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Everything posted by Corey
[size=1]For being a movie based off of a video game, and having The Rock in it, it was a damn good movie. But that's not saying much.[/size]
[size=1]Well, I'm kind of dating Gavin. He doesn't know about it, but I hope to tell him soon. I'm kind of leary about taking the camera out of his house, because I just can't stand not seeing him for more than an hour at a time. He's my love muffin.[/size]
[size=1]Heh, I think it might be difficult for people to mispronounce my name, but I suppose I'll be surprised. "Kor-ee". It's the name I was born into. My dad wanted to name me Otto. I can't quite tell, even to this day, if he's kidding or not.[/size]
[size=1]I've never had a problem with my iPod. I've dropped it on concrete and it still works fine. It also holds photos and is one of the last 30gig models ever made. It's more music than I'm ever going to need, you should seriously keep that in mind when you buy an MP3 player. Sure 40 or 50 gigs sounds nice, but that's more music than you're probably ever going to own. I have my entire music library, over seven days of music, and it barely takes up 9gigs. If I wouldn't have gotten my 30gig iPod as a gift, I probably would have bought an iPod Mini. They're smaller, and just as good as the regular ones, with more realistic storage space. And a little known fact about iPods, I'm not sure if it's true for all MP3 players, is that you can use them as a separate hard drive to store data and other things besides music.[/size]
[size=1]I'd be pissed I died without ever having seen Ireland. That's pretty much it.[/size]
[size=1]OOC: My apologies everyone. ??? Corey ran a hand across his face. The restaurant had a pompous air. He felt out of place in it's back booth, but the maitre d' became more than friendly when he handed him twenty bucks, American. Corey had come into this place hoping to find an end to this insanity, be it men in white coats, or a loaded pistol with his name on it. But it didn't feel like an end. Meeting this girl, Sakura, felt like just another step on the long winding road of insanity. He took out a pack of cigarettes and lit one up with a wooden match, savoring the scent of sulfur. The tip of the cigarette glowed brightly for a long time before he removed it from his mouth and exhaled a cloud of blueish grey smoke. He closed his eyes and imagined for a moment that it was all a dream. He'd wake up at a friends house finding out this had been one terrible LSD trip. His father would be alive. He wouldn't have lost twenty pounds in the last two days. And he wouldn't be in France. He stuck the cigarette back between his lips and opened his eyes. Sakura was watching him from the other side of the table. [b]Sakura-[/b] "Are you ok?" What a foolish question. He hit his cigarette again snubbed it out in the ashtray. [b]Corey-[/b] "No, I'm not. Neither are you, so it seems." He could feel the emotion bottled inside beginning to expand, like a soda can shaken up. It wouldn't take much to explode right now... [b]Sakura-[/b] "What do you mean?" He looked at her for a long time. She dropped her gaze and a waiter walked up to the table. [b]Waiter-[/b] "What can I get for you?" Corey shifted his harrowed stare to the waiter. [b]Corey-[/b] "Coffee, black." [b]Waiter-[/b] "Anything to eat Sir?" Corey shook his head, looking back at Sakura. "And you Madame?" [b]Sakura-[/b] "Just water please..." The waiter nodded and walked away to get the drinks. Corey breathed deeply. [b]Corey-[/b] "I assume you're family has been destroyed." She nodded, surprised. "As has mine, or at least I assume. My father was killed in front of my eyes. I can only surmise that whatever is behind this has taken care of the rest of my family too." He felt tears close in back of his eyes and fought them off. "You asked if I was ok," he pulled a cigarette out of the pack and lit it. "The answer, like I said before, is no. I feel like a coward for coming here. I should be back in my hometown BURYING MY FUCKING FAMILY!" He suddenly surged at her, the poptop on his soda can flicked open. Her eyes shot into an 'O' of surprise. "I followed some [i]fucking[/i] voice halfway across the damn world! I've been in three airports! I haven't eaten since before this shit started! I lost my family! I lost my life! And now I'm sitting here with some [i]fucking girl[/i], wondering what the hell she is supposed to help me wi-" Corey sat down hard, having stood up at some point. She had slapped him. Hard. He could still feel it. He ran his hand over his cheek. It felt tender. Sakura stood in front of him fuming. [b]Sakura-[/b] "You think I feel the same things?! I do! I feel exactly the way..." Her voice had trailed off to nothingness in his ears. He could still see her lips moving, but all he heard was white noise. It took him a moment to register that his face was beginning to hurt more. He could clearly feel the outline of her hand where it struck him. In fact, it felt on fire. He rubbed the side of his face very roughly, hoping to dull the pain. It didn't work. Tears formed at the corners of his eyes and squeezed out onto his face. It hurt so bad, like having an iron pressed against your cheek. He threw a glass of water on himself, but the pain didn't stop. It crawled up his face and all around his head, until his skull was one gigantic globe of white-hot pain. He contorted