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Everything posted by Corey

  1. [size=1]You think you Jersy folk have it bad? Over here in Milwaukee, Wisconsin gas is a minimum of about $2.35 a gallon. This is why I don't have a car. To fill up a fifteen gallon tank it'd be about $35. Screw that. No offence to all you patriotic people out there, but as long as gas is as expensive as it is, I couldn't care less if it was being packaged by American POWs as long as it's a little cheaper.[/size]
  2. [size=1][i]Man... She really needs to calm down...[/i] Koji walked into the cafeteria scratching absentmindedly at an itch that wasn't there. He looked up and across the room. [b]Koji-[/b] "Too many people..." He scratched at his neck and slowly began making his way to the food lines. After a quick assesment of the local goods, he bought a tuna sandwich and a pear. Koji opted not to wait in line to pay, and simply walked to a remote corner of the large room and sat, taking out his journal and started sketching an interesting idea for a picture. An giant oak tree with it's roots wrapped around a skyscraper. A perfect image of what the world would eventually come to. [b]Kimiko-[/b] "Why don't you sit at a table?" He looked up at his sister, smiling a bit. [b]Koji-[/b] "Why don't you sit on the floor?" [b]Kimiko-[/b] "You're so weird..." She sat on the floor.[/size]
  3. [size=1][b]Name:[/b] Jared Lourning [b]Character:[/b] Lost Boy [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Appearance:[/b] Jared is about 6' tall, 160lbs, and very gangly. He has a mop of black hair on top of his head that hangs down to about his shoulders. He wears a flannel blazer with a white t-shirt underneath, ripped and faded bluejeans, and a pair of black and white Converse sneakers. [b]Bio:[/b] Jared ran away with Peter when he was sixteen. He's not quite sure what his age is now, but he's more mature than most of the boys. His father worked long, grueling hours at a factory, and his mother had the hobby of working long, grueling hours on the postman. Or the garbage man. Or the deli manager. She wasn't picky. And neither were some of them. When she was out doing an errand, thay'd let themselves in with the key she'd given them and, every once in a while, help themselves to him. So he got out of there as soon as he could. The only thing he missed about his past life was his dog. But he's been on the island for a very long time. He's seen the rise and fall of Hook. And participated in several Mermaid wooings. He doesn't want to grow old and die.[/size]
  4. [size=1][b]Koji-[/b] "Oh fuck! COME ON!!!" He bashed his hands on the steering wheel and jammed the key in the ignition slot. The engine coughed ever so politely and died. Koji gripped the steering wheel, white knuckled, and breathed. It was one of the techniques they taught in rehab. Breathe and count to ten... "It's not working dammit..." [b]Mom-[/b] "Koji! You're late! Hurry!" She yelled out the door at him solemly. Things had changed since he had left the clinic. His families attitude toward him being one of them. They used to tend to his every need, shelter and watch out for him with every step he took. Now it's distant. Almost uncaring. It's what he always wanted. How does that go? You never miss something until it's no longer there. Something like that. [b]Koji-[/b] "Fuck you piece of American shit." He got out of his Ford and started walking down the street toward school. The day was nice. A little stuffy, but nice. He began to perspire slightly under his random assortment of clothing. He wore torn up jeans and tennis shoes along with the white button up shirt and tie of the school uniform. There was no way in hell he would have put on the pants from the uniform. They looked idiotic. The school pulled into view and Koji, realizing he was almost an entire period late, began jogging. His tennis shoes flopped on the ground, and by the time he got to the doors, he was in a full sweat. [i]Man... I wish I has some met--[/i] He cut the thought off before it could finish. Methamphetamines were the last thing he needed right now. Fake energy is worse than anything. He quickly checked his schedule and entered the building, aimlessly attempting to find his class. Koji stuck his head into several rooms before finding the one with his sister in it. Their cousin, Liari, was also inside. He perked up a bit and entered. [b]Teacher-[/b] "And who might you be?" Koji was hoping to take a seat unnoticed. He stopped, sighed, turned, and tried to smile. [b]Koji-[/b] "I'm Koji Kimiko, Mitsuragi Kimiko's brother." Koji began to sit down. [b]Teacher-[/b] "Well why don't you introduce yourself more, Koji." He paused mid sit and stood back up. He hated introductions. This was angering. No wonder Mitsuragi looked pissed. [b]Koji-[/b] "What do you want me to say? I should have graduated a while ago, but I got into some trouble, had to spend a year or so in rehab, and now I'm here, not particularly wanting to be here. Is that good?" The teacher looked from Mitsuragi and Koji. He nodded slowly and motioned for Koji to take a seat. He grabbed the one in the very back of the class and scratched distractedly at his neck, stopping every once in a while to bite the tip of his finger.[/size]
