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Everything posted by Walnut
Yorko headed towards Okami with a feeling of joy. She would enjoy herself here, and to have an upgrade that was definatly something better. True she wouldn't give up Okami for the world but in space the battles would be alot harder. The hanger was pratically identical to those on earth and she found her way reasonably well, considering that she didn't really know anyone there at all. Okami stood looking tall and proud, a little battered maybe but that was to be expected. The next Zero system would be interesting but she was not prepared to go messing on with things she did not fully understand or know about. That was one of her vices in life, not to trust something until she was sure about it in herself. She looked around the various tech's and personel that were scattered around, but there was no sign of Wufei at all. She frowned slightly, she probably missed him in this crowd, but as she looked more closly she relised that he was not actually there. Yorko: Typical, never find him at the best of times She walked towards Okami and leaned on the rail. She felt a complete fool for thinking that he would be here, but that was one thing she had come to learn. Heero walked towards her and unfamiliar grin on his face. Heero: Ah Yorko, Wufei's... Yorko: Not here. I kinda guessed. He's never anywhere when you need him Heero: Actually he's got a reason for not being here. He had some bussiness back on earth...and before you ask I don't have a clue what it was. He was intending to stay here and check on how you were but you know what he's like Yorko: Yeah, I suspose Heero: He did say to send his greetings and he talked quite highly of you. So he must have made a good choice in his choice of pilot. But do me one thing Yorko, cheer up a bit will you? Yorko: Yes sir *thinks to herself* Wow, Wufei spoke highly of me? That's unusal but hey I can always annoy him with it next time I see him....if there's a next time ooc: I needed Wufei back on earth for a reason which you'll all learn about in a couple of posts time. Soz if it causes any probs.
Kinga smells the food and licks her lips hungrily. Kinga: Smell yummy, I'm gonna go in the line Kinga walks up to the line and picks up a tray. The menu has everything possible listed on it. Kinga didn't recognise most of the different foods but one caught her eye. 'Large Chicken and Mushroom Pie with chips and Triple Frosted Strawberry Milkshare £1:30' (ooc: sorry folks I live in UK so I use £s and not $s K). She decied that was definatly for her and smiled warmly at the cook as she ordered it.
Yorko smiled at Rev's enquires but could not get the feeling to leave her. This was getting stupid, there was nothing going on. Nothing. Maybe that's what was worrying her, nothing out of the ordinary had happened, bar the destrustion of the base, but the Dark Ring were far to quiet for her liking. Her mind drifted to the battle with Janak and the dolls. They had almost been too easy, and it was strange for the enemy to play such tactics. She shook her head and decied to try and focus on summat else. Yorko: Rev, what are the colonies like? Rev: huh? Yorko: *embarrased* I haven't really been to one in a while. I was practically brought up on earth. Not in a colonie. Any help would be handy
ooc: Okay, I've got a rapidash now??? Must've caught it a while ago and forgot about it. Still cool. IC: Kes watched the others as they exitely ran around, or rode, trying to find their own new types of pokemon. She felt slightly silly by not showing any real signs of wonder but her mind was more set on learning about the new pokemon. Keni had gone back into his :ball: and Dancer was running around her feet. Dancer liked being out and about and would often scout a little way ahead, for new pokemon and also to keep an eye on her new friend Wiggletuff. Kes was quite happy that she was in a group, she hadn't been in a group for a very long time and it was somewhat lonely. Racer (rapidash) turned and looked at her and indercated that Dancer had discovered something. With a grin, Kes stepped slightly ahead of the group and came across Dancer looking down a large guarge. Dancer: Vulpix ~_~? Kes: Wow, this place is massive. And by the looks of things it has been split up into different sectors. Hope: What do you mean? Kes: Simple, we're in a jungle part now so you'd expect to find bug and grass type pokemon, with the occassional bird types as well. Over to the east is a wide rocky area that has volcanoe's and rivers of fire, a perfect place for rock and fire types. The south is flat plains and scattered forests where you'd expect to find normal types and birds, and a few stray types as well. And over in the west is lakes and ice regions... Rei: where water and ice p-p-p-pokemon will be Kes: *smiles* yes, I think this is going to be one adventure. ooc: sorry about the description if I got it wrong, but I'm just letting my imagination run away with me.
