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Everything posted by Walnut
oh..sounds different. I'll join. Name: Nanyan Colomo (called Nan for short) Age: 16 Height: 5'71/2 Eyes: blue/grey Hair: Black and spikey Distinguishing Features: A metal gauntlet(sp?) on her hand due to an accident Casual Clothing: sleeveless red top and black jenes with a varity of silver lines running down them, black trainers and a flese Likes: Music, Anime, going out with her friends Dislikes: Boys (expect her mates who are boys of cause :)) Personality: Quite quiet but can go hyper at times Zodiac Sign: Tiger (which happens to be mine) Personal Element: Earth Bio: Nan lives with an very large family and is the youngest out of seven kids. Got a scholship so she could attend the school. Typical character quote: "Here we go again!" Well I hope thats of some use to you.
ooc: Sorry for not posting, I've been busy busy busy :D IC: Yorko hit a varity of codes into the semi-functional coms system. She had no idea how the hell she had stumpled across a disused and downshacked look-out post, but it might just be the place where she could get out of this mess. Luckily she had tracked down Okami via a homing system and knew exactly where she needed to go in order to get the Gundam back and also find out what that new unit was. The coms had taken a fair old while to repair but not at least she could get a signel out, not a very good one but it was still a signel. She had learned how to waver the transmission so that only friendly personal could pick it up, but the system was alittle bit old and trying to get it working properly was a nightmare. After a few more seconds she finally got it up and running. Yorko: This is Yorko Hata, Pilot ID Delta Yankee 55486. Please respond. Repeat this is Yorko Hata, Pilot ID Delta Yankee 55486, anyone read me? She waited hoping that someone would pick up the poor signel.
ooc: Outta curiousity what are scopio units? It's just that my mate is continually asking me and she's the one filling me in on Gundam stuff. IC: Yorko stared at the scanner, checking every possible area for a trace of a Gundam signel. This was getting ridiculas, how bloody hard was it to get a faint trace so at least she could have a very off point guess of where the hell she was meant to go. Suddenly something erupted off the scale. She watched as massive shock waves of an explosion ripped towards the area. Luckily she was well out of the way but whatever caused them had to be the missing Gundams. She traced the sorce to an area near to California base, even if she flew at full speed and didn't encounter any enemy suits, it would take her a good five hours from her current position. She considered trying to contact the base but it would be veritually impossible with the waves lenghts because they could be easily be picked up. A warning blip sounded on her left side and as she turned a transmission came through. "Surrender, Gundam, we have you now" said a voice at the other end. Yorko glared at the pilot and smiled, "Don't think so" she said with a grin and turned a fired a direct lazer cannon at his unit. Another squad of Scopio's? These things were being produced in rediculas numbers. Two others charged at her and she pulled upwards and fired down, but yet missed. "What the..?" she asked as another warning blip went off this time from above. She litually just managed to pull herself out of the way before a mobile suit desended upon her. She had never seen anything like it before. She fired at it, with no effect. The targeting system was working perfectly, but the bloody thing wasn't even scratched. "Surrender Gundam unit and you will be spared" said a voice which wasn't human nor robotic. "Go to hell" she shouted and unleashed all of her fire power on the thing. After the smoke had cleared she looked.... ... it was still standing. "How on earth?" she shouted. "You're coming with me, Gundam unit" said the voice and then it latched onto Okami (I changed the name of her gundam). She tried basic manovers to relese the suit but it locked on tight. Suddenly there was a cracking noise and smoke filled the cock-pit. She coughed and spluttered and relised that the life support system had been damaged. She decied that it was better to save her skin and baled, crashing down through the tree's that had been directly below her. She landed with a heavey thump on the ground and lay motionless. *** Time passed and slowly Yorko came around. She rubbed the dirt out of her eyes and felt a sharp stab of pain in her left arm. Looking down there was a deep cut and it felt like she had probably broken it again. She stood up rather awkwadly and took in her surroundings, she was in the middle of a dence pine wood and there was no sign of life anywhere. She looked up into the sky, the Scopio units and the strange new one were gone, as was Okami. She sighed, "Great, nice one to go and get yourself into, Yorko, real nice one". She looked around and decied that she should try and get to some sort of civilian area, there was bond to be one around here, wasn't there?