  5. [size=1]Yesterday, my friend kept on going on and on about how the Pope isn't really dying and how the Vatican finally got a sense of humor and decided to pull the best prank since H. G. Wells. Well... He was obviously wrong. But April Fools came and went without me being the victim or the prankster this year. It's not huge around here, maybe that's why. I save most of my pranks for birthdays anyway.[/size]
  6. [size=1][b]Name:[/b] Allen O'Riley [b]Age:[/b] 34 [b]Nation:[/b] Germany (originally American, Defected) [b]Weapon(s):[/b] Colt 45 Pistol, Sniper Rifle [b]Appearance:[/b] Allen is about six feet tall, thin build, and very short brown hair. He usually wears all black, keeping with the proper attire of a sniper. He is very ridged when he walks. *** Anything else?[/size]
  7. [size=1][b]Theo-[/b] "Is that any way to treat a friend, Isaak?" Isaak turned around and hugged his friend. Nina came over, cautiously and tackled them both to the ground. [b]Nina-[/b] "Where have you been?!" Theo chuckled and wiggled out from under the two bodies. He stood and preened his feathers. A couple had been bent in the hug-tackle. [b]Theo-[/b] "I needed to get away." He looked at his companions and at the cityscape around them. "From everything..." He still wanted to be away, but sometimes wants were not the most important things in the world. He loved his friends like family. And time was drawing near. Something stood in the air like a thick blanket of fog. Almost tangible, but always just out of reach. [b]Nina-[/b] "Yeah..." He could feel the relief her voice carried. [b]Isaak-[/b] "We thought you were dead." He smiled, or at least as much as his beak would let him smile. "After the incident you kinda just dissapered. No one knew where you had gone." He blinked, unable to think of anything to say. Nina propped herself up on one elbow. [b]Nina-[/b] "Where did you go? What have you been doing?" Theo smiled. [b]Theo-[/b] "I've been thinking. First I went to Ireland, my home... But it had already been destroyed. Understand that I'd been hiding for about a month after we escaped. I saw all the ruined houses, and the burning fields... I snapped. The next thing I knew, I was up in the mountains of Nepal. It was so beautiful up there. I didn't want to leave." He sat up, wrapping his arms around his knees. "But I missed you guys." He hoped that he didn't make a mistake by leaving the mountains.[/size]
  8. [QUOTE=Miss Pikachu]I wore a shirt that said "You Pinch I Punch" over a green clover. Someone pinched me, so I punched them in the arm. Unfortunately, I almost got a referral for doing it.[/QUOTE] [size=1]Beautiful! I'm about %30 Irish, so of course I dressed up. A green hoodie and an orange shirt. Plus I had my Irish Flag tattoo displayed all day. I hope everyone that took to the drink is feeling ok. I abstained.[/size]
  9. [size=1] [b]Name:[/b] Koji Misturagi [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Role:[/b] The Silver Dragon [b]Appearance:[/b] Koji is about six feet tall, 160lbs, and very, very lanky. He dresses in the stereotypical wrecked jeans and tight shirt of a skateboarder, even though he doesn't skate. He has rather long black hair and small boyish features. A small stubble rests on his chin and neck and glasses on his face. He wears the Dragon on a silver ball-bearing necklace in between two silver rings. When he walks he slouches, but not horribly. [b]Personality:[/b] Koji has an extremely hot temper when tempted, but a big heart and a go-get-em attitude. He loves a challenge and a good workout, but hates to do anything involving remaining still. Koji is always suspicious of anyone new, no matter how they look or act. [b]Bio:[/b] Kojis family was always loving and attentive. And overbearing. And sheltering. Maybe that's why he turned to some of the darker sides of life. Koji was given the ring when he was much younger than he is now. Strangely, he never needed to get it sized up. It made him feel good. Powerful. But that wasn't enough. When he was on meth or coke, he felt like a god. The ring, inscribed with lettering too small to read, and a picture of a dragon, was all that Koji can recall of his life before the drugs. His mother and father ceased to exist, so he ran away in search of new and more potent drugs. He was picked up outside of the city sleeping in an alley, dusted to the eyeballs on coke. He was sent to rehab, cleaned up his act, and was released. Koji started going back to school. He's very cose to graduating, and going on to get his degree in History. But something doesn't feel quite right at his new school. Almost like he's being watched... Or tracked... Or sized up... Nah, it's just the addiction talking. You're never really cured.[/size]
