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Everything posted by Walnut

  1. hi guys. Okay soz about taking jonks with posting but I've been busy busy busy. I'll post the intro now and then see where we end up with this one.
  2. Walnut


    ooc: Hi, soz about not posting but I've been a little busy lately. Harly is it okay if Labyrinth follows you for some time? IC: Labyrinth watched the man single handely destroy the mob. He was definatly strange and seemed to know what he was doing. She watched as he left the tavern. She looked down at her human form and sighed, she hated trying to creep along but she would have to. He went down the valley as of it wasn't there, Labyrinth followed making sure that no creatures saw her which would alert the man. He was whistleing a tune that sounded strangly familar, it reminded her of when she had been disturbed from her years of long sleep. She inevertaly stepped on a twig with an ear splitting 'crack'. She stopped dead to see what he would do.
  3. Hiya Carren Heart. I'll join up on this little thread. ((Dragon)) Name: Labyrinth Gender: female Age: 123 Description: As a human, Labyrinth is quite tall with silvery white hair. She tends to be rather quiet and will often just stare at things for hours without thinking. Colour: Silvery White Past: Lived in a hidden place and was awoken by someone but she don't know who.
  4. Okay, with Summer the Vampire Slayer having a few problems I've decied to start a new season of it. The plot is a bit confusing and I need to sort it out with Sere. Okay it basically envolves a evil so-and-so called Maz who's managed to take over London with a host of vampires. Summer has to destroy Maz but things are getting a little strange. Okay we're looking for a mixture of characters, being evil and good and PLEASE can we have a few more normal HUMANS. Right all you need is: Class: good/evil Name: Age: Appearance: Bio: Personality: Okay, let's kill some vampires.
  5. ooc: hiya guys. Right we don't seem to be getting anywhere with this so what I'm going to do is close this one down and start a new under the name of Summer the Vampire Slayer season two. That way we get some more character's and more plot twists. Okay.
  6. Telquie stood and looked out over the world. Evil was rising and she knew that she would have to face it. She looked back towards the sun and smiled, she was ready. Her master's had taught her well but she needed the help of the Kio's now. She gripped a pendant that hung about her neck and muttered something under her breath. It didn't matter what would come of her, it didn't matter if she died, all she cared about was trying to save a world she loved. She looked to where she dwelt and said a silent farewell. Then with little more than a single thought she took to the sky, willing herself to the world of the Kio's.
  7. Sana looked out of the window. "Commander are you sure that's the place?" she called. "Yep, I've just checked out the systems and the OLS is due for lift off sometime soon. You may want to get into your shuttle and keep and eye on them" he called back. "Okay" she called. It took two full minuets for Sana to reach her shuttle. Techincally it was a modified Space Pod but it didn't really matter. She ran all the system checks and checked everything including the life support. Last time she had forgotten to do that and only had enought air to last her two minuets. "Okay Commander, I'm ready to disembark" she said through the com system. A crackley reply came back, "Okay Sanjena, you just remeber to keep your cool and for gods sake don't screw up, dirtbag" he called. "I won't! You can trust me" she said back after wacking the system. "Sana, you keep yourself safe" said a young female voice. "Don't worry Shaupat, I'll make sure I'm back to help you out" she said. "Okay, disembarkation in 5 seconds" came the Commanders voice. Sana reached for the two leavers and pulled them down. Her shuttle drifted for a few seconds and then kicked into life. "Ship Nanu, this is Kreetle, on line and ready to fly" she said. "Okay, if you need any help, you know the code" said Commander and then the ship disappeared. "Now to wait on the Outlaw. Why do I get stuck with protection jobs?" she asked, while she set up a stable frequency so that the ship would detect her.
