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Everything posted by Walnut

  1. Claudia strode along the pavement, near the docks. She was bored and going out of her mind. Nothing was working for her and the last 'victum' had been a waste of time. She found a street which was quiet and slumped against a wall. "The life of a vampire sucks" she said out loud.
  2. Kilie starked along the streets, feeling rather fed up. The live thing had fled and left her to panic as those not-so-dead dogs came to avaenge their now dead cousin. She paused, there was another sound...something unusal. Another live-thing? She hurried down the street and saw Chris running away from a rather large group of the not-so-dead things. He charged past and one of the quicker ones nearly caught him up. Kilie leaped at it savagely and tore the beast in two...not for food this time though, this was hatered and anger and revenge for everything. She turned to the others, brashing its head. She spoke in a high pitched tone that could not be understood by any living thing. The things backed off...not liking her but keeping within range of the live thing. "Get up, live thing. Threat won't last. Get up!" she said, without turning around.
  3. cool....count me in. Name: Claudia Farrow Age: 63 Gender: female Race: Vampyre (even though I've usually seen it spelt Vampire) Location: London Description: Appears to be an eighteen year old young lady, she had long dark brown hair which is often tied up into various elaborated styles and will often be depicted in long flowing dresses of deep purples, flowing black gowns and on rare occassions white silk. Will often attend parties for those of rich incalnation. Background: Claudia was once a daughter to a rich middle-class family, and was due to marry but three nights before a vampire came and took her for his long lost daughter. When she was first a vampire she lost a lot of her emoutional state and had to be controlled ruthlessly as blood-lust caused her more than a few problems. Now though she is calm and self centred and has started to look for a mate or at least a follower who she can indudel with. If you need any help on time-line feel free to ask. I'm not and expert by any means but I live in England so I've got a fair idea...and I should probably start reading Dracluar to get more of a character build up ^_^
  4. Kilie scampered along quietly. Something was amiss in this section of the town...her food wasn't around. Maybe they had got it into their thick and blobbyfied thinking things that she was around...but nah that was stupid. She scratched at her hair, it was starting to itch again. It always did...damn damn damn. She scurried along the empty streets and picked up a scent...but it was not quite ordinary...it was...alive? Something 'living' was around. Why would anything living be around here? There was only the dead and those not so dead. "follow scent" she said to herself and proceeded along the streets quickly and just occassionally catching the stones below. These streets were easy enough to follow, the scent even easier to find. Whatever live thing was around it didn't know how to cover it's tracks but then again live things were a little bit thick as well. Un-living and living things were the same, Kilie decided, me different...me neither live nor not-so-live nor dead...so I thing. I'm a thing By the way the scent was moving it was heading towards the musmen...a good place to hide for a little while...and also an exceptional hunting place. She scurried loudly down the streets, knowing every short-cut and using them to the full extent. She reached the entrance of the mesume and immeadatly saw an not-so-living dog...one of the rarer specisms and also a very tasty one. She clacked her fingers, her claws scraping loudly in the silence. The not-so-dead dog turned and growled at her, she growled back and then leaped. The not-so-dead dog was soon dead, and it was not really surprising since she had ripped it's head off. "Not-so-dead dog now dead. Dead means food for Kilie...for Kilie not dead and not-so-dead" she said. She picked up the creature and took a deep and heavy bite out of it. Blood seeped into her mouth and she relevered in the taste. The meat was tender and chewy...a little bit too rotten for her liking but it didn't matter to her. Food was food and that was that. She heard the sound of footsteps and turned, the live thing was coming towards her. She took another rip of meat and tried to stop the blood flowing so freely. She didn't want to appear to be one of the not-so-deads. The live thing appeared and stopped in it's tracks. She politly swallowed the meat. "Hello live thing" she said.