  10. [size=1]The fog crept off of the mountains as the sun just began to light the horizon. The sky slowly went from the dark blue/black of night to the light raidance of early morning. [b]Theo-[/b] "Beautiful..." Every morning. Every morning he sat up here watching the sun rise. It was the last pure thing about this world. The sun. So wonderful. So pure. Nothing was sacred to the human race anymore. The atmosphere is dirtied. The ground is filthy. Disease is rampant. And even the children aren't sacred any longer. Theodore O'Connor looked down at his feathered arms. When was the last time he wore a shirt? It didn't matter. Just one more fragment of the humanity he lost long ago. Shirts were useless pieces of cloth that hurt his feathers. He could tolerate pants, even in his animal form. They didn't hurt or irritate anything. he glanced down at his arms again and silently cursed his parents. Damn the ones that gave him up. Damn them for lighting the fuse on what became this life. The sun touched above the horizon. Theo squinted and let the animal part of him come forward part of the way. It was always better to have a consultant when you sttempted to fly. He jumped off of the peak, racing the sun down the mountain. It was ahead of him today, but only slightly so. He tucked his wings and shot downward like a missile. He crossed over into the shade the horizon provided and let out a screech of victory. Just before he got to the ground the falcon told him to flare his wings and come to a stop. He followed directions without deviation, and touched down just as the sun washed over him. Maybe today wouldn't be that bad. His ears caught a faint noise. It was a Nepalese Yak. A good breakfast.[/size]
  11. [size=1]This is going to be fun. I can't wait for it to go up.[/size]
  12. [size=1][b]Name:[/b] Theodore O'Connor [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Alliance:[/b] INFINITE (though very loosely) [b]Origin:[/b] Ireland [b]Appearance:[/b] Theo is about four feet tall, weighs about 78 lbs, has large gold eyes, and a dark complexion where there are no brown feathers. His face angles down to a beak, and his arms have sprouted feathers, turning into wings capable of flight. [b]Gene:[/b] Periguine Falcon [b]Personality:[/b] Theo is a total and complete recluse. He doesn't like being in large groups of people and would much rather be by himself in the skys. Flying is the only thing that keeps him sane. He is shunned by society. Hated by the normals. And unable to live a normal life. Solitude. [b]Motives:[/b] Theo was given to the government by his parents when the call for 'volunteers' was issued. They couldn't afford to keep him, and the government was issueing a hefty sum of money to anyone who's children were chosen. His unique brain chemistry allowed for the quick assimilation of the new DNA, and he was selected. When the DNA was first introduced to his system, his skin took on a feathered pattern, and his eyesight became that of a bird of prey. His bones hallowed out, making him lighter than any normal human. When the accidental mutations occured, his arms grew feathers out of the back, making flight possible. All his teeth fell out, and a psuedo beak formed from his upper lip and nose hardening and fusing to a point. His toes fused together, sprouting razor sharp talons. His vocal chords changed, and for a while he was unable to talk. After everyone broke out, he chose to live in the mountains of Nepal. He didn't want anything to do with anyone.[/size]
  13. [size=1]On a whole, I'm a relatively passive person. I don't like to fight. The only times my fuses are shortened, are when I'm either extremely unrested (i.e. insomnia) or when I'm at work and not having a good day in the slightest. When I'm unrested I get edgy, angry, argumentative, and very, very sarcastic. This usually leads to drama in the household and at school. At work, I daily have to deal with people unable to find Nuetral on their cars transmission. I can understand an accident every once in a while. Maybe it slipped into reverse. But when you go through a day where a good 10% of your customers have trouble finding nuetral, you begin to doubt the driving capabilities of the general populous. It get's very annoying. Dealing with things like that for hours at a time had given me a very good control over my temper. But it still does explode at times.[/size]
