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Everything posted by Corey
[size=1]Welcome back. Glad to see you survived BT and all that wonderful stuff. I don't think I ever talked to you much, but I'm not opposed to starting now. AIM: darkorderknight0[/size]
[size=1]Oh man... I can't wait for the next chapter. And I happen to think you would look very sexy in a kimono. ;)[/size]
[quote name='moonlightshadow']An animal is a living creature like us.[/quote] [size=1]So are plants. And some of them eat meat. Not only that, but organic farmers fetilize their plants with animal, and in some case human, droppings and composte. So even inadvertantly you're probably eating some remanant of meat.[/size] [quote name='moonlightshadow']I actually watched a video in one of my classes showing how some slotter houses tortured there animals before killing them, then stuffing them in unsanutary pins/cages.[/quote] [size=1]I talked this issue over with my best friend. He said that in his opinion "It's just another way of tenderizing. I mean, who would want to eat those animals that are all stringy from startvation anyway. They have to be tender. Those people are just saving expensive chemicals by tossing em against a walll or two." Even though I don't agree, and I'm pretty sure he was just trying to be funny, I laughed for about an hour. Though I'm sure you dont' find it funny. As for slaughter hourses mistreating animals, it doesn't particularly matter to me. They all taste the same anyway. It's not ethical, but it's not me doing the mistreatment either.[/size] [quote name='moonlightshadow']Knowing has been tortured and dirty.[/quote] [size=1]May I remind you that vegetables are showered in ****, ripped from their homes, wrapped in plastic or shoved in boxes, taken hundreds of miles away, put on display, fondeled by dozens of people, bought, and eventually cut up and digested. I'd call that tourturous and dirty any day of the week. And if animals weren't made to be eaten, then why are they just so damn easy to domesticate and kill? If they would have evolved faster than us then we'd be in this predicament instead of them.[/size]
[size=1]Goddamn Lore... And here I was hoping to get away with saying that the only great thing about Milwaukee is that the lake we're on (Lake Michigan) is about a Ph point away from being to acidic to support life. Meh. I'll just have to delve a little deeper. ??? Milwaukee, Wisconsin is the most segregated city in the US. We have everything from the suburbs, with their hordes of rampaging caucasian preps, to little Africa and all the events, unfortunately they all support the stereotype of black people, that happen there. We also have a little Haiti, Little Mexico (among other Hispanic people), Little India. and Little Beatnik territory (also known as the fashionable eastside, home to all (if not most) of the nightclubs, high end bars, and trendy teeager hangouts in the city). If you go out into the polluted lake, about a mile or so I believe, and look back at our skyline, it looks like it's flipping you off. Milwaukee has a very large black market, dispite the lack of hype things like this usually get. We are home to the nationally acclaimed The Rave music club, which inside has The Eagles Ballroom and a stunning number of basement stages. The highschool I go to (Milwaukee Highschool of The Arts) is internationally known for it's absolutely great Jazz Lab combo. It's a different group of kids every year and they still manage to win awards both in the states and abroad. As a wonderful bit of statistics for you all today, Milwaukee teens smoke more pot than any other city in the US. We are home to one of the biggest music festivals in the world, Summerfest. People come from all around the states and outside of them for the festival. Huge names come every year, and its never the same shows. I'm pretty sure Wisconsin is one of the lead producers of feed corn for cattle and pigs and such, but not completely sure. Wisconsin was settled mostly by German and Irish peoples which is why were labeled as a bunch of drunk fat people. We also have a great new Art Museum that's one of the best in the Midwest. Is that good enough?[/size]
[quote name='Charles']Refusing to adhere to the system just to spite it? That's ridiculous. I don't understand why people can't move past such trivial exercises of society sometimes. It's so childish and ignorant.[/quote] [size=1]I never said anything about spite. If my personal beliefs confict with something as mornoic as swearing on some book, then I will absolutely choose myself over the book. As for childsish and ignorant, I could say the same thing about your choice to abandon your personal feelings.[/size] [quote name='Charles']Lives can be impacted, you know. Sometimes there are more important things in life than being self righteous.[/quote] [size=1]But if you're not true to yourself, then why bother living at all.[/size]
[quote name='Panda']Now if I were told I needed to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, I would.[/quote] [size=1]There's another facet to this argument that Panda more or less made me think of. Court. If you had to go to court, would you absolutely tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth? I couldn't. Until there's a separation of church and state i won't ever be able ot be held as a credible witness. The whole [i]"Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole turth and nothing but the truth so help you [b]God[/b]."[/i] I'm a raging athiest and I'd never be able to say yes. I [i]would[/i] tell the truth, but they wouldn't even let me speak because I wouldn't say yes to the statement unless it ddn't have the word god in it.[/size]