Yorko studied the book thoughtfully. She was attempting to read a technical manual but it made sense in the slightest. Her head almost fell foreward but she stopped and shook herself awake, "Can't fall asleep now" she said to herself. She re-studied the book once again. 'to avoid a near death collsion you should...' well that was a bit useless, there was no way of avoiding a near death collision, they always bloody well happened particually to her. There was a distant thud from somewhere in the factory, no prizes for guessing what had happened. It was another pot shot, and like always it missed. Suddenly there came a rather loud and high pitched screaching noise from the computer that she was supposed to be watching. She dropped the book onto the floor and turned her attention to the screen. Someone was attempting to get a transmission through to them. She sighed and quickly hit a few codes into the computer, it remained blank. The system generater was quiet, she attempted the codes again, the exact same result. She tuted irritably and hit the generater which came into a rather spluttering life. The screen showed a varity of mismatched words and a whole load of nonsense. after a few more minuets of bashing the codes into the keyboard, and hitting the generater just a few times. an image appeared on the screen and a clear voice said, "What the hell went on there". Yorko smiled at seeing Heero and replied, "Sorry sir, system went down or wouldn't work as usual". "Likely story, is Wufei around?" he asked. "I'll fetch him" she said, psuhing herself out of the chair. Now, where the hell was Wufei likely to be. She could never find him at the best of times and right now it would be almost impossible to find him, as she knew only to well. After about five minuets she finally found him in his office, going through a load of paper work. "Wufei, got a message for you" she said leaning against the doorway. He looked up, "Who from?" he asked. "Heero" she repiled. This was quite the normal conversation between the two of them, and she didn't want to annoye him much when he had reports to do. "What's the message?" he asked sounding generally interested. "No idea, he's waiting on the intercom" she said grinning. "What? Yorko how many time do I..." he started, "God knows how many. Look, you told me to find an excuse to get you out of doing the paper work, and I got you one" she said slightly laughing. "Point, fine I'll go and see what he wants. Get some of this done for us" he said walking past her. She lightly hit him in the back, "Rotten sod" she said. He laughed and shook his head and then went to the intercom. *** Half-an-hour later, Yorko looked up from the report she had been working on. "What was that all about?" she asked Wufei as he walked back in. "The other Gundams are headed to earth, and by the looks of things somethings gone wrong. They're having trouble communitcating with three of them. They've asked weather you'll go and find them" he said. "Last known position?" she asked getting up. "Somewhere of North America" he said. "That'll take some finding, but I'll go" she said. "Good girl, now go on. Everythings ready" he said. She hurried passed him. "Yorko" he called she turned back around. "Keep your wits about you" he said. "Don't worry I will" she said and disappeared down to the flight deck.
ooc: You'll have to forgive the amount of time it takes me to post, but I've got a hell of a lot on at the min and its quite annoying. I will get there though don't worry.
This sounds good, you'll have to forgive any mistakes I seen very few eps of GW and don't know much about it, yet. Name: Yorko Hata Age: 15 Gender: Female From Colony you are from: L5 Who was you mentor: Wufei Gundam name, or MS name: Dragon Gundam Gundam or MS Weapons: (kindly PM me with some ideas please) Character Bios: Her father was origionally within the army and it was only fitting that she join. Knows very little about her family, but started training under Wufie at the age of 10. Is quite understanding and will help out if she can Where your plotted landing area is: God knows Kindly PM me if I've done anything wrong, K?
Ellsa Dacra looked out of the window and watched the street's that were filled with people coming and going about their dayily business. She turned her attention away and noted the two jedi's and apprentic who were talking on the other side of the room. Another planet gone? This was getting out of control, she turned her gaze back to the crowds and felt that all was not well, and probably the planet that had gone would be the souce of it. She turned back around and noticed that they had gone, it wouldn't take long to catch up with them and plus it might be a good idea to keep a check on what was going on, since the disturbance in the force was only small now but would more than likely grow.