his face and screamed. Then all at once, it stopped. He opened his clenched eyes and found himself in front of the first house he live in. They had moved out only a few years back. He had the indulgence of hope for one fleeting second that the last four years of his life had been a dream. But then he caught sight of himself walking home from down the block. He remembered this day, how the sun hadn't seemed exactly bright enough for such a sunny day. He put it off as simply being tired. A man stepped out of an alleyway and spoke to the younger version of himself. The man had been a drug dealer. Well known around the neighborhood as one, but no one ever had enough evidence to take him down. He had offered Corey four orange pills with little smiley faces stamped on them, told him they would make him have a good time. Corey had been tempted for a moment, having tried pot only a few weeks ago for the first time. He thought of his mother, and how much it would hurt her to know he did any kind of drugs, and declined. He could almost feel corporeal rage pouring out of the man. He could have almost swore his eyes had flashed red. But that was just kid stuff, making monsters out of mice. Right? He opened his eyes on the floor, with the waiter and maitre d' standing over him. [b]Corey-[/b] "I'm ok..." He could taste dried vomit in his mouth. "I'm... Uhh... Epileptic. Yeah, forgot to take my meds..." He stood up and saw Sakura also on the ground, he rushed over to her.[/size]
[quote name='Juuthena']Who's Pedro? I've asked several people wearing 'Vote for Pedro' shirts who he is and I don't think a single one has given me a response... I guess I'm the only one.[/quote] [size=1]It's from the movie Napoleon Dynamite. Not the best movie, but pretty fun when you've had a bit to drink.[/size]
[size=1]Free speech is just that. Free speech. If you don't like it, don't listen. No one is forcing you to do it. In the specific case of yelling "fire" in a crowded area where there is no fire, that is not free speech, and is, in fact against the law. I'm trying to find the [i]actual[/i] law, but it's proving harder than expected. It has something to do with endangering the safety of others.[/size]
[size=1]I'd say, in the specific case of the Bird Flu, it's probably due to the fact of humans moving into areas that the local wildlife lives in, destroying their habitats, and then eating the diseased deceased animals because they live in poverty. If I was a hobo, roadkill would look like a 25oz Porterhouse.[/size]
[size=1]We all grow and improve our abilities. There's no reason why any of that thread should embarrass any of the members it contains.[/size]
[size=1]Brasil, Drix may be your lifemate, but I am now officially your slave for life. You rock. I'm going dressed as Duncan MacLeod from the Highlander Sagas.[/size]
[quote name='Lunox][color=darkslateblue']Two of my best friends are seriously scared out of their wits of The Ring.[/color][/quote] [size=1]Anyone that is scared of [i][b]that[/b][/i] movie shouldn't be allowed to breed. The human race doesn't need that kind of idiocy in the gene pool.[/size]
[quote name='Gavin][SIZE=1']Most excellent payback Corey, though I would be interested to here what prompted such a retaliation in the first place.[/SIZE][/quote] [size=1]I need a reason? But in all seriousness, he used a sharpie permanent marker to color my entire face black while I was passed out in the back seat of someones car one adventure filled night.[/size]
[quote name='AnimeFront']Getting a couselor maybe overdoing it a little. If youhave a problem looking at or coping with death in such away as a car wreck, then talking to friends and family maybe be best. When my next door neighbor was murdered by her boyfriend in her driveway, I was the first to find her, here was a lot of blood but i didnt really get so mixed up inside, I was like ok a dead body. But that is just me. I didnt need to talk to anyone because death in gruesome ways just doesnt bother me. Talking to people may be the bst solution, but paying for a counselor is a little overdoing it. Also you might want to look at pictures at Rotten.com, not to be sick and morbid but they may help you cope with gruesome death.[/quote] [size=1]Not everyone is as stong in mind as you. You saw a dead body. Something completely lifeless and unable to hurt you in any way, shape, or form. sbrebaby saw a living, breathing person utterly mangled. It's a completely different situation. sbrebaby, I truely hope you get through this. You are a rare person to stop and help like that, and because you did, you are truely a pinnacle individual of humanity.[/size]
[size=1]Methylene blue dye in Blue Rasberry Kool-Aid. My friends urine was bright blue for three days. He has yet to get back at me with the proper calibur of prank to equal mine.[/size]
[size=1]I don't know of any off the top of my head, but have you tried Google? You'd be surprised how much stuff you can find on there.[/size]
[size=1]You're going to want me to post my flashback in the post too, right? I'm slightly confused about that right now.[/size]
