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Everything posted by Corey

  1. [size=1]Strength. If I was a little stronger, I would have a much easier time rock climbing. Plus my job would be a bit easier. It's shallow, but also the truth.[/size]
  2. [size=1]I've been hit on before by gay guys. It doesn't bother me, and usually I take it as a compliment. And apparently, I can attract more than one race aswell.[/size]
  3. [quote name='Jokopoko][color=teal][size=1]If any of those invited to the RP are reading this thread and wondering what to do with your sign-ups we've decided that it's easier on the whole to post them here rather than PMing them back to Gavin or myself so please post them here and we'll review them.[/size'][/color][/quote] [size=1]See, I was right.[/size]
  4. [quote name='Box Hoy']I get paid minimum wage, which is $7.25 here in Oregon.[/quote] [size=1]Holy Christ! Do you have any idea how long I had to pester my boss to get up to $7.25!? I've been working at the same place for THREE YEARS!! Man, you better count your blessings.[/size]
  5. [quote name='Gavin][SIZE=1']Ah, the double achievement of being the first European and first Irishman to post.[/SIZE][/quote] [size=1]First Irishman to live in Ireland, you mean. ^_^[/size]
  6. [size=1]I work at a local oil change center about 36 hours a week. I get burned, cut, scratched, scarred, and probably lose about two minutes of my life every time I inhale any kind of vapor that results from spilling a liquid on a hot part of the engine. I can understand how people can think that my job is terrible, but I really do like it. [quote name='Tyler Durden']"I don't want to die without any scars."[/quote] Plus at 7.25 an hour plus a commision depending on how many extra services we sell, I make a pretty good chunk of change.[/size]
  7. [size=1]The absolute best concert I've ever been to absolutely had to be System of a Down during their most recent tour. They stopped in Chicago in late September, and my best friend and I drove down there to see them. Those guys know how to rock. There's absolutely no other way to describe it.[/size]
  8. [quote name='renayiiq']They usually ask why I don't have an accent or if there's alot of cowboys there.[/quote] [size=1][southern drawl] "All my exes live in Texas." [/southern drawl] Sorry, I couldn't resist. I wasn't poking fun at you in the slightest. And Wisconsinites are usually accused of having an accent, but we're the anti-accent of the US. Our accent is no accent. That's why most Newscasters talk like us.[/size]
  9. [size=1]I hate to go against the general trend of 'nice advice', but I feel rather obligated to... If your girlfriend had three anxiety attacks in one night, there might be something seriously wrong with her. I think it would be a very good idea to somehow get her to see a doctor, or a psychiatrist. One of those two might be able to help her cure the attacks.[/size]
  10. [quote name='CoLoR_Me_EviL][FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=Orange]If anybody can name what the most famous place in my city is(or rather, what everyone visits for), I'll give you a cookie.[/COLOR'][/FONT][/quote] [size=1]I'm going to go with the Alberta Clippers that my home always gets hit with. Milwaukee, WI, USA if you were wondering. I'm actually hoping for a clipper this year. If it snows enough, it'll be warmer when I go camping next month. Though I wouldn't exactly mind the sub-freezing temperatures. I've camped in worse.[/size]
  11. [size=1]Corey slid ceremoniously into his VR pod. He snugged himself in, always appreciating how much of a gateway it was into another world as real as their current one. He pulled the ID card out of his pocket and slid it through the reader with a grace only attained through constant practice. The card went back in his pocket. He saw his characters information displayed on a screen across the room. A Fighter. That's what he was... ??? [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Flagg opened his eyes and looked around. Sakura stood to his left, and Hart appeared at his right. Flagg streatched his arms toward the warm sun, his armour creaking and glimmering in its black beauty. He checked to make sure his sword and shield were latched firmly on his back. He smiled underneath his armour. They were. [b]Sakura-[/b] "Let's go!" He glanced around to make sure everyone was there. It didn't happen too often, but every once in a while the game glitched up, and a player was logged in miles from their designated position. They all began their casual walk toward town. [b]Flagg-[/b] "So what adventure do you think will find us today?" He smiled through his visor at the black-clad Lady Sin. A breeze billowed her robe behind her. Walking side by side, both of