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Everything posted by Walnut

  1. cool, sounds like fun and I've got a character to play as well ^_^ Name: Alexia Lee (often called Lex Lee) Age: 10 Sex: Female Eye: Green Hair: Fair Wand: 12 inches, mahogony, dragon heart-string House: Year: First Personality: Mixed, depending to whom she is talking to. To her friend she is kind, considerate, moody when she is stressed, usually happy, with a moderate sense of humour and a generosity. Is quite bright and knowledgable..but with a spelling dyslexia that can hamper her but she is willing to keep going. To people she does not like she is cold, snappy and a bit spoilt but it takes alot for her to get like that. Biography: Lex is from a long line of pure bloods, but unlike most they are good and kind at heart and willing to defend there lands, family and friends to the bitter end. She is the eldest of her small segment of the family with three sisters under her and an infant brother. She was aminly brought up by her father as her mother was part of an national quidditch team and was often off in some part of the country, so how her siblings came around is a bit of mystery to her. She has a varity of cousins already at Hogwarts, and many of them have already sent her letters advising of how to cope, which teachers to avoid and which to make firm friends with. There is no particular house pattern with the Lee's and all of them go on to lead prospective lives. Pet: Tigertrap (a dark orange and black cat with silver eyes and ears) There ya go...hope it's okay
  2. Heya Domon, I'm up for helping out with NPC's...I aint got no scanner and I'm not good at drwaing but I can write some very interesting (well in my opinion anyways) detailed character descriptions. If ya want my help PM me with some stuff you need and I'll start some work on them.
  3. Farah blink cautiously and then quickly scrambled up a few handy boxes as fast as she possibly could. She was aware that several cats and now a rabied dog were in the process of trying to catch her. Farah: Ha..let 'em She continued to scramble but suddenly found herself falling. She hit the wet soggy cardboard and spat it out, Farah: Ah hell She turned around quickly and looked for a plausible esacpe route, one of the cats, a flee bitten thing that looked like it had seen better days, leapt down and tried to block her way. She ran right and it swiped at her with it's paw the other way the same effect. It hissed and leant to grab her in it's mouth, sharp teeth looking all to big when one is stuck in a hamsters body. She glanced around, squeeked and then charged willy nilly under the beast, only pausing to bite quite hard to make sure that it could never breed (cat// O.O) and charging out of the soggy cardboard. Farah: Freedom! And then she landed in a drinking bowl...though she could only hope it was a drinking bowl.
  4. Name: Farah Walnut (A mix of my semi-real name and username) Age: 17 Personality: Mad, hyper at times, seriously wants to be evil in every respect, has an anger that can snap at any time and is generally unruly Pet Peeve: dirty laundery EDIT: Hobbies: hmmm, anything destructive, like tearing things apart...general mess maker just really bad Appearance: short black spikey hair, grey eyes and long black scar running down from her left eye to her chin. Wears black leather trousers and tight red sleeveless top with black dragon winding around it. Also has two tatto's, one a long red dragon going down left arm and gold phoxeic with long golden and silver firey tail down right arm oh and just to let you know I do have problems getting onto the net during the week so I may not appear to be that good a poster but I am seriously
  5. Ahhhh...choices choices...why can't I have two votes??? :( still I've voted now
  6. Walnut

    Redwall Abbey Life

    ooc: Hey all, sorry about not posting but I've been away the last couple of days. And Badgermum's called Lovre as she's my character. IC: Lovre glanced over at Skipper and Sakura, "Are you two alright?" she asked, worry clear in her voice and half and eye on the dibbuns. "We're fine, Lovre..no need to go worrying your head about anything. I'm used to the waters and that was nothing compared to some of the pike I've frilled in my life-time. Sakura's a good little swimmer and has Martin protecting her so she's fine," said Skipper in a happy tone, and then lowering her voice, "Though something's up, I've never seen vermin walk in broad daylight and be aware of Squirrel's before. I think we might have a few problems a-coming to Redwall". "I am aware of that, my friend. Though it could just be a small amount of rought 'uns but I do think we might be dealing with something a little bit different here" repilied Lovre, noting that a couple of the dibbuns were starting to cause mischife as usual. "What you expect, Lovre, but I think we should keep our watch a little more vigilant from now on" said Skipper brightening up. Lovre nodded and then stood up, "Right, all dibbuns bed-time" she said. She was met by a varity of groans and "Noa bed yet, badgermum, it's too ergy". But she stood her ground, "I have already allowed a far to great a time to pass, now come on all of you. Bed now!" she coxed, knowing only too well their particular little game. As she strode towards them, each and every one of them got up and started to run away, Lovre shook her head and was about to go after them but paused and stared at the two new one's, Siskle and Kitia who were sat side by side unsure of what to do. She smiles and gently scouped them up, "It's okay, my little one's, they are just playing a game" she said. "You're badgermum?" asked Siskle, snuggleing into her. "Yes I am" she said troding after the dibbuns who were still running. "Can wee pway as ell, badgermum?" asked Kitia. "No, they are all bad dibbuns and will have to have BATHS" she called slightly, taking to a trot and after several minuets managing to round them all up and partly get them up the stiars...but does a re-count and finds not all of them are there. "Right, you dibbuns go up to the dorms now. I will be along in a minuet with a tale to tell you" she said setting the babes down and watching them run to their little beds, nothing got them there quicker than the promise of a tale or story. She headed back down and did a quick search, but could find nothing. "Always the same" she said and continued to hunt, getting more and more worried by the minuet.