[quote name='James][font=franklin gothic medium']It's that time again, my dear children. ~_^[/font][/quote] [size=1]YAY! Wait a second... It's not time for you to steal Christmas yet.[/size] [quote name='James][font=franklin gothic medium][b]A) Which aspect of [qOtakuBoards do you find to be the most negative/confusing?[/b'][/font][/quote] [size=1]Personally, I've never been able to (ever since we switched to 7) get the correct time for me on the boards. If I turn DST on, it reads a hour less than my time. If I turn it off, it reads a hour later than what it should be. I'm not sure if it's just my browser (Safari 2.0.1), or just something I'm missing. It's nothing major, but thought I'd mention it.[/size] [quote name='James][font=franklin gothic medium][b]B) What is your favorite aspect of OtakuBoards?[/b'][/font][/quote] [size=1]My absolute favorite aspect is, and will always be, the Adventure Arena/Inn. Just seeing the stories people come up with, from all levels of experience, just boggles my mind. And how a story can morph and change into something completely different with the players there is amazing.[/size]
[size=1][b]Name:[/b] Allen McGrath [b]Age:[/b] 42 [b]Nationality:[/b] Caucasian (he comes from Caucasia o_O) [b]Appearance:[/b] Allen stands at about 6 feetand 240 lbs. His hair is short, and light brown with the first streaks of grey working it's way in. He keeps his facial hair cut short, but still wears a cropped beard and mustache. Allen usually dresses in an older brown suit, but is also fond of a solid black tshirt and bluejeans. [b]Personality:[/b] He is a calm and caring man, always putting his students before himself. He is quick to act, but prefers to think things out before acting. He trusts easily, sometimes a little too easily. [b]Biography:[/b] After going through the normal 12 grades of school, Allen went to college to become an English teacher. He got his degree and went to work for the local technical college, teaching anything from Philosophy 210 to English 101. Sometimes, he put his job over his personal life, leading to a very lonely romantic life. But he's content to teach. As long as he can make a differance in one life, it doesn't matter how he feels. He'd been feeling down lately. Something felt different. His mind was cloudy. Words wouldn't form as quickly as they used to. He had went to the doctor and they told him that he was beginning to suffer from the onset of Alzheimer's disease. Cases of Alzheimer's were rare at such an early age, but not unknown. He had been walking to one of the classes he taught when it happened. [b]Powers:[/b] Telekinisis.[/size]
[QUOTE=Bondage boy]ok i love techno because its almost always happpy muzik its hard to be sad and listen to techno i like not using punctuation because it makes my posts reconizable[/QUOTE] [size=1]What it does is make your posts a pain in the *** to read. And if you choose to pick a fight with a mod, you'll lose, regardless of how recognizable you are.[/size]
[quote name='Aiko][COLOR=Red']i have gone to dozens of raves.[/COLOR][/quote] [size=1]Hmmm... Only sixteen and been to dozens of raves... For some reason I question this statement, but whatever. I would say, assuming that it is true, that your parents need to exert a bit more control over you. Plus I'm relatively sure it's against the law for you to be there, being underaged (unless your parents took you, which would be awesome). Both of the raves I went to were after I turned 18.[/size] [quote name='Mr. Maul][FONT=Garamond][SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkGreen]I believe that you don't need to be "trippin" to have a good time at a rave, because if everyone around you is f'd on E, then you start to act like it, too.[/COLOR][/SIZE'][/FONT][/quote] [size=1]Huh? People on ecstacy don't make other people act like they're on ecstacy. It doesn't affect you unless you took some, whereas if you're in the same general area as someone who is smoking pot you can get a second-hand high. Ecstacy is a pill. Not something that you can get any kind of second-had high off of.[/size]
[size=1]Understandable. I am glad that I asked before I went on with the topic. Thanks James.[/size]
[quote name='Akari_Demon']The good type of raves take place in wharehouses. Ones that are in giant cornfields are kinda of hard to here because there is no echo.[/quote] [size=1]Not when they have all the speakers on ten-foot tripods in a gigantic circle pointing inward. ^_^[/size]
[size=1]I'd like to start up a drug abuse help/prevention/information thread here on the OB. From what I know of the people here, there aren't a lot of addicts, but I'm sure there are some. I wanted, 1), to get clearance for this before I posted it and, 2), to ask if there is any feature available to implement an anonymous posting option, or allow 'Guest' posts in the thread. I'd like to keep it anonymous for the people that don't want their problems to be publically known. For the 'Guest' posts, they could log out from their normal OB username and post as a Guest, signing their name or anything else.[/size]
[quote name='Retribution][SIZE=1']Anyway, do you dance in a rave, or do you just kind of ... move around? It doesn't look like there's much room for dancing, save putting your hands in the air and shakin' it. Heh.[/SIZE][/quote] [size=1]For the non-sober Rave I attended, I danced for hours until my lungs burned and my body ached. For the sober one, I just kinda cruised for interesting people... Though the ones on ecstacy always seemed to find me... E makes people love everyone and anyone. Not a huge turn on. I usually ended up literally pulling them off me and placing them in someone elses arms. Taking advantage of drugged up people isn't my thing.[/size]