them dressed in all black, they looked extremely intimidating. [b]Lady Sin-[/b] "I have no idea. But I hope it's something challenging. A lot of the missions we've had the pleasure of completing haven't been preety difficult..." Flagg nodded and glanced toward the upcoming town. There seemed to be a good amount of activity today. [b]Flagg-[/b] "Maybe we'll get lucky and Astaroth will be in town." Lady Sin smiled. [b]Lady Sin-[/b] "We can only hope." Astaroth was an explorer and a merchant. He combed the ever expanding land of Third Edge looking for new and interesting places to explore. When he finds something, he travels back into a town to sell the location to players for money or a rare item. Flagg adjusted his armour slightly and hoped for something fun.[/COLOR][/size]
  12. [size=1]Ok everyone, the thread is up in the Arena. Details on the first post, and who is in, are there. Have fun, I know I will.[/size]
  13. [size=1][b][u]The Author[/b][/u] [list][i]Rated [u]Mature[/u] for violence and language.[/i][/list] [b]Players[/b] ? Sakura ([i]Veralidaine "Daine" Sarrasri[/i]) ? Baron Samedi ([i]Richard Rahl[/i]) ? Hinata ([i]Dwynwyn[/i]) ? RiflesAtRecess ([i]Kylesa Speziale[/i]) ? Retribution ([i]Christian Starweaver[/i]) ? Corey ([i]Randall Flagg[/i]) ? Domon ([i]Adian Tepet[/i]) ? Gavin ([i]Grenn Tallig[/i]) ? [b]reserved for forthcoming players[/b] ??? ? I'd like to make a note that signups are staying open indefinitely, as of now. If you have a friend that is interested in what you've been telling them, please have them check out the [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=50489][color=grey]recruitment thread[/color][/url]. ? Once again, this RPG is in free-form format, first-come-first-serve, etc. There will be no chapters or sections, just a continuous gameplay. ? If anyone steps severely out of line, they will be removed from the RPG, and their character killed. ? Writers often get writers block. I'm asking for suggestions for the story line in this RPG. It works a hell of a lot better if you have a few cooks and a few patrons to the action. So if anyone, at any time, has an idea for the story, please don't hesitate to PM me with it. ? [b][i][u]IF[/u][/i][/b] you have it available to you, take the book you got your character from, and sample the last chapter your character was in, in your first post (PM me if you're confused, because it sounds a little confusing), and change it a little. The first post is going to be about your character coming to realize what's going on with Mr. Ceaser. They can't do much yet but wonder how they're supposed to cross dimensions. ? Mark the beginning of the excerpt with (quote), and end it with (endquote) ? Game on. ??? [b](quote)[/b]He awoke at dawn. He had his boots on. He sat up and looked around himself. He was on a beach as white as bone. Above him , a ceramic sky of cloudless blue stood tall and far. Beyond him, a turquoise sea broke far out upon a reef and then came in gently, surging up and between strange boats that were- ([i]canoes outrigger canoes[/i]) He knew that... But how? He got to his feet and almost fell. He was shaky. Bad off. Felt hung over. He turned around. Green jungle seemed to leap out at his eyes, a dark forested tangle of vines and broad leaves and lush, blooming flowers that were- ([i]as pink as a chorus girls nipple[/i]) He was bewildered again. What was a chorus girl? For that matter, what was a nipple? A macaw screamed at the sight of him, flew away blindly, crashed into the thick bole of an old banyan tree, and fell dead at the foot of it with its legs sticking up. A mongoose looked at his flushed, beard-scruffy face and died of a brain embolism. A beetle that had been trundling busily up the trunk of a nipa palm turned black and shriveled to a husk with tiny blue bolts of electricity frizzing for a moment between its antennae. [i]Who am I?[/i] He didn't know. [i]Where am I?[/i] What did it matter? He began to walk, stagger, toward the verge of the jungle. He was light-headed with hunger. The sound of the surf boomed hollowly in his ears like the beat of crazy blood. his mind was empty as the mind of a newborn child. He was halfway to the edge of the deep green when it parted and three men came out. Then four. Then there were half a dozen. They were brown, smooth skinned folk. They stared at him. He stared back. Things began to come. The six men became eight. The eight became a dozen. They all held spears. They began to raise them threateningly. The man with the beard-stubble on his face looked at them. He was wearing jeans and old sprung cowboy boots; nothing else. His upper body was as white as the belly of a carp and dreadfully wasted. The spears came all the way up. Then one of the brown me, the leader, choked out one word over and over again, a word that sounded like [i]Yun-nah![/i] Yep, things were coming. Righty-O His name, for one thing. He smiled. That smile was like a red sun breaking through a black cloud. It exposed bright white teeth and amazing blazing eyes. He turned his lineless palms out to face them in the universal gesture of peace. Before the force of the grin they were lost. The spears fell to the sand; one of them struck point-down and hung there at an angle, quivering. [b]Flagg-[/b] "Do you speak English?" They only looked. "[i]Habla español?