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About Rainy

  • Birthday 06/08/1990

Profile Information

  • Biography
    I'm Rainy.... and I like Outlaw Star and the Tenchi things.....
  • Occupation
    Student at The Middle School of The Arts

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  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CrimsonDragon [/i] [B] What is that supposed to mean? [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=crimson] I meant, "This is kinda pointless, but.." As in my comment was kind of pointless, not the whole topic. I just forgot the word "but". Sorry! ^^;[/COLOR]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B][color=green]In the "Grave of the dragon" episode, Gene and Suzuka have a long conversation about Gene's feelings towards Melfina. It seems obvious to me that she continues asking him questions about his relationship with Melfina because she loves Gene, and wants to know if he shares those feelings. In the second to last episode when Suzuka fought Ikarode (or whatever his name is) he asks her if she has any feelings for Gene. She never tells him, so it leaves me to wonder... In the opening of the show, when the lyrics "My Dreams" are spoken it shows Suzuka. Does Gene dream of Suzuka? In "Creeping Evil" Suzuka is prepared to fight to the death for an injured Gene, even though this is only a few episodes after she vowed to kill him. Suzuka grew up as an Assasin, and she can't display her emotions correctly. How much evidence do you people need!?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE][COLOR=crimson] This is kinda pointless, the pirate Suzuka fights in "Maze of Despair" is Hitoriga.[/COLOR]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by OutlawDragon [/i] [B]Well talking about: "Blast you, Hilda!" You guys should go to [URL=http://www.escaflowneonline.com/os/]The Real OLS: Uncut vs Cut.[/URL] It is really cool site, it has the edits that CN did to OLS. :smoke: [/B][/QUOTE][COLOR=crimson]I love that site!!!!!!! Sice I can't see anything un-cut, I go there and sorta of know what happens. I still don't see why they have to go and make some overly pointless edits, like when some guy said something about Heaven, and they changed it it "nowhere", or something like that.......... I thought Heaven was a good thing...[/COLOR] :confused:
  4. [COLOR=crimson]Ugggh. Neopets... how I hate it. I used to be a fan of it, then it just started to get really, really, stupid. To bad you can't kill them......[/COLOR]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SakuraHope [/i] [B]It sucks huh? But you can go buy the uncut, japanese, subtitled in english version at Suncoast for about $25. Or you can buy the dubbed version of that episode. I was going to get and that is how I know, jus incase you are wondering. [/B][/QUOTE] Yay!! I can finallly watch un-cut OLS!! Except my mom will probably say no, and I'll have to get it off a friend.... it sucks to have a parent who already againts cut OLS and flips out when I watch Tenchi. But, it's fine for her to have some show on with basically the same stuff...... then she gives me the lecture and when I tell her "But all my other friends..." , she dosen't really care. Curses.:flaming:
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