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Everything posted by Goku-SSJ4

  1. I agree Gohan that would be kinda cool!
  2. Mine is when goku fights Frieza, And Kaioken X3 & Kamehameha X4 V Galic Gun.:devil:
  3. I would also kill Pikachu, after Team rocket though, ah fu(k it kill them all! :ball: :devil:
  4. Even though they are not Pokemon, they're on the show, I would Spirit Bomb Team Rocket! I mean they really pi$$ me off. "LALALALALA we are Team Rocket and we suck, LALALALALALA I am Goku and I don't give a fu(k!" *Summons SPIRIT BOMB* TEAM ROCKET- Holy flying Fu(k Jesse, we're gonna Die!!! GOKU-That's right James you (0(k $ucking PANSY!!!! DIE!!!:p
  5. Mine is Final Flash because Vegeta looks so cool when he uses it against Cell.
  6. krillin you so got them from Planet Namek or somewhere, I know I've read 'em B4.:D
  7. :confused: What bit is the GCN???? :confused: P.S What bit is the X Box??
  8. :confused: What bit, ( 128=PS2 32=PS1 64=N64 etc, etc ), is the X box and the Gamecube, Please Please can you tell me!!!!!! :confused:
  9. Mine has to be SSJ4 even though the yellow hair on SSJ is so cool.
  10. He doesn't beat up anyone he just gets beaten up.
  11. If I were you I wouldn't wait, just download the videos.
  12. I saw Goku fight in the tournament when I went to Florida, ( Florida Rules!! ) ( So does the U.K!! )
  13. I know I have already posted a reply but after recieving physical abuse and lack of food of Chi Chi I changed my mind, to CHI CHI. ( I know I'm not Goku and I'm not trying to be him but replies like that make it more exciting to read than a one word answer. ):D
  14. All you americans are so lucky, you get new episodes earlier than us in Britain and you are further along in the series than us. I remember when I went to Florida, in June, and The cell games were on and we haven't even got to the cell games yet in September! (I wish I lived in Florida.)
  15. I don't mind Frieza, but the DBZ writers dragged out the whole Frieza VS Goku thing too long so I am bored with Frieza.:D
  16. Bebi Vegeta looks evil, but I like him
  17. My favourite part has to be when Goku first transformed and killed Frieza.:D
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