ooc: I'll just let you lot know now, Yorko hasn't been to pace for a long time, so you'll have to forgive her reactions. IC: Yorko looked out of the window and watched as the Earth Sphere gradually became more compact in the window. She couldn't really recall ever seeing the Earth like that before. But it had been a while since she had been in space, let alone to the L1 cluster. Actually she had never been there in her life, this could prove more than interesting. She thought about the dolls and tried to recall a memory but nothing came. She snapped out of it, she was starting to think a little too quickly and not foucing on where she was. But something had started to bug her and she didn't know what. Rev: Hey, earth to Yorko. Are you alive? *prods her* Yorko: Wha? Oww, Rev! Rev: Welcome back to reality, I was asking if you were okay? Yorko: *none to convicenly* Yeah, I'm...fine
Kinga and Geist walk along the rows and eventually finds a door with Flight written on it. Kinga gently knocks on the door and there is a rather startled and grogy groan and slowly the door opens. Geist: Hello Fli, fancy summat to eat? Kinga: Yeah, they're susposed to have good grub here. I'm famished Fli: Yeah, hang on Fli dives back into his room and comes out a few seconds later. Fli: So where's the canteen?
ooc: didn't anyone notice my intro? Nope, oh well IC: Kes landed and looked around the dock. They had left without her. Kes: Damn it, looks like you've got more flying to do, Keni Keni: Zard ^_^ Kes: I forgot you liked flying. Oh well, let's get after that boat Keni took to the sky and soon the land dropped away and blue ocen was beneath them. Keni was occassionaly rising and falling in order to avoid the water and Kes knew that she had to get things sorted out. Dr Terry would kill her for being so late, but when you had to look after level 1 pokemon then it made life tricky. The boat came slowly into view and Kes allowed a faint grin. Kes: Keni, there's the boat. We've almost made it. HEY, DR TERRY. IT's ME KES, SORRY I'm LATE!
Kinga, now back in her human form, looks along the rows of doors and feel suspiciously left out. Maybe she shouldn't have gone balistic at the creatures but she couldn't help it, animal instincet overtook her and she was designed to kill in order to protect. Still at least she could stay here, which was a good thing. She continued along the doors until one appeared with the name 'Kinga' on it. She smiled and walked it. It was a very simple room, with a bed, desk, TV, wardorbe and another door which she could only guess held the bathroom. A large pen sat in one corner and she walked over to it. The samll red dragon lay curled up in a ball. It opened one of its tiny eyes and a faint 'Manu' was heard. Kinga: Yep, I'm Manu *gently strokes its head* Kinga got up and went to the bed. On it were her bags and badge. She looked at it with interest and smiled. It was her old ID badge and it had been modified with the Torneko symbol. She quickly put her things away and then decied to go and find Fly and a couple of the others to see if they wanted something to eat.
Jet: who is this Yorko: Yorko, gundam Okami. What's your position? Jet: I'm not sure Yorko sighed irritably and placed a homing lock on his transmisson, not before sending another round off at a single serpent that was heading in Rev's direction. Yorko: stay where you are, and [i]don't[/i] try anything funny.
