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About Vegeta_girl5577

  • Birthday 04/07/1988

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    I think that Vegeta is really a softy at heart (deep deep down)

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  1. Well im in canada and i think it will be like 14A which is sometimes a pg 13 or 18A in america.
  2. I have to agree with piro there. Producers arent that dumb. If they aim it at older audiences as well it should be at least half decent i mean spiderman was pretty awesome and it wasfor littler kids back in the day. I tend to ramble so if that made no sense at all im sorry.
  3. The movie might be when she is younger to does anybody know when the setting is it might be earlier in the series. Then Courtney Cox-Arquette would have the age going for her to. I hope there are some well known actors in it.
  4. Does any one have any idea about what the live-action dragonballz will be rated? And does anybody agree with me that Courtney Cox-Arqutte would be a good Chi-chi?
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by spike speigel [/i] [B]I wouldn't waste my time watching it. If they had jet li play goku and jackie chan play vegeta and maybe keanua reeves ( Bad speeling i know) play gohan i might watch it. And one more thing LEONARDO DiCAPRIO as trunks!!!!!????? Who the h*** would want that.:mad: :flaming: [/B][/QUOTE] I think Jet Li should play Vegetta and Jackie Chan Goku cause Jet Li is shorter
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