  14. [quote name='DeathBug']Why would I want ink injected beneath the surface of my skin, that's only removable by surgical procedures? Why would I want metal-filled holes in my face and tongue and...other parts?[/quote] [size=1]Why wouldn't you?[/size]
  15. [size=1]I really like it. I'm a pirate at heart, and I always will be. Yar... My advice would be to switch the last two stanzas. I think it would flow better that way.[/size]
  16. [size=1][b]elfpirate-[/b] You are a work of art, and I wish I could have the determination you have. What you've made yourself is the level that I want to go to. I have even more respect for you now then I ever have before. :D [b]Millennium Chaos-[/b] Some things are reversable, and some are not. If you want to close up most regular piercings all you have to do is take out the jewelry. If you're stretching your lobe, or any other part of your body, anything from 20ga-6ga is definitly reverseable. Anything from 4ga-00ga has a chance of healing, but the area might look like a cats butt once healed, all sunken in and stuff. Anything higher than 00ga is probably permanent without surgery. Tattoos are also reversable, though the process is painful and considered 'medium' surgery. As for self amputation, that's something I could never even consider. I love every part of my body. A friend of mine, one that is very into body modification, said probably one of the deepest things I've ever heard on the subject. [list][i]"My body is a temple. Why do I do these things to myself? My temple needs to be properly decorated."[/i][/list] I don't think I could just rip a section of my temple away.[/size]
  17. [size=1]I was about three years old when my grandmother died. I was very, very close to her even though I was only three. She had colon cancer that matasticised to her bones, I believe. I didn't know what happened. When she was finally out of her house, I walked up to my mom, her daughter, and asked "When is the new Ohma coming home?" She broke down crying and I cried with her. I would have hugged her one more time. I didn't even know she was dying. When I was about ten or so, my great grandmother died. She lived to be one hundred and one years old. A very, and in my opinion obcenely, long life. She died peacefully in her sleep. I would have asked her to tell me more stories. I can't imagine all the stories she had to tell, but never did. My uncle died about four years ago from lung cancer. I was sad, but I didn't cry or anything. He had been in a lot of pain. It was a good thing that he went when he did. I was glad that all his suffering had finally been taken away. I would have spent more time with him. I loved him a lot, but he was a mild recluse. He liked his privacy. I would have tried to do more with him. He loved to flyfish, I could have learned that with him. My most recent bout with death was when a friend of mine commited suicide two years ago. I went to his funeral and was completely fine until I saw him in the casket. He had had massive plactic surgery to repair his face, and it didn't look like him. I cried. A lot. I would ask him why.[/size]
  18. [size=1]The Lizard Man is someone, no matter how you think they look, who is deserving of complete respect. That level of determination and commitment is amazing no matter what you're doing with it. When you say cartilage piercing, what part of the cartilage do you mean?[/size]
  19. [size=1]Over the past year or so, I've gotten more and more into body modification. I've stretched my earlobes to a 6 guage earring. I've gotten a tattoo ,with more on the way. I also plan on getting my ears pierced a few more times, getting a labret piercing, probably a few surface piercings on my arms, and maybe a tongue piercing too. I was just curious what everyone here thought about body modification. ??? [b]20ga[/b] staple [b]18ga[/b] small paperclip, most ear piercing studs. [b]16ga[/b] thumbtack tip, big safety pin. [b]14ga[/b] metal coat hanger, bike spoke, wire from triangular business clamp. [b]12ga[/b] wire hanger, spaghetti. [b]10ga[/b] round toothpick, q-tip shaft, small bamboo skewer. [b]8ga[/b] fire extinguisher pin, #5 crochet hook, small pilot lock, coffee swizzles, ink cartridge. [b]6ga[/b] juice box straw, lightsaber handles from Star Wars lego sets, lightbrite peg, mini-glowstick, Rold Gold pretzel stick, heroin-style medical tubing, round boot lace, lollipop stick. [b]4ga[/b] pilot stylus, large bamboo skewer, chopstick. [b]2ga[/b] drinking straw, power cord for N64, Bic automatic pencil, crayola colored pencil, yellow pipette tip, crossbow bolt, no.2 pencil. [b]0ga[/b] Bic round stic, candy cane, round chopsticks, Master Lock shackle, PCR tube, blue pipette tip, plastic clothes hanger. [b]00ga[/b] Bic round stic cap, 1/4" male headphone jack, lego person's head, fat crayons, American lock company #5200 shackle, beaded Christmas garland, Papermate Gel Roller pen. [b]000ga[/b] Sharpie marker body, wooden spoon handle, 1/4" female headphone jack, A/V adaptor plug head from Sony Playstation. [b]0000ga[/b] Sharpie marker cap, mini one-use hydrating shampoo/conditioner bottle, Eppendorf reaction vial. Any other terms can be looked up at [url]http://encyc.bmezine.com/[/url] (The Body Mod Encyclopedia). The site does contain some mature content as it deals with [i]all[/i] body modifications. You've been warned.[/size]
