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Everything posted by Walnut
Yorko: Ya not babbling, Rev. Many people babble but you certainly don't. She falls silent for a few seconds and then sighed. Yorko: I've got no real idea why I actually became a Gundam Pilot. Maybe it was so I could get revenge, I don't know. Rev: Revenge, for what. Yorko: For...see this *shows him the ID tag* Rev: *reads outloud* Kanashimi Hata? Yorko: My brother Rev: Oh, what happened? Yorko: Both him and me were betrayed by someone we thought was on our side. He said he was from HQ, Kana was in the army you see, but he wasn't. He was working for the enemy, he lead them striaght to us. Rev: What did they do? Yorko: Threatened to kill me if he wouldn't join with them. He refused and pulled me away. One single bullit killed him, he died trying to protect me. I'll never forget him for that Rev was quiet for a few seconds. He hadn't quite expected that sort of info from her, but she still hadn't fully explained why she was a pilot. Rev: That must've been hard Yorko: It was, I was only eight at the time. I wouldn't 've stood a chance. But Kana had got me set up to go into a school where he knew I would be safe Rev: Which school? Yorko: Torneko, it's a milertary school in China Rev: Wow, you went there? Yorko: Yeah, got skilled in practically everything I know at that place, made some good friends to Rev: Okay, I think I'm following this. But how did you meet Wufei? Yorko: Chance I suspose, I can't really recall hoe it happened. Mind I don't remember much of my civilian life, I can only really recall being a Gundam She looked at Rev to see his reaction. He seemed to be deep in thought about what he'd just heard. He seemed also a little shocked. Yorko: Hey, snap out of it! *gently elbows him* Rev: Oww...wha? Yorko: *laughts* Rev, you're a loveble idiot. So c'mon, I've told you about my life, what about yours?
Yorko sighed, and shook her head. Yorko: Hang on Rev, anything to get me away from here is good enought for me She got up and turned the compture off. Rev smiled slightly and she grinned. They started to head to the rec room. Yorko: Y'know Rev, you don't have to appolgise to me. It was my own fault really Rev: What do you mean? Yorko: You wouldn't understand the main part, but me and Vin got into a little argument Rev: Arguments seem to be your speciality Yorko: Are you suprised, having to put with Wufei for five years is enought to drive anyone insane Rev laughed and continued to grin. Yorko also laughed, life was a hell of a lot more fun at the minute with this lot and she wasn't going to let anything get her down. Rev: So what was that Trans all about Yorko: I was meant to report back to him, when I got in contact with you lot. What I didn't relise was that I would get bloody well shot down, lose Okami, somehow meet Vin, get Okami back, help stop the DR lot taking this place back, meet you lot, get into a argument and then get into another one trying to explain it all. Rev: *laughing* You know, you and Wufei sound so much like brother and sister it's almost unbelivble Yorko:*slight change in voice* Yeah, I supose
Kinga smiled at the thought of being part of this team, a proper pack. One that could rely on eachother to pull themselves through whatever they were about to face. Clothes and tempuratures never bothered her, she had her fur to keep her warm or she could lose it to cool herself off. Fli was obviosly nervouse. She gently rubbed her head against him in a very animal like way. Kinga: You'll be alright. We'll be a strong pack, no one will get hurt while I'm around She looked questionatly at Turkey, he didn't look at all like a turkey, then again turkey's were big fat birds that ran around all day and did nothing important, excpet provide a nice meal. She looked at the stone once again and grinned. It was very pretty and it was hers. She removed her hat and placed it in and then put it back on her head. life was about to get interesting.