Discuss (Pirates) Scourge of the Spanish Main (M-VL)
Corey replied to Drix D'Zanth's topic in Theater
[size=1][b]Name:[/b] Laslow McGrath [b]Age:[/b] 34 [b]Bio:[/b] Laslow was born in London to a working class family. At an early age he went to work for a metal smith and quickly developed a hate toward the blacksmith. The man had Laslow moving hot iron and other assorted metals nonstop for the entire nine hour work day. He'd come home at night burned and crying, but he loved his family, especially his brother who was eight years older and his best friend. The little money he earned went to help buy food for the family and to pay the rent. When he turned twenty he joined the Navy, quicly taking a taste to alcohol at the ports their ship frequented. He was known to have his friend carry him home after a bit of shoreleave. Three years into his service his mother died from the flu. His father sunk into a deression and eventually lost the house from not working enough. He lived on the streets for a year and died during a coldspell the following winter. Laslow tried to keep in touch with his brother, but his location continuously changed. The last letter, about four months ago, had him in the Cayman islands working in a butchers shop. He wrote back immediately, but hasn't recieved a responce yet. During his service, Laslow became a raging alcoholic, stealing from the ships stash whenever they weren't at port, and even bartering personal objects for someone elses rum rations. Several times, the morning after, he's promised to get sober, but it never pans out. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22315&stc=1[/img] [b]Quirks:[/b] When Laslow is hung over, he tends to lose all track of time, even if he's working hard.[/size] -
Sign Up (Pirates) Scourge of the Spanish Main! Yar! [M-VL]
Corey replied to Drix D'Zanth's topic in Theater
[size=1][b]aPrl 1sumthin'[/b] [i]I frgot how moch I lved this portt!! There arr so manny loosse womens and enuf ale to drownd a horse!![/i] ??? [b]April 15th, 1662[/b] [i]I woke up this morning propped up against an ale barrel with all my pockets turned out. My journal's still here, and that's a good thing... The booze must have thrown my wits to the sea... I made an entry in here. Doesn't make much sence. I think i bedded a whore last night. I hope it's my imagination, but I feel a little itchy down there... Goddamn... My head is poundin' like a cannon... I left the ship a week or so ago, time's a bit fuzzy. I don't have to worry about that now though... Got robbed last night, I guess... Damn the British Navy! No sence of right or wrong! Anyone that seems guilty, is guilty! That's why I left. I'm still wearing my officers uniform... Something happened with another officer. I didn't hear much except what I overheard from the captain. Someone was being imprisoned in the brig for stealing the rum on the ship. It was me though. I stole the rum. Framed another officer, but he wasn't the one that got caught. Someone else did. The British Royal Navy isn't a place for a drunkard like me. I'm a drunk and I'll always be a drunk. God I miss my brother... He loved me for who I was. Not like these officer types that judge quickly and punish even quicker. Maybe I'll try and catch a ride on a ship tomorrow. For now I'm going to band this old journal up and find a place to sleep in this dirty hellhole.[/i][/size] -
[size=1]Honesty is a trait that can be bent and twisted to suit its users needs. I'm generally an honest person. But I can also be the most convincing actor you'll ever meet. I can lie my way out of just about any situation that might be hazardous to some aspect of my being. And, unlike many liers, I remember my lies. I'm barely ever caught in a lie, and when I am, I own up to it. Now, please don't tihnk I'm a compulsive lier. I'm not. It's just that lying is an effective way of getting yourself out of precarious situations. Lies make the world go 'round. If everyone told the truth all the time, our economy would collapse. Half of advertising is lying anyway. No one wants to tell the public that their new drug might cause stomach ripping or spleenic rupture. Laws force them to, but some still don't.[/size]
[size=1]The most reasonable answer, and probably most likely to be given to you by a mod, is that you could have just as easily used a PM to give the person some advice. The mods do need to lighten up a bit in my opinion aswell. Not every case in which a suggestion is given is an act of playing Mod. Some people would rather see a new member given advice by another member rather than an intimidating mod. I know you guys don't mean to be, but you are none the less. I speak from experiance. When I first got here I feared James just about as much as I feared a broken bone or a night in jail.[/size]