  20. [size=1]Corey sipped his coffee slowly. Strong. Black. Earthy. Mmmmm, just how he liked it. It steamed beneath the rim of the olive green mug he clutched with both hands, taking in the warmth and the scent of the brown ambrosia. He'd have to talk to someone that could transfer him to work at the coffee place for a few months. He really needed a break from all the RPing. [b]Corey-[/b] "Man this is good coffee..." He nestled deeper into the oversized recliner and took another sip. [b]sweetreyes-[/b] "You look comfortable." Corey opened his eyes and gazed up at his friend, who also had chosen to create a more 'real-life' avatar. She crossed her arms in front of her chest and smiled. [b]Corey-[/b] "You better believe it, babe." He sipped again and threw one leg over the left armrest. sweetreyes chuckled and took a seat next to him. [b]sweetreyes-[/b] "I see you modified your avi again." Corey nodded. Before the accident he'd been into body-mods. The stretching of earlobes. Odd piercings. Body art. Etc. [b]Corey-[/b] "Yeah, I brought my ears up to a double-zero guage, and added the labret piercing. Nothing major." He currently had in two 00g plugs that had bright stones of onyx in the center of them. [b]sweetreyes-[/b] "I like it. Much better then the eyebrow piercings. They made you look weird." [b]Corey-[/b] "I guess. I like this better, too. It's more what I wanted to do originally." He shrugged and took another sip. It was getting to just the right temperature. "What're you up to today?" She shrugged. [b]sweetreyes-[/b] "I was supposed to work, but I pulled a late shift last night, so they gave me off. Are you still livin' in that RPG?" Corey nodded. [b]Corey-[/b] "I was actually thinking of going back and levelling up a bit later. You want to come?" [b]sweetreyes-[/b] "Sure. We should stop by the Underground first." Corey nodded. [b]Corey-[/b] "Lets have some coffee first." He sipped. She stood up and got in line.[/size]
  21. [size=1]If I could get away with it, I'd eat only once a day with a muffin or something inbetween, but unfortunately I'm hypoglycemic, or however you spell it. If the glucose level in my body drops too low, I either get really angry and irritated, or apathetic and antisocial. I have to eat, at the minimum, every eight hours or so while I'm awake. I skip breakfast though. I get the whole nausea thing if I eat in the morning too. It also desn't help that my lunch hour is at 10:12 in the morning.[/size]
  22. [size=1][b]Corey-[/b] "Listen man..." Corey mumbled into the small microphone that was attatched to the computer terminal in front of him. "You need to find someone to cover this spot right now... I don't know how much more of this I can take. These people are killin' me today..." He heard the faint chatter of computer connections being made. [b]OtakuBot-[/b] "Ok, someone will be over right away. Just don't do anything drastic until they get there." Corey broke the connection and looked up at another gamer wanting to recieve their gateway html. He frowned at the avatar. A giant muscle man wearing a loincloth and carrying an extremely oversized sword. [b]Corey-[/b] "Oh God... Next..." The man stepped up. "RPG name and character name." [b]Muscle Man-[/b] "Þa fòrbíÞdèn |{¡/\/g|)o]\/[ of |}@ ]\[o®t|-|! ^^y nâ^^e ¡s g()rg()râth ?hê ]\/[ig|-|7ÿ!" Corey stared at the man, left eye twitching. [b]Corey-[/b] "Jesus Christ... Doesn't anyone read the bfrickin' rules anymore?! L33t is a form of spam. Speak only English on the island!" The muscle man sagged. [b]Muscle Man-[/b] "The Forbidden Kingdom of The North... I'm Gorgorath The Mighty." Another member tapped Corey on the back. He looked up and smiled. [b]Corey-[/b] "Thankyou so much." He stood and hugged the member that he'd never seen, grabbed his grey overcoat and left. The sun hit his eyes making hiim wince for the second time that day. "Coffee..." He started toward the lounge, hoping to maybe catch a few winks in one of the recliners. A nice strong cup of black Kenya AA. That would be great. A few eccentric avatars walked by him. He glanced after a female member who he thought to be quite attractive. He'd lost his girlfriend when the glitch happened. He had loved her