Yorko had decied to get a couple of things sorted out. Mainly the back log of information she had downloaded off Okami, but there was also the transmission she was meant to send to Wufie. This was not going to be the best of confortations between the two of them and Yorko could already imagin what would happen. As she headed towards a computer she shouted to Orien. Yorko: Orien, if Vin or the others want me, tell them I'm in the comunications room Orien: K She made her way through and found the computer to be in resonable order. Hell, if she got the chance she could always have a bit of fun with the system and give Orien a bit of a hand as well. The disk had somehow survived the attack but that data had been totally wreaked. For a start it was encripted and second some bloody twit had crashed the system in the process. That meant that when all the systems had gone due to the expolsions that most if not all sorts of information had been lost. Yorko cursed under her breath, there was another thing that she would get a fine telling off for. Geez life sucked, all of the others got along with thier mentors quite well. Wufie and her? they got along but they were more than likely to be found arguing with each other. She took a deep breath and typed in the code for Earth base. ???: *audio only* Earth base reading single, please identify yourself Yorko: Yorko Hata ???: Hello York, *the image flashed up to revel Todd* Where you been? Yorko: Long story Todd, is Wufie there? Todd: Yep, lemme guess, bad day? Yorko: More than that, he's going to go off it Todd: Hang on, I'll get him Yorko sat and waited for five solid minuets. At least she wasn't the only one who couldn't find Wufie at the best of times, yet this was definatle one of the worst times. The screen flickered and Wufie appeared. Wufie: Yorko? Yorko: I'm here Wufie: Why didn't you report back? Yorko: I kinda got into a few complications Wufie: Like? Yorko: *glup and deep breath* I temproaliy lost Okami Wufie: WHAT! YOU WEAK WOMAN..... His insults continued on for a few mins and Yorko ended up with her face in her hands thinking to herself, 'What happened to the days when there was no such thing as coms. At least then you could make rude signs at them and they wouldn't see you' (can you tell I work in customer relations). Finally he stopped. Yorko didn't dare look up. Wufie: Yorko, look at me when I'm talking to you. Yorko looked up. Yorko: You finished? Wufie: No.. Yorko: Wow, one second. Before you start going on at me any more... I've got Okami back and I got contact with three of the other pilots Wufie: Okay, but the enemy... Yorko: Will have nothing unless they happen to know how to break the 'code' Yorko had learned that all Gundam's had a special code in them that wouldn't allow any info stored in them to be released easily, unless of course you knew all of the unlock codes, very similar to the one she had give Vin. That reminded her she had to change that. Wufie: You better bloody well hope so, Yorko Yorko: Look, I got Okami back, got in contact with the pilots and got some coded data on a new suit thing. What else do you want me to do, turn into a into a mongoose and perform Swan Lake? Wufie: Point taken. Look just get the info and then report back. Yorko: Yes sir. Wufie: Over and out The transmission ended and Yorko made a rude sign at the screen. What had happened to the days of the telephone she wondered idealy to herself. She took a couple of deep breaths and sighed. She had partly lied to him, but anything to get him to shut up was enought for her.
Kinga, had been one of the first to reach the Lost Pool and had become consiuosly aware for her animal appearhance. She had beomce more human like again and replaced the far to big hat again. Fli and Geist stepped foreward to claim a green stone, and she decied that she wanted one as well. Taking a deep breath she stepped foreward and watched the now slightly smaller circle come almost towards her. It spun around slowly and stopped at the smallest one. It moved a little closer to her than the others and she extened her hand to take it. Suprisingly the stone was very light and was a very pretty colour. She almost instinctively turned it over in her hand and checked its smoothness. She liked this stone. She joined Fli and Geist and smiled. Kinga: (Whispeared) Hello, I'm Kinga. Who are yous? ooc: just a note which I forgot in recuritment, Kinga can only really speak properly when she's in her human form, when she decides to be an animal she talks a little funny, e.g we-sa gone on neture (translated We went/gone on a adventure). When she speak's like that I'll translate as best as I can (cause sometimes I can't even understand her ^_^ lol)
Kinga had done some more exploring of the surrounding area and had found the now still and imobile battle ground. She was curious to exactly what this was and felt that she should explore this a little more. She had hunched herself up and was walking on her hands and knee's, well if she was human she would have been. her hands were slightly clenched to resemble paws and her legs had adapted for this sort of animal walk. Her hat had fallen off and exposed her ears, which were pointed and an odd pinky colour. She walked foreward and gently sniffed at a metal disk that was intended for target practise. It didn't move or respond. she thought for a few seconds and then gently brushed her head against it, and it promtoly fell over. Kinga looked even more confused and flipped it back up to it's standing posisiton. Okay, it didn't like sniffing or touching so maybe it need aggression to get it going. She grabbed it in her mouth and started to wrestle with it, very like a dog does with a toy and it shakes its head, and then released it and got into a playful attack posistion. It lay there, unmoving. Kinga looked at it with a hell of a lot of confusion. This creature just didn't respond to anything. Maybe it needed to wake up. She did a very strange little tap onto the disk and it bent in half in a second. "Oopse" she said to herself and glanced around. Nobody in sight or smell. Gently she placed one of her paws/hands onto the flater side of the disk and pushed the other side down. It bounced back immeadtly. She did it again and again and the same result occured. Still checking that no one else was around, she flipped it onto it's other side and squashed it flat. She replaced it and fail to notice the large and rather ominous crack down the middle of the disk. She looked around and decieded that she would go and explore somewhere else. She checked the metal creature once more and headed off in the direction of the Nexus.