  8. Walnut

    Bey Blade

    Lori had wandered the street's looking for peotentional BeyBladers who she would battle. Most of them were just kids and probably never been in a real battle. She wandered down and watched Kitty and Seifer arguing and preparing to fight. They both had to much anger in them and that would eventually wreak they blades if they were not careful. But they both had a strong fire within them, they would be good oppenets in the tornement, that was if they didn't wreak their blades. She came forward Lori:"Listen you two, do you want your blades wreaked?" Seifer: What's it to do with you? Lori: I only came to warn you that your anger will cause the blades to smash. Please I wish to face both of you in the tornement, so stop any silly argument now and prepared for the tornement.
  9. Sana leaned against the side of the Nuna, and looked out at the blackness of space. The commander had picked up a new client(sp?) and had assined Sana to do the job. It sounded simple enought but something was annoying her, something that just didn't feel right about this mission. She looked again and recalled the words her father had said to her a long time ago, "You fight for what you believe in, not for what someone else does". She looked down at the mission, "Protect OL with life, include those who fly". It had been written so that most wouldn't understand and there was no signature. Oh well, she would get paid a heck of a lot of money for simply protecting a ship and it's people. The only prob was what the hell did OL stand for. She had run a check on her system and had comeup with nothing. Suddenly she clicked onto what it was on about and quickly clambered aboard. "Commander, find me OLS now" she called. "Why?" he asked. "Mission objectives need to be fulfiled and I don't mean to miss out on the money paid by...whoever" she said. "That's the way we work Sajena" said the commander's voice. "For the hundreth time it SANA" said Sana slumping herself down.
  10. Name: Lori T'clana Beyblade: Gold, black and a small silver star Bit Beast: Lyndon (Gold Dragon bitbeast) Launcher: Black spring launcher with Gold ripcord Bio: Lori is North East Regional (England) Champion for six years running Other: Lori has a tendency to give away beyblade parts to losers of her battles. These can range from a simple weight disk to a add on for a bitbeast. Outta curiosity are we all gonna meet up and then fight or what?
  11. Alpha tore down the streets as fast as she dared. The book that was under her coat was heavey and not easy to concel. She saw the corner that turned off to the HQ, but sunlight was there. She cursed there had to be a way to get to HQ without being caught by the vamp's or sunshine. Then again...how were any vamp's out at this time of day? How was she out? She crept forewards and ginerly placed her hand into the sunlight. Nothing happened, she looked at her gloved hand and realised that a curse was upon it, as was on the rest of her clothes. She would have to thank whoever had done that when she got back, but then again....a sudden chill crept over her. She charged across the street and entered HQ. A couple of people looked at her but she shook her head and produced ID, without the photo of cause. She ran wildly round and eventually found Mangus, "Where's Summer?" she asked before he could say anything.
  12. My char's a desendent of a half sayain/half human so there'll be a little sayain in her but she mainly uses Manga powers because her normal sayain powers are really weak.
  13. [i] Alpha walked down a corridor. She felt totally useless, she wanted to be there to help Summer. That was her job, that was what she had sworn to! Not to be some stupid adviser who gave help only when needed. she continued down the corridor and looked ahead of her. Herver (sorry about the spelling) and glared at her. How dare she talk to Summer like that! She was one of the best slayers that had lived and she was not about to let her be downfallen by her. But as usual there was nothing to be done. She turned back and walked down the corridor again. This was getting rediculas, it was taking to long. Maz was not like this, then she corrected herself. It hadn't been Maz this time, it had been Raven. She sighed and tried to think of anything that would help. her mind strayed to the cross, for some stupid reason. she looked at her arms and could not feel the marks which should have burnt her to nothing. she couldn't work it out, but she'd seen others put in and they had finally 'died' but she hadn't. As she thought she remebered Brother Tron, a monk who had kept her alive long enought to be questioned. He had taken a good liking to her and had suggested that she help them against the forces of darkness, and he'd given her something. Something to help her in case something was beyond hope. She remembered what it was, but the only prob was that it was back at her old 'school'. She could get out with no major problem, but it would be trying to keep outta sight. She ran back to her room and changed. She made sure that she looked like a new vampire who was just hitting the streets. She slipped out unseen and disappeared into the night. Not before texting Summer the message, "G T G B". ooc: Hope you don't mind about this Sere. I'll make sure she's back for what you're gonna do or use her for.