[/i]" No they didn't. They definitely did not [i]habla[/i] fucking [i]español[/i]. What did that mean? Where was he? Well, it would come in time. Rome wasn't built in a day, nor Akron, Ohio, for that matter. And the place didn't matter. The place where you made your stand never mattered. Only that you were there... and still on your feet. [b]Flagg-[/b] "[i]Parlez-vous francais?[/i]" No answer. They stared at him, fascinated. He tried them in German, and then bellowed laughter at their stupid, sheepy faces. One of them began to sob helplessly, like a child. [i]They're simple folk. Primitive; simple; unlettered. But I can use them. Yes, I can use them perfectly well.[/i] He advanced toward them, lineless palms still turned outward, still smiling. His eyes sparkled with warm and lunatic joy. [b]Flagg-[/b] "My name is-"[b](endquote)[/b] The memories flooded back into his head with the force of a tidal wave. He blinked rapidly and dropped to his knees, lineless palms brushing the sand. Vegas. His army. The Superflu. The Free Zone. Trashcan Man. The A-Bomb... He rolled over, eyes up to the sky. That wasn't supposed to have happened. He never remembered his entire past life, only bits and pieces. He knew what he was. He knew who he was. And he knew what had to be done. He got slowly to his feet, again feeling the effects of hunger. [b]Tribesman-[/b] "[i]Yun-nah![/i]" Flagg looked at the loincloth clad man. He had forgotten they were there. He tried to smile again, and only got a grimace. Something was terribly wrong with... with everything. [b]Flagg-[/b] "My name..." He cleared his throat. "My name is Randall Flagg. I need food," he made eating gestures, "and water," drinking gestures. The man nodded and motioned for Flagg to follow them. They started walking through the forest. Flagg attempted to sort things out in his head. Something was wrong... He knew what it was, but couldn't comprehend it quite yet. It was like his mind was a car, it still needed to warm up a bit. He trudged through the forest, thinking of how unlikely it was that he should be endowed with this knowledge. Obviously these people were either too stupid to realize it, or just didn't know. Something was wrong with... He cursed under his breath. He'd almost had it. A vine whipped him firmly in the face. He fell to the forest floor. The tribesmen shrank away as he stood. Afraid of retaliation. That made him feel good. Powerful. And suddenly, it clicked. [b]Flagg-[/b] "Sonofabitch..." He staggered, and fell again. "Oh shit..." He rolled on his side and vomited up milky white bile. "No..." He vomited again. The tribesmen hoisted him up and dragged him back to their village, trying to subdue his dry heaving on the way. He woke up on a bed made of bamboo and draped with some kind of animal skin. He blinked his eyes clear and looked down. There had been baskets piled with food and pots laden with water. He drank eagerly, without thinking, and vomited the water right back up. Dehydrated... He drank a few swallows and quickly chased them with a few bites of fruit. The fruit felt acidic on his cracked throat, but he barely noticed. A thought slowly formed in his mind. His creator needed to be saved. And he was to help. ??? P.S. Just a note, in the story my character is from, he loses his memory at the end. It's not going to happen with every character. Thought I'd just say that in case.[/size]
  14. [size=1][b][u]Character Overview[/u] Name:[/b] Laruc Torio [b]Age:[/b] 20 (Padawan) [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24875&stc=1][u]Here[/u][/url] [b]Personality:[/b] Laruc is a person of action. He much prefers taking a part in what needs to be done rather than sitting there and watching how it plays out. He's usually one of the first to act, and the last to stop. His Master, on more than one occasion has commented that his impulsiveness is his curse and the main obstacle in his continued training. [b]General Overview:[/b] Laruc was born on a mountainous world to a loving, if not large, family. He had four brothers and three sisters. Everyone on the planet was somehow involved in the mining business that was the planets main income generator. His father worked the deep shafts. His mother