  5. sounds cool, I'll give it a go Name: Kilie (only part of her name she remembers) Age: 15 Description: about 4"5 and very odd pale grey skin. Her eyes are a brilliant green and do not appear to have pupils or are normal in the slightes. She never blinks due to an absence of eye-lids and has long serpent like tongue. Her air is short and spikey, but appears to be leather-like and she often crouches down while she's moving. Her body is well-built and various scales portrude from her a irregular intervals. She has claws instead of fingers and is pratically in rags. Weapon: claws and teeth (see bio for reason) Bio: Kilie used to be an normal average kid, who lived with her elder brother in Gaudier for eight months of each year while her parents went off around the world on some archology dig. Everything seemed perfectly fine in the town, and Kilie was quite happy, knew the lingo, the people and had a good number of friends. But then the virus sneeked into the water and everything went wrong. Kilie's brother was wiped out by the virus, he was suffering from an desiease that would eventually kill him anyway but the virus cause him to dimise rather quicker than he would have like or guessed. Kilie was at school at the point and did not know what happened to her brother until well after the effects the virus caused on her. Like many others she drank the water surply frequently and on this particular day she gagged and choked on it. Many of her school friends were screaming in pain and soon she herself was joining them. Almost everyone she knew was turned into a zombie...she however wasn't. Something attacked her during her metaphorpis and stopped her turning into a fully fledge zombie...instead she mutated into the creature she is today. She has lost virtually all of her memory...except these recorded details and survives on eating the zombies she kills. Personality: quiet, passive to a certain extent, a definate killer, lost, alone and has communication problems for the simple fact that she does not trust what she 'sences' before her. okay just because she's half-dead/head-mutated doesn't mean she won't help you lot. She's looking for someone to help her out of this mess and will help to kill off some of the zombies and other creepies...as long as you let her eat them of cource.
  6. Okay....how to sound like I don't know what just went on even though I initated it? A good question at the best of times. Still...I was ready and was sure that everything would be okay. I nodded towards one of the comms operators and stood smartly to attention. "Transmitting now" said the comms operator. There was a couple of seconds of static and typing as the old mors code was used to explain the reasons behind my transmission. With a small blip a girl appeared on the screen, blond haired and blue eyed...typical style and rather the same as everyother operator I had seen. With a few exceptions of corce. "what do you want, General Ken?" she asked, obviously trying to watch several things going on at once. "I wish to simply display my deepest appolguise as to this terrible accident that was uninvertantly cause by us....without any prior authorisation..." I said in a deeply sorrowful voice, trying to look sinceer but probably failing dramatically because of my eye-patch...well at least I had her attention now anyway. [COLOR=deeppink]Well that was certainly a fun ride. Really nice idea letting them shoot at us!! Still....relax Alma...you're in their territory and you've got to play the part of the little lost girly girl again. Evik was groaning and had a couple of heavy cuts...one looking extreamly painful and more than likey cause when she lost her balance, Waya was....Waya? Hey Waya where are you? I looked frantically around....he wasn't anywhere in visible sight. This was not going to be much fun...if he was dead....I shuddered at the thought and then remembered he was susposed to be my brother. Carefully I clambered over some ruble and managed to trip, scrating the lower part of my leg and wincing...then I thought to myself...just cry, you're a little kid, who's alone, lost, scared and without any parents. I choaked at that idea....I was alone. I was on a ship away from my father...away from the only person who had truely loved me for the last several years. I am a little lost girl.....I am only half a child. Without Simo...I am nothing...I am nothing but a little lost girl.... Involutary tears were pouring down my face, I wanted to hug Raggy...but he was over in the corner ripped...I want my Daddy....I want Simo....I want my mummy......[/COLOR] ooc: okay sentimental I know but meh...it creates a good character.
  7. hmmm....everything was under way. Those pilots of our suits were working just perfectly. I allowed a small chuckle, quaint enough and unoffensive but it was still a chuckle. Alma, Evik and Waya knew the plan and were willing to work for me. I looked towards Nelon, who nodded and I prepared to ready my sorrowful speech and sort out these 'riff raff' pilots who has disobeyed direct orders to stay at their posistions. This was going to be like taking candy from a baby. heh [COLOR=deeppink] The ship rocketed violently over to the side. I was starting to feel slightly sick, and knew that if things weren't cleared up soon then I would be, and violently as well. Evik yelled as Waya slammed into her once again, and they both fell to the floor with a thud. I quickly turned and looked out of the space-pod window watching as the mobile suits fought against these gun-dums as father had said. They were indeed strong and fast moving machines...I felt secretly jelouse that I would never be able to fly one of them myself. Evik, somehow had managed to disentangle herself from Waya and scrambled over to where I was, "Ready to go?" she asked me. I nodded, "Ready sis" I replied. I got a grin in return and watched as Evik hit the s.o.s button and screamed in a high pitched voice, "Please help...my brother and sister...wow". The ship had just lurched violently to the side and Evik was sent sprawling into the wall, causing a cut along her arm. Waya was just sitting groaning over nothing, so I plucked up my courage and lent next to the intercom, "If anyone is there, can you come and help us please. I'm scared". I sounded pathetic...but create a sympothy vote for yourself and you never know how far it'll actually go. I waited silently for an responce.[/COLOR] ooc: okay wierd I know but hey....this is me we're talking about
  8. ooc: we're spliting the groups up. So Dancer and Snow take on your two, while Charmander and Mudkip take on Akira or vice-a-verca. K?