  7. A temporal anonym has formed within space and all sorts of weird and strange happenings are going on. Recently one of the colonies picked up a transmission from a ship that has, or had in correction, hostile intentions towards the Earth Sphere. In retaliation to this, the Gundam pilots were sent out in order to destroy the coming threat?what they got was something all together different. The craft with hostile intentions turned out of be ?Starbug? and crew who due to a fatale decision (and also the elimination of some very important factors in both shows ^_^) had ended up being chased by the Gelphs, who were demanding that Lister return to his bride?Hackackankacha as separation between couples could had to be commended by their council. The crew had sent out an SOS message, which had been misinterpreated by the colonies, and talks are now underway. Finally after several days of talks, death threats, agreements, disagreements, misunderstandings and various weapons being destroyed the Gelphs have granted the separation between Lister and Hackackankacha. Everything would seem to be okay but the Gelphs are partial to trade and have said that a new mate has to be found for her. This might cause a variety of problems as she seems to have taken a strong liking to the Gundam pilots and now there are several paths open to them. 1)Either run away as fast as smegging possible and get chased half-way across the galaxy by the Gelphs 2)Stage a wedding between one of them and the Gelph and then do what Lister did: ?Change of plan. LEG IT!!!? and get chased half-way across the galaxy again 3)Agree for one of them to wed Hackackankacha and then work out some form of plan to get out of the way without getting chased half-way across the galaxy All three of these assumptions are possible but the pilots cannot risk bringing anything willing or unwillingly back to Earth. So a plan must be formed and someone needs to think fast. There will be five primary places (excluding me), which will be for the available characters and two additional spaces for original characters to help with the flow of this. The available characters are: [b]Red Dwarf[/b]- Lister, Rimmer, Cat, Kryten and Holly (male or female whichever one you chose) [b]Gundam Wing[/b]? Heero, Trowa, Duo, Quatre and Wufei If you do sign up as the available characters please select two, one from each series i.e. Trowa + Rimmer or Quatre + Cat, this will make it easier to play and if you only want to be one you can PM me about it. The original characters have a free rain over what series they are from but will need to fill out this form: Name: Age: Description: Series: (just so we all know) Personality: I will be acting as the Gelphs and any left over characters as well as a computer system by the name of COMMS who will regularly pop up to check on what is going on and also to take votes for and against certain ideas (I will give you plenty of notice about those though) So to quote ?sit down, put you head between your knees and read the on-board flight magazine? and prepare to have a few laughs, get drunk and go mad. The Universe will never be the same again ? so true Players so far: Braidless Baka: Duo and Lister
  8. Walnut


    As a collector of the series and a much devouted fan count me in ^_^ Name: Lovre Hammerthrow Species: Badgermother Gender: Female (only way I can be a mum aint it ^_^) Bio: Lovre was once Badgerlord of Salmandrason and wielded a mighty hammer made out of soild iron born out of the mighty mountain. She lead with a strong grip and would often throw the heavy hammer into any group of vermin who dared to try and cross her borders, hence her name Hammerthrow. She ruled for over thirty seasons before finally handing the title over to the Current Badgerlord, not after a long and dangerous battle with Og'luna a dangerous Rat Empress who controlled a large army of very kind of vermin. She headed to Redwall and was instated as Badgermother. There ya go, I look forward to this. And just to let you all know it's actually 'Dibbuns'. I've just gone and checked in 'Marlfox' my absoulte favourite story ^_^ Description