was an accountant. His two much older brothers worked in the mid-level shafts, and the brother that was only a year his senior, ran shipments from the mines to the Starports. His sisters worked mostly as cooks, though one moonlighted as a safety engineer. The Jedi came to his planet when he was only two years old. His parents were more than willing to give him to the Jedi. It was an honor to have your child accepted as a Youngling, plus it would be one less mouth to feed... He went to the Academy and began his training with all the aggressiveness he showed for two short years on his homeworld. [u][b]Jedi Overview[/b][/u] [b]Lightsaber(s) Appearance:[/b] [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24876&stc=1][u]Here[/u][/url] [b]Lightsaber(s) Type:[/b] Standard Lightsaber. Laruc constructed this lightsaber to aid in his study of the Ataru style. The Dual Phase saber does not allow for the true connection between weapon and wielder due to it's shifting nature. The allure of a dual-blade lightsaber is there, but his skill is much to low to wield such a weapon. [b]Lightsaber(s) Crystal/Colour:[/b] Laruc's lightsaber color is orange. He has combined the singular coloring crystal with a Nextor crystal from the world of M'haeli. This gives his lightsaber a very powerful and volatile blade. When it connects with another lightsaber, the blade momentarily will glow red from the volatile nature of the Nextor crystal. [b]Lightsaber Combat Style:[/b] Ataru (form IV). Laruc has always been a little aggressive in everything he does. He plowed his way through every book he was given at the academy without food or drink until he was finished. Back on his home planet, he'd play extremely rough with the other kids. With a relative agreement from his master, he pursued the Ataru style. [b]Favored Force Power(s):[/b] Force Valor, Burst of Speed. Studying the Ataru style of lightsaber fighting, increased speed would be a plus to any Jedi using this specific kind of dueling strategy. And the increase in bodily movements that Force Valor gives, is just the edge a Jedi needs to finish the duel with the Ataru style. [b]View of the Force:[/b] Laruc sees the Force with more of a Karmatic view. What goes around, comes around. There can never be any kind of true good in the universe, the Force itself being multifaceted. This is why the Galaxy goes through periods of good and evil. Eventually, the Sith Lords will rise again, and eventually the Jedi will conquer them and rise to the pinnacle of inspiration.[/size]
  15. [size=1][b]Name:[/b] Corey [b]Age:[/b] 3 years, 5 months, 10 days... Approximately. [b]Your Knowledge:[/b] 7 [b]Threads:[/b] 128[/size]
  16. [size=1]Ok, so everyone's in. Signups are still open if anyone else is interested. I'll keep them in for the length of gameplay. The thread will be up either tonight or Sunday. I'll be camping for a few days starting Friday.[/size]
  17. [quote name='Salty Bob']Americans.[/quote] [size=1]Bravo. I was going to say the exact thing.[/size]
  18. [size=1]Corey slitted his eyes against the glare of the sun and the dust falling into his eyes. The wind licked against his skin. He wished it wouldn't. Too much wind could spell quite a bit of danger fifty feet off the ground. He reached out with his left hand and grabbed firmly onto a perfect outcropping of rock. He leaned back and dipped his right hand into his bag of powder. A slip was worse than the wind. He needed to keep his hands free from moisture. He faintly heard his cell phone chirp in his pocket. Twenty minutes until their meeting. He grabbed the outcropping with both hands and vaulted himself to the next hand and foothold. Corey was always finding new places to climb in and out of the city. Today is was a large verticle trench dug the previous day to make way for a new section of sewers. A few people always stopped to watch him, but never enough to draw the suspicion of police. He was, after all, trespassing. Corey sighted his last few footholds and closed his eyes. He took a deep breath and vaulted again. This time he didn't stop, but just continued jumping from hold to hold using both arms and both legs as propulsion. He was less than three feet from being able to reach the top, he grabbed another rock with both hands and pulled. He lunged toward the top and launched his foot from a small indentation for a little additional push. He neatly rolled onto the top of the embankment and stood up. The people watching from the fenced off street waved and smiled. He waved back and examined the damage for today. Two deep cuts on his right hand and a few mild scratches on both. Corey took out a bottle of Bactine and sprayed it on both cuts. They instantly swelled and sealed the blood flow. The disinfectant burned like hell, but he just smiled. He always felt good after a climb. The cell phone beeped again. [b]Corey-[/b] "Dammit..." He started running toward the shrine.[/size]
