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Everything posted by Walnut

  1. Reknew flew up to the Northeast and stared around. No real major problems here...just a bunch of ordinary dopes who would be enslaved soon enough. She looked around and spotted an unusal building. It was built to be very grand and she saw several people running towards it. Reknew: hmmm...interesting. Maybe.. She walked casually over to the building, after setting fire to some random stalls and houses, and walked in. It was a open room filled with long benches. Windows with multi-coloured glass showing pictures of creatures and people deafting them. Statues as well, magnifcently crafted and covered in offerings. This was a very lovely and was a place of worship, maybe Yami Kami could do with something like this. A small wisened man in a long robe strode over to her. Priest: Ahh, I see that you have fled to the protecting arms of Gullipud Reknew: who....get real old man. Why would I stoop that low With that she set alight his robes and watched as he danced away, the ones who had come to pray to be safe being slowly captured by the shadows. Life was fun at the minute. ooc: Okay, where's all the little goody two shoes then?
  2. ooc: cool or what...right now my turn IC: Reknew watched the hapless creatures run around in mad panics trying to escape from the shadows that would encase them. She allowed a thin smile...they were all weak patetic fools who had no idea of what they were doing. Suddenly she picked up the trail of a sayian...but not Drago though. In fact not even one sayain...two. She took a step foreward and quickly sent a shadow flying away from her.. stupid things were always trying to go after her...even though she worked for the great Yami Kami. She focused on the power levels and reliesed that they were level 1 super sayains. Not too hard a battle...unless they fused together but in all of this confusion she doubted that they would be able to successfully. She took off in the direction of the power sources and soon spotted both of them fighting together with equal speed and reactions. A noteble different apporach to most sayains she had to admit but they would pose a problem. She landed behind them... Reknew: Stop you pitiful attempts to defy us! You'll only make it harder on yourselves. The male sayain turned and glared dangerously at her. Reknew didn't bat an eyelid...he had tried to raise his level to make her more scared but what good could a sayain do against the like's of her? Male Sayain: What are you doing here...Manga? Reknew: Carrying out Lord Yami Kami's wishes you hapless sayain. And unless you want yourself and your wife burned...I sujest that you join the legions and survive the war for the universe Female: Your mad! No one can rule the universe. I don't believe you even have control of any planets. You're nothing but filth Reknew: I tried but you two accepted death. Such a pity...you could've made strong allies The two sayains lurched at her and she nimbly jumped out of the way. The male power fisted her and managed a glancing blow across the face, the female got a kick in her side. Reknew: sarcastically* This the best you got? Both sayains released two attacks at the same time, one the KOK x10 and the other a Yamakamha. There was a plume of dust and they both high fived...but were disturbed by a laugh. An evil one at that. They looked down. Standing there was Reknew, hardly scracthced by the whole ordeal. Her hand emitted a green light of a protection grid. Both sayains: You evil deamon! Without a seconds thought they rose to Super Sayain level 1 and glared dangerously down at her. Reknew smiled sweetly. Reknew: At last maybe a deacent battle out of you two They both charged at her, aiming for mutliple kicks and puched but she dodged every one. They fired off different attacks and only one managed to catch her hand, removing the shilde. Reknew: Oh well, looks like I'll have to raise mny power to deafeat you two. With a certain kind of grace she rose a little higher into the air and powered up. Red fire encircluated around her entire body and the heat it admitted was dangerously hot. She opened her eyes and they saw that they were filled with fire. Reknew: FIRE BESTURK RAGE!!!! A long and deadly hot flame shot out from her and try as they may the two sayains could not escape from the ensuring heat. Their bodies slowly burned and their screams where loud, Reknew scouln't be bothered to go for a long kill and cut them off earlier than normal. They plumitted and died where they landed. She reduced her power back down to a lower level and landed beside them. They were as good as dead. She pulled off a couple of medal's around their necks and studied them. 'For protection of the peace and great valour' they read. Reknew: *snorts* Yeah...looks like you two never faced anything as strong as me. Oh well these can go to my Lord, he'll use them for his decorations no dought. She took off and soon found Drago. Drago: Where you been? Reknew: Taking care of some stupid lowly sayains...no offence to you though friend Drago: None taken ooc: sorry mandy, but hey it gives you a reason to come after us...well me anyway ^_^
  3. MANDY!!! We don't need another....okay you're RP so I'll shut up, but [changes to Tammo voice] [i][b]pwease[/i][/b] [changes to normal voice] start this.