[size=1]A few very small revisions. Maybe it'll do better this time. I've eliminated the recommendation requirement. Have at it. ??? [b]Neon Black[/b] "We never knew what hit us... On minute we were there and the next we were thrown into an expance of black sky that seemed to glow and pulse with every breath we uselessly tried to take. I thought we were dead, making our way through purgatory and eventually going to end up in either hell or heaven. I expected hell... We broke so many natural laws out there... I almost feel bad. And I would, but our experiments helped so many. The eradication of cancer... Complete knowledge of the brain and how it works... Nano Technology breakthroughs... But at such an expense... All those people... We had it coming, I guess. Maybe it was God. Maybe it was just some freak accident. I don't know. But what I do know is that I want to go home... I'd trade any member of this teams life for home. God help me..." ??? [i]Area 68 Accident Report (09-04-2042)[/i] [i][b]Classification: Black[/b] (Top Secret)[/i] The following is an extrapolation from eye witnesses and data gathered from sensors in Lab 001. [center]---[/center] -At 1315 the procedure began. The test for that day was to evaluate a recently created Dvorium element (ß see footnote) and it's effects as a possible enhancer for human beings mental capabilities. The team was to bombard the subject with different types of radiation to test for reactions. They were dressed in full radiation suits and had the psychokinetic dampener (¥ see footnote) charged and ready for use. X-Rays showed no effect. Alpha radiation showed no effect. Beta radiation showed no effect. Gamma radiation showed no effect. Nuetron radiation shoed no effect. Radio waves showed no effect. The entire visible light spectrum showed no effect. Ultraviolet and InfraRed showed no effect. At this point the procedure was halted and the subject was examined for any extreme damage. There was nothing that was bad enough to stop the test. It continued. The final type of radiation was temporal radiation (? see footnote). The subject began to convulse at an extremely small, focused burst. They strengthened the dose and the subject flat-lined. The team began to leave when the subject spontaneously revived. After a brief consult with the technicians they decided to continue. They brought the dose of radiation up another notch and the subject showed no outward change. Sensors showed that his brain was functioning at a 40% capacity. They brought it up another notch, still no outward change. Brain use leapt to 52%. Another notch. The subjects limbs began to lose color. Sensors showed most blood flow had been routed to the brain. No immediate explanation. They increased the radiation another notch. One of the team members left the Lab complaining of a splitting headache from the radiation. Sensors showed the room was operating on a .459 second time differential due to the radiation. The radiation output was turned up another notch. Almost all of the subjects blood flow had been routed to the brain. No immediate explanation. At this point the sensors cut off. Everything after this point has been retold by the technicians in the observation and recording booth. -The subject rose off of the examination bed and hovered about ten feet off of the ground a strange shimmer coming from his forehead. His eyes opened to show the pupils completely dilated and a milky white, almost like cataracts. The temporal radiation in the room quadrupled. Estimates are that the room was operating at about a twenty second time differential. A flash of white light emitted from the body of the subject, retracting at once. The subject seemed to 'leak' a black light. It came out of the subject and slid all over everything expanding in a liquid-like sphere. When it faded away, after an estimated two minutes, everyone inside the Lab was gone. All the exits had been sealed. No one could have gotten out. ??? [b]Derringer-[/b] "Mr, Geller, I understand your hesitation. But we will take care of your family. Donating your living body to the furthering of science is a very generous, noble, and invaluable thing." [b]Geller-[/b] "Listen. I know what I'm doing. I'm prepared to accept all of your conditions and wavers and ****." He looked down and clenched his hands. "I just want to make sure you guys will be taking care of my family like you say you will." Derringer smiled and nodded. [b]Derringer-[/b] "We will pay them the amount of 100,000 credits for your services. You do understand that you might not return to them." He signed and began to speak. [b]Geller-[/b] "I know. It's just we're so into debt... Damn my brother for taking my credit cards..." Derringer smiled and stood up. He walked over and patted the man on his back. [b]Derringer-[/b] "I understand. You're a very honorable man. Not many would do what you're doing. You're helping humanity and your family. Come with me please. You have the option of making a few calls to say goodbye if you want to. We have a phone available. After this you won't be allowed any contact with anyone outside of the base." Geller nodded. [b]Geller-[/b] "Yeah, where's that phone..." ??? [b]Name:[/b] Modern, postModern [b]Age:[/b] 25-60 [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Biography:[/b] Just tell me a bit of your childhood and why you decided to go into the human advancement field. No specimens please. Just technicians that were involved in the lab accident. ??? [b]Footnotes ß[/b]- Dvorium is a substance developed by another laboratory. It's element 215 on the periodic table. Stable atoms are very hard to produce and very rare. 90% of the stable compounds in the world were given to Area 68 for testing. In lab animals, the substance showed a 5% increase in brain power. The animals' problem solving skills were extremely enhanced and some of the young chimpanzees were even able to communicate fluently through sign language with barely any previous knowledge of the language. They watched people and learned at an incredible rate. Area 68 was to test the substance on humans. [b]¥[/b]- The psychokinetic dampener is a device that surpresses any brainwaves outside of the normal range. The advanced sensor array constantly scans the room and detects the brainwaves of everyone. Any abnormalities and it kicks in and broadcasts the waves back toward the source at an opposite frequency and cancels them out. [b]?