPG[/img] [img]http://www.angelfire.com/sc2/sfwh9/SHOMAP.JPG[/img] [img]http://www.helephant.com/wafuru/origins/hinata.gif[/img] A* Kicks [img]http://www.helephant.com/wafuru/origins/akira2.gif[/img] [img]http://www.angelfire.com/sc2/sfwh9/SAKURAP.JPG[/img] [img]http://www.angelfire.com/sc2/sfwh9/GANP.JPG[/img] Diamond Swords [img]http://mugentomb1.free.fr/edits/tiffanyb1.gif[/img] [img]http://www.angelfire.com/sc2/sfwh9/KYOSUKEP.JPG[/img] (Student Teacher Team) Yellow Chalk [img]http://www.angelfire.com/sc2/sfwh9/EDGEP.JPG[/img] [img]http://www.angelfire.com/sc2/sfwh9/HIDEOP.JPG[/img] [img]http://www.angelfire.com/sc2/sfwh9/KYOKOP.JPG[/img] (Teacher Team) Det-ent-ion [img]http://www.angelfire.com/sc2/sfwh9/BOMANP.JPG[/img] [img]http://www.angelfire.com/sc2/sfwh9/DAIGOP.JPG[/img] [img]http://www.angelfire.com/sc2/sfwh9/HAYATOP.JPG[/img] Sign Up: Name: Age: (Between 16 ¡V 19 for students, 19 ¡V 22 for student teachers and 20+ for teachers) Allocation at school: (a.k.a Student, Student Teacher or Teacher) Team: (ChinTron, Ballin¡' Fists, A* Kicks, Diamond Swords, Yellow Chalk or Det-ent-ion) Picture: (please use one¡¦s provided) Martial arts discipline: (use those listed or send me the info about one I haven¡¦t got listed) Weapon(s) used: (only applicable if used within chosen discipline, but don¡¦t feel you have to use them) Personality: Bio: Mis: (anything that you couldn¡'t put in anywhere else) My sign up: Name: Dikabb Gero Age: 18 Allocation: Student Team: A* Kicks Picture: [img]http://www.helephant.com/wafuru/origins/akira2.gif[/img] Martial arts discipline: Jujitsu Weapon(s) used: N/A Personality: rather loud and will speak out if she feels that a mis-justice has been performed against her, a teammate or a opponent. Is well focused when it comes to battle and can appear to be rather cocky at times as well. A loyal friend and fighter, but a deadly adversary if crossed wrongly. Bio: Dikabb has been in Justice Fight High ever since she could enrol. She started out very poorly and was threatened two times of being kicked out if she didn¡¦t improve. Luckily for her and the school she found that Jujitsu was the best fighting style for her and she managed to pull herself out of the bottom of the class and near to the top. She has taken part in many different tournaments and holds a school champion title. School is not the only part of Dikabb¡¦s life, she also spends most of her time working on her home built trike and helps out in the local amateur dramatics society. She enjoys being out and about and hates being confined anywhere. Recently, both her elder brother and sister have disappeared from the Justice Fight campus and her mother is threatening to remove her from the school unless they are both found alive and well. Dikabb does not want to leave the school as she has many good friends and is close to graduating, so in a vain attempt to find her brother and sister she joins in the tournament hoping that it will give her the answers she requires. Mis: One more thing, can you please send a sample of a fight that your character has with an NPC so that I can select who is the captain of each group and also so that pairings can be made for the fights in the tournament. Thanks. Okay, enjoy, oh and please forgive the images, I spent ages trying to find them and these were the best I could come up with. PS: Discalimer: I don't own any part of capcom or Rival schools at all. Just being safe
Claudia tremebled slightly with the mere memory of what had just taken place. "That bloody old fogey, serves him right for trying to kill me" she muttered vainly to herself. Things had not gone well at the ball. Her former fiance had not only regonised her but was under the impression that she was a haunting foce that had killed off his other wives because she had not married him. That of course was a pack of lies, when Claudia had first been sired she had gone back a few times to him, simply because he had been desirable to her. Young and fresh as he was in those days. She had been a little jelouse at the fact that he found another so soon after her, but she could not bring herself to kill out of any form of susposed passion that was open to her or him. Kyle had dissapeared as well, simply gone under the mass of people who had disended on her when the old fogey had cried out and pointed at her. There was no guessing what horror's were being done to him and she had no strenght to fight back. She had fled, seeking some form of refuge from the struggeling and buselling. She breathed out heavily and leant against the wall...and suddenly jumped away. This was no place for a vampire to be, London wasn't