  4. whoo hoo, Harlequin he sounds so kick ***....I mean [IC] welcome sire ^_^
  5. Partly out of the blue, I was meant to PM you a while ago to ask if you would join....actually when I signed up but I kinda got back tracked. Soz
  6. Spares ducked down and then was up again within a few seconds. Spares: Geist, keep firing those missiles Geist: Why? Tam: What you gonna do? Spares: I'm going to get some things for that DIY shop Bremma: Are you nuts? You'll be killed Spares: *places his finger on his temple and removes it in a style of salute* Don't worry, I know what I'm doing. Just keep down. Spares runs off towards the shop forming a plan in his mind as he goes.
  7. Cool...another baddie. Hello everyone good to have you all on board (just you lot wait until I start my reign of terror...oh what fun me and Shade are going to have) Shade...outta curiousity will me and you get along in the RP. I mean we both work for the same guy and want to overthrow him but will we get along?
  8. eh?...what season are you on Sere? cause if it's season four then Sci-fi have pulled out of it...but I've discovered that Henderson are planning a movie and a anime of it...so hopefully we'll learn what happens.
  9. hiya people, I was wondering if anyone else here watched Farscape. I've been a major fan of it since the first season and I cannot believe that the Sci-Fi channel have stopped making it. They only had one season to go!!!!!! :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: okay, I've finished that bit...so anyone else like or even heard of Farscape? My fav character used to be Zhan, but she was killed off a while ago. I like all the characters now, especially Scorpie and Harvey...them two are so funny. Okay...I'm shutting up now and seeing what you lot have to say about it. ^_^
  10. Mandy....you're meant to put the title in the subject box. Honestly next time I see you I'm going to murder you Anyway...my sign up. [b]Bad Guy[/b] (oh yeah, I'm gonna be one) Name: Reknew Age: 26 Gender: Female Race: Manga Sayain (check bio for more info) Description: Long firey red/orange hair, blue tight fitting top and trousers, with the knees removed. Ice blue eyes and as deadly as poisioned Ivy Bio: The Manga sayains are a group dismissed from the main body after displaying wrong techniques and powers to be classed as sayains. Managa's specialise in fire attacks and are noteable for their firery tempers. Has worked for Yami Kami for many years and desires to overthrow him some day planet: Tassler (somewhere far far away)
  11. Yorko watched the confrontation with interest and was slightly surprised at the result. But there again Orien was back to normal, or as normal as he had ever been. He was currently sitting looking throughly depressed. Yorko: Hey, Orein cheer up huh? Orien: I can't Yorko: Cut up about your gundam? Orien: Yep Yorko: I know the feeling, don't worry I'm sure they can get another for you. She leaves Orien alone and goes to find Vincent. She had a couple of questions and she didn't want to ask them in front of the others. Vin would probably think that she was an idiot for asking the questions but hell with it, if she didn't know then she would be about as much help as a chocolate fireguard. Yorko: Vin?? Vincent: What? Yorko: I know this will sound dumd, but what's mobile armour? I've never really come across it before
  12. Spares smiled at Orien. Spares: Good to see you again matey. Let's get outta here. They all clamber into the coper and Spares looks down at the senery below. Canbek nugded him. Canbek: Spares, where do I know you from? Spares: You an MS pilot by any chance?
  13. Yorko sat and fiddled on with a random piece of metal she had found. This was not the best situation and Janak was definatly trying to push things a little to far for her liking. At least they were going to try and resolve things semi-rationally for once but she could feel a slight tension in the room. She continued to fiddle on with the piece of metal until Trowa glared warningly at her and she stopped. She didn't want anyone bitting her head off. Vin and Duo appeared a few minuets later, Vin was obviously shaken. Yorko: What's the situation then?