ooc: hehe sorry I'm late, I've been a bit busy lately. IC: Kes felt the wing gently brush past her skin and hair. She love the feeling of being able to fly throughout the night. Nothing to worry about, just the exparation of watch the land dip and dive beneath you. Kes knew that she was going to be late, but she couldn't have just left her other baby pokemon with anyone. Her mum was too unreliable, her father was a complete nut and her so called friends would more than likely steal them off her. She had decied to take all three of them to her Aunt, the only problem was that it had taken almost three hours to get there and then she had got chatting. Still she was on her way now, and the idea of exploring a new island and learning about new pokemon was perfecr. Keni swooped up high to avoid a mountain top and Kes laughed. Kes: Keni, I don't understand why most trainers never learn to do this. It brings a firmer understanding and longer friendship, don't it old boy Keni: Charzard! ^_^ Keni had been Kes's first pokemon and she loved him dearly. Everyone thought she had been mad to raise a pokemon at level 2 but Kes had learned that raising a pokemon from a very low level would boost their trust in you and also release more of their potentional. She spotted a boat moored on the dock and knew that was the place where she had to be. Kes: Okay Keni, land near the boat and we'll soon start our adventure. Keni: Zard ~_~ Kes: Don't worry about the water. I'm sure you'll be alright. As soon as they had landed Kes returned Keni to his :ball: and ran up to the boat. Kes: Hey, anyone there? I'm here about the exploration. Sorry I'm late.
Yorko finished off another group of Serpents and spun around to face off another group. Suddenly she spotted Vin in a another battle with Deamon (ooc:sorry duomax if I spelt it wrong). Yorko: Bloody hell, what on earth is he thinking of doing? Hey Rev, Konru our old friend is back Rev: What? How did he survive? Yorko: Don't ask me! Another group came at Okami, this lot in a tightly packed formation. Yorko sighed and shook her head. Okami let lose another spinning disc and soon they were abilterated. Yorko: Havn't they already tried that? Never learn do they
Yorko activated Okami within a few seconds and took off after Phoenix. This was the sort of thing she was more used to. But something was worrying her. How could they have found where they were here. True the place had pratically be destoryed and they would notice it but to actually guess or know that they were there, it was worrying to say the least. She snapped out of it. That was one thing she could not afford to do. To lose concentration was not a good thing. She scanned the serpants and grinned this was going to be a good battle, she could already feel it. Yorko: Guys, keep together on this one. These things are deadly and dangerous. We can't afford to lose anyone, not after what we've been through
Name: Kasite Yein Age: 22 Speciality: Fire/grass Description: tall, with firey ginger hair and pericing green eyes. wears black genes and red top Team: (forgive me if their all origional, but hell I like them) Charmander (Zara) Vulpix (Dancer) Charzard (Keni) Nidoqueen (Rosey) Nidorion (m) (Ivy) soz if any of the names are wrong
Kinga stared at the growing snow and felt mildly board. She really should do somehting a little more interesting but there was nothing to do. The little red creature was running around calling her mamu or summat like that and was getting on her nerves. There was also a sound that sounded like a call for help but it was a mixture of other sounds as well. She got up and decided that she was going to go and find out what had gone on with her friends. She set off into the snow, followed by the little red dragon, and used her sense of smell to find her way around. After a time she became aware of a sound and slowly a large shadow fell across her....another sound followed but was drowned out by a scream of MAMU!!!
Okay, finally got around to starting this. (this is in co-op with Baka). Okay the player are: Baka: Nathan and Keith Me: Admiral Sidney and Sue Azzi: Arai Colourdeaf: Raet Cyko: Prometheus The room was bare and sparse. None of the 5 within the room spoke. All were but children, not fully understanding their purpose in life. Keith lay fully stretched out on one of the bunks, his hazel eyes scouring the wooden slats in the bunk above him, where Arai lay, her own brown eyes racing along the lines of a textbook about zoology. There was also silence at the other side of the room, as Sue sat at the table absently studying the nails at the tips on her tanned fingers, leaning on the table with an elbow. Prometheus sat opposite her, scratching out a message in the table. He'd been etching out that same message for 15 years now with his fingernails. And none of the others could imagine what it was supposed to say, and wouldn't manage it even if they had been given a lifetime to work it out. Raet was seated cross-legged on the floor, staring with glazed eyes into a world nobody else could see. Keith often wondered, and Arai was bold enough to ask. Prometheus had once gotten so angry over it that he'd recieved a detention point for it on the grounds of violence. But Raet would never tell, or even claim to remember. They were war-torn children who had, as of yet, seen no war. And they were due to be destroyed today. At 2100 hours. Keith, opening his eyes, flicked his gaze across the room, watching the others. The only one he could not see was Arai, but he could hear her humming above him, in time to some beat he had never heard before. He knew that they wouldn't see another day. And that depressed him. But, what depressed him more, was the idea that he couldn't tell them. As their Captain, he had been told to deliver the news. And, like a fool, he had not argued. No... not like a fool. Like a soldier. (and now for me) Admiral Sid stood and read over the reports, what a smae to waste such good soldiers. Then he corrected himself, they were clones. They had no offical date of being 'born' they were just toys that everyone had got sick of and where ready to rip apart. He grinned and laughed out loud. Project Tom was to be obilterated in front of hundreds of people of all nations watching. He decided to go and give them a final talk. He walked down with an sound of a steam roller and smashed on the solid metal door that was holding them in the room. Sidney: You listen to me you worthless scumbags, todays the day that you get ripped to the mindless and useless pieces that you once and still are. No one will care for you. Not even me! I'll be there laughting the hardest of them all. Admiral Daemon Sidney will no longer be the laughting stock of the show, because you will be. MWHAWWWWWWWWW His voice drifted down the corridor and his heavy footsteps slowly died aways.