Name: Ellsa Dacra Age:17 Lightsaber Color: Purple (cause I like it Rank: Jedi Knight Species:Plutarien Location/Homeworld: No info Weapons:Lightsaber and various other things Vehicle/Ship: Force capabilities: Basic mind control, take over peoples minds, push, pull and shileds Bio: Only just recently become a Jedi Knight and is starting to learn about the interactions between different cultures. Appearnace: Tall, with knee lenght hair tied back in a very strange style of plat. Black markings around her eyes and on her face. Allanice: The New Republic
I'd like to help as well. I can go a bit over board with my ideas but I tend to be able to work out how different characters know each other and I can also be a bit creative with magic. I've also got some self-created summons in my FF9 fanfic, if you fancy using them.
ooc: Hello, soz about not appearing for yonks but I've been busy, busy busy. IC: Alpha lounged at the door, still waiting for Tasya's reactions to kick in. This was not the ideal situation to be in and she would have preferred not to be there. "You still here?" snapped Tasya. Alpha took the point and left. She wandered around aimlessly, she had no real idea where she was going, she just wanted to be somewhere else. With her old friends, not that she had any. She looked at the locked door that stood directly facing her, it had once been Mangus's room and she had spent many a long day in there, enjoying a few moments of 'peace' but now Maz had quite litually destroyed that world and no one was permitted in that room. She turned to go only to see a little girl standing in her way. "What are you doing here?" she asked. "You shouldn't wonder about what I'm doing here but rather what you're doing here" said the girl. "What?" asked Alpha looking around trying to work out what the hell was going on. "You know exactly what I'm on about. She's just biding her time, she knows that the old you still lerks deep inside. If I were you, I would get out now. She is going to hurt you in tommorrow and there's nothing you will be able to do about it" said the girl. "Eh?" said Alpha in a very confused voice. "You'll see me again, then you'll know" and with that the girl disappeared. ooc: hehe if yous don't mind Al's going evil. She ain't going to be a goody goody for much longer.
Hi, I'm probably gonna get into alot of trouble over this but a mate of mine has got an Anime devoted(sp?) web-site that has a lot of orgional Fanart and Manga downloads. She also has a message board but with very few members. Please check it out and decide if you like it or not. Ta Link : [url]www.angelfire.com/anime4/ryuhoshi[/url]
Okay people in this are: Deus Ex - Deus Crichton Sere - Charisma Crichton Sweetreyes - Rei-sha Sere - Sere Hasyu Clorise(soz if name spelt wrong) - Korithan Mygus (Leviathan + pilot) Lacroix S'Xaleria - Harlequin Okay Sere and Deus you post first cause you've got to get to the uncharted sections before you meet with us.:p
Okay guys. Soz about not posting but I've been a little busy. I'm off to post now so I won't be long.
I've just watched Monday's ep (I was at work) and I think we're up to season three Deus. I live in UK to. And I'm totally chuffed cause Scorpio or Sporipy as I call him is back. YES!!! Okay, Sere can you play the sister as well. I ain't got much time right now so I'll start this on Thursday Night. Okay.
Brill, Thanx Cloricus. I forgot about getting a pilot but hey only really need the sister and then we're off.
Hello guys. Okay sorry about spellings and the other stuff. Yes I did mean [i]cycles[/i] but I couldn't for the life of me remember what they called them. Deus..I think that Deus and sister look human enought but are really half-human, half-peacekeeper which is confusing. Mind you what happened to Ayren last ep? My mum forgot to record it and I don't know! So I'm fed up.