  9. ooc: no problem...I'll let you guys know I don't often post during the week as I'm usually at work so forgive me if I appear to slack off. IC: Serine nodded, "You two don't know what's going to hit you". She looked towards Dancer and nodded, Dancer leapt over to Frost's Eevee and nugde it in a sign of friendship. The otehr Eevee returned the nugde and both buckled down ready to attack. Kili looked towards Mudkup and went to join it. "Let's go! Dancer sand attack! Kili ember attack!" Serine watched to see the results and also what Frost was gonig to do.
  10. Serine stood looking terrified at the two Team Ball members, not sure of what to do. "I'm not a member of Team Ball, Frost, my names Serine and" she stopped whispering and raised herself up, "I accept. I don't like those who try to wreak other people's things". She glanced down at her Eevee and Charmander. Fire against fire would not work, she made up her mind. "Kili, Dancer you know what to do" she turned to Frost, "Want to stop these two?" she asked, grinning.
  11. I smiled, this was going to be next to perfect. "Evik, Waya...meet me in my quaters now" I had changed my plan a little bit. I still wanted them to do some spying for me but I had another little favour to ask them. Alma was part of that little favour as well, but she was why I was asking them to go. The spying had to be done in such a way that things appeared to have happened completely by accident and that nothing was out of the ordinary. Both of them appeared in my quaters five minuets later, both in standard uniforms. I allowed a smile and chuckle, "I'm afraid you'll have to take those uniforms off. There's been a change of plan" I said curtly. Waya looked dumbfounded, "w...wh..why s...sir?" he asked. "I think it would be a little to obvious if two pilots appeared from no-where and seemingly uninjuered. There's going to be an attack on a ship carrying cilivians just outside of Colleny five's space clearance zone. We'll make up some cover story about rouge operators in our system who have been brought to full and proper justice. Of cource no one will have but they are not to learn of that. You two and my daughter will be my spies when this goes on" I waited for one of them to say something. "How do you mean, sir?" asked Evik, not fully getting my proposal. "Simple, you three will be placed into an rundown escape pod, that'll look like it's been drifting for sometime. you'll appear to be the only survivor's of the terrible and horrific" I had put on a fake sorrowful voice at this point, but dropped it quickly, "trady and you will not know where your family is. You shall pretend to be relatives of some sort, either cousins or brother and sisters whichever one you'd prefer to be. Hopefully the dumb saps will take you in under their protection act and try to help you out, back to your family and colleny. We'll also be searching for information but will produce a lot of dead ends for them. This should give you enough time to gather the information and report it back to me. You shall keep the names we gave you and Alma now goes by the name of Tima (don't kill me baka) If either of you are court transmitting the information back...I can not promise what we shall do. My daughter has a recording device that must be closely watched and kept a seacret at all times. She has to back alive and well. Is that understood?" I watched both of them carefully, they were both shocked and scared at the prospect but it slowly dawned on them that it was a more crafty way of getting the information. "Yes sir" said Evik, saluting smartly. Waya nodded and also saluted. "Good, now go down to the hanger, the attacks due to take place shortly. My daughter and your brifings are all there waiting. Good luck to both of you" I watched as both of them walked away, praying that Alma would be okay. [COLOR=deeppink]I sat waiting for Evik and Waya, I wasn't entirly sure if it was going to work, but I reminded myself why I was doing this. It was simply a game, one that I used to play with Simo, but this game would give me and Daddy the revenge we had longed for and I was ready to accept it.[/COLOR] ooc: okay, I know it's long and in true anime style you are all now aware of Radmal's and Alma's plan for getting you lot ihto a hell of a lot of trouble. I was going to PM you about it Hatake but I thought this way was more fun. Please let me play with this idea for a little while, I've got some fun stuff planned with it and I don't want your characters to find out too early. Just let me cause some fun for you all and I'll give you the cue for when it all goes pear shaped. Okay?