  9. Nuna was rudly awakened by an airhostess, telling her that the plane was due to land within the next ten minuets. She grumbled her thanks and quickly sat up and stuffed a couple of things in her handluggage. She wasn't quite sure when she had fallen asleep but she knew it would be slightly better than meeting Yuki's family and Yuki herself, in a half asleep form. The plane eventually landed and she got up in order to get off. The plane was unfortunatly packed with all sorts of people, many students and teachers on the exchange or others who had taken early holidays. She was pushed about a bit and one kid who could not have been older that twelve managed repetadly to stand on her foot five times before his father told him to stop it. Finally she got out of the plane, got ahold of her bags and headed to the airport longue. "Arrr, great. How am I meant to find anyone here?" she asked to herself, irratly brushing a stray piece of ginger hair out of her eyes. She quickly hunted in her bag and pulled out a photo which she had recieved via mail of Yuki and her family. A quick scan told her that she was not going to have a real problem finding them. She tried to recall Yuki's last e-mail which said where they would meet her. 'By the blue gate, next to the coffee machine'. She looked around for the blue gate and could see nothing of that description. She sighed, maybe if she waited here they would find her...she was easy to spot. How many bright ginger haired scottish girls where there likely to be in Japan? She sat down on her luggage and continued to hunt around. A pink ball smacked off the side of her head and a young girl raced over, "Gomen" she said quickly picking it up and running off again. "No problem" said Nun, rubbing the side of her head lightly and following the girl as she ran back to her family. "Nuna?" asked a voice behind her. She turned and saw a lady dressed in a very office style, "Hai" she repilied not entirely sure who this lady was. "Domo, Yuki.." a pause, "Yuki! Nuna-chan" called the woman. Nuna stood up and smiled as a familiar looking black haired girl ran towards her, "Nuna-chan" she said pulling her into a big hug. "Yuki-chan" replied Nun as soon as she could breath. "It's good to finally meet you, Nuna-chan" said Yuki, beaming as her father appeared. "I'm glad to meet you two" said Nuna. "Yuki-san, korosu ka?" asked her father, smiling humorisly "Otouto-san, Nuna-chan Scotland" said Yuki, playfully punching him. "Hai, Yuki, hai. Hi Nuna-chan" said Yuki's father, picking up Nuna's things. They headed out of the airport and soon Nuna and Yuki were chatting away, of cause they kept saying things wrong much to their amusment as well as Yuki's parents. "I'm looking foreward to this so much" said Nuna as they eventually pulled up outside Yuki's house. "I am to, Nun-chan, I am to" said Yuki, clapping her hands. Japanese translations: (or as close as I can get ^_^) Gomen - sorry Domo - thank you Korosu ka - who Otouto-san - father (hopefully I've spelt it right) Hai - yes
  10. Right, time for a little fun me thinks :evil: Name: Renna gender: female good/bad: Bad, evil, dark whatever you want to call it Mutant name: Tortodog (yes I know I've nicked it) appearance: 5"1 in height, with grey hair and eyes. Often wears fake fur dresses of cream or white (depending on her mood). Has several gold necklases and bangles running down her arms and scared into her face is a long winding scar that has been tattoed into a snake. mutant power: Animal-like senses, wrath created by certain qualities and the ability to reverse telekentic and telepathic powers used against her so that they hit the purson who is wielding them bio: Renna was born in Asia, but no specific details on where. Her father and mother where both mutants and it was no surprise that she herself became one. At the age of 17, her father suddenly went mad and killed her mother and threatened her life into the fray as well. She luckily managed to strike out at him and now has him locked away in her 'den' where she can keep a firm eye on him. She has searched the entire globe for a mutant who could do such a thing and has taken to the assumption that Proffessor Xavoir is the one who caused the troubles. She has sent out a warrent on him to all mutants who were 'listed' as being against these rumoured X-men who try to save humanity. She is waiting on recieving him, but was it Xavoir or not? personality: complexed to say the least, she is two faced and will lie, cheat and backstab her way through for any piece of information she can get her hands on. She is known for being quite flurtatious but only if she cannot get the information she wants, is otherwise bossy, impatient, aggressive and abusive but those are her good traits. She will not think twice about having you gutted, nor will she be even aware of your petty accusations against her. Well, you've got one picky evil character Mighty Kai and I'm looking foreward to playing her.