[i] Earth, our home planet, now has full assess to worm hole technology after Criction(sp?) returned with his alien friends. Many different species live in perfect harmony with us and we have learned alot of new information about our own interlinking systems. A brother and sister, who are desendants of Crition, decide to go on a link pass to another system. They save up enought money and buy the relvent tickets they need. As they blast off they think that everything is going to be fine, but suddenly a spacial anonomly happens and a far larger and powerful worm hole opens up on their flight path. they are sucked in and find themselves in a brand new uncharted region of space. Maybe by luck, or by some twist in destiny, they are picked up by a lythathin crewed by a oddly mixed group of escaped slaves. The slaves think they are spies to the Wataka's, a speices which enslaved them at a very young age. They finally come to accept that the brother and sister are not and they try to all get to their homes. But unknown to the slaves, their home palents were vaporised after their enslavement.[/i] Okay, that's the basic story but I've got a few little preferences. Please no desendants of any of the Farscape charcters, I know its tempting and I would love to do that but then it would just end up like the TV series. I'll let two people be the brother and sister, and then I think a further five people to be aliens. Please try to create an origional speices (but I don't mind if they are something similar to another sci-fi creature) Character Sheet: Slave Name: Age: Speices: Description: waers: Bio: Occupation abode ship: Anything else about charcter: Character sheet: Brother or Sister Name: Age: Description: Wears: Bio: Skills: Anything else: Okay, my char. Character Sheet: Slave Name: Chuba Age: 100 seasons Species: Senoure Description: almost humaniod in appearance, except silver coloured skin and ripped wings on her back. bright blue eyes with no visable pupil and vampire style teeth. hair bright yellow and spikey. Wears: a black coloured suit, which is skin tight. it exposes her shouldersand most of her sides. basically T shaped at the top and full trousers. Bio: Was a sex slave to the Wataka, and has been since she was 50 seasons old. Was targeted because her rulers would not pay the price the Wataka put apon her planet and escaped with the others because she could not stand it any longer. Occupation on ship: Mech and anything that she is told to do as she is quite young in her species age group. Anything else: is very flexibly and can climb most things, and can be rather dangerous if you get her mad. Okay, your turn.
ooc: Hello....anyone out there??? [recieves a very quiet echo from the depths of the Internet] Has everyone gone to Mars and left me again?
ooc: Soz I didn't post a reply but I'm back at work now, so expect my posts to become kinda inrrecgular again. IC: Alpha kicked a can along the alley way. Coal would sertainly pay for that. But still she had to put up with what Summer wanted. Her mind filtered back to one of the older Slayers. Tyneomy had been her name and what a desater she had been. She virtually couldn't kill anything and had gone and let the hellmouth open and wasn't even bothered about it. It was lucky that Alpha had knocked some sense into her but she was definatly getting worried. Now there were real problems and she had no clue to what Summer would actually do. "Well, this is a nice suprise. Ain't it Alpha?" said a voice directly behind her. OOC: [B][U]NEWS FLASH[/B][/U] On Ananova at work I read that they might finish Buffy off.
Alpha sat and watched the wall. It was curious, she never liked walls, in fact she couldn't stand them. Tasya was waffleing on about something and it was getting on her nevers. But something began to stire in Alpha's mind. She knew fine well That Tasy (wot she calls her) wouldn't calm down until Summer had ideal protection. There had to be someone Summer wouldn't really mind watching over her. And plus this place needed some livening up. She sat and thought for a good while and then decided to go and find an old friend. "Won't be long" she said getting up and competely inorging Tasya's mood. She got out onto the streets and headed down an alley way, dawn would be up soon so she quickly put on her necklace that held half the jewel. She had hidden the other half, since Mangus had been killed (ooc: He ain't around no more so I thought it might explain a few things), and would not revel to anyone where it was. That had also really cheesed off Tasya. She was good at that. The alleyway was a strictly off limits place, mainly because it led to a secret wepon store or confrence room but Alpha never went as far as that. She knew that there was a bar hidden just half-way down. It was not the knid of bar that everyone visits. But Alpha knew the [i]keeper[/i] of this particular bar very well. He was a man of great interlect and suposedly had the ability to drain any normal human without touching them. This was of cause a chat-up line, which she had almost fell for until he attempted to drain her and then discovered who the hell she was. That had been a long time ago and she knew fine well that he would help her out of his pure lust for her. Patectic really. She walked into the disgusting place and had to stifle her nose at the smell. A few very scantaly dressed Vamp's were dancing to lure the poor sods that had been dragged in here for the sacrifice. The [i]keeper[/i] was wearing the usual killing robes and looked ready to kill them off. Alpha despied this and knew exactly how to stop it. She walked over to the bar and said "Hey Coal, aren't a little old to be playing this game". Coal stopped pouring the drink and let the glass go. It smashed quite loudly and the whole proceedings stopped and seemingly disappeared. "H...hello Alpha. W...what can I get you?" he asked in a very scared voice. "Nothing, you can do me a favour" she repiled in a serious voice. "Another favour?" he asked in a equally scared voice. "Hum-um, unless you want the councle to learn of your little..." she tried to think of a word, "..party". "Okay, want do you want" asked Coal. Alpha leaned over and whispered what she wanted done. ooc: Sere, please read your PM's before you post back a reply. I'll explain what Al's got in mind.