  14. Wow, I never imagined that some many people had done so many different things. I've only ever really done amature dramatics and school productions but I love doing them all the same. Okay, with the Phoenix Thearture Amature Dramatics group (Blyth, UK) I did: [b] Smike[/b] (a musical adapation of Charles Dickens book, Nicholas Nickleby) - chorus member [b] The Wind in the Willows [/b] -Squirrel and villager #5 (with my first ever stage line 'He's saying Poopoo!) [b]The Mickardo[/b] (think that's how it's spelt) -Pittysing's understudy and chorus member [b]The Vackees[/b] (a musical based on the WW2 and a load of london kids being sent to the country) -Molly (I had no lines but a couple of solo singing lines) After The Vackees I ditched Phoenix cause the director was a jerk, but I didn't stop there. In Middle school (years 5-8 to me, not sure grade wise though basically ages between 10-14) Year six: [b]A Christmas Carol[/b] -Cratchet's eldest daughter, can't think of her name though Year seve: [b] Christmas day at the Buggins[/b] -chorus member Year Eight: [b] The Rocky Monster show[/b] (a mictake of Rocky Horror) -chorus again Then in high school I did: Year 10: [b] Bugsy Malone[/b] -O'Derry, the irish copper (and I got to poor talc all over a ex-mate of mine) Year 11: [b] Our Day Out[/b] (a play by Willi Russell about a group of Liverpool special needs kids going haywire all over this castle) -Shop lady and chorus member I think all in all I enjoyed doing the high school productions the most. I've had to give up acting at the min cause of my job but I want to go on and do a panto one day. If I got the chance I would love to be the baddie and get booed and hissed at. What bliss that would be.
  15. I would pick the daughter for a very simple reason. If you pick a son you only carry on the family name of elliot, smith etc, but a duaghter although she will change her name in time but the daughter continues on life by giving birth to the next child. Well that's my theory on it... But then again whichever one you take will lead to to death in the end. I'm confused now????
  16. Yorko stared puzzeledly at Vincent and then at Rev. This was definatly something strange. Yorko: Rev, is it just me or is this a little too much of a cosidence? Rev: What you mean? Yorko: Janak sends a transmission from Earth about mobile Armour, Vincent looses Orien in a midst of a battle and then Orien comes back but he's not the same. I hardly knew him before but somethings not right. Rev: hmmm...any ideas Yorko: None, all I know is that we'll have to carefully watch Orien. But for the time being there's nothing we can do
  17. Spares, for some reason, had decided to go and sort out some more tools. His old one's were starting to become a little unrelable and was was fixing suits up by the day. He had just bought a whole load of stuff and was heading back to base when he spotted Lt Orien Zel and what he could only guess to be Canbek running away from him. He sighed and shook his head, they were both so conflicting in their ideas that they caused problems whenever they were together. He walked causally up to Orien and waved good natuadly. Spare: Hiya mate Orien: Spare this is not a good time right now Spare: Wha you on about? Orien: We just lost the kid we had to get Spare: No surprised, running in with all this. You would've done better pretending to be civilians Orien: Shut up Gauric... Spare: it's SPARES, man. You could at least get it right Orien: Get lost!! Orien signelled to the rest of the trops to move and find Tamesu and Canbek. Spares shook his head and walked off. THe kid was more likely to be scared by all this. He should really get back but he had to hlep in finding him. He looked in the direction of where Canbek and run and quickly calcualted where he could be within his mind. Spares: Oh well, I best find a quickish route there. Hopefully I won't get to invovled this time. But to frighten a poor bairn isn't the best idea, not on your nelly is it.
  18. Yorko had accepted the game and would have been alright at it, if she didn't have the annoying habbit of potting the wrong balls or the white one. Rev had found it quite funny and Yorko had to admit that it was rather strange. Half-way through the fourth game, where Yorko had finally started to pot the yellow balls, they were interupted by a transmission from Heero. Heero: Rev, Yorko get to the comms room asap! The game was left forgotten and they both ran to the room. A transmission was coming through from Earth and Janak was up to something once again. Yorko was pratically glaring at the screen, but kept her anger down subconsciencely. She didn't want to loose it after what she had told the others. Whatever this new thing was, it was big and designed to destroy. Rev went off to find Vin and came back a few minuets later. The transmission was almost at a end. Rev: Anything new? Yorko: Not really, he's going on about how the Mobile Armor can destroy anything, but he hasn't outlined any form of attack, he just keeps on going on about different areas and how they will fall. By the looks of things he might head towards highly populated civilian areas. That could cause some serious problems for us.