  11. Name: Shadow Age: 36 Appearance: short spikey hair tied into various stubs of varing colours with red predominating, deathly pale skin and shocking blue lips. wears black leather top and matching shorts and competely black sunglasses. Bio: Shadow's past is unknown, even to herself. She was blinded at a young age by a wandering group and was forced to learn how to live her life in darkness. One day she strayed away from her village and ended up at a strange building in which a cult acted. At first they threatened to show her the stuff of nightmares but she indercated that she was blind and therefore would not see anything that they could produce. They took her in and taught her to use her other senses in order to fight, hearing, smell and mind powers in particular. She became well known throughout the cult and was often hired as an assassin or guard because no one would suspect the blind woman sitting alone. Now she has been informed of the rising of the mages and is ready to pledge herself to them as the cult was part of their following Occupation: Stormscape Swordmistress/assassin/guard (whatever as long as she has a sword) Spells: none Weapons: Sword with gem encrested hilt and one throwing dagger hope that's alright for you
  12. Harriett walked down the street and felt competely lost. Why had she ran away from her family? She wondered to herself for the one hundreth time. She then reminded herself, they hated mutants...she had knocked them both out and left her sister on the roof of the caravan. But how could she be a mutant? She was an normal kid, wasn't she. She slumped down on a seat and looked hopelessly around. Somehow she had made it to New York, although she wasn't quite sure how. She had hitched various lifts and pleaded for fairs, coming up with the excuse that she had a cousin in New York and she really needed to go and see her. Truth was she didn't have any family in New York at all. All she knew was that there might be someone who would be able to help her. Someone who she could trust. She looked up at the skyscrapers and felt a tear slowly wind itself down her face. She lowered her head and quickly brushed it away. Surely she could phone her father and explain where she was, but she reminded herself that there were two problems with that. One, her mobile phone was at the caravan and two, she had no money on her. She lifted her head as a group of teens walked past. They were older than her by three years or more but they could certainly help her. "Excuse me?" she asked. A lad with a bad zit problem turned around, "Wha?" his accent was thick with nasty substances. Harry: I'm looking for this place, can you tell me how to get there? *hands him a scrap of paper with an address scribbled on it Zit-face: Why you wanna go there? You some sort of rich wizz kid? Harry: No, I've got a cousin.... Zit-face hands the address to a couple of his friends, who signer and circle around Harry. Girl1: Well, we think your a rich kid. And rich kids don't servive long around here She crackled and the group moved in on her, enclosing her in their circle. Harry paniced, she did not know what to do. Their voices echoed loudly in her head, all of them planning to beat her up and rob her or worse. The circle was getting smaller and smaller, soon they would start hurting her and she would be finished. Zit-face rose his fist in order to punch her and the next thing she knew he was flying away from her. The group moved in closer, all of them chanting something about 'mutant', but she could not hear them. She felt their bodies move away from her, she heard screams of innocent people...she heard their thoughts all of them screaming mutant. Then all went quiet. The world in front of her was black. She opened her eyes and looked around, the group were lying on the ground, or on benches or in tree's. Others were staring at her in disbalife, or running away yelling 'Mutant'. Exhaustion came over her and she flopped onto her knees, tears streaming down her face. Harry: Please someone help me, please
  13. Sorry Gohan, I wwas kinda in a hurry when I posted and screwed up big time. I've posted the changes and my posting habbits will be a bit funny cause I'm at work on Mons, Weds and Thrus so during the week I can only post on Tues and Fri's. K I've edited the post as well
  14. Okay, I haven't watched X-men in a while so don't go on at me if I do summat stupid Name: Harriet Jade Rine Age: 14 Mutant powers: Telekenis, and a slight telepathy but need to do some serious work on it Mutant name: Wolvefe Aliance: Neutral (check bio for reason) Bio: Harriet lived with her father and sister and was forever moving around the USA. Her father worked for a film company and every three months they had to move to another location in order to obtain that perfect shot. Harriet was just an ordinary kid until her mutations began. Her first real encounter was during an argument with her sister over a piece of film which she was not happy with. Durng this argument her sister threw a book at her and she managed to stop it and inch away from her face. Her sister did not notice and continued to yell at her for a while and then Harry (nickname) without realsing what she was doing lifted her sister up into the air and threw her across the room. She recieved a few bruises but nothing serious. Her sister started to look on her as a freak but kept her a seacret from their father. Nothing happened for a while and then her second mistake happened. Once again it was over and argument but this time between her father and sister. Harry had sat outside their trailer and listened to the argument...but was sure that she could hear more than just the basic argument. Her father stromed out of the trailer and pushed her sharply off the step. Once again she lost control and sent a film prop straight for him. Luckily he turned and narrowly doged it, but glared down at Harry. He was enfuriated and went to strike her for being spiteful...he never made it. A crew member found him lying on his front the next morning outside the trailer and her sister was found on the trailer roof. Harry was no where to be found, and now she is searching for someone who can explain what has happened to her. appearance: Tall, with short spikey black hair and green eyes. Wears black top with gold edging and plain blue trousers. Also has a lose red jacket and carries a backpack that contains the stuff she brought from the trailer.