[/b]- Temporal Radiation is experianced by everyone at all times. It's what causes the flow of time. Some scientists have theorized that eventually the radiation will completely decay and time will end, therefore starting the universe anew. It's also therorized that the radiation came from a central point, possibly the source of the Big Bang. Temporal radiation is constantly at the same level, creating the constant flow of time. Any abnormalities result in temporal incursions, usually that of a few seconds (the maximum recorded was two minutes and twelve seconds). When more radiation is present, time moves forward. When there is an absence of radiation time moves slower. Planets have a 'field' of temporal radiation. It's usually the exact same for every planet, except size, but the field regulates time on that planet, preventing any extreme alterations. Early theories considered the possibility of a large scale radiation absence that would tear a piece of the earth from itself because it suddenly wasn't moving as fast. Same for speeding up, a piece of the earth speeding through itself. The detection of the planetary temporal fields proved this theory negative. The Universe also has a field, though it's more in waves than a constant bubble. ??? Everything will be made more clear in the first post. I think a little bit of the unknown is required to get people to use their imaginations.[/size]
[size=1]When I first started thinking about a carrer I wanted to be a lawyer. They can make a ton of cash and live comfortably. Plus I love to argue. Then I realized that law just wasn' for me. I decided to become a teacher. A biology teacher. But teahers don't make enough for my tatses. Then, a year or so ago, Mitch posted a topic in the Lounge called 'behind the Formaldihyde (sp?) Curtain'. It went into stunning detail the duties of morticians. I was reading through the article, and it sounded truely appealing to me. I did a little more research and it eventually led to me applying and getting accepted for the Funeral Services program at one of my local colleges. I can't see myself ever getting bored with this job, it's definitly appealing, and it doesn't pay badly either. But if I had to, I'd definitly go with a job I like rather than one I don't that pays well.[/size]
[size=1]I collect and covet laziness. Whenever I see something to do, I lift it up, find the laziness, put it back down and go do something else. Then, later, the laziness with find t's way to my room where it joins other types of laziness. [b]Laziness Type One:[/b] Being to lazy to put away clothes. On of the more common types and something I have a lot of. I've lived out of a basket for at least five months. [b]Laziness Type Two:[/b] The total and encompassing want to do nothing. This one usually is found before I have to go to work or school and usually in my bed. [b]Laziness Type Three:[/b] Floydian Laziness. Just pop on a Pink Floyd CD and watch the laziness seep out of every crevase of my room. And dust.[/size]
[size=1]Ok, your spots are saved, but that wasn't really neccesary. Signups are going to be open for a while. On another note, please no one esle sign up as volunteers for experimentation. Annie is to be the only one. Sign up as the disspeared lab techs.[/size]
[size=1][b]Neon Black[/b] "We never knew what hit us... On minute we were there and the next we were thrown into a void of black that seemed to glow and pulse with every breath we uselessly tried to take. I thought we were dead, making our way through purgatory and eventually going to end up in either hell or heaven. I expected hell... We broke so many natural laws out there... I almost feel bad. And I would, but our experiments helped so many. The eradication of cancer... Complete knowledge of the brain and how it works... Nano Technology breakthroughs... But at such an expense... All those people... We had it coming, I guess. Maybe it was God. Maybe it was just some freak accident. I don't know. But what I do know is that I want to go home... I'd trade any member of this teams life for home. God help me..." ??? [i]Area 68 Accident Report (09-04-2042)[/i] [i][b]Classification: Black[/b] (Top Secret)[/i] The following is an extrapolation from eye witnesses and data gathered from sensors in Lab 001. [center]---[/center] -At 1315 the procedure began. The test for that day was to evaluate a recently created Dvorium element (ß see footnote) and it's effects as a possible enhancer for human beings mental capabilities. The team was to bombard the subject with different types of radiation to test for reactions. They were dressed in full radiation suits and had the psychokinetic dampener (¥ see footnote) charged and ready for use. X-Rays showed no effect. Alpha radiation showed no effect. Beta radiation showed no effect. Gamma radiation showed no effect. Nuetron radiation shoed no effect. Radio waves showed no effect. The entire visible light spectrum showed no effect. Ultraviolet and InfraRed showed no effect. At this point the procedure was halted and the subject was examined for any extreme damage. There was nothing that was bad enough to stop the test. It continued. The final type of radiation was temporal radiation (? see footnote). The subject began to convulse at an extremely small, focused burst. They strengthened the dose and the subject flat-lined. The team began to leave when the subject spontaneously revived. After a brief consult with the technicians they decided to continue. They brought the dose of radiation up another notch and the subject showed no outward change. Sensors showed that his brain was functioning at a 40% capacity. They brought it up another notch, still no outward change. Brain use leapt to 52%. Another notch. The subjects limbs began to lose color. Sensors showed most blood flow had been routed to the brain. No immediate explanation. They increased the radiation another notch. One of the team members left the Lab complaining of a splitting headache from the radiation. Sensors showed the room was operating on a .459 second time differential due to the radiation. The radiation output was turned up another notch. Almost all of the subjects blood flow had been routed to the brain. No immediate explanation. At this point the sensors cut off. Everything after this point has been retold by the technicians in the observation and recording booth. -The subject rose off of the examination bed and hovered about ten feet off of the ground a strange shimmer coming from his forehead. His eyes opened to show the pupils completely dilated and a milky white, almost like cataracts. The temporal radiation in the room quadrupled. Estimates are that the room was operating at about a twenty second time differential. A flash of white light emitted from the body of the subject, retracting at once. The subject seemed to 'leak' a black light. It came out of the subject and slid all over everything expanding in a liquid-like sphere. When it faded away, after an estimated two minutes, everyone inside the Lab was gone. All the exits had been sealed. No one could have gotten out. ??? [b]Derringer-[/b] "Mr, Geller, I understand your hesitation. But we will take care of your family. Donating your living body to the furthering of science is a very generous, noble, and invaluable thing." [b]Geller-[/b] "Listen. I know what I'm doing. I'm prepared to accept all of your conditions and wavers and ****." He looked down and clenched his hands. "I just want to make sure you guys will be taking care of my family like you say you will." Derringer smiled and nodded. [b]Derringer-[/b] "We will pay them the amount of 100,000 credits for your services. You do understand that you might not return to them." He signed and began to speak. [b]Geller-[/b] "I know. It's just we're so into debt... Damn my brother for taking my credit cards..." Derringer smiled and stood up. He walked over and patted the man on his back. [b]Derringer-[/b] "I understand. You're a very honorable man. Not many would do what you're doing. You're helping humanity and your family. Come with me please. You have the option of making a few calls to say goodbye if you want to. We have a phone available. After this you won't be allowed any contact with anyone outside of the base." Geller nodded. [b]Geller-[/b] "Yeah, where's that phone..." ??? [b]Name:[/b] Modern, postModern [b]Age:[/b] 25-60 [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Biography:[/b] Just tell me a bit of your childhood and why you decided to go into the human advancement field. [b]Recommendation:[/b] Please link me to another RPG you were involved with and that you think you wrote well in. (Excludes any Black Horizon RPG and Discover The Deep) If you haven't RPed before, PM me a short snippet of writing skill. ??? [b]Da Footnotes ß[/b]- Dvorium is a substance developed by another laboratory. It's element 215 on the periodic table. Stable atoms are very hard to produce and very rare. 90% of the stable compounds in the world were given to Area 68 for testing. In lab animals, the substance showed a 5% increase in brain power. The animals' problem solving skills were extremely enhanced and some of the young chimpanzees were even able to communicate fluently through sign language with barely any previous knowledge of the language. They watched people and learned at an incredible rate. Area 68 was to test the substance on humans. [b]¥[/b]- The psychokinetic dampener is a device that surpresses any brainwaves outside of the normal range. The advanced sensor array constantly scans the room and detects the brainwaves of everyone. Any abnormalities and it kicks in and broadcasts the waves back toward the source at an opposite frequency and cancels them out. [b]?[/b]- Temporal Radiation is experianced by everyone at all times. It's what causes the flow of time. Some scientists have theorized that eventually the radiation will completely decay and time will end, therefore starting the universe anew. It's also therorized that the radiation came from a central point, possibly the source of the Big Bang. Temporal radiation is constantly at the same level, creating the constant flow of time. Any abnormalities result in temporal incursions, usually that of a few seconds (the maximum recorded was two minutes and twelve seconds). When more radiation is present, time moves forward. When there is an absence of radiation time moves slower. Planets have a 'field' of temporal radiation. It's usually the exact same for every planet, except size, but the field regulates time on that planet, preventing any extreme alterations. Early theories considered the possibility of a large scale radiation absence that would tear a piece of the earth from itself because it suddenly wasn't moving as fast. Same for speeding up, a piece of the earth speeding through itself. The detection of the planetary temporal fields proved this theory negative. The Universe also has a field, though it's more in waves than a constant bubble. ??? It will be made more clear in the first post. Time travel still might or might not be included. Nothing is set in stone concerning that specific detail as of yet.[/size]