ooc: funny, funny, funny, but cool ^_^ IC: Kinga scrambled neatly up a wall and placed herself lightly on a ledge. The annocments were quite scary but funny as well, particualy when the coms blew up. She was finding it hard not to laught, but decided that it was not the best thing to start laughting a the head just at the begining of a semester. She scanned the various students below, most of them where new, that was easy enought to tell. Creaters that were new always smelt afraid and unsure. Kinga instinctively smelt her hand, she smelt the same as them, oh well. The others emmitted a smell of subboness and know-it-alls, obviously the older students who had done a year or two and thought they knew everything. She carefully looked under the ledge that she was lying on, a big hole was in it, exposing a large grassy area. Kinga smiled, that looked like a perfect place to be in. But she had to get to the lost pool dome thing if she wanted to make a good impression. She lifted herself up and quickly spotted a place where she could leap to with no real problems. She gracefully jumped and landed on her feet, wobbleing only a little bit. Okay she competely lost her balance and fell on top of a kid who was whineing on about his foot. Murmering a sort of appolgy she pussed herself up and promtley lost her balance once again and fell onto another student. She had to work on that, but still if this lot didn't mind she could always move in her normal way, sorta hunched up but if she adjusted herself then she could scurry all over the place. What fun was she going have, when she'd gotten the other student sorted first.
Yorko sighed, and shook her head. She'd better get this over with this fast. Yorko: Vincent? Vincent: What? Yorko: (feeling slightly unsure of herself) Look, I'm sorry about that. I can't help it, it's just a natural trait in me Rev: What? I mean why? Yorko: I don't want to tell you, very few people actually know and I like to keep it like that. If you don't mind. Vincent: Yorko, you said you didn't trust someone until you knew exactly what was going on. Well tell us what happened and we might start to understand Yorko: I lost someone special to me, a while ago, to someone who I thought was a friend. He betrayed me and.... she pauses trying to think of what she is doing. Should they know? Maybe it was better to get the truth out, and stop hiding behind mental walls.
Yorko had walked down to the hanger bay, feeling abosultly gutted. She hadn't meant to make an enemy out of an alley but she couldn't help it. She was always suspious, expecially after what had happened. She walked over to Okami and sat down on the Gundam's foot. She hated being like this, not being able to trust anyone until she learned exactly what they were hear for. Her eyes filled with silent tears and she recalled what had happened almost six years ago. checking that no one was around she felt inside her shirt and pulled out a ID tag that she always wore around her neck. 'Kanashimi Hata' was engraved on it, along with a badly scratched number. Kanashimi had been Yorko's elder brother and she still remembered exactly what had happened to him. Yorko had never really known her parents, her dad was hardly ever around and her mum died before she had really any memory of her. There had only ever really been Kana-chan and her. When the first attacks had started on Earth, her brother had taken her into hiding. Yorko had been eight when they had started to keep out of sigh and slowly came to learn different things about how the armies and codes worked. Kana had been in the army for quite a long time, and had made friends with an operative by the name of Arawasu, a reble who was supposedly against the new power that was in it's uprise, but he turned out to be infact a informer. One night, when Yorko was nine, enemy agents had entered their hideout and threatened to kill her if Kanshimi didn't join with them. Kana had refused point blank and had pulled his little sister away from the guards. It only took one single bulitt to kill Kana and as he lay on top of Yorko, slowly losing his life he said, "Yorky, if ever someone doesn't tell you straight away why they are near to you, run and don't trust them. For they'll be after you now. My little sister". Yorko had been left alive, the agents thinking that she was only a little girl who would die. But she proved them wrong and shot one of them in the back as they left. She still owned that gun, but she hardly ever used it. She didn't have enought bulitts for it. She couldn't recall how she had managed to stay alive for about a year afterwards but by then she had learned enought and had become a Gundam pilot. She sighed and looked down at the ID tag again, "Never make and enemy out of an Allie Yorky. It's one of the worst things you can do", she heard Kana say in her head. "I won't brother" she said under her breath. She heard a noise down the end of the hanger bay and quicklu tired to push the ID tag pack under her shirt. She jumped down and saw Vincent and Rev, she had to appoligies to Vincent but she wasn't going to change her mind unless he had learned something about her. The only thing she didn't relise was the ID tag was still showing. ooc: Okay, I know its a long post again, but I thought I would give you a basic idea of why she's suspicious. K?
