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Everything posted by Silver_Mouri

  1. I didn't watch last night ep, I saw all the way up to the part where her little brother came home (I wasn't feeling so well. Kinda sad missed it now). Whats next weeks ep. about anyways? I'm not sure how long there going to be showing the show. I do know in January there moving the show to 12 am Monday threw Thursday and taking it off Saturday. (Actually I think there removing adult swim from Saturdays. I've only heards bits and pieces of this.) I'm hoping the show the whole series.
  2. This is just a couple of Poems I wrote a few months ago. There angst poems of course as thats all I write when it comes to poetry. [B]Puppet[/B] [i]Sadness, Boredom, Anger, Loneliness, Happiness Human Emotions, Human Feelings, But what I am? I do not feel like you do, I know, I think, Breath, Talk, Walk, Act, I do everything like you, But I'm not I am an emotionless puppet, Droid, Put on this earth to do ones mans bidding, But ending up doing others, I wish someone could help me, I wish someone could take away this pain, These feelings I should never feel but do, Could you help me? Could you take away this pain? If I give you the means, could you do the job? Could I be the puppet I once was again? To never feel? Do I want to be?[/i] [B]Innocence[/B] [i] Loneliness so deep inside Darkness clouds her unseeing eyes Innocence's lost to wars Crimson stains on marble floors And the knife that cuts so deep pierce the child as she weeps And the Loneliness will slip away Her unseeing eyes will see once more Innocence's will be regained As death descends on her doors.[/i]
  3. ::Sneaks in quietly:: I like the Graphics to the game ^^ the Camera thing got annoyin' though ::grumbles:: I'd need it to face on way and it'd look the other and the next thing I know I'm dead or falling down. I've had other people fight with me beside Donald. My Donalds weak though because I don't use him a lot, only when I don't get a choice in the matter. I've got a question!!! How do you beat Ansem? Every time I fight him that Shadow Thing latches onto me and kills me >< and I don't mean the first time I mean the second time around when your fighting him yourself and Donald and Goofy get knocked back by the force thingie magie (Its at the end ^^;; hows that?)
  4. I watch it. I'm kinda sad that this is gonna be there last season. My favorite person on the show probably Chandler, Don't know why but I just like him. I actually wanted Joey and Rachel to get together... since the Idea was presented on the show its always stuckin my head that they be an interestin' couple. (But then again, I hate Ross so that could be why ^^;;)
  5. I rather like it the animation and story line in my opinion is really good, and I find it interesting.
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