  15. The group slowly dispursed and she heard the remark , [i]"That Hood. She's just out looking for trouble[/i]". She grinned and picked up her spear, at least she was getting a self-created reputation around here. She picked up her spear and pointed in a north direction. "Before we start exlporing, I need to go to the Farm. There's something there I need to collect. That okay with you?" she asked.
  16. Shaw looked at the two younger Rats and shook her head. "You two are certainly twits if I ever saw some" her voice was slightly sarcastic. "Oh c'mon Shaw...it wasn't..." started both boys simutanously but Shaw interupted them, "I know [i]it wasn't your fault[/i]. It never is with you two. Honestly anyone would think that you were..." pauses and tries to think of the correct word, "relative". "Huh? What do you mean by that?" asked Alex, walking up to her and sitting down on the floor, playfully taking ahold of her hand and starting to play an old number game on it. "Family" said Shaw gently smiling. "I thought we were family?" said Nezumi, also coming up to her and calmbering over the end of the bed, careful to avoid her leg, and hugging into her side. With a hint of sarcastim in her voice "Yeah as if I would want you two for brothers". Alex looked up at her, "Don't you like us anymore, Shaw?" he asked in a sad little voice. "Of cause I do you stupid twit, you both know that" she gently ruffled Alex's hair and placed her other arm around Nezumi in a one armed hug. "How's your leg?" asked Nezumi. "Getting better....but I'm gonna still be out of the Tunnels. Nez what were you doing on street level anyway? I mean Tunnelers aren't permitted there" she asked, her voice filled with worry. "He was a message runner" said Alex. Shaw sighed and shook her head, "Well, it looks like this celebration is going to be real quite for us".
  17. ooc: Okay people in this RP = Me: Shaupat (Shaw) Flynn BB: Nezumi Taitsu Koby: Alex Miller PM me if you want to join up and check the recuritment for basic info. IC: Shaw slowly opened her eyes and looked around Hole 139. All Rats lived in Holes under the ground, it was how the 'powers' dealt with them. 'Keep them out of sight....keep them out of mind', a very standard ideology when it came to anyone dealing with Rats. She rubbed the sleep gently from her eyes and took into account the lack of noise. Usually the trains and water systems would be loud, the only thing that could ever drown it out was the general talk between the others when they got back from their days work, and Admiral Sidney's long rant's about their progress or more correctly failures at keeping the city in working order. Shaw had never been alone in the Hole, usually she was at work with the others...but an accident over two and a hlaf weeks ago had left her with a broken leg and black eye. She had been deemed unfit to work and was therefore confined to the Hole, until her leg fixed itself. Currently it was raised slightly on a piece of wood, it hadn't even been bangaged! She tried to lift it and winced as pain rocketed through it. She sighed, all she wanted to do was go back to the Tunnel's and be with the others. Was that so hard of a request. She twisted her head to the left and listened to a distant sound. It sounded somewhat odd, like a group of people marching on the street level. Then she recalled the annual hoilday. Everyone would have to remain underground for two full days. She smiled slightly...at least she would have someone to talk to. She gently scratched behind her ear and wondered what would happen this time. The powers always managed to wreck something and this time there would be no acception. She closed her eyes again, thinking that if she slept a little while longer then she could wake up when the others were back. But another noise caused her to tilt her head again. "No way" she whispered to herself. The noise was unmistakable, it was the sound of the guards bringing the others in. But surely it was to early for them to return, wasn't it? Unless she had misjudged the time. 'Sod it', she thought to herself, 'At least I'm not going to be alone anymore'. She watched the door to the Hole and waited for her friends to come.
  18. Okay...I'm going to start this off now guys. So let's have a bit of fun
  19. Hood grins and brings her staff around in another striking blow. "C'mon, stop trying to defend. Use your brains and beat me!" she called as he blocked another attack. Traumerin tried to think and then remembered that he had a speed advatage over her. Hood went in again for the attack but found that he was not there. She turned and spotted him behind her. She went to lunge again and again missed.She frowned and made to strike one last time, but again he was behind her and this time he tripped her up. Hood fell flat on her face and glares up at him, "You did say to beat you" said Traumerin. "You haven't beaten me yet" said Hood raising herself up and preparing to attack.