  19. [size=1]Thought you guys might find this funny. I know I did. And they used to complain about Power Rangers insighting violent behavior back then. [quote=tv.com][size=1][b]A child actor who was an extra on the hit action show Might Morphin' Power Rangers is accused of the brutal murder of a California couple.[/b] The Power Rangers. A former Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers extra and his wife are facing charges of murder in the case of a California couple who were tied to the anchor of their 55-foot luxury yacht and then thrown overboard. Skylar Deleon, 26, who appeared on one episode of the popular kids' show, and his wife Jennifer, 24, are being ordered to stand trial for the murders of Thomas and Jackie Hawks. The Deleons were allegedly attempting to steal the Hawks' yacht. The Deleons are accused of posing as interested buyers of the boat and luring the elderly couple out to sea by asking to test-drive the boat in open water. The Deleons are alleged to have stunned the Hawks using a Taser gun, before handcuffing them and blindfolding them. Next, the Deleons allegedly tied the Hawks to the anchor of the boat, which weighed more than 60 pounds. After forcing the Hawks to sign over power of attorney, the assailants threw them overboard. An accomplice of the Deleons alerted police to the crime, claiming that the Deleons planned the killing in advance. The accomplice said that Mr. Deleon had to delay the murder after he discovered that Thomas Hawk was a retired corrections officer, and therefore might be more difficult to kill. All of the defendants in the case have pleaded not guilty. The Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers was a hit live-action adventure show featuring a team of teens who transformed into superheroes and fought giant monsters.[/size][/quote][/size]
  20. [size=1][b]Name:[/b] Randall Flagg [b]Age:[/b] Ageless [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Flagg stands at about 5' 10" and 140lbs. His face smiles from every concievable angle. But the smile stops just short of his eyes. In truth, he is a very evil creature. Some have called him the Devils Imp. Or the Dark Man. He wears a pair of faded bluejeans and white tshirt. Over the tshirt is a bluejean jacket. On his feet are a pair of worndown cowboy boots. [b]Biography:[/b] Flagg screamed in fury. All of his plans had been demolished by this one fanatical man. The Trashcan Man. It was he that had brought the ultimate weapon, what he called [i]'the big fire'[/i], back to Las Vegas. And it was him that would be his undoing. Flaggs mind flashed back to the events of the previous months. He had helped the computer to malfunction at the science facility, allowing the infected man the ability to escape before the compound sealed itself off to the world. He had spread the virus with unbelievable speed. Before the next week was up, he'd infected four. That four had infected twenty. And so on. What it boiled down to was a %99.7 mortality rate. But even %.03 of the human populace was a formidable number. And so, in the good ole USA, a nightly battle was waged. Him, Flagg, infesting the no-good souls of Americas filth with visions of the west. Of Vegas, and of him. And they had come. But they had also went to Boulder, Colorado with the dreams the old [i]*****[/i] and her [i]God[/i] were sending them. He had more. While they were over there trying to preform a census, he was getting the lights on. While they were just turning on the lights, he was arming B-52 Bombers with Shrike Missiles. He would exterminate them and have the entire world to himself. He knew he was the one. Why else would he have flashbacks of past lives and be able to do magic? He screamed as the blue/white ball of energy decended toward the Atomic Bomb. His human facade faded, and he truely was the Devils Imp again, for a few brief seconds. His cat-like eyes glared at the end, but then a calm washed over him. It didn't matter if he was to die right here. He had another purpose now. To save himself, and everything else, so his conquest could continue. [b]Armaments:[/b] A bit of magic, nothing extreme though. Simple elemental manipulation. A bit of telekenesis. [b]Sample Post:[/b] Flagg walked down the highway toward Vegas. It was two weeks before the end, and he couldn't have been happier. His bride was in Las Vegas, waiting for him with her simple, destroyed mind, with his evil seed planted firmly in her virgin womb. Things were going well, even if the last spy from Boulder had eluded him. It was going to end soon, and he was going to win. His bootheels clicked on