exactly the most friendly of societies but this hosipital was deadly and extravagent to any creature of the darkness that crossed it's path. She was about to run once again when she senced something. "A pure born? no...." she sniffed lightly at the air, and then her mind twigged, "A day walker? By the blood of [i]him[/i], what is a day walker doing here?". Carefully she crept foreward and saw Cassandra watching the police men standing idlely. No point in trying to guess what had happened here tonight, fresh blood was on the ground. Carefully she knelt and brushed her fingers in it, savouring the taste of someone pure blooded. She raised herself up and stole across the street like a shadow, not disturbing anything or making a sound. She drew up behind Cassandera and guessed that she was the day walker, "My lady, why are you at this place? Don't you realise what it is, daywalker?" ooc: sorry Akira, it's just the way my character speeks and her usage of the terms of society.
ooc: Hey all, sorry I didn't get to an Internet cafe but I better get this up again ^_^ IC: [COLOR=Teal]Tortodog grinned, talking talking talking that's all they ever seemed to do nowadays. Before all of this bussiness with being locked in they had just gone where they pleased without much argument. She rose and streatched, "Well I ain't going to sit around here much longer and chat about what we're going to do. If we're going to go and re-stock then we'd better hurry up and do it or those other teams will think that we're being our stereotypical selves" she said, knowing the questions that were coming her way. Zohan stared at her in amazement, "Torto are you feeling okay?" Tortodog glared hapazardly at him, "[i]Yes[/i] Zohan I'm fine, we've just ended up sitting here like a bunch of idiots just talking again. We weren't always like this. We do what we want, when we wanted. We didn't discuss, we just did," she paused and saw the look of Yuriko's face, "..Okay I know it got us a bad name, and I accept that. But if we want to clear our names then we've got to appear to be a [i]little[/i] bit ready and willing. So we've been teamed up with people who we don't know or have cause problems to. So what! If they've got a problem with us, they've got a problem with us. We never cared about the reputation, we just were what we were. Players in a game, playing out whatever we felt like. Now we can go and show the world that we're not the bad guys this time. I want to get out of this mess, all of you want to get out of this mess, the other teams want to get out of this mess...heck everyone wants to. Can you imagin what it'll be like to find the guy, prove to the entire Delta world that we didn't kiddnap him?" she paused again and shook her head and sighed. She turned and started to head out, listening for any sound, there was none. She paused on the pourch and listened again, "Are you lot coming or what? Or are we going to sit here and mop and whine and go on about the old days again?" she asked, without turning around.[/COLOR]
Hey all, I just got back from my hols and during that time I went to see T3 which I had been looking foreward to for months....but when it came down to it, what happened? I'm not flaming the movie at all, some of the sceens were complete classic and the chases were really good and origional...but it lacked any real connection to the two previous Terminators in my opinion. I mean okay having a female terminator was a nifty idea but compare her to the orginional T1000 of Judgement Day and she seems to be a fairly poor character. Please don't flame me for this, I did partly enjoy the film and it was slightly nice to see what happens after T2 but personally I prefer T1 and T2. What did you guys think of it?
I'm a mad Harley fan. I know it sounds crazy coming from a girl but I seriously want to own one when I eventually get the time to go for the all inclusive 21 test that is possible to learn on a Harley, get all of the geer thrown in and then have the opportunity of buying the bike you've learnt to ride. *sighs* but I've got to wait for some time yet and I've got to save up. I know in Britian (yes I'm British) that Harleys are popular but not very pratical unless you happen to live down south where it is a hell of a lot warmer. The appeal of a Harley though is that it is [i]the[/i] bike monster. It looks good, sounds the bizz and okay they're not the most quickest or reliablest of things but once you've driven a Harley (or been a pillion passenger in my case) then you're hooked. Speed isn't the only thing that catches peoples attention. You have to look the part of a Rocker to get really noticed!!!