  20. The date is January 3rd 2130 The human race evolved at the turn of the century. Those who considered 'Freaks' or Strange in this time are now normal. Everyone is born with powers, Teleknetics, Elementalists, Telepaths you name it it exists in this society. At first everything was okay, everyone could go around and be with whoever they wanted. It was not uncommon for a Telekenetic and a Elementalist to produce a child with a mixture of powers. But then things started to change. People started to become afraid of what would happen to their children if they were not kept with the right sort of people. So breeding laws were introduced which meant that only those of the same type could breed together. This was at first classed as an outrage against humanity and many many demonstrations happened. So after much badgering from the public and press, a new law was entailed which allowed couple's of different types to breed but they had to prove that it was out of pure love for eachother and not for another purpose. After a while the system changed and the mixed types became rarer as the generations went on. Everyone thought that the human body and mind would keep on evolving and each generation provided a new sorce of information. But then disater struck. As with all evolutions there comes a time when it must slow down and stop...gradually picking up once again when it has had time to reorganise itself. But with humans it reversed the effect...the evolution stopped and turned back on itself. Children were being born without any form of 'powers' and were going back to being normal humans. A mad panic spread throughout the world. People refused to believe that the children of the next generation were in thier respect 'Freaks of Nature'. Many pleas for help and government after government was called upon in order to resolve these problems. In the end it was decided that the children could not be destroyed as they were human in most respects...but what could possibly be done with them. Eventually, after seven months debate it was decided that all children born without powers were to be treated as an inferior species and where caught and dragged down under the earth, away from the light of day which they were said to purge. In an infesturing hole, under the complexity of the railroads and sewer systems the children are forced to live out their existance in the dark and cold. The 'Rats' as they have been named are considered to be foul and disgusting things that should not be seen by anyone. But there are those who are trying to set the score straigh. In the year 2110 a resistance group by the name of 'Resters of Humanity' was formed with the ultamet goal of freeing the Rats from their existance. So far this has not come to light. The Rats live in small clans, numbering no more than fifty at a time. They have slowly become accusomed to living in the dark and fear the sunlight as they believe it signs them to their deaths. No Rat has ever been said to live past the age of 20 and they all live out their lives knowing that once they reach that age they will die. Each rat is given two identifcation marks. The first is an ID code which is burned onto their left hand wrist and displays a series of numbers. The rats are not sure what they mean nor represent (as they are given virtually no education whatsoever) and worry for the time when they fade to red. These are in fact their birth dates and are used in order to keep a check on how many are actually in the 'holes' at any one time. The seconds Identifaction mark can be one of four and displays where they are forced to work: [b]Tunnel Rats:[/b] maintain the sewers and the railroads, know the layout of the city due to the sewer and subway system and are dientified by two black lines running down their faces like those of a train track (e.g [b]! ![/b]) [b]Street Rats:[/b] these are the only one allowed above ground, will often be seen cleaning up rubbish and sweeping the roadside, are quick learners and can find old bits of scrap easily. Identified by a yellow arrow on their forehead [b]Mat Rats:[/b] work in clothes factories and create much of what is sold on the high streets, take large quanties of undesirable material out of the owners hands. Indentifed by a white star on their left cheek [b]Indu Rats:[/b] work in production factories and create much of what the system requires (e.g cars, toys, building materials etc), take quanties of things that cannot be sold due to the undesirability of them. Identifed by blue cirlce on right cheek Both ID marks are branded onto the Rats when they are first brought into the hole. The 'Resters of Humanity' was started by a man who lost both of his children because they were deemed to be rats and he wanted to get them out. The group started out as a circle of friends, totalling five in all. Slowly more and more parents join and now the number is almost large enough to have it's own polical party but the current director, a Mr J.A.Hiye, says that it would only make them like the government officals of the world. They are know to have large demonstartions, try and busts through the underground to get to the Rats and have even been said to threaten the lives of government officals in order to free them. But they are seen as a pointless nusiance to society. Now the largest oporation of the 'Resters of Humanity' is due to take place. With an oncoming celebration due to start tommorrow the group prepares to take down the officals and finally free one group of Rats forever. Okay, the rules: 1) If you're a Rat then you cannot be older than twenty (as none get past that age) and you will have no idea of who you're family is or was 2) If you're a member of the 'Resters of Humanity' you must...and I repeat [i]must[/i] have a valid reason for being within the group. (for example your child/brother/sister was taken as a rat) Okay that's it for now. Here's the sign ups: [b]Rat[/b] Name: Age: Type: (Tunnel, street, mat or indu) Description: Personality: Mis: (anything else which you want to mention) [b]Resters on Humanity[/b] Name: Age: Power: (telekentic, elemenatilist etc) Reason: (for being a member) Bio: Description: Personality: Here's mine to give an example [b]Rat[/b] Name: Shaupat Age: 16 Type: Tunnel Description: only 5'1 in height, long dark brown hair, green eyes. Wears a raggered gre t-shirt and off-grey shorts Personality: quiet, kind, but can be defensive towards the younger ones and knows her ground quite well. Mis: hasn't been working in the Tunnel's for some time now, due to an accident in which she broke her leg. okay...let's go