[size=1]Allen got back to his room, stripped off everything except his boxers, and sat on the cold floor. When he was in highschool one of his best friends was Buddist. He had taught Allen how to meditate and rejuvenate oneself through mere thought. Allen cracked his back and tried to remember how to begin. It'd been years since he tried. After he got into the Airforce he stopped, not having the time or the patience to continue with the meditation. [b]Allen-[/b] "Let's see if old dogs can remember old tricks..." He closed his eyes and relaxed every muscle in his body, starting with his toes. His legs ached, but the muscles relaxed, sending wave after wave of comfort to his brain. Then his abdomen and chest. He relaxed his arms, hands, fingers, and shoulders. Then he relaxed his mind. He invisioned a starscape, the image that he always felt most calm looking at. No planets, no moons, nothing but stars. They began to rotate, slowly, calmingly. Way out there, somewhere, was Earth. He flew through the starscape, looking for the small blue and green planet swirled with the while brushstrokes of white. It always looked the best from space. Calm, peaceful, and beautiful.No worries there. At least none you could see. Ah! There it is. Still in the distance. There goes Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus. Maybe a little faster. Yes. There we go. The other planets passed like a blur. There's Mars, and there's Venus. And there's Venus... Wait. Allen stirred on the floor in his sitting position. Two Venus'? No. Couldn't be.... He turned around and started back-tracking. There's Venus... And... Allen's eyes shot open. Earth had been destroyed. The atmosphere as poison as Venus'. The oceans toxic. Everyone gone... [b]Allen-[/b] "Get out, you ???hole." He quickly dressed and headed back down to the Cafeteria, pushing any other minds from his own. Meditation left you vulnerable aparently. He'd pick up his equipment later. He needed more coffee.[/size]
[size=1][b]Baron:[/b] Yeah... It might still happen. We'll see. I'm trying to figure out what would work best. They both have pros and cons, so it's kind of a give a little to get a little deal. I just have to find out which version would give the most. And yeah, I'm going to reprise it a little for an actual thread in the Inn. It seemed more important at the time to get it out of my head before I forgot it. [b]Radaghast:[/b] We'll see about the timetravel. Maybe. I dunno yet. And it's damn good to see you back! *kisses him* It's like someone cut off my big toe and now it's grown back!![/size]
[size=1]Signups will be up within the week. I also realized I forgot to put in the footnotes. So here they are. [b]Da Footnotes[/b] [b]ß-[/b] Dvorium is a substance developed by another laboratory. It's element 215 on the periodic table. Stable atoms are very hard to produce and very rare. 90% of the stable compounds in the world were given to Area 68 for testing. In lab animals, the substance showed a 5% increase in brain power. The animals' problem solving skills were extremely enhanced and some of the young chimpanzees were even able to communicate fluently through sign language with barely any previous knowledge of the language. They watched people and learned at an incredible rate. Area 68 was to test the substance on humans. [b]¥-[/b] The psychokinetic dampener is a device that surpresses any brainwaves outside of the normal range. The advanced sensor array constantly scans the room and detects the brainwaves of everyone. Any abnormalities and it kicks in and broadcasts the waves back toward the source at an opposite frequency and cancels them out. [b]?-[/b] Temporal Radiation is experianced by everyone at all times. It's what causes the flow of time. Some scientists have theorized that eventually the radiation will completely decay and time will end, therefore starting the universe anew. It's also therorized that the radiation came from a central point, possibly the source of the Big Bang. Temporal radiation is constantly at the same level, creating the constant flow of time. Any abnormalities result in temporal incursions, usually that of a few seconds (the maximum recorded was two minutes and twelve seconds). When more radiation is present, time moves forward. When there is an absence of radiation time moves slower. Planets have a 'field' of temporal radiation. It's usually the exact same for every planet, except size, but the field regulates time on that planet, preventing any extreme alterations. Early theories considered the possibility of a large scale radiation absence that would tear a piece of the earth from itself because it suddenly wasn't moving as fast. Same for speeding up, a piece of the earth speeding through itself. The detection of the planetary temporal fields proved this theory negative. The Universe also has a field, though it's more in waves than a constant bubble. *** Any more questions or comments?[/size]
