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Everything posted by Goku-SSJ4

  1. HAHAHAHA, it is rubbish, have a big fat 2!!
  2. I am a big fan of Goku and if you are too, then say so in your signature. Also I'm not copying Neko_cat, she suggested to start a Goku fan club.:)
  3. Hey I might do that, thanks Neko_cat. *mumbles under breath* goku rules!:rolleyes:
  4. No sorry Im the same as u, only seen up to the start of the tournament.
  5. I like Toonami episodes.
  6. At last they made a date! YEY!!!!!!:D
  7. I'm sorry I should have been more specific, what I meant is will Vegeta ever overcome his problem of being too proud and then defeat Goku in a showdown that hasn't already been shown in the DBZ series.:)
  8. I'm sorry but in England they have only shown up to the cell saga and they haven't even got to the tournament yet. So I did not know about Vegeta defeating Goku.:p
  9. This is really annoying because I have to write my thread again all thanks to Shinji,(MOTHER F****R.) I think Vegeta could defeat Goku if he didn't let his pride get in the way, It stops him from achieving a power as great as Goku. Also it makes his fighting technique sloppy, If Vegeta ever let go of his pride he could have a really cool showdown with Goku.:cool:
  10. Mine has to be Goku because he has always been my favourite hero.:)
  11. I think girls should change into a SSJ because then it would be interesting to see a fight between a woman SSJ and a man SSJ.
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