  21. Hihi BB...said I would join and now I am ^_^ Re:Kyouiku Exchange Hello miss, count me in on this one. Soz about not replying sooner but getting on the Internet is such a big pain it's unbelievable. ^_^ Letter to the host: Hello host, Sorry about not writing a name or anything but as of yet I don't know who I'm going to end up with. ^_^. Right, my name is Nuna McFaris (or Nun as I am nicknamed), I'm seventeen and I live in bonney Scotland, in the UK. I have two elder siblings (one brother, one sister) and a younger sister. I have bright, and I'm serious about this, ginger hair and grey eyes. I'm into reading (with anything to do with fanatasy at the top), anime/manga (which I only have a small collection of but I keep on nicking stuff from my friends) and hanging out with my friends. I susport Rangers football club and have just finished another music vid. Hope to hear from you soon ^_^ Nun [Nun's host] Name: Haskoyu Yuki Age: Seventeen Gender: female Bio: Yuki lives with her mum and dad and is an only child. She is into manga/anime and simply loves to collect them in English to help her with her studies. Her dad runs a local resuartant and her mum works in a computer company. She has been studying English from when it was an optional subject and is quite good at it...but does not quite understand the idea for saing first names first and last names last. Usually quiet and a hard studier but cannot wait for the exchange.
  22. Dani quickly pulled the custon out of it's old hiding place and flopped down onto the chair. She was finally going to log onto Azure Sea for the first time in a mounth and she was ready for it. She had managed to convice her aunt and uncle to allow her to do an all day and night session so she could catch up. This meant that every seven hours they would have to get her offline for a little but it was worth it. She quickly took a drink and loaded up the disc. She had already balanced the headset on her head and was ready to snap it down at a moments notice. She clicked on the various icons and entered her username and password. She took a long drink, set the alarm and leaned back, drawing the headset down over her eyes. ~^_^~ Kiniz slowly opened her eyes and blinked carefully. The colours were a little bright and she felt as though she was waking up. She then remembered that she was at a Summer Grove gate, a one she used frequently enought. She turned and rubbed her eyes, partly to better her vision and partly to get rid of the heavy feeling of sleep. A golden sun was lazily setting in the sky, causing clouds to turn purple and lined with gold. Kiniz liked to be in Azure Sea at this time, not broad daylight and not total darkness. It gave a pleasent feeling to the surroundings. She quickly checked her e-mail and member ID info. Nothing. It seemed that everyone had given up on the world. Well all of her old friends anyway. She stood up and surveyed the numbers that were around, mostly newbies but a couple of older players. She sighed and quickly pulled her hood over, noting that a few leaves were stuck in it. Kiniz did not like to go around the world with an obvious character. She preferred to be mysterious and learn as much as she cold about characters before giving out any of her information. She called hersefl 'Hood' and was often known throughout various servers as that member ID. She had no real idea if there was indeed a person by the name of Hood, but she had not heard anyone complain and no one mentioned it on the boards so it was relevantly okay. She headed down to the street and dogded quickly as a few new sky runners raced eachother. They were idiots, but she remembered only to well her first experience and found herself feeling like an oldie. True she was but she would never admit it. In her terms, 'No one can be a oldie. Cause there is always something new to learn' or a more common one which she dealt out was 'What can't you do in a world of infinate possiblities?'. She looked around and spotted a wavemaster who was blushing because of a group of female wavemasters. 'Them again!' she thought dryly to herself. She wasn't entirly sure of what to do. She was hoping that her online friends would actually be on and that she could've gone on an adventure with them. But as always they weren't. Her mind wandered over the last time she had been on and then recalled that she had left a baby dragon in the farm. That would cost her a hell of a lot of credits but at least it would be used to humans to a certain degree. She decided to go and get it and do some early training. She started to head out of the town when she noticed the wavemaster heading off into a particullary tricky part of the server. "Hey, newbie" she called. The wavemaster turned and seemed to glare at her, then changed as if he had just remembered something about his character. "What?" he asked sounding semi-nervous. Hood shook her head, "Don't head over that way until you've got a few levels up. There's some pretty hard mid-level beaties in there and it aint a good idea to go a lose a new character" she said. "Well, where do you surgest I go? It's not like I'm off looking for a fight. I wanna explore this place" he said walking towards her. "Explore? That's a new idea. usually newbies just go to the grove and pratice and make a party and then go and get 'killed'" she replied in a humorised tone. "You sound as if you know this server quite well. Must be an oldie" he said mockingly. 'No one can be a oldie. Cause there is always something new to learn" she said, realising only to late that she had quoted that line so many times now that it was starting to sound like her motto. "Well then, if you know so much about this place why don't you take me around, hmm?" he said. She glared and then grinned, "Okay, but I warn you now, I wouldn't stay in my company to long. You girlies over there learnt only to quickly that I can cause a hell of a lot of trouble for newbies" she allowed a slightly manic grin to expose itself, "So what's your name?". "Traumerin" the boy replied, "And yours?" "You may call me Hood. For it's how I go by around here" replied Hood, waiting on the most common question of them all. "Okay, lead on mistress Hood" said Tramerin. Hood looked at him in surprise, she had a feeling that there was something not quite newbie about this guy, but you could never tell.