Kinga watched as Fli set out and felt a little unsure about what she was doing. She was susposed to keep an eye on them all. That was how a pack worked but she had said she would wait and wait she would. She looked around the cave and noticed that it was in fact far bigger that she or any of the others suspected. She explored it for a little while hardly noticing the other students. This would make a quite a good hold if she were to ever become a mother. She would have to make sure she got in Bozel's good books so that she could come back here and claim it for her own. The red stone she had left by the fire and suddenly there was a slight tapping noise from it. Kinga went over to look at it and was amazed to see that it was a small, winged creature. It looked around and made a funny little squeaking noise. Kinga: O'day what we-sa do now? ooc: just a little red dragon like thing I'm bringing in. Any of the teachers like these sort of animals, it's just that knowing Kinga she'll want to keep it.
ooc: hello, sorry I'm late (understament) but me here now ^_^ Lorin and Corin rode ahead of the group of elves talking quietly to themselves. Lorin knew that this was going to be an adventure but he had a nigglerly feeling in his stomach. Lorin: Brother? Corin: What? Lorin: I don't think that Father will give away the mithril for that good a price. Even if we ask for it Corin: Father will, he's been longing to destroy Morogoth for years Lorin: But last time we saw Father he said that if ever came crawling back....well what do you think he'll say?
Okay guys, we're gonna start this in a couple of days so any one else who wants to join better do it quick
Kinga pops her rather fuzzy head out of freezing cold waters. She looked around and ducked back under, only to pop out again a few seconds later with a big chessy grin on her face. The cold didn't bother her. True it could do with a little warming up but other than that it was fine. She dived under the water and followed a couple bright green fish down to a rather iced in area and spotted a lovely coloured sponge. She tapped it lightly with her nose and found that it was mildly warm. Without any real consideration she took it in her mouth and pushed herself out of the water anbd through a patch of very thin ice.
Kinga turned her head this way and that as the other students raced up the hill. She sniffs the air and relises that they have worked out a way of stopping these strange beasts from coming towards them. She quickens her pace and roars out loud. The sound magnified by the moutians around them. She reached the portal with very few problems but then slipped on some hidden ice and skidded. Her weight would have helped to stop her, but she had been to hyped up and soon she found herself clinging onto bare rock, just above the portal. She chances a glance and can already see the next bach of creatures reaching out for her. Suddenly the rock gives way and she falls....but what was her fate to be?