so much, and she grew to hate him. He had told her the same thing the had told his parents, he'd ran away. And she hated him for it. Slowly, he got over her. He dated a member on the island for a while, but nothing major ever came of it. But he was always looking for a companion, someone that would make the stay a little more tolerable. [b]Corey-[/b] "Coffee..." The Mall loomed into view, and he strolled in. It was pretty busy for the daytime, or maybe it was just that he wasn't often here during the daytime. He made his way over to the lounge and went in, hoping to just rest a bit. He pulled his MP3 player out of his pocket and brought up Pink Floyd: Obscured By Clouds, placing the headphones over his ears, and got in line for coffee.[/size]
  23. [size=1]Corey walked down the wooden stairs to the main part of the pub. He handed a few silver coins to the barkeep, and sat down at the couter. [b]Corey-[/b] "What's goin' on Meshif?" The barkeep shrugged and handed him a pint of water and a plate of eggs with ham slices. [b]Meshif-[/b] "Nothing much Corey. You gonna go questing today? Maybe grab me a few nice hemlock roots to brighten up the ale?" The mans grin was infectious. Corey chewed and swallowed what he had in his mouth, and looked up. [b]Corey-[/b] "Sorry man. I'm goin' out today. Gotta go and check up on things back in my land." As far as the barman knew, Corey was a wizard from the Queendom of Motavia. He really was a wizard in the RPG, He'd been working on the character since everyone got sucked into the place. He was fairly strong, at least he hadn't failed a quest or been beaten senceless by another player. It could happen, though. [b]Meshif-[/b] "Well if you run into anything I might like, make sure to pack it up for me. I take it off of next months rent." The barkeep winked at Corey and walked to the other end of the counter, where he began cleaning glasses and talking to a newly woken barfly. Corey finished his eggs in silence, hoping that the Adventure Inn wouldn't be so busy today. He needed a slow day. Or at least one free of arrogant Newbies. He stood and grabbed his brown duster off the hook by the door. [b]Corey-[/b] "I'll see you tonight Meshif. Do me a favor and cut me off after three this time." The barkeep raised a hand and Corey walked out into the dazzlingly bright day. "Jesus Christ..." He donned a fedora and walked out of town , waving and smiling to the inhabitants of the false world. But who was he to say that they lived in a false world, when he lived in one himself. Maybe this was the real one and OB Island was a RPG. Corey shook his head and banished the thought. It was too early to be getting into philosophical debates with yourself. Especially when a hangover was slowly worming it's way out of your system. He walked into the forest, knowing exactly where to go. The RPG had a changing gate system hardcoded into the very basic html. The gate to the Arena changes places once every day. He memorized the map, and the times when each appeared, very long ago. Today it was in the forest, entangled in the roots of a large redwood. He looked up, wishing they would have made summer a bit more mild, and trudged toward the tree. The gate appeared as soon as he got within ten meters. He walked up and pressed his hand on the control pad. It slid open and Corey walked through. Instantly, the fedora and duster dissappeared. In it's place he wore faded bluejeans, a black shirt with a grey fleece overcoat, and a pair of old, beaten, beige tennis shoes. He scratched his neck and walked down the corridor that led to the Adventure Inn. [b]Baron Samedi-[/b] "Hey, Corey!" Corey turned around only to be hit in the chest with a big lump of slime. "Guess where I've been!" [b]Corey-[/b] "Ok, ok... I get the hint. Jesus Baron... Do you know how hard this shit is to get out?" Baron Samedi chuckled and pressed a button on a small device he had in his hand. All the slime popped out of existance. "Oh man... You better not let any of The Arena's mods catch you with a RPG exporter." RPG exporters were small html devices that you could use to take things out of RPGs. No large objects, but they're still very illegal. Corey stood and wiped at slime that wasn't there. "Why were you back in the Black Horizon RPGs? Other than to try and guilt me into starting Smoke and Mirrors up again." [b]Baron-[/b] "I thought a good scare would do me good before I go to work today. Plus I got to see the face you made when that slime hit you. I'll see you later man. Don't tell the mods on me." Baron slapped Coreys arm as he ran past. Coreys momentary adrenaline high was over and the hangover hit him full force again. He walked to his station and relieved another member. So work had begun. [b]Corey-[/b] "Next. RPG name. Character name, age, weapon, gender, biography, interesting traits.. Ok. Apply this html to your hand and scan it as you enter. It will expire after one month of no activity. Next."[/size]