  12. Okay in this rp there are: Me: Serine - Charmander (Kili) + Eevee (Dancer) Silpheed: Van - Squirtle + Totodile Baka: Kenichi - Pikachu + Clefairy (Moonie) Taki: Carl - Houndour + Beldum JJRiddler: Aki - Larvator + Dratini Daisuke: Lauren "Frost" - Eevee (Snow) + Mudkip (Slush) Rockman: Sirus - Phanpy (Roller) and Cyndaquil (Blaze) Ohkami: Kimana - Eevee (Mia) + Poochyena (Ash) Arika: Arika - Eevee + Ralts IC: Serine gently sat on the old and sqeaky swing, in the park, and watched for the appearance of Team Ball. She was curious to know exactly why they were spreading the virus throughout the system and also as to how they had actually traced her back from a league game. Dancer sat cureled up in her lap, gently watching the growing dark, almost sencing the movement of Kili as she quite happily wandered about, her tail given her away pretty easily. Serine's parents did not know that she was out of the house, and it was just as well considering what could possibly happen. Kili came back around and latched onto Serine's leg, pulling intentively and pointing to the swing opposite her. Serine took the meaning quickly and carefully placed Kili into it and started pushing gently. Kili squeeked happily and was soon joined by Dancer, not wanting to be left out of the fun. Serine watched carefully as she pushed them both on the swing. Someone was nearby, she could hear their footsteps in the clear night air, "Who's there?" she doubted that she would get a responce, but that didn't matter...all she cared was to learn the answers to her questions fast.
  13. okay I'm starting this now...sign ups are still open so if you like then post in here and come and play
  14. Wow...okay, you're all in. I'll start this on Tues cause I've got to get a few things sorted. Sign ups are still open so I'll keep checking.
  15. Ah ha, so that was their little game. Not only had they competely destroyed four of my best suits they were using four very new and extreamly well built Gundams. I would have never guessed that they had made new ones, and what fine machines they were. Someone very clever must have spen hours creating them and constructing them to make sure they were the best of the best of the best with a capital SIR. The pilot who had brought back the images was a young girl of 19. She was tall with black hair and daredevil eyes. Her name was Evik and I was proud that she had had the guts to bring back the enemy photo's. I smiled and turned to her and Captain Nelon. I had started to formualte a plan and I was sure it was going to work. [COLOR=deeppink] Daddy's very happy at the minuet, he knows something about the enemy and I'm curious to know. I've got a feeling that maybe I can widdle it out of him...but I think he's deliberatly letting me in on this. I think there's something going on about sending transmissions to the E.S.N but I'm not entirely sure.[/COLOR]
  16. Okay guys, you're all in. I'll leave the sign-ups for a couple more days and see who else we get
  17. I cannot believe this!! The Humiliation! How the hell can five newly built suits be destroyed within five seconds of battle. They didn't even put up a semi desent fight! My campaing had been outsmarted by a group of twits who thought it was funny to kill my wife and son! The same people who threw me away like some lowly half-life, those....!!! Calm down, take a couple of breaths. There'll be a perfectly logical explanation for this, or at least there had better be or I'll personally shoot the tratior in this establishment!!! Calm down, Radmal, just calm down. Think happy nice thoughts and try and work it out. "Sir" Now there's got to be something we overlooked, "Sir", Something so small and insignifcant that we forgot about it, "SIR", something like....a...., "General Radmal!" huh? I turned and saw Nelon standing there, "What is it?" I asked stupidly. "The ship's returning, looks like one of them survived the attack" she said. Finally something was going right. [COLOR=deeppink]Daddy's in a right mood with himself. I don't think the plan went well. I can only hope that he finds something to take his rage out on, I don't like it when Daddy's angry[/COLOR]
  18. The DPM or Digital Pocket Monsters as its full title goes, was started when it became clear that the anime series of Pokémon was going to be one of the biggest crazes on the International level. Not only is Pokémon an anime series, film, computer game for several consoles and a CTCG it has now become a virtual reality game. The basic description of DPM is an international multi-player RPG that can be accessed from a home computer or in one of the many Pokémon gaming leagues login stations. With the use of a headset and a copy of ?DMP: Data Drive? you can be transported instantly to a virtual world where your favourite Pokémon are up for grabs in startling 3D graphic?s. Catch ?em at the League login and then take them home and train them up and make your own unique fighting monsters that can earn you the title of Pokémon Master? as the ad runs. The game data is stored on Data CTC?s, which can be obtained by taking part in the game. It