  14. Sorry about my spellings, you'll have to put up with it cause I've got a few problems, but don't worry about it. I'm used to people going on at me. Right two things which I need to add: Favoured Ship: Crew of a ship named 'Nuna' Appearance: tall, of a medium build. Long dark brown hair tied back with a silver flower, blue eyes. Wears a dark blue denium(sp?) jacket, a dark yellow sleeveless/strapless top cut up the front to expose Lion Head belly bar and tight black jeans. Soz for not posting it before be I forgot.
  15. hiya. Can I join up? I don't know everything about Outlaw Star (I've only seen one episode which I got off a mate and I loved it) so you'll have to forgive me. Name: Sajena (Sana) Age: 16 Occupation: Bounty Hunter/Assin(sp?) Bio: Sajena, or Sana as she likes to be know, was the only child to a single parent family. She doesn't know what happened to her mother at all, but her Father was in a army and taught her many things. when she was at school one day(I don't know if there is a schooling system) her father was shot dead by a group calling themselves the 2229. Sana was taken into protective cus but the group tracked her down and almost killed her. With the training that she had from her father she killed the group members with his Silver gun (which you'll learn about). She left the protective cus of her own free will and hit the streets and became a Bounty Hunter/Assin. Personalit: She is generally mysterious and tends to be critcal of others, but she does have a sentive side. She can be rather evil but only if she is out to kill someone. Favoured ship: Unsure of. Can someone help me out here, please? Okay that's the info on my char. There is a pet which she has but I don't know if you'll let her in or not. just tell me and I'll post something about her if you want.
  16. definatly, I really need to get this character going. C'mon RED lets get going.
  17. ooc: Hurray it's finally back up. It's been a very long time. I hope the rest of you are still here.
  18. Hey this seems like a really good RP. And what's slightly wierd is that me and my mates created a series called DB Xtreme as well. I'll post what I can on my char and then add mod's later. Name: Telique (pronouced Tel-eek) Age: 17 Race: Part sayain, part human and part manga sayain (read bio for info) Wepons: Kendo stick Bio: Telique is a stange warrior, she has no real idea who her parents were, the only real thing she knows about them is that one of them was Part Sayain part human and the other one was part Manga Sayain part human. Of what little info she has found on the Manga's they were a race of sayain that disappeared many years ago. they focused heavily on fire style attacks and were known to be very aggressive in battle. unlike their cousins they learnt to transform into different beasts at will, which made their sences slightly more alert to what was going on around them. Appearance: she is tall and of a medium build. she wears a dark purple battle robe and a denium(sp?) jacket. she has long pinky-white hair which is tied back into a pony-tail Personality: Usually very serious and calm, has a slight temper when facing someone and can be quite stubbon but on occasions she can be quite funny and she does make an excellent friend. I'll leave the rest until later cause I need to get an idea of how things go, K?
  19. Yeah, someone else who likes Beyblades. Lets see: Attack type: spins around a fixed area and then strikes Combination type: provides a fast momentum for quick planned action Defence type: moves side to side to blaock oppents moves well I hope to here from you soon
  20. ooc: You'll see Sere, you'll see. I'm basically doing a little flash-thing, you'll probably work it out after this post. IC: (and to continue confusing you Sere) [i] the girl heard a door open and a tall lady walked into the room. she wore a long black dress and had very long black hair that reached the floor. her eyes where pale and showed anger in every part of them.[/i] Lady: Well, if it isn't my FIRST(that's a hint) kill, and also my first betrayer. girl: I'd never betray you M'lady. Never. I've always follwed your orders, always without question. please let me go, I'll find the real rebellers and bring them before you lady: huh...do you think I am that blind, My first? I know your mind, your far to cunning for your own good. You caused the others to rebelle and then denighed it. your fate will be so horibble that you will wish that you were never turned into my servant(another hint) [i] the lady turned and moutioned to two new vampires to bring foreward something. the girl pushed herself back onto the table but knew there was no escape for her now.[/i] ooc: Sere if you can't get who the girl is, then something is up. I'll give you another shot at working it out with another clue next time, if you haven't already worked it out.