  19. Yorko smiled faintly and decided that the last thing she needed right now was to listen to Duo and Quatre whittling on to eachother about god knows what. She really should work on Okami but there was nothing to do and plus it was a little bit annoying when you knew nothing was wrong. She could wait to see if the others came back, but somehow that didn't appeal to her either. She could not work out what had happened to her. Battle's provived their old adrelin rush and he own sence of justice but now she had relised what she was actually fighting for she couldn't really comprehend it. She decided that maybe staying with someone her own age was a good idea and headed off to the reck room. Rev was in the middle of playing pool when she got there and seemed to be rather focused on his game. She leaned against the door and watched as he tried to pot a red but accidently hit a yellow. He sighed slightly and she grinned. It amazed her that such a simple idea could relax a persons mind. Rev continued his game for a while not noticeing that she was actually there. She decided not to disturb him and was about to go when she spotted a book on a near-by table she picked it up and instanctly recognised it. The book was entitled 'Winter the Hunter' and she had not seen it for many years. It was blue in colour and it held a lot of verses aimed at children, but she loved it all the same. Yorko: *quietly and to herself* You knew didn't you. Thank you Wufei, thank you for everything you did for me
  20. Yorko smiled at hearing Rev's transmission and sighed with relife. She would pay for this, but right now it didn't matter. What mattered was that they would be able to work things out. Duo ruffled her hair as soon as she desended from Okami. Duo: I don't know how you did it kid, but you're a good un Yorko: ahh..gerroff Duo Duo laughed and headed off towards the beacon. Not wanting to be left alone, Yorko followed and offered some help. While she was working she partly overheard a conversation between Duo and Quatre. Quatre: We heard a few hours ago. I've been trying to get in contact with you for an hour or more Duo: The system must have gone down Quatre: I can't believe Janak could be so cruel. I didn't believe it at first. I thought it wasn't him Duo: I know what you mean. I bet he's lauging at us all right now... Quatre: Or more likely calling us all weaklings for moping about him Duo: Yeah, that's sounds a bit more like him. He could be an old stick at times Quatre: How's his pilot Duo: Taking it quite well..... Yorko stopped listenign at this point. Whatever they had to say was between themselves and she couldn't butt in. She continued working for serveral minuets and then heard the all to familiar sound of a mobile suit returning. She got up and ran to the hanger bay. Rev climbed awakadly from the Aries, looking a little bit ashamed of himself. Yorko ran up to him and locked her hand around his forearm in a greeting. He looked at her with confusion. Yorko: I should be yelling my head off at you right now. But I can't. I'm just thankful you came back Rev...I hope the others are as understanding as you *blushes slightly*
  21. Unknown to the people who had stayed on L1, Yorko had returned and gone back to Okami. She was still upset about what had happened but she had decied that she had to stop herself from hurting over it. She looked a Okami and a grin crossed her face. The two of them were strong, she felt it in her bones. Her instincts were praying on her but she refused to accept them, revenge was not something that could be taken easily....nothing was ever that simple. As she gazed up at her gundam, a sound of running feet caught her attention. Turning she saw Dus running pell meel towards her. She was confused by this and quickly dogded as he came to a stop. He was panting heavily and by his face he was not happy about something. Duo: Yorko, you're staying here Yorko: What? Duo: I'm not letting you go to Earth, I know you may... Yorko: But I don't want to go to Earth. I want to stay here. I want to know what's going on Duo: *confused by now* Yorko, are you feeling all right? Yorko: Yes, I know what I would normally do in a situation like this...but I can't. It's not right, none of it is Duo: Great...at least one of yous is staying put Yorko: What? Duo: Vincent, Orien