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Everything posted by Corey

  1. [quote name='Sonic Dead Kid']The Quote i live by is "If your not rememberd,Then you never existed" It makes me think of making someone of myself. To be memorized by the people around.[/quote] [size=1]Just remember, Hitler is known the world over. Make something of yourself, but realize that sometimes it's better to die without being written about at all, and having done a world of good, then written about for something that is an atrocity. My quote? [b]"Be who you are, not who you want to be."[/b] If you spend your whole life trying to fit into an ideal, then you'll never have time to be yourself.[/size]
  2. [size=1]Refresh my memory Gavin, did the immortals in the Highlander series' heal at an advanced rate? And either way, is that going to be the case in this RPG? I'd just like to know before I expand this idea I have.[/size]
  3. [quote name='Touchstone][FONT=Georgia']Forcing an alcoholic to go to rehab is a good thing, to wear our seat belts, to not speed, to educate our kids, all these are good. It's things like forcing librarians to give up records of books checked out that make me mad.[/FONT][/quote] [size=1]Ok... How can you possibly contrast rehabilitation to seized library records? Please explain...[/size] [quote name='The13thMan][FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]She really hates the way our society allows slackers to get by. So basically she believes that the government shouldn?t force the people to do anything at all, even if it?s for their own good.[/COLOR'] [/FONT][/quote] [size=1]Contradiction? It would seem so, Watson.[/size]
  4. [quote name='Charles']he's tapping that other chick on the side like a keg in an Irish pub on St. Patrick's Day.[/quote] [size=1]Simply amazing. And kudos on the proper holiday implementation.[/size]
  5. [quote name='D. Resurrected']is tied t a 10ft rope and there is a bail of hay 40ft away yet the horse is able to eat the hay how is this possible? :D[/quote] [size=1]The Horse is tied to the rope, but the rope isn't tied to anything. And the answer to mine is Therein. [b]therein, herein, there, rein, her, here, ere, the, he, in, re[/b][/size]
  6. [size=1]I point your attention to the "without rearranging any of its letters" portion. And SEVENTH is incorrect.[/size]
  7. [size=1]There is a seven-letter word in the English language that contains ten words without rearranging any of its letters. What is the word?[/size]
  8. [quote name='Dee][SIZE=1']Geesh, you sound exactly like my boyfriend. He actually stopped in the middle of his street just to run outside and check one out. Yeah, he's a wierdo.[/SIZE][/quote] [size=1]Sounds like a guy I could get along with. And kudos to you for tolerating behavior such as ours.[/size]
  9. [size=1]The 1969 Dodge Charger Daytona. With a 500-550 engine, optional Hemi, fastback body design, and beauty nothing has been able to match since, this car will blow anything away. I fell in love with the '69 Charger about three years ago. It's one of my biggest ambitions in life to be able to restore one of these.[/size]
  10. [size=1]I have a piercing in each of my ears, both gauged to a zero. Eventually, I want to get my septum and labret done. Probably a few more in each ear too. I have a pair of 'Froggy' contacts. Black ring around the very outside with blaze-orange corneas.[/size]
  11. Corey


    [size=1]I'd first like to say that I am a recreational pot smoker that does not indulge more than three times a week, usually. Some people exersice to release stress, and some people pray. I take a hit or two and do my Chemestry homework. I don't consider marijuana a drug. Next, I'd like everyone to check out this article. [url=http://www.benefitsofmarijuana.com/benefits.html]The Benefits of Marijuana[/url] Now please don't think I'm endorsing smoking pot. For those of you that are %100 clean, my hat is off to you. You've done something that I haven't. And you should stay that way. But, and it is a big one, I consider the health [i]benefits[/i] to outweigh the detrements marijuana has on the body. Extreme use of the drug marijuana does make you slow and it does create a psychological dependence that can be every bit as real as a physical one. They say that marijuana is a gateway drug. That once you smoke it you want more and different drugs. I've found this to be false in many instances. I've always preferred the high that you get from marijuana to anything else I've tried, and so have several people I know. Coke gets you way too energetic and reckless. Mushrooms mess with your mind something fierce. Alcohol makes you lose control unless taken in moderation. And I'd like to invite someone to argue with me. I always love arguing about this subject. ^_^ [quote name='renayiiq']I dont mind drugs. Well, I don't mind marijuana (a.k.a, weed, pot, mary j, the green, blow, canna, cannabis, etc. I prefer the term canna).[/quote] [b]PS:[/b] Blow would be a slang for cocaine.[/size]