  21. ooc: hiya guys. Wow this thing is getting very interesting. I can't really think of where to post. Past future or present....hmmm that's given me an idea. IC:[i] the corridor was long and dark. everything was in disarry. a few old and dusty bones were scatered around and blood streaked along the walls. a young girl was being dragged along through this place, screams of protest and tears of fear running down her cheeks. but nothing worked on the two guards that dragged her along. her white dress was ripped and torn. nothing seemed real any more. two large heavy doors were opened by two recent kills the girl noticed and then they entered a large room. it was square and appeared to be quite normal but on closer inspection anyone could discover that this was a place of death. cages hung off the celin(sp) and chains draped off the walls. but there was no blood present, or at least no human blood. the girl was dragged to a table and locked on. the two guards almost looked appolgetically at her before turning away. the girl fought against the locks but to no avil. she knew that she was being blamed, but there was nothing that could save her now, and she knew it.[/i]
  22. ooc: hiya guys. just got back yesterday and been trying to sort out several hundred things. right let's see if i can get this going again. IC: Lynntilla: What's the condition? Gadser: Well....I want one of your Dragons...but only while you use my powers as soon as your finished you can have it back. [i] the group look at eachother. what were they going to do?[/i] ooc; you guys can sort it.
  23. Cera I love the pictures. there abosulty(sp?) fab and I'm going to save them so I can show them to my friends. I would've posted earlier but I've been in the USA for the last two weeks and didn't have a chance. Thanx again.:bigsmile:
  24. [i] There was a barking sound, and a small black dog ran up to the group. It welped and jumped about in a crazy mind for several minutes.[/i] Iondarc: Will you go away you stupid mutt!! Sweep: Woof Lalaith: Go find your master, now Sweep: Woof woof Lauren: Will someone please get that dog away from here Sweep: Woof woofy woof woof ???: Sweep here now [i] they turn to see the owner of the voice and see Ellsa standing there.[/i] Lalaith: Ellsa? But how... Ellsa: Explainantions later. Abob catch [i] She threw over a small vile and went to greet her friends[/i] ooc: I'm going on hoilday tomorrow so I won't be around for two weeks. DOK can you please tell the people on FF3: NE that I won't be able to post. please keep me and SWEEP in this and I'll try and post when i get back.
  25. [i] Shadow looked around, still no one any where. Something was up. even at this time in the morning someone would be in a rush to find something or other, but today nothing even stirred. she got up and looked towards the rampants of the town and got a fine surprise.[/i] Shadow: Wha..? where's the guards. They usually tell me to push off when they spot me, but then again where is anyone? [i] She started down the street, looking in windows and shop entrances. No one was any where in the town. and what was even weirder was that everything of use was gone. Wepons, food, potions, armour and personal items and money all gone. Now things were starting to freak Shadow out. She heard a sound behind her and turned around fast. There stood a Mog, but it was different than most Mog's that she had seen.[/i] Shadow: Who are you? Mog: I have no name to give you, Shadow, all I come to do is warn you Shadow: What? Why would anyone wanna warn me? And how do you know my name? Mog: All will be revlied to you, later, as for now I would run. Run as far away from this place as you possibly can. Find your true destiny before the evil finds you [i] Shadow stood there speechless. Before she could enquire what it was on about, it disappeared and a strange silence fell over the town. Fear set in her heart and she heard the sounds of people running. As she turned she saw a wild pack of men, with knives and axes running stright towards the town. She paniced and ran as fast as she could. there was a stream near to the town and she knew once she reached it she would be safe.[/i]
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