  23. [b][i] 03/03/03 it's starting again. The teasing. All because of the stupid essay. I don't know how I manange to write so much!! I really don't. Okay cool off Dani. It's nothing, it's just a piece of paper. They can't do anyhting to you for it. Here I go again, writing down my own thoughts. It's no wonder no one pays me any attention. Still I suspose it's better than nothing at all. And I've still got the World. No one here realises I'm on there. None of them! Maybe one day I'll tell them. Maybe[/b][/i] Dani, looked up as a lad by the name of Kurt walked across the room. Dani hated Kurt and he hated her. But they were working on the same project together and she had to put up with his company. Well actually the term working 'together' wasn't strickly speaking true. Dani was doing all of the work, while Kurt got to brag about it. "Well, how much more do [i]we[/i] need to do?" he asked sneering at her. "Nearly done. Just need the conclusion written and those images you were suspossed to get and that's it" said Dani, resting her hand on her diary, she didn't want him to see it. "Ah there might be a problem with that ya see..." started Justin before Dani interupted, "Fine I'll get those images and write up the conclusion". Kurt grinned, the sort of grin that all lads display when they know they have the upper hand. "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then" he said before storking off to see his friends. Dani sighed, she had the conclusion done and the images would take no time to find. But it annoyed her when he did that. She picked up her dairy again. [b][i]Little does he relise that I am his nemisis in the World. He'll be online tonight, so Hood is gonna have some fun with the likes of him. If any of them ever learned they would never believe. Still let them believe what they want. Who can say what will happen in a world of a thousand possibilities?!?![/b][/i] Dani picked her stuff up and headed for her next lesson. Her mind already scheming for her revenge as Hood
  24. Hey, cool count me in on this one Category One: Your Online Character Name: Kizin (or 'Hood' check des for reason) Character Base/Type: Knight Weapon/s: Spear Appearance: Usually seen covered in a dark green hooded cloke (hence the more common name of Hood), tied off with a blue broch. When she eventually removed the hood she has dark blond hair which is ringletted. Her skin is quite dark in colour and has a white star on her forehead. Her clothese conist of a dark bronze top (covently open in a triangle and very anime style)and black trousers. Sex: Female Category Two: Your Real Life Character Name: Dani Mills Age: 16 (but nearly 17) Occupation: Year 12, Sixth form Collage Location: England (North East) Biography: Dani lives with her aunt and uncle, due to the fact that her parents mysteriously disspared after going on hoilday. Her aunt is always at work and therefore never around but her uncle adores her to bits and will bye her anything. She was one of the first to get Azure Sea but had serious computer problems and therefore was not effected by the desater that followed it. She has been playing the world since she was 13 and would be considered a veteran but in her terms "What can define someone from someone else in the world, when the world only creates a different place". Basically she will say that there are those who have played for many years but she is no veteran. Personality: Happy, friendly, kind careing, understanding, stubborn at times and generally everything other than she should be, but does have a slightly dark side if she becomes annoyed so watch it Interests: Reading, writing, 'The World', Dragons and Wolves there ya go. Oh and by the way I'll warn you all now I will either have a baby Dragon or a one I've had a while. I'm a major fan of them and I just love them to bits.
  25. Reknew turned when she felt another spirit bomb. Drago was getting upset and hurt....again! She sighed and headed off in his direction. She soon caught up. Reknew: Hey Drago, cool off a little would ya. C'mon I'm sure we've got more than enough from this puny planet, let's head back to earth. Drago: What about Yami Kami Reknew: *closes her eyes and consentrates* He's gone already, we better get the others and get off this stinking place. hmm?
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