the pavement, the only sound out in this barren waste besides the sand whippping against your coat. Of course he could just transform into a crow and fly back to Vegas, a power he had only during his most powerful moments, but he didn't want to. Not today. It was a beautiful day, blue skies and well over a hundred degrees. He knew that the four were on their way toward him. They were making less than forty miles a day, and it would take them at least another week to reach one of the roadblocks he had set up to catch them. He smiled to himself and thought of what he would do to them when he caught them. It didn't matter that they saw him as the bad guy. Maybe he was. But it was also his time. His time to rule. Too long had he sat back and watched as he manipulated kings from the sidelines. It was his turn. He stuffed his hands in his pockets. Maybe cruxifiction. That would be fitting, and he hadn't abstained from that activity already. He topped a hill and laid eyes, always a dazzling sight no matter how many times it happens, on Las Vegas. It looked no more than a fifty miles away to his sharp eyes, but the desert has a way of magnifying things. He knew it was at least another two or three days walk. Flagg walked until the sun went down, then he built a small fire ate a meal of leftover rabbit, and went to sleep, dreaming of how he would hurt the people in Boulder.[/size]
  21. [size=1]How many books can you name offhand? Ten? Twenty? Maybe as many as fifty? Each of these bound pages contains a world as real as our own. The writer weaves the intricacies of their existence with the detail of a surgeon. Each world is real, because we make it real. We live the adventure. We empathize with the characters. We cry when a person dies, or cheer when the antagonist falls. But what if these world existed in another way? Aside from how we perceive them through twelve point font and black type? Every few hundred years, an Author is born. This person holds the power of creation in the palm of his hand. Not only are his stories made flesh, but every story he reads. Every word his eyes pass over, is made into reality. Each word written or read, becomes real in a freshly crafted dimension. But this power comes with a terrible price. The Author will eventually write his demise. He will bring into existence a being that has the ability to slip in and out of any and all dimensions. It's sole purpose is the undoing of the Author. This battle between creator and created has been waged for as long as myths and fables have existed. When an Author dies, all of his stories die with him, fading into the sands of time as a momentary New York Times Best Seller. The Authors name is Samuel Ceaser. He lives in Chicago, and is the writer of several published works, and dozens of short stories ranging from fantasy to science fiction. He is an avant reader as well as writer, with more than a thousand books under his nearsighted belt. He is currently working on a story by the name of [u]Critical Juncture[/u]. The adversary for himself that has been written goes by the name of Richard Fry. He is a budding Elemental Mage in the early 21st century. He knows of his purpose, but not yet how to accomplish the dimensional shift. The rules have changed this time around. Not only is Mr. Fry aware of the 'game', other characters have had their eyes opened. For some, it's not an easy thing to accept that their world isn't the only one. That they have to somehow attempt to save their creator, their God. Others accept it without a hint of hesitation, realizing what the consequences of doing nothing would be, eradication. This band of heros will determine the fate of this young, yet ultimately important, man. ??? ? Ok, so this is the first shot at an RPG I've done in a while. I really like the premise, and I'd really like to have a great crew for it. ? It will be in free-form format, no chapters here, and posting will be on a first come first serve basis. ? You can sign up as whatever character you want. You can make one up, or take your favorite character from a story or novel, as long as you provide a bio written by yourself on the existing character. ? Anyone signing up with any kind of anime or manga character will have an automatic bias from me, so don't expect to get in as Inuyasha unless it's an ungodly good signup. ? There is an extreme amount of freedom with the signup. Let your mind wander and your creativity run wild. ??? [i]Signups[/i] [b]Name:[/b] Be creative. [b]Age:[/b] Once again, be creative but realistic. No 3000 year old regular humans. [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] Pictures are optional, but detailed descriptions earn you more boyscout points. [b]Biography:[/b] Either give me a summary of the story your character is from, if you opt in that direction, or one you've written for the character you've created. [b]Armaments (if applicable):[/b] Not every person in every story wields a weapon of some kind. Nor is it a requirement in this RPG. A good mind can be deadlier than just about anything. [b]Sample Post:[/b] Give me an example of a typical day in the life of your character. No length is specified, so feel free to write as much or as little as you want. Quality over quantity.[/size]