  12. [size=1]You people need to be passionate about things that matter. Not stupid-*** highschool clique drama. If you want to be emo, or emotive hardcore for those that prefer that way, do it. Who cares if people don't think you're 'real'. It doesn't matter. You matter.[/size]
  13. [quote name='demon slayer 5']i kind of like you sandy[/quote] [size=1]What the bloody hell? Anyway... You said it too soon, plain and simple. Guys, in their teenage years most of all, don't like to hear those words. It [i]does[/i] make them feel trapped. It [i]does[/i] make them feel awkward. No offense to your guy, but most males of teenage years don't know how to [u]love[/u] properly. They know how to lust, how to be infatuated, and how to be horny. The majority doesn't know what love truely is yet.[/size]
  14. [quote name='Retribution][size=1']I think Beethoven's Ninth Symphony is beautiful.[/size][/quote] [size=1]I didn't think there were many people the boards that liked classical. My hat is off to you. And if you like Beethoven, you should listen to Pachelbel's Cannon In D Major. Amazing song. Candy Kisses by Dean Martin is probably one of the most beautiful songs I've heard in a long time.[/size]
  15. [quote name='Generic NPC #3][B]People Who Feel Some Need to Insult and Be Negative In a Thread About the [I]Nifty[/I] Things On OB, While Simultaneoulsly Not Realizing That a Lot of the Board Probably Does Not Like Them Back Because of That Very Reason and Forgetting That If They Hate This Place So Much They Can Easily Stop Visiting It Because It's Just a Simple Website on the Internet That Is Not Meant to Be Used to Make Up for Whatever They Get All Their Unhappiness From in Their Every Day Life While They Continue to Add to What Has Become "The Cliche of Hating OB":[/B'] Self-explanatory.[/quote] [size=1]I'll take my award now. But seriously, think about what you just said. Do you honestly think I ration myself to strictly hating the majority of people here on OB? Please, I have far too much anger towards the idiots, posers, and show-offs (to name a few) of the world to limit myself to one specific place. Don't think hate is my life, and I'm sure that I look just as guilty as some of the people I judge as a show-off, but I just don't care. Let them think what they want about me, it truely makes no difference. The point is that they care what people think about them. My days of being 'nice' on the boards just to keep up a facade of good-nature to be liked are over. It doesn't matter. This is me. I'm sick of pretending. [list]?[b]wrist cutter[/b]- I'd like to nominate wrist cutter because he's been one of the most genuine people these boards have seen in a long time. And it's dissapointing he no longer frequents this site.[/list][/size]
  16. [size=1][list]?[b]The Increasing Populace[/b] [i](a.k.a. Who the hell are you?)[/i][/b]- I don't know half of you people on the boards anymore. I understand that this isn't exactly a bad thing, but trying to keep up with the ever-increasing population of OB, and with it some of the best members this place has seen in a long time, is beginning to get tedious. As much as I'd like to have conversations with some of the amazing new members this place gained over the last year, I just don't have time for it anymore. I'm sure many people feel the same way I do, especially my fellow oldies. Between my job, my college, and my sleep, I barely get enough free time as it is. So, in closing, I raise my glass to all you people who I don't know, and the people that have stuck around for the long haul.[/list] [list]?[b]Brazil[/b]- I think this member should be in the Nifty-Fifty for his nomination of [i]The Mediocrity of the Memberbase[/i] into the nifty-Fifty. It's a very true argument on the grander scale of things, and one I agree with for the most part.[/list][/size]