hello Baka chan, Hello Deedlit chan. Thought I would join up as well :D Name: Kingo (Kingy or Da King) Race: part human and part animal Powers: animal sences, nature attacks and rather powerful Age: impossible to tell Height: 4ft Weight: don't bother asking Others control: yep, cause it makes it more fun Appearance: looks quite normal, bar from the dark blue hair with black stripes and yellow eyes which are slited. Wears lose black top and baggy trousers and a cap that doesn't seem to quite fit History: Basically an early experiment done on humans to intergrate them with animals (no I did not nick it from you Baka ^_^), in an attempt to make a superior race of humna fighters. Didn't exactly go according to plan and the project was abonded and the few creatures that were created were dumped to find their own existance. Classes: Swimming Survial Street Fighting Combo Magik Well there you go. How many more people do ya need or can we-sa start?
Yorko hadn't spoken much. In fact it was hard to tell if she was actually there. She was leaning against the wall fiddleing with a small pen that she had found. Marimea seemed to know a little too much information for her own liking and she had been mildly surprised that the others just seemed to accept her. Marimea looked towards Yorko and smiled. Yorko didn't, she very rarely trusted anyone and she certainly didn't trust Marimea. Marimea: So you're a Gundam pilot as well? Yorko shurged and looked down at the pen desperatly trying to remain calm. Marimea: Who was your mentor? Yorko: Why would you wanna know? Marimea: Curiousity really. It must be strange being the only girl, I know I would feel strange Yorko glared at Marimea, how dare she say that to her. But something else crept up in her mind, how did Marimea know she was, as far as Yorko knew anyway, that she was currently the only girl Gundam pilot. Rev looked at Yorko with a little confusion. Rev: What's up? Yorko: Marimea, how do you know so much? Marimea: What do you mean? Yorko: Just a thought (under her breath) Just then Vincent and Orien walked in. Yorko kept silent, but she knew almost instinctevly that Rev would tell. Vincent: Everything okay? Marimea: Yeah Rev: (whisapered) Vince, Yorko's suspicious Vincent: (also whispeared) What about? Rev: Marimea Vincent looked over to where Yorko was still leaning aginst the wall. What was up with her? She seemed to be less responcive that he had seen her and she looked mad or angry. He had to get to the bottom of this and fast, he didn't want any arguments within the group. Vincent: Yorko, can I have a word? Yorko: yeah Vincent: Somewhere else Yorko shrugged again and looked down at the pen. Vincent sighed and dragged Yorko out into the corridor, leaving the others in the med bay. Yorko: Hey let go of me Vincent: What's up with you. I never seen you look like this Yorko: This is coming from the boy who has known me less than two days Vincent: You know what I'm on about, Yorko what's you're problem with her? Yorko: She knows to much for my liking Vincent: What? Yorko: Vincent didn't you find it rather strange how she just happened to [i]know[/i] that you, me and Rev were Gundam pilots? Vincent: Of cource not! Yorko: Look, think about it will you. We didn't even know about eachother until we met. The only thing we knew was that there were other Gundams, that was it! Vincent: She could've got the info from anywhere, she's on our side now Yorko: How do you know that? Vincent: She hasn't tried anything Yorko: That doesn't prove anything. Look you and the others may trust her but I don't Vincent: Yorko, what has got you like this Yorko: Simple, she held Earth hostage for a year. One year Vincent, she wanted to destroy this planet Vincent: She was being controlled! Yorko: She was twelve years old at the time, she could've said No at any time. She knew the difference between right and wrong and she chose wrong Vincent: Doesn't mean that people can't change Yorko: Fine, you belive what you want. All I know is that I'm not going to trust her until I know exactly how she knew about us, Duo and what the hell is going on. ooc: Okay, rather long post. Sorry guys but my mate, who gives me all the Gundam info I need, has been on at me about Marimea. And both of us would really like to know how she knows all of this stuff, when she never met Duo (she's double checking that), or appeared in the manga's that where set after Endless Waltz. And plus it got a bit more of Yorko's character out.