[COLOR=teal] ooc: hey all sorry for not posting....I've got some time tonight but wont be able to really until after I get back. Anyone in Sigma Fi Omega can play my character ^_^ IC: Tortodog X sat on top of the base, with a face that did not hide her complete boredom. She liked being with her team, and often enjoyed their company, but right now everything seemed to become a grueling prospect of day to day life. She had logged in over a year ago now with the simple hope of gaining a few more experience points...and had ended up stuck in the Delta world. She hated the way that Sigma Fi Omega had been singled out as the one's who had caused the problems, she hated they way that other players glared dangerously at her whenever she left the base. Tortodog had taken up remaining elusive and quiet for the last few months and even her treamates could not get anything out of her as to what had recently caused her change. She watched as the rest of them attacked and finished off the two who had insulted them. She sighed and shook her head, maybe there was a slight reason as to why they had been deemed the 'kiddnappers' but that could not be helped. The others were obviously planning to leave this area again, and Tortodog did not want to be stuck on her own again. She stood up and sumersaulted off the roof and walked perposely towards them, calling, "Hey guys! Wait for me". Elec and the others turned, perparing to fight another foe, "Oh please, just because I haven't talked in a while doesn't mean that I'm your enemy now does it?" asked Torotodog scepitally. She wasn't really in the mood to be messed around. "Oh Tortodog, it's you" said Elec, grinning slightly. "Who else is likely to yell 'Hey guys' at you?" asked Torotodog. Aymelek laughed, "No one other than you Tortdog. What you doing over here?" "I'm sick of staying around here all the time. I want to do something with you guys again. I want everything to go back to the old times. I'm sorry if I've been a stubborn pig...but I've been thinking about home lately" said Tortodog, looking slighlty sheepish.[/COLOR]
Claudia linked arms with Kyle and gently they walked out into the cool night air. There was something vague and elusive about Kyle that entised Claudia, something that felt slightly old yet fresh and new. She had no idea what this was, nor how to command it but she was happy to let it play along with her for the time being. The party they were heading to was in honour of one Lisa Montemero, a ritch girl who was now enguaged to an extreamly wealthly old man. Claudia had once been enguaged to this man as well, but luckily she had been turned into a vampire the night before anyhting came tto pass. For no reason that she could identify she did not want to go to the party anymore. Maybe it was the fact that her once mortal self had experienced this type of thing before...but then again with Kyle she felt safe and secure and Kyle was in need of some understandings of how to get around London. Cluadia: Kyle? Kyle: hmmm? Claudia: I must warn you now, the gentleman that the girl is to marry was once a fiance of mine...do not ask why my parents arraged it for me. He might regonise me and things might get a little heated.