Okay, some more info. You'll have to forgive because it's a comptuer system.Opening systems [] Please enter ID and Password: [] User Id: Admiral Daemon Sidney Password:********************* Systems online [] Accessing information regarding Project Tom [] Project Tom was a project that would have ended all wars in the world. Basic principle?s came from original cloning and modifying work first carried out in late 20th Century. First breakthrough log was the Genetically Modified Crops in the 1990s. Next breakthrough was the clone of a sheep, named ?Dolly?. Then early in the 21st Century a first human child was cloned. There were many fears that it would not survive but after extensive research and multiple experiments the clone survived and lived for many years. In 2020 the Government commissioned the research into human modification. The ability to create people who were able to defy the basic and fundamental elements of life. This project was named Project XM and was successful in its objectives. Ten years later, Project Tom was commissioned. Primary objective to create a race of Perfect Soldiers, who would take all commands given to them without question, have no sub conscious and be able to withstand more than the average human. General appearance was to conform to the laid out plans of the Government. All were to be roughtly the same age, roughly the required height and pass all physical tests required. Under no circumstances were they to have any distingwisable features. Hense all hair and marking were removed Seven candidates were chosen and had their genes and basic instincts modified to match these criteria?s. For the first few years everything had seemed to be fine, all of the new soldiers responded in the ways that they were meant to. But then certain defects were detected within them. To many human characteristics filtered through and Project Tom was dismissed in favour of Project Tim. Results of Project Tom to be destroyed. Under no circumstances shall they live. Close file on Project Tom [] Open File on Resistance Group [] Info: Resistance group has attempted to stop the breading of an army for many years. Many blackouts and other disasters have occurred because of them. Little is known about the group or how many members are currently active. Main objectives: To stop clones being produced for war Members: Untold HQ: Unknown Close file on Resistance group [] Open file on Preformatedos [] Info: Preform, as it is called in inner circular terms, is under the command of Admiral Daemon Sidney. A very large and difficult army strong hold Current Main objectives: To ensure destruction of Project Tom results and the full success of Project Tim. Members: Classified Information HQ: Classified information Close file on Preformatedos [] Closing all systems [] Sidney smiled, those rejects were going to be competely destroyed within the next few hours and he was going to savour in their glorious deaths. Okay, Drix, this will be played as most normal RPs are on Otaku. It's just that me and Baka are having two chars, (with me playing the evil little sod woohoo). Right, my chars: Name: Admiral Daemon Sidney Age: 30 Rank: Commander of Preformatedos History: Basically spent all of his working life on Projects Tom and Tim and is more than willing to destroy the results or rejects of Tom Personality: Stubborn, annoying, evil and generally unfriendly to everyone. (Even his commanders) Description: Large and tall, standard green uniform, short black hair hidden under black hat of rank. Manic grey eyes and the starts of a beard but is having trouble growing one. And my reject soilder: Name: Sue (or Mini sue as Baka calls her) Age: 17 Gender: Female Position: Reject Solider Personality traits: Sarcy little cow at times, quite stubborn and can have a habbit of staying the wrong thing at the wrong time Physical Appearance: roughtly normal height, quite dark brown skin. Wears green sleeveless top and black trousers. Okay, In addition to these chars we're also looking for one resistance member, who is roughtly two years older or younger than him. And if any of you want to be invovled with Admiral Sidney at all, simply PM me and I'll check it out. Hope to see some more reports coming. (sorry slipped into Admiral mode there *whistles*)
Yeah, second dwarf comes tottering in Name: Lorin, Son of Gorin Age: 27 Description: Practically the same as his brother but with a more round figure. Slightly lacking in the beard department but is only young so it's understanble. Scarred hands and face from many hours of unrelenting digging and a few scraps he's got into. One particular one stands out which is down the centre of his nose. Distinctly red and rather horrible to look at but he likes it. History: Exactly the same as Baka's (hehe) Weapons: Axe, spade (carries one around for some untold reason) and dagger which he nicked off his brother who hasn't relised it yet. (sorry Baka, but it's funny)
Kinga watched with a silent horror as ice, explosions (ooc: Castors anyone? hehe)and fire go flying all around. Fli stumbles and Kinga places her head just under his back. He falls lightly down and remains unmoving. Kinga: You-sa stay there. No one hurt me-sa friends and pack memebers With a sudden and rather unexpected growl Kinga launched herself out of the ice dome (ooc:sorry Baka couldn't be helped^_^) and charged headlong towards the nearest beast. One of the beasts, a particulary large one for it's species turned and watched as a rampaging blue thing came towards it. With a bone crunching crack, Kinga leaped upon the beast and drove her long, sharp white teeth into its supposed neck. It wailed in angony and tried to throw Kinga off, but Kinga locked tightly onto it and wouldn't let go. It stopped moving and gullered to its untimely death. Kinga slowly released it and tasted the small amont of flesh she had taken with her (ooc: What! She's an animal, so sue me) and decied that it was rather chicken like in taste. Two more came at her and with an slightly evil grin she lunged once again at the two of them. The first one recieved a sweeping scratch from her large and heavey paw while the other was treated to an instant neck breaking move, but she misjudged it and landed heavily on her side. The creature slashed her across her back and she roared out in pain. Kinga: Right, no more miss nice Blue Tiger Suddenly she seemed to grow in size and jumped up and ripped the creature apart with her claws. She turned to the other creature and was normal size, she bounded over determind to help out the teacher and the student. These creatures were a bit thick-headed in her opinion and if they didn't back off quite soon then she would really flip and personally she didn't want to do that.