[size=1][b]Bill:[/b] [list]1. Yes it will be an alternate universe kind of deal. 2. The players will be playing the part of the stranded scientists. The ones taken to the other universe. 3. The main plot of the RPG is going to be about getting hom, but also surviving in the harsh conditions of the other world. More subplots will take shap in the actual game I'm sure.[/list] I was a little vuage on purpose, so if anyone wants addtional info, just say so and I'll gladly provide.[/size]
[size=1][b]Neon Black[/b] "We never knew what hit us... On minute we were there and the next we were thrown into a void of black that seemed to glow and pulse with every breath we uselessly tried to take. I thought we were dead, making our way through purgatory and eventually going to end up in either hell or heaven. I expected hell... We broke so many natural laws out there... I almost feel bad. And I would, but our experiments helped so many. The eradication of cancer... Complete knowledge of the brain and how it works... Nano Technology breakthroughs... But at such an expense... All those people... We had it coming, I guess. Maybe it was God. Maybe it was just some freak accident like we figure it was. I don't know. But what I do know is that I want to go home... I'd trade any member of this teams life for home. God help me..." ??? [b]Area 68 Accident Report[/b] (09-04-2042) [i]Classification: [b]Black[/b] (Top Secret)[/i] [i]The following is an extrapolation from eye witnesses and data gathered from sensors in Lab 001.[/i] [center]---[/center] -At 1315 the procedure began. The test for that day was to evaluate a recently created Dvorium element (ß see footnote) and it's effects as a possible enhancer for human beings mental capabilities. The team was to bombard the subject with different types of radiation to test for reactions. They were dressed in full radiation suits and had the psychokinetic dampener (¥ see footnote) charged and ready for use. X-Rays showed no effect. Alpha radiation showed no effect. Beta radiation showed no effect. Gamma radiation showed no effect. Nuetron radiation shoed no effect. Radio waves showed no effect. The entire visible light spectrum showed no effect. Ultraviolet and InfraRed showed no effect. At this point the procedure was halted and the subject was examined for any extreme damage. There was nothing that was bad enough to stop the test. It continued. The final type of radiation was temporal radiation (? see footnote). The subject began to convulse at an extremely small, focused burst. They strengthened the dose and the subject flat-lined. The team began to leave when the subject spontaneously revived. After a brief consult with the technicians they decided to continue. They brought the dose of radiation up another notch and the subject showed no outward change. Sensors showed that his brain was functioning at a 40% capacity. They brought it up another notch, still no outward change. Brain use leapt to 52%. Another notch. The subjects limbs began to lose color. Sensors showed most blood flow had been routed to the brain. No immediate explanation. They increased the radiation another notch. One of the team members left the Lab complaining of a splitting headache from the radiation. Sensors showed the room was operating on a .459 second time differential due to the radiation. The radiation output was turned up another notch. Almost all of the subjects blood flow had been routed to the brain. No immediate explanation. At this point the sensors cut off. Everything after this point has been retold by the technicians in the observation and recording booth. -The subject rose off of the examination bed and hovered about ten feet off of the ground a strange shimmer coming from his forehead region. His eyes opened to show the pupils completely dilated and a milky white, almost like cataracts. The temporal radiation in the room quadrupled. Estimates are that the room was operating at about a twenty second time differential. A flash of white light emitted from the body of the subject, retracting at once. The subject seemed to 'leak' a black light. It came out of the subject and slid all over everything expanding in a liquid-like sphere. When it faded away, after an estimated two minutes, everyone inside the Lab was gone. All the exits had been sealed. No one could have gotten out. ??? [b]Derringer-[/b] "Mr, Geller, I understand your hesitation. But we will take care of your family. Donating your living body to the furthering of science is a very generous and invaluable thing." [b]Geller-[/b] "Listen. I know what I'm doing. I'm prepared to accept all of your conditions and wavers and ****." He looked down and clenched his hands. "I just want to make sure you guys will be taking care of my family like you say you will." Derringer smiled and nodded. [b]Derringer-[/b] "We will pay them the amount of 100,000 credits for your services. You do understand that you might not return to them." He signed and began to speak. [b]Geller-[/b] "I know. It's just we're so into debt... Damn my brother for taking my credit cards..." Derringer smiled and stood up. He walked over and patted the man on his back. [b]Derringer-[/b] "I understand. You're a very honorable man. Not many would do what you're doing. You're helping humanity and you family. Come with me please. You have the option of making a few calls to say goodbye if you want to. We have a phone available. After this you won't be allowed any contact with anyone outside of the base." Geller nodded. [b]Geller-[/b] "Yeah, where's that phone..." ??? So what do you think? Suggestions? Questions? Advice? All is welcome.[/size]
What OB members do you know, or would you like to meet in real life?