and Rev left for Earth a while ago. Intent on revenge Yorko: Why didn't you stop them? Duo: *turns and looks at her with a quzzeled expression* What do you mean by that? Do you know something that we don't? Yorko: No...yes....gu oh *takes a deep breath to calm herself* Not quite, all I know is it's foolhardy. And I'm going to try and stop them Duo: How? Their on Earth, what you gonna do? Scream at them from up here? Yorko: No, I'm getting them on coms Yorko clambered into Okami and started up the coms system. Vincent and Rev were easy enought to pick up, Orien was no where to be found but that didn't matter. She had to stop the two of them commiting suicide. She hit the link and brought up the coms. Yorko: Vincent, Rev do you respond? Silence Yorko: Look you two, this is not the way to resolve things!! I know you probably wont take heed of my words at all right now, but just listen. I know it's painful, I know how hard it is to accept the fact they've been murdered. How do you think your mentors feel? They were all friends, they would never admit to it, but they were. To them this is a major blow and to me it's just as bad. I know you both want revenge for what's happened, I know because I want it as well. But what will happen once he's gone? There is always going to be a gaping hole within us all that we will never be able to fill. A life for a life never exists, it never fills in that hole. It only cause us to become lost in our own worlds. We loose focus in what we deem to be what we fight for. We stop beliving that for all of us there's a chance. A chance to live out our lives. I know you're mad and upset, but I am to. I've lost everyone who was important to me. Everyone I've cared about..have died. But yet I don't go mad, I don't lose it. I use it to focus my reality. Please if you guys can here me, come back to L1. Janak is only looking for a fight, he wants to capture us to fill his hole within himself whatever that is. We are not his puppets...we are Gundam pilots and we will remain so until our last breath. That's how we push back the heartache of our past, we live for the future. Please, if you can hear me, if you're paying attention to me, come back to L1. Come back to living for the future. Don't let me loose another group of people I care so deeply about. Please just come back.....
  22. well here's mine: Name: Spares (Gauric in real life, but goes by his nickname) Age: 22 Gender: Male (for once) Nationality: Geordie, North East England (sorry couldn't resist) Eye colour: Green Hair colour:Brown Place of Birth: Earth, England Role: Mech and Assassin when he can be bothered Physical appearance: stands 5'9, hair tied back in pony tail, ragged blue jenes and grey tank top. Often splattered with oil, greece or anything else you find in a workshop ^_^. Does have a denim jacket but always forgets it. Has a shot-gun (usually stored in workshop) and will use his tools as weapons as well Bio: Spares has worked on Mecha's for many years and enjoys a challenge. He sends money to his family every month as his blood father deserted them a while ago and he works to keep them alive. He's very protective and can be a little naive at times, but he's true to his word on every matter. Well there you go. Oh and Baka LOOK OUT SMELLY'S BEHIND YOU!!! ^_^
  23. coolies, sounds fun. I've never read the books unfortunatly but I love fantasy style things and especially Dragons!!!! I just love them ^_^. Anyway my sign up... Name: T'ill Saago Age: 29 Race: Human (cause I don't know the cultures) Weapons: Sword and lots of throwing daggers Spells: none Appearance: Tall and dark of skin, long silver hair which is usually tied up so that it looks short and also has quartz coloured eyes. Wears plain brown leather trousers, a blue tunic and chainmail hiden under the tunic. Has several long scars going down her arms which appear to be fresh but are from battles long ago. Bio: A wanderer by nature, T'ill has seen many strange sighs over her years and has a good sense of basic knowledge. She did used to travel with her rather large family, containing her mother, father, seven brothers and two sisters, but left to travel on her own at the age of fifteen. She keeps a eye out for her family but has not seen them since. Okay hope that's okay. If it's not just tell and I'll sort.