  17. [size=1]Laruc quickened his pace, attempting to keep up with his taller Master. The force was, as always, a useful tool. He quickened the blood flow of his body, and easily caught up to her. Coruscant blurred past them as they ran. Laruc took a moment to admire the beauty of this world before the temple loomed in front of them with it's mountainous beauty. [b]Eshka-[/b] "Ready to go in?" Laruc nodded, his breath still catching slightly in his throat. Dispite using the force, he always felt a bit uncomfortable amongst the Council. They all held so much wisdom. Wisdom and power. He could only hope to be like that one day. The doors to the chambers gracefully slid open as they approached. Eshka walked calmly to the center of the room smiling at each Jedi Master in turn. Laruc stayed a few paces behind her, looking shakily at the Council Members. He instantly felt as though he was being analyzed, each nook of his mind examined. He tried to cloud over his thoughts of apprehension. [b]Council Member-[/b] "Welcome Master Sei'pek. We were saddened to hear you couldn't discover any new information on the residual pockets of Sith resistance." Eshka gave only the slightest hint of a smile. [b]Eshka-[/b] "I believe our mission was more productive than I first reported, Masters." A few council members nodded happily at this. [b]Council Member-[/b] "You've been summoned back from your mission to participate in a far more important one, Master Sei'pek. The Chancellor has requested that the Jedi aid in restoring peace in the Expansionist Region, more specifically the Brak Sector." Eshka nodded. "You and your Padawan will be part of a small task force. If this sector falls into chaos, it could be devastating to the Republic." [b]Eshka-[/b] "I understand Masters. My Padawan and I will help bring this sector back to the light." Eshka bowed low, her spotted fur rippling. Laruc did the same, excitement and fear flowing through his mind. [b]Council Member-[/b] "The task force will assemble in the spire. Head there immediately. May the force be with you both." [b]Eshka-[/b] "And you, Masters." They walked out of the chamber, the doors softly shutting behind them. [b]Laruc-[/b] "Master..." [b]Eshka-[/b] "I feel your emotions Laruc. Clear your mind and trust in the force. There is a reason we were sent on this mission, even if it's not obvious. Before we leave, I want you to meditate on this." Laruc looked down. Meditation was tedious and time consuming. But it made things much clearer. [b]Laruc-[/b] "Yes, Master..." They began walking to the spire.[/size]
  18. [size=1]Oh my God. I think I've found my new addiction.[/size]
  19. [size=1]I see this turning into a competition relatively quickly. My current problem is quitting smoking. It's rough. But it's a process. I found that I can't do cold turkey, I'm just not strong enough for it.[/size]
  20. [size=1]I sat outside of the house me and my friends were occupying, and smoked my last cigarette as the ball dropped. I finished it up and I haven't had one since. It's been three days. Not a huge accomplishment, I know, but it's a start. For New Years, me and a bunch of friends got together at a house and had a martini party. No one got extremely drunk to the point of vomiting, which is a good thing considering the size of their toilet. It was a good New Years, and I hope this year is equally as good.[/size]
  21. [size=1]Confidence and strength. I love it when a girl has the capability to take me down a peg when I need a reality check. I can't date someone superficial or petty. Someone down to earth really turns me on. There's nothing worse than someone living in a dreamworld 24/7. Also, I'm a sucker for rough love.[/size]
  22. [size=1]A little radical, I know, but what would all of you say to changing your custom user title to your character? I'd be willing.[/size]
  23. [size=1]I'm 19. I came here close to four years ago, because a friend of mine coned me into it. But I've made some amazing friendships and have absolutely no regrets about joining.[/size] [quote name='Avenged666fold']Im 14r but my friends say i act old and cynical like Lewis Black. Thats why my posts are always frought with anger.[/quote] [size=1]Aren't you just special.[/size]
  24. [size=1]You sound like Hitler used to.[/size]
  25. [size=1]I think I have a pretty good rig. PS2 hooked up to TV. Guitar Hero disc loaded. Guitar Controller plugged in. Ready to jam. Ok, I really don't own a real guitar. I'm a wind musician myself. I play the sax. But guitars have always held a certain gleam to me. When I was little my dad took me to a Twisted Sister concert. Who couldn't love guitar after something like that?[/size]
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