Kinga had watched slowly as the others students and teachers had dived into the pool. She looked at it with interest. They had gone on about weather conditions in the new place so she focused her mind and found nothing. With a dive, or more correctly a belly-flop, Kinga fell into the water. It was cold to a certain degree but she manually switched her body heat. That was one thing the gentics had done to her, she could changed her tempreture to suit where she was and who was around her. The other lights were quite far ahead and she hoped that she wouldn't lose them. She saw them go up. With a sudden and rather wet unexpected movement, Kinga shot out of the hole like a rocket and came to a land almost ten feet away. Pulling her head out of the snow she looked around and relised that maybe her human form wouldn't be acceptible for this type of landscape. She closed her eyes and consentrated. Slowly her form changed, she started off on her hands and knees, which slowly became large and muscler. Her body also transformed becoming rounder, her face even became wider and her teeth grew slightly bigger. Where her clothes had lain on her body dark blue fur pushed its way though and suddenly she was a big blue fuzz ball. A light blue slight shone out and then died. It was now possible to see what had happened to Kinga. Instead of a human like creature standing where she had been, there was a four legged animal. She was covered in a mid-blue fur for the most part but along her back were light gold triangles, and down her legs were lines of deep gold. And on her face were gold markings extending down from her eyes to her ears and from the end of her nose to her neck. She shook herself rather hasitly and probably showered one of her classmates with the water that had clung to her fur. She appeared to check that everything was in it's correct place and sighed irritably. Suddenly two thin tails, of matching blue with occassional gold stripes, appeared. She was about four foot tall and looked menasing. But then she grinned and a rather cute and pathetic look came over her. Kinga: Well, me-sa all wovely and larm. If eggy of you-sa coldy, you can cwuddle me, but ony if we-sa all ave a no-all night eater. ooc: I'm going to be a little evil and let you lot work out what Kinga has just said. I would show you a basic idea of what she looks like at this present moment in time, but I've got a scanner that has never worked.
Yorko smiled back. Yorko: So alike, yet so different Rev: What do you mean by that? Yorko: It's just a term I picked up. We've all probably had rough pasts, and tachnically we should all be in the same frame of mind. Yet.. Rev: We're not They both laugh at that thought. They had walked beyond the rec room without relising it and were in front of a large window. Yorko looked out over the streach of Earth that was visible. She never been to a colonie in her life, she had lived in fear on this planet. According to her father, on one of the very rare occassions she had met him, she hadn't been born on Earth. But Yorko suspected that he had been lying to her. Yorko: Wonder what the others would say if they heard us going on like this? Rev: Eh? Yorko: You definatly won't understand Rev. It's a girl term Rev smiled and looked out towards the setting sun. Yorko looked towards it to, something was brewing on the horizon but what it was hard to tell. She looked at Rev and was struck by an unusal thought. Yorko: Rev, want to do something a bit crazy? ooc:okay, sorry about were I left off but I can't think of anything right now. So whoever wants to post, feel free.