  24. [size=1][color=darkslateblue]Laslow had woken up this morning in the back of the tavern he had entered last night, hoping to nurse a few ales and possibly hooking up with a local whore. He had faint memory of signing up to be on a ship of some sort. A pirate ship he believed it was. Laslow rubbed his head, and noticed his pockets once again turned out. But this time he'd gotten the best of the theiving bastards... He had nothing to steal! [b]Laslow-[/b] "...ha." A lame at best attempt at laughter, but probably the best he could muster with a vomit lined throat and a spinning landscape around him. He stood carefuly, leaning heavily on the side of the building, and made his way onto one of the main streets of Tortuga. The sun was out, and turned on bake. He shielded his eyes and made it over to a water trough. A horse was drinking sloppily. Laslow knelt down and drank with his newfound fourlegged friend. The horse whinnied and bent it's head back down to drink. After nearly a dozen good slurps of water, Laslow stood back up, gave the horse a pat, thanked it for letting him share the trough, and began the long, long, long, long walk down to the docks... It was only a few hundred meters, but hangovers have a sence of warping distances. And time... And voice volume... And noise of any kind... And... Oh God, why did walking have to be so tiring... The docks loomed into sight, with their massive array of masts and riggings. Sails and schooners. And always the myriad of people. Always hustling and bustling and waveering about. The ship... What was it's name... Something Mary. Laslows legs felt close to collapse, so he collapsed. He crawled through the dirt and propped himself up on some barrels, taking out his journal, quill, and ink. He;d find the ship after a few minutes rest. ??? [i][b]April 17th, 1662[/b] Woke up hungover again. It's all that's too my life anymore. I guess I signed up for a ship of pirates last night. It's gotta be better than the Navy. I can't handle them anymore. We'll see where today takes us. Dispite feelin' so crappy, it is a nice day out. The gulls seem restless. Maybe there's a fine wind blowin' up somewhere. [list]Laslow McGrath[/list][/i][/color][/size]
  25. [size=1][b]Corey-[/b] "What the hell..." He opened his eyes to see sunlight streaming into his window. It hit his pupils like a laser beam, causing them to retreat into pinpoints. He screamed, a sound that sounded muffled and foreign from the pillow he was nestled to, and realized that it was morning... Or noon... Or early evening... One of the times the sun was still up. He stood up slowly, feeling the html adjust around him. It wasn't really the same, this place compared to the real world. Everything looked the same. Everything smelt and tasted the same. In some ways it was even better, but it didn't feel right. If you concentrated, hard, you could feel the code being written as you walk down the street. Or when you make a sudden movement, an unexpected one, the html rushes to write the physics of what will happen. [b]Corey-[/b] "God..." He wavered and sat back down on the bed. One of the downsides of living in an medieval RPG was that you always got talked into a few pints of ale at the end of a night. Hangovers were hell. Corey rubbed his face and took out his old and beaten wallet from the drawer on the nightstand. It was one of the only personal things he had on him when the glitch had happened, sucking everyone into the net. Inside he still had a five dollar bill (worthless here), a picture of his family, an ATM card, a few long expired city bus passes, and an inexplicable coaster from Chiles, yes the restaurant. Corey took out the picture of his family and looked at it, achingly. God did he miss them. Everyday he looked at the picture, wishing he could contact them some other way then e-mail or web video. As far as they knew, he had run away and was staying with some friends in New Jersey. Bitterness... That's what all their letters had an undercurrent of. Bitterness and anger is what he sensed every time he talked to them over the webcams. They were angry with him. But they couldn't know the truth. They'd never believe it. For Gods sake, his father has problems turning on the damn computer. Something as accidental and unbelievable as this would make them think he was insane as well as a runaway. He'd lost enough of their respect. He wanted to keep what little they still had for him. Corey slipped the wallet into his back pocket. [b]Corey-[/b] "Ugh..." He needed a shower. He needed some food. "I need to go to work..."[/size]
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