  22. Corey


    [quote name='Lady Katana][color=darkblue][size=1]As someone who speaks fluent Ebonics, if it weren't for that "bogus," you'd have had it pegged, lol.[/size'][/color][/quote] [size=1]Well, the new slang for bogus around my parts (Milwaukee, WI, USA) seems to be 'bogey'. But whenever someone says it, I always think of some random flight simulator game. Or a booger. So I don't use it. *shrug*[/size]
  23. Corey


    [size=1]Yo. Peep dis, holmes. College ain't everything them haters be sayin' it is, yo. Tha mindset be way diffrent, cuz. Just about all tha peeps that get their learn on, are actually there to learn, yo! It be totally diffrent than that bogus highschool BS. *shakes head* Whoa, I don't know what that was all about. Anyway, college [i]is[/i] a lot different. You don't get a lot of the people that go there just because they have to, like in highschool. When I go to class, there's always a kind of 'good mind vibe' that makes you instinctively ready to learn. And as for the indecisiveness, yeah, everyone goes through it. You have no idea how long it took me to decide on a career goal.[/size]
  24. [size=1][i]Real World Statistics[/i] [b]Name:[/b] Corey Roos [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Personality:[/b] Corey leans more toward the spontaneous side of life. He's a thrill seeker and an adventurer at heart. Corey is the kind of guy you'd love to have around you in a tight spot, just for the sheer speed he makes good decisions. He cares deeply for his friends and would rather see himself hurt than any of them. [b]Physical Description:[/b] Corey stands at about 6' 2" with an average build. His love of the outdoors keeps him in good shape. His hair is a sunbleached brown andhis complexion a light tan. He has medium sized bright eyes with a glimmer of happiness almost always in them. The corners of his small lipped mouth are almost always turned upward. He shaves daily. Corey can usually be seen in a pair of dark jeans with a earth tone tshirt. On cooler days he wears a brown jacket. [b]Background:[/b] Corey grew up in a rough section of town, but always maintained a positive outlook on life. He never knew how bad in was until they left. But that didn't matter. They moved to a nice place with a lot of trees and fields. He had the time of his life darting into the woods with his friends or running through the fields in springtime, watching the birds and insects scatter around him. In secondary school, he always bothered his science teacher to take them on field trips to the woods, or to a science center at least. When highschool came, he was all the more psyched about the possible adventures he'd be having. He joined the wrestling team and ranked fourth in the league. He was involved with a few girls, but none that were real. All they were attracked to was his athletic ability and letter jacket. Every chance he got, he'd go camping with a few friends or his family. But that was before Third Edge. With that game, you could camp any time you wanted. Just jack yourself in and explore. Some things in the digital world will never be as good as nature. But Third Edge comes in a close second. [b]Extra Info:[/b] N/A [i]In Game Statistics[/i] [b]User Name:[/b] Flagg [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Armour:[/b] A medium weight Obsidian Plate Mail forged around a Dragon Scale Mantle. [b]Weapon:[/b] A basic carbon-steel longsword embued with a dexterity enhancing spell. The sword is not terribly powerful, but the spell makes it almost as light as a feather. [b]Shield:[/b] An oblong Adamantine Shield that clips onto his left forearm for incerased control while blocking. [b]Class:[/b] Fighter [b]Upgrade:[/b] Knight [b]Physical Description:[/b] Flagg stands at an intimidating 7' 6" clad in his midnight black plate mail. When in the heat of battle, or when emotions are running particularly high, his eyes glow a deep blue inside his helmet. His sword and shield clip onto his back when not in use. With his armour off, he looks almost identical to how he does in the real world, only taller and dressed in all black.[/size]
  25. [size=1]Older, for the most part. I doubt anybody got younger, but who knows. It might have happened.[/size]
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