Sound blasted from every angle all around them. Yorko heard Rev shouting at her to get to her Gundam. She nodded and raced to the hanger. Okami stood unmoving as usual but something made Yorko stop. There was only the sound of the warning sirens and an odd creaking noise. She stepped back as siletntly as she possibly could. There was something not quite right about this. She was just about to back track herself to find out where Rev, Marimena and Orien was when a shock wave hit the hanger area. She dived out of the way and landed rather awakadly. After a few seconds the shock subsided and all was quiet again. The way foreward was blocked but not so that it was impossible to get through. 'Sod it' she thought and quickly headed back to the rec room. Yorko: Rev, Orien? You guys all right?
Lisa smiled, strange things often happened but now was the perfect time to strike back at Archon, X and Jestyr. They were going to be sorry for messing on with them. Lisa: I think it's time for us to go and claim our revenge, but we must wait until Valen appears.
As the title may surgest I'm having a problem with one of the doors on FFX. I managed to get past the fir bit but now I'm truly stuck. Basically I've got to the part where you first meet Donna and Barthello(or whatever his name is) and I'm up to the bit where you've got to get through the two doors. I can get passed the Fire door using the Kil-something sphere but then I can't work out where I am meant to place the Glyph sphear or the K sphear so that I can open the door and get to the others. Any help would be much appricated.
ooc: Hiya everyone who signed up for this. Sorry about taking almost a week to get it up but I've been busy busy busy. Anyway, on witht the story. IC: Lisa watched the midnight rain fall slowly down to the ground and smiled. So many strange things could happen before and on Devil's night, and very few would belive this. A Raven called out to her from across the room, she walked over to it and gently brushed it's long smooth black feathers. It tilted it's head towards the bed where a doll lay, dressed in a white dress. Lisa smiled and gently picked her up. So many memories had been held within such a simple object, she wondered if the others would find something simiarl and remember why they had come back. She looked towards the window pain and saw another three ravens appear. Her friends weren't far away and as soon as they remembered then there would be hell to pay.
Yorko smiled slowly to herself, at long last she had finally met a couple of the other Gundam's and they seemed canny enought. She had been in the long and rather complicated process of downloading any availble info out of Okami on what the Dark Ring were up to and about that new suit. She hadn't told Vin about it yet but she was sure that it might contain something. She wandered into the rec room and saw Orien sitting with a cup of coffee, watching more news flashes and the occassional add, all proclaiming that the Dark Ring was on Earth's side and fighting for it's people. She snorted at the fact. Orien turned.. Orien: Who are you? Yorko: Yorko Hata, another Gundam pilot before you say anything. You? Orien: Orien Yorko: Nice to meet, can't belive half of that crap. What's even stranger is the amont of people who belive it Orien: You seen it before Yorko:hm-um, get it all the time Orien: How? Yorko: I was on Earth base, so that's part of their info wrong. Got a computer, so I can check this downlaoded info? Orien: Yeah, over there Yorko nods her thanks and goes up to the computer and places in the disk. She knew she would have to get in contact with Wufie, but it could wait, this was far more important.
Okay guys, I'm sorry for not posting but I'm a little busy at the min. Keep your eyes out over the next few days and I'll sort it out.
ooc: Sorry didn't relise, I must'a read it wrong.
Cool, well we got the Ravens now all we need is some people to kill and take our revenge on.