  24. ooc: sorry Domon, I asked DuoMax to do that. I was going to PM you the other night but I got back tracked and I competely forgot. I only really did it to create some more character fun with Yorko. So sorry, please forgive. Anyway DuoMax killed off Wufei as well, so now Yorko's gonna be a little depressed. IC: Yorko bowed her head slightly and closed her eyes. The shock hadn't quite sunken in yet and it was hard to come to terms with. Wufei and Sally were dead!!! The two people who had trained her, gone with a single shot each! The sound of the bullet echoed around her mind and her body felt as if it was on fire with so much pain. She wanted to cry, to show some sort of emoution but she couldn't. Emoution's clouded your vision, made you lose concentration. She wanted to get away, get away from the others. But where would she go? She didn't feel like going anywhere near Okami, she didn't want to go to where her friends were, or their mentors. She wanted to be alone, an hour was more than enought to sort herself out, or so she thought. A couple of tears fell from her closed eyes and gently Rev brushed one away. Yorko snapped her head up and looked at him with an expression filled with pain. He was slightly confused by her reaction and was obviously about to ask if she was okay. Yorko: No Rev, I'm not. Just leave me alone, okay She turned and walked away from them, the tears starting to become more frequent. She couldn't allow this but then again what else could she do. She continued to walk, not knowing where she was going. All she knew was that she wanted to be alone, and that's what she was going to do.
  25. Yorko had watched the sparing battle and had certainly been amazed by what the Zero system could do to a pilot. It made them mentally unstable and dangerous, she made her mind there and then to avoid using it unless there was no other choice. She wandered aimlessly around, Okami was fine. The armour could be fixed in a few hours and the systems were all working fine. She felt like going and exploring the colonie but that could end up being a bit of a desater, knowing what her sence of direction was like. She didn't want to just stay inside the confindes of this facility though, she checked herself. She was restless and she didn't know why. A viewpoint window opened up at the end of the corridor and she leaned against the side and looked out upon the vast streets of L1. They looked exactly like Earth, everything copied down to the last detail, but yet everything a person could use to live all within easy reach. She could guess why peace was more plausible on the colonies. Everyone had access to everything, food, water, clothing....everything that people needed to servive. Even the weather was controlled to keep the citzens happy. This would never truely be a copy of Earth, it would be a mere reflection of the life that all humans wanted. A grin came to her. The colonies were a reflection, but a live one that many people saw as a chance to take. Back on Earth you learned to live a life filled with hardship, filled with dreams that could not be forfilled but there again those dreams were what made humanity what it was. A strange and desolate people who could never fully understand eachother, never fully obtain peace, all because of the fact that dreams could not always be relised for one generation but could back again for another one. Now she could focus on why she did fight, not for peace of this time, for this generation, but for the generations of the future who would depend on what took place here and now. She became troubled again. Something was going on back on Earth, she was sure of it....but she did not know what and it was worrying her big time. She watched a young girl and boy wander down a street and her smile broadened. So simple was their lives, full of happiness and joy, not hardship and pain. True they were going on at eachother about something but it was easy to tell that the brother was laughting at his sisters incontent. Kana came into her mind at that point. She very rarely wished to recall Kana, for she knew that he was always with her, guiding her, but sometimes she secreatly wished that he was still around. She recalled a time when she must have been about eight or nine and he had shown her a photograph of her parents. Kana: See, Yorky, there always with us no matter what Chibi Yorko: But it not that real Kana: No, Yorky, listen just because you can't psyically see someone doesn't mean their not there. Mother always told me that if I was ever lonely and I wanted to see her, all I had to do was keep something small that belonged to her. That way she was always with me, and you as well Yorky. She tucks you up every night, and sings to you and me. Chibi Yorko: But that's you Kana: *Laughts* Yorko, I know it's me at first. But when your asleep she comes in the dead of night to check on how you're doing. I've seen her Chibi Yorko: What will I do if you go to see mum, and don't come back? Kana: Don't talk like that, Yorko. I'm not going to leave you, I promise Yorko:*whispers to herself* But you broke that promise, brother. You broke it, I know you never meant to but you broke it. I knew you would, somehow I just knew that you would break it. And now I know somethings not right back on Earth. What do I do? Please tell me, what do I do? ???: Hey, Yorko, you alright? Yorko: *snaps out of it* hmmm??...yeah I fine ooc: DuoMax feel free to cause the damage ~_^.
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