Kilie enclined her head and ripped away a piece of skin, before quickly gluping it down. "No problem, they not-so-dead no more. They dead" She scrambled away from them and hopped over the last one turning back around to face him, tilting her head once again. Chris stared at her and smiled, "What's your name?" he asked. It sounded a stupid question, but if she was going to help him get through this then maybe it might be handy to know what to call her. Kilie twisted her head around and a frown sort of appeared on her face, but it was slightly hard to tell with all the mutation she had gone through. A faint memory occured, someone calling her by a name. It sounded right for her, "Kilie" she said, gently scratching an ear. "Kilie? Nice name" said Chris smiling even more. "More come after them," she indercated the how dead not-so-dead things. "Where you want to go? I know this place well, I know where not-so-deads don't go"
Lex listened intently to the conversation and grinned at Shinzumi, "Don't worry about brothers and sister Shizumi. I'm the eldest out of my section of the Lee family and I'm going to have to put up with all of them coming to Hogwarts eventually" she smiled and carefully picked up her goblet. "Hey Lex, wondered where you were" said a voice behind her. She looked up and saw Liam, one of her many cousins who was already at Hogwarts. "Hiya Liam, what you doing here?" she asked, bunching over a little way to let him sit down. Liam grinned and acknowledged Alex and Todd with a small wave, "Just checking on you, little cous. So another Ravenclaw in the family. You've gotta be about the third one" said Liam, gently pulling at one of Lex's plates. "Liam!" said Lex, tugging it away from his grip, "I'm not! You know fine well that I'm not" she said a little moodily. "Hey calm down, god I've never known first years to get so upidy at this stage" said Todd, grinning like an idiot. "This stage?" Lex inclined her head towards Shinzumi, "What are they on about?" she asked in a slightly worried voice. ooc: no prob, it's easier to type out ^_^
Claudia slowly walked into her room, gently savouring the sweet sound of the four piece band that was playing in the room next door. She gently danced around in elegent circle's remembering faintly the time when she had once swoned with prospectorous sons, in the long and elgeant dances of the night. Now she danced to serve another purpose, to fuel a lust stronger than that of attraction. Stronger than that of love, the hunger of a vampire (sorry it's the way I spell it) was a hard and dangerous thing to live with. She corrected herself, she was no longer living and she was no longer dead...she was. She paused in her dancing and carefully tried to think of the word that described it. Finally she decided that there was no real term for it and that this existance was something that she could have to be understandible with. She had not always been as gracious and free as she was now, she had been a devil, created by an aging vampire who longed only for something he could not have. He caused her many nights of pain and madness, locking her away, making her try to understand but she had not. In the end she had murdered him....becuase he had asked to be released, she still hated herself for doing that and probably always would. She walked slowly to the blackened window and sighed heavily, she had no one to truely love. True she had had followers and patrons, but they counted as nothing. They had all left her in the end...except Howard, but then again he was nothing more than an eight year old. She had sent him to a school far away, simply because she was close to killing him and the last she had heard he was playing dangerous games with sunlight. She walked slowly over to her crpyt and nestled down into it. The maids would be arrive soon and bustle about, cleaning her room and letting sunlight in. How she wished that she could be one of many others, how she wished she could be more like the younger breeds...but there again she was older and had been brought up to be so. She fell asleep and eventually awoke just as the sun was dissappearing beyond the horizon. She got up and gently dressed herself in a flowling black gown, a particular favourite of hers and headed down the steps. She liked the twilight of the street's and she liked being a part of the darkness that would surely arose...but suddenly something shattered that inner peace and an odd sensationg of being watched by and all to familiar figure haunted her. "What do you want?" she asked dangerously, not bothering to turn around.
Lex slowly sat down and stared around, enjoying the view of the great hall and spotting her various cousins in other houses. She was only the latetes to be joined into Ravenclaw house and she was very happy to be. She turned to Shizumi and Wolf, both of how had still yet to talk. It was quite wierd that they had all been sorted so quickly but it was fine, "Erm...hi my names Alexia or Lex if you want. What are your names?" she asked both of them smiling worriedly.
Claudia: You seem to be of an older kin as well. Fine I accept. My name is Claudia, what pray tell is your? Kyle: Kyle, Mistress Claudia Claudia: Well Kyle it is a pleasure to meet you
sorry Logan....I was kinda in a hurry at the time of my post and I had to log in then out again so I forgot which character I actually wanted to take. I've edited it now...and I'm sooooooooo soooo sorry. I'll try not to do that ever again...Girl Guides Honour *does the salute* ^_^
Hey I'll give this a shot: Real Name: Chell Karma Age: 18 Delta Name: Tortodog X Delta Age: 20 Team Name: Sigma Fi Omega Class: White Ninja Player Rank: (left blank) Weapon: Double swords Personality: Tortodog is strange, she'll work fine in any team but if she has feelings of doubt she will not budge from her conviction, yet will take any orders given to her. She is loyal to the end and only breaks if she find sufficant reason to, which she will state and amplify. She can be the strong silent angry type but then again she can be the wise advisor of what to do. She is one tricky customer and is very hard to negoicate with, just don't get into her bad books...you'll regret it. Picture: [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/rethisyeru.bmp[/img]