Okay, I've just watched Brandon Lee's 'The Crow' and thought that it might be good to create an RP on it. The basic story is that a group of teenagers were brutily murdered by a gang of evil sods (I can quite think of what else to call them) but they stupidly wen't and killed the teenagers families as well. This caused them to want revenge because they each saw the family hanging, naked and blood covered from a window or something similar. Since they were killed on 'Devils night' (Haloween, its what it's called in the film) they can come back one year later. On Devils Night a group of Ravens are seen flying over to the graveyard, each one landing on one of the teenagers graves. And they arise to take their vengence. Okay, I'm limiting the Ravens, as they are gonna be called, to only three others, so its first come first served. But we will need some baddies to kill (please keep within the rules on that) so it time to take flight. Please can the characters be as true to the film as possible and there is virturally no daytime for the Ravens, but there is for the baddies. K? What I need is as follows: [b]Raven sign up[/b] Name: Clothes: (Dark, mystrious style) Face: (How do you make yourself look frightening or different) Object of remeberance: (Ring, bracelet, watch or something similar that belonged to someone in your family) [b]Baddie sign up[/b] Real Name: Nickname: Posistion in the group: Weapon: Personality: Description Okay, here's mine: [b]Ravens[/b] Name: Lisa Clothes: Long black skirt, sleeveless black top with pentagon shape cut out of the back Face: White make-up, with heavey black eyeshadow under her eyes which goes into two thin lines which connect to her mouth which is covered in black lipstick and outlined with red. Object:A doll in a white dress which belonged to her little sister. Let's take flight my friends of Darkness
Yorko shook her head, he was nuts! (ooc: No offence to Vincent, but Yorko's just a little bit sarcy, actually all of the time;))She carefull followed and landed none to steadily, bloody landing system. She watched as Phoenix gently strolled in and Vincent clambered out. 'Show off' she thought to herself as she climbed down. Vincent was looking around at the damaged. She walked up behind him and gently, for her anyway, elbowed him in the back. Vincent: Oww, what was that for? Yorko: One thing Vin, don't you dare call me a coward ever again. Got it? Vincent: Yeah, kinda? What's with Vin? Yorko: As if I'm gonna call you [i]Vincent[/i] all the time. ooc: Yorko shortens everyone's name for some reason or other so you'll have to forgive me. Btw where is everyone?????
Nan gently helped Tonru up. He seemed to be in quite a lot of pain. Nan: Are you sure you're alright? Tonru: Yes, I'm fine Nan: You're not. C'mon my mum will know what to do Nan gently though slightly forcefully started to push Tonru out of the park. A small bird chripped near to them, she answered in a similar chirp and grinned as the bird turned and twisted its head at her. Nature was a good thing to have on your side, no matter what. ooc: Where is CD? I really wanna know what's going on here
Yorko was met by a very angry pilot. He lunged at her pistol drawn, but she doged the move with almost perfect timing and cleanly knocked the pilot down with a stright forewards smack to the back of the neck. She leaned down and quickly removed a metalic badge from his collar, taking over half of it with her. Yorko: You won't be needing this anymore She jumped up and ran to Okami. It was alright, except for a few scratches due to Vincent but she decied to let him off, after all he had helped her. Back inside the cock-pit she smiled. 'I'm sorry I left you Okami, but now we can get back at the Kisama's(japanies swear word)'. After a few minutes Okami rose into the sky, weapons full armed and locked on the target. She spotted a few Leo's and Scopio's trying to take back the base from behind and went at them. One turned and started to fire but was then cut cleanly down by circluar spinning disk. The others charged and were soon down. She looked back to see Phoenix charge at Deamon. What the hell is he doing? She wondered to herself and then clicked, he was going for the weak spot with only the beam saber was he nuts? then she corrected herself, of corce he was nuts you had to be for this job. She raised one of the moon beam guns (a weapon on Okami) and targeted Deamon, if anything went wrong from this attack then she had a clear shot.
Yorko stared at the fight that was going on. If only she had Okami then she could help get rid of this lot. But she had to bail and god knew what Wufie would say to her once he got a hold of her. Deamon was definatly in some sort of trouble by the way it was thrashing around. Suddenly the alarms went off again. Vincent: Another lot coming...no wait its a different Gundam, we're okay. Yorko: No we're not Vincent: Eh? Woa Quickly he doges a new attack by the Scopio's. Yorko: That's Okami! Vincent: Who? Yorko: My Gundam! They're using it to target the base but how? Vincent: What the hell are you on about, that can't be yours. You would have to be piloting it. Yorko: Exactly, that is Okami. I know that Gundam only to well and the bloody sods have tampered with it!
ooc: Sorry for not posting but you'll have to get used to it. IC: Nan walked out of school and sighed, at least that was over for another day. No more of Melissa and her friends going on at her about not having the latest fashions and other expensive things. She decided to go to the park and spend some well earned time reading. Little did she know of what was going to happen. **some time later** Nan watched in horror as Tohru managed to knock the creature out of the picture. He landed rather roughly and she immeadatly ran over to him. Nan: You alright? Tonru: Yeah, I think Nan: What the hell was that creature of darkness???