is one of the fastest growing businesses and the number of people playing it is over 1 million. But like everything in life, be it real or not, there are those who will try to destroy what they cannot have or try to take over the system. Recently a virus simply called ?NEW POKE-BALL? has been sent throughout the server and is deleting people?s files, reducing Pokémon from extremely high levels to the lowest rookie level possible and causing many more problems for everyone. You attend one of the many League login?s on a regular basis and have yet to be effected by the virus. In the middle of an extremely heated battle, which could change all of your chances to become a Master, the game cuts out. Before you can even blink an announcement pops up and reads: ?Apologies for shutting down all games. Virus ?NEW POKE-BALL? has been discovered in the system and so all games have been saved at current locations and terminated for protection of all accounted for. We apologise once again. Please claim your data cards from your Prize boxes. Thank you? Grumbling slightly you removed your headset, go to your Prize box and open it to get your cards. You quickly close it again, blink a couple of times and then slowly and tentatively re-open the box. Inside are not your cards?.but two real Pokémon who stare at you with large happy eyes. Creepy or what? You chance a glance around and see that everyone else is heading out the doors, not waiting for you. Without realising what you are doing you somehow manage to smuggle the two Pokémon home and get past your parents without any questions asked, bar why are you home so early. In your room you continue to stare at the Pokémon, unsure exactly what to do or how they got there in the first place. Suddenly your computer blinks on and you receive an e-mail from someone called ?Chrissie Team Ball? which reads? ? Congratulations on being one of the few to sustain our virus. You will have now received your Pokémon and we now await your presence so that you can fight us at a desegregated time and place. Meet us at ?The Park? at five and do not think of telling anyone. You are like us. The Incorruptible.? Now it?s up to you. Do you take on this new challenge or simply hide and wait it out. Just remember though?your fellow gamers might just end up having to count on you. Okay sign up as follows: Name: Age: (no older than 18) Description: Personality: Bio: Pokémon: (two only and please currently only at Rookie level) Team Alliance: (Are you going to fight against Team Ball or join them?) My char runs as thus: Name: Serine Tomo Age: 14 Description: average height, with short and spiky brown hair and large brown eyes but her left one is partly bloodshot after an accident a while ago. Wears blue jeans, white t-shirt with blue waistcoat and denim bandana. Also has fingerless gloves, which are blue in colour. Personality: Strong minded, good sense of humour, can be quite shy at times but if aroused or angered she can be quite deadly. Bio: Serine has been mad on Pokémon for the last several years and has an extensive collection, much to the annoyance of her mother and brother who think that?s she?s wasting her money. Her father works all over the country and therefore is hardly ever around but Serine doesn?t really mind as he keeps on sending her large packages filled with various oddities that he found and thought she would like. Pokémon: Charmander (called Kili) and Eevee (called Dancer) Team Alliance: against TB (TB = Team Ball) anything else you want to know? PM me and I'll see what I can do
  19. Usually when it comes to Star Trek rps, you need to know what sector you are in, how you got there, what time line your playing, how large the crew is....all that sort of stuff. I'm no star trek genius but I am a trekky so I'll give you a hand if you like
  20. Radmal = black text Alma = [COLOR=deeppink] pink text[/COLOR] I watched Alma hurry away, quite pleased with the fact that she was willing to fight alongside me, her father, to revenge the past. I knew she was still too young to properly fight, but only one more month and she would be thirteen years old. A teenager and on the path of adult life. It seemed quite alien to me then, in one months time she would start her training. I had planned it for years, she would eventually take over from me and lead the E.F.Z, but not as just my daughter...she would be a soilder, someone who knew the battlefield and was prepared to lead the army firmly and strong. I allowed that thought to linger a little too long and suddenly was stabbed in my arm. Turning I saw Nelon, one of my captains and also my trusted commander of the new cadets for the special mission I had planned. "Thank you Nelon" I growled. She smiled back, Nelon had been friends with my Arrashbell long before we had ever met. She was an attractive young lady, but with a stubborn attitude and always seemed to hate me. turned out that she had had problems with someone else and hated men since. "We're ready to start the examinations" she said with a clipped militery voice. I chuckled, "Good, let's go". Little did I know how much problems it would cause. [COLOR=deeppink]I never fully understand what Daddy does. Unknown to him I hadn't actually ran far, I was hiding around the corner, eagely listening for any information. I've always been nosey about things...ever since Sim died (ooc: Simo was her twin) and mummy went on Holiday to the purley gates. I'm still waiting for her to come back. I still only feel half of my self. Sim's half of me died with him. Daddy wandered off with Nel, so I headed to my room with Raggy. I've got a calendar on my wall, it's got fluffy kittens on it! I'm currently crossing off the days until I'm, thirteen. I'm looking foreward to becoming an MS pilot, I serisously cannot wait.[/COLOR]