ooc: Bloody hell, I go away for five days and a whole lot of stuff happens. Nice to see you all back. Right now to post something. IC: Tansya was in another of her great moods. Alpha knew them only too well, she had been caught in rather a few of them and mainly cause of her habbit of eating cats. Alpha leaned awarkadly against the door, waiting for Tansya to tell her what to do. She had heard almost all the conversation, that was a good thing about becoming a bat she reflected. She recalled why she actually became a bat in the first place. Tansya had placed it on her, after she had accidently gone and killed off a brown moggie by the name of Katyren, who was not only Tansya's cat but was also pregant at the time. She was still sure that she held a big grudge against her for that. "Alpha" said Tansya. "Wha?" asked Alpha in a good natured voice. "Protect Summer" said Tansya in a emoutional voice. "No prob, its my job" said Alpha turning and heading out of the door. The night was crisp and clean, there was no people about as per usual, but Alpha was still warey of Maz. If she was out again and with hunter's then she was in danger herself. After checking several of the usual spots for Summer, Alpha decied to risk making a call. The mobile signal could be traced but only if you were in a clear area. At this point in time she wasn't, she was in the middle of the shopping centre and reception could be rather bad. She dialled Summer's number and was thankful to hear it ring. "C'mon Summer answer, if you don't then Tansya is going to hurt me. Big Time" she said under her breath while listening to the ringing.
ooc: Okay, I've finally got this up and running. So lets kick some Vampire ***....excluding all good vamp's that is:D IC: [i] Alpha dosed happily in her coffin, in the old primary school. She liked to listen to the constant drip drip dripping of the leaky roof and the coo of pigeons as they fell asleep for the night. She knew that she had to get up, but she couldn't recall why. Oh still it didn't matter, it was comfoty in here. What with her purple pillow and bed spread (given by Summer after she had prised Alpha out of her coffin because she had been frozen in) and a small white teddybear (ooc What? I hear you ask. I vamp with a Teddy? Hey they have feelings to, ya know). suddenly her alarm clock went off with a very loud "HEY WAKE UP ALPHA, OR YA WON'T GET ANYTHING TO EAT". Alpha shot up and banged her head squarely off the lid. She cursed. "That bloody clock, I'm going to put a hammer to it one night" she said pushing herself out. She streached and sorted out her bed. Summer had become complaceant of late about tidyness and the last thing she wanted was to annoy Summer. She looked at the items arranged on an old desk. Her hairbrush, some lipstick (where from was a msytery) and a small box wrapped with bright paper. She pounded the last item for a few seconds and then grabbed hold of it and ran as fast as she could to the hideout, praying that Summer wouldn't kill her, but also hitting the clock just once to shut it up. ooc: Okay let the slaying or none existance of it begin.
Telique stopped in mid air and felt the presence of other beings. She focused her energy and made the decision that there was more power that what she could sense. At least times had changed, she reflected. She turned back around and headed for the Ki-world. It didn't take long to reach (This is account for DB time) and she soon landed on the wideness that was the kiao's world. As she looked around, a strange feeling of dread passed over her. Something wasn't right but right now she would have to focus her attention on training with the others that would come. ???: Welcome Telique. We have been expecting you Telique: (turns and bows in repect) Thank you Master Kio. Kio: No need for thanks. I would wait here for the others, they'll be along soon enought. Telique nodded and looked back towards the sky. It felt wierd knowing that she would be with people that were like her in some way but in others they were a race apart. ooc: hello.....anyone there? (recieves a rather strange echo from the pits of the Internet)