Corey replied to Boo's topic in General Discussion
[size=1]A member that no longer goes here, by the name of Char!, is one of my best friends. I'd like to think I know Kane and Annie well enough to say I know them personally.[/size] -
What OB members do you know, or would you like to meet in real life?
Corey replied to Boo's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='satan665']I don't ever want to meet any of you, in my mind you are all 45 year old fat comic book guys who are trying to get me to tell you where I live and when my parents will be out of town.[/quote] [size=1]So... When are your parents going to be out of town? ... *rolls eyes*[/size] -
What OB members do you know, or would you like to meet in real life?
Corey replied to Boo's topic in General Discussion
[size=1]At the top of my list would definitely be [b]Annie[/b], [b]Kane[/b], [b]Radaghast[/b]. [b]Baron Samedi[/b]. [b]erinzyger[/b], [b]Lalaith Ril[/b]. and a member that no longer comes here by the name of [b]Mist[/b]. A lot of others are up there too, but these are the ones that really made an impact on my life online.[/size] -
[size=1]Allen watched the last of the people filter into the Cafeteria. John came in last. He took a seat in the back. No one talked but he could see curious looks on everyones face about the new arrival. He stood and crossed his arms in front of his chest. [b]Allen-[/b] "I'd like to give everyone more time to recoupe and heal, but we don't have it. I don't know if they're waiting for us to get going or if they're just biding their time." He rubbed his stubbly face with his hand. "God knows we could all use another day of sleep." He glanced at John. "John please stand up." He did, a little reluctantly. "This is John. He's another survivor and therefore a member of our crew. Introductions will be up to you guys, I don't have the time." He momentarily reflected on the temporal situation they were in and cracked a small smile. [b]Van-[/b] "Allen. What're we going to do?" He looked at the captain with eyes that were intensely questioning. Allen smiled. [b]Allen-[/b] "Soon Van. I need to spread a little bit of info first. Geneefee was showing me some scans of Deimos earlier today. It seems that the Event horizon in this moon is the same one we ran into not more than a few months ago. We didn't destroy it. The Gravity Drive must have fired somewhere around the time that the ship exploded. And somehow, it's beyond me to even begin to explain, it traveled back in time. It appeared in the moon several thousand years ago. I don't know why it waited until now to strike. Maybe something to do with us 'winning' a few months ago. I can't say for sure. Just like I can't say with complete certanty why they backed off." Allen rubbed his face again, a nervous habit he picked up. [b]Trini-[/b] "My God." Allen nodded. [b]Van-[/b] "So..." [b]Allen-[/b] "We're going to destroy it for a final time. No more of this shit. This entire universe is still threatened. We're the last hope." He pulled up a schematic on a small computer screen. It showed both of the colonies and the damage that had been recently delt. "We're going to go through the tunnel we destroyed when we crashed and into the second facility. We'll set up base in the cafeteria over there. We will sustain no casualties. We will sustain no further injuries. We will be deady and prescise. I won't lose anyone else." He scanned the room. "We will win. Now go and get some rest or do whatever you want to do. We're leaving in three hours."[/size]
[size=1]How're these? I know the color scheme isn't the best and if you want me to change it I will. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21889&stc=1[/img] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21890&stc=1[/img][/size]