  21. ooc: why's no one posted? Oh well...here goes IC: Alma sat and watched quietly as her father gave out a big speach to the various people about what their next move was and how they were going to sort out the problem of the E.S.N. Alma had heard it before, so she remaind quiet and gently bounced her teddy, by the name of Raggy, on her knee. Eventually Radmal climed down and scouped her up playfully, "How's my little baby?" he asked. "Fine, thank you Daddy. Why were you giving that speach?" she asked in a very happy voice. "To boost moral and keep them on our side. You want to win don't you?" he asked and explained. Alma paused, looked down and Raggy and asked, "Do you want to win, Raggy?". Radmal replied for her, taking on the voice of Raggy as he often did with his daughter, "Yes, I do Alma! And if we win we can have all sorts of fun together". Alma paused, looked at her Daddy and smiled, "Yes. Raggy wants to win, so I want to win" she said happily. "That's my girl" said Radmal, kissing Alma and poping her down, "Now run along, Daddy's got some things to sort out" he said. "Okay, bey bye" said Alma, running off down the corridor.
  22. Okay...I'm gonna play as Alma so Radmal's open for grabs...but please don't wreak him...he's evil I know that but he's got his reasons and is not along the usual lines of Anime bad guys. Sorry to rant...I'm a bit hyper at the min ^_^
  23. I can change my character to a third year if you like? Just a surgestion but meh...Lex is a changable character
  24. Hello Domon, sorry about taking yonks over these two but I had to have a bit of fun ^_^ I've got the two main baddies done as you requested:- Name: Radmal Ken Age: 40 Allaiance: Bad guys Eye colour: dark brown Hair colour: Black Clothes: plain black trousers, black shirt lined with silver, sensible shoes, grey tie and black leather gloves Additional: Gold bracelet around right hand wrist and has scars around his eyes and mouth, one eye completely covered with a diamond encrusted patch Bio: (It does go into detail but you'll see why) Used to be extreamly loyal to the E.S.N and was highly respected by many of it's repective members. Married in his late twenties to Arrashbell and was completely devouted to her in every repect. Three years ofter their marriage, Arrashbell gave birth to twins one girl, one boy. Everything in their lives was perfect and then things went wrong. No one knows who was hired or even why they were hired but someone somewhere wanted rid of the Ken family and on the eve of their wedding anaverary, Radmal's wife and son where shot dead by an assassin and he barley escaped with his and his daughter's life. All he can really recall of that night was the shrill scream of his wife and son, grabbing Alma and leaping out of a stained glass window which left him scarred and bruised and fuelled by a strong desire for revenge. He guessed that a rival from the E.S.N had attack him and therefore turned his back on them and became their sworn enemy. Personality: Mean, cold hearted, out for revenge, determind, sceaming, nasty in general, plotting...but has a tender caring side and shows a great deal of effection and love towards his daughter and is prepared to do anything for her, has been known to yell and scream at her but with appolgiuse continusly and rewards her with exquive gifts Name: Alma Ken Age: 12 Alliance: Baddies...but could possibly change Eye colour: light brown Hair colour: Black Clothes: green short sleeved blose, black knee lenght skirt, sensible black shoes and green fingerless leather gloves Additional: Wears green Alice band to keep her hair out of the way and often wears a silver choaker with many charms on it and slight scarring around her eyes Bio: Practically the same as her fathers, just in difference she opted to remain with him as he is her only living relative she knows about Personality: Cute and cuddly to a certain degree, but has an authoritvie side and can manipulate situations if she so desires. Can often seem quiet and down because she feel's that she has lost part of herself, due to losing her twin, and can become very silent and remouseful if he is ever mentioned, does have a nasty side to her and once angered is very hard to calm down. there ya go Domon, anything I need to edit? If there is just PM me about it. And can I rp as these two cause I know what they're like? Please
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