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Everything posted by Goku-SSJ4

  1. I hope in time Girls will go SSJ then the storylines would be even more interesting.
  2. I have too many things to list but I really want Bid for power for the PS2!:D
  3. I would be Trunks for a short period just so I could see what it felt like to have such cool hair( when he fought Cell stage 2 ), then I would go back to Goku!:D
  4. Why can' they sort themselves out!:flaming:
  5. That does look cool I might join but I always muck them up!:(
  6. Goku-SSJ4


    Does everyone on otakuboards live in America? I sware I'm the only english person in here? Sorry for changing the subject I was just wondering.:)
  7. I hope they show GT because I have too much other stuff to buy right now and I can't afford to buy the videos.:flaming:
  8. I also like KAMEHAMEHA:mad: *STRAIN* *SMASH!!!* OOPS *Walks away whistling*
  9. OOOOPS thats gotta be embarrasing( Right/Wrong spelling? )
  10. Goku-SSJ4


    Sorry trunks I've given up on RPG's I always muck them up!:D
  11. I agree with Pyromaniac but still Marron is hot! *DROOL!*:eek:
  12. I don't have any videos so I'm searching for the best places on the net to find them cheaply. Can NE1 help?:D
  13. Yeah I know what you mean.:sleep: LOL
  14. If you want accurate power level readings go on some DBZ sites, sorry I can't be more of a help but I want to know the answer to this question too. Hope you succeed. :)
  15. it's an easy mistake to make lady_saiya_jin I mean there is so many ways to spell these characters, Goku, Gokuu, Brolli, Brolly and so on and so on.:)
  16. So far I have not seen up to the cell saga so I have not seen that blooper, but I will look out for it, cheers gohan.
  17. 1.Android 18 2.Bulma 3.Chi Chi 4.Videl 5.Pan. THESE AREN'T IN ORDER!
  18. I would be Bulma, not for her looks, because she is the only woman smart enough to get implants, then I would just sit all day looking and touching and *DROOL.* SORRY girls hope i didn't offend you. By the way i am not a pervert, I just got carried away with the images in my head.:wigout:
  19. If anyone knows a chat room please reply or p.m me. THANX in advance!:)
  20. I like Goku because he is funny(Only because he's so stupid!)and cool. I also like Gohan because he is the type of friend I would like.
  21. I get teased every day, always the same thing, walk into school and everyone starts trying to power up, and my so called friends stand there and laugh. The day goes on and I forget about it, but when it comes to lunch I prepare myself for more teasing. I use to let it get to me but know I think why let it get to me? They're gonna do it anyway, so just carry on with your life, You only get one, stand up for yourself and be proud to be who you are! (words of wisdom)
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