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Everything posted by Hyper

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i] [B][color=ff00cc] [size=1]Well... Raiha, Rico, Endymon, and I live in the Bay Area. ^_^; [/color] [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] *Gasp* Me too! *Keeps a lookout* Ultima Legacy, O-Zone, Z.O.E also live near by me. I was the one who showed 'em the board. *Looks for Otaku-ites/ons/whatever*
  2. [spoiler]Did you just say Anima was a her?[/spoiler] Anywas, my current problem is Evrae. I do my strategy from far-away using Wakka, and Lulu, then my variable character (Tidus/Rikku). I can have Lulu do magic, Wakka attack, Tidus haste, and Rikku heal (I love those Al Bhed Potions) and I can pretty much handle it. (To beat him, this would take me about 36 turns to use this strategy solidly) BUT, when he starts using Swooping Scythe, the problem starts. Pull back. Simple? Well he does it again! Will he/she keep doing this? Will Evrae keep Swoopin' until we're in close range Or is it a coincedence/annoyance that he used it twice? I'm pretty sure that's just a coincedence (I don't know how to spell it >.
  3. Did you notice that this duel seemed to go awfully quick? Like in the Espa and Arcana duels, it didn't seem that they were playing very many cards, as if they were taking their time. This Joey duel had cards being played rapidly. The turn alternation was super fast, like in a few mintes they've already cycled through however many turns it would take Joey and Espa 10-15 minutes. Just a weird observation...
  4. How do aeon's learn the Shield ability? I have no clue. :( And I heard its very helpful for the three aeon battle.
  5. Hyper

    The Big Day

    After rather long vow exchanging program, the wedding finally came to and end with the final lines of the ceremony. James: I know pronounce you Husband and Wife! The croud burst into appluase with screams of laughfter and joy. James: You may now kiss the bride! Hyper felt happy. The happiest day in his life. He couldn't resist smiling! Pure bliss. :) James turned to the crowd. James: Audience, i give you Mr. and Mrs. Hyper (Weird naming process; don't ask ;)) Hyper and Kitty walked down the isle. They are officially married on Valentines Day as of 4:41 PM Pacific Time! YAY!
  6. Hyper

    The Big Day

    Hyper almost started to panic. He'd never done this before. Sure there were rehearsals, but it seemed different. This was the real thing. All for the better though. Hyper: I do.
  7. Hyper

    The Big Day

    Hyper stood near the alter, and next to priest. Around him were several vines of flowers, and in the audience he saw almost everyone he knew. Friends, family, etc. Then he finaly saw his bride walka round the corner. There she was, in slight confusion, talkng to the preista bout what to do next. She walked down the isle. Hyper smiled.
  8. Hyper

    The Big Day

    Hyper: "Does this suit make me look.. a bit weird?" He turned around and looked at himself in a mirror. He made sure everything was ready. Checked the weather, made sue how many guests were coming, and checked with the priest and such. Hyper: Wonder how everything is going...?
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kinetic [/i] [B][color=darkblue] I must get this and the one coming to PS2 (not only because of the 3D monster graphics, but because it has the Valkyrion pieces).[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Ahh that's where the little warriors are! I asume you're talking about Duelist of the Roses?
  10. Don't forget TP1, TP2, and soon to be TP3. From the tournament packs, seasons 1,2, and 3. ;)
  11. Next game for the GBA is going to be released. (YAY!) Yu-Gi-Oh! World Wide Edition: Stairway to the Destined duel is the sequel to EDS. It comes in different languages, hence the World Wide part. Also this has a unique feature, with the Battle City mode, allowing you to enter the tournament and compete. Also, the promos have been anounced: Harpie Feather Duster (Remember Gryphon Wing?) Sinister Serpent (Gotta love this card) Valkyrion the Magna Warrior (The Trio of warrios were/will be available in some promo release) Having to staples (Some people consider SS as one) and a great game, this looks promising!
  12. Swap an Exterminator (NoE) for another Crosser-Outer. (NoC) If you get counter traps like Mirror Force and such, using Exterminator could disable thoose cards for the rest of the duel. Bad way to lose traps. Jinzo works better, seeing as how it more temporary. Card destruction is a key magic card here. Awesome drawing and discarding power. See if you can get Premature Burial and Call of the Haunted to add to his deck. Try to work in some Cheerful Coffins. Better yet in Match when Peggy Starter comes, try to get those Graceful Charities that come. again great discarding and drawing power in those cards. So the ideal GG strategy is discard, then reborn. See how well that works for you. Great start.:)
  13. Actually, Solo, combining Magical Armor EXE with a card called Skill Drain counters the effect. Skill Drain cancels the effect of face up monsters. You wouldn't have have to switch Goblin Attack Force to defense mode, nor pay the EXE cost. Very handy. ;)
  14. When using Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon (Domon's deck right?) have three Thunder Dragons. Its effect, and having three in your deck, make it much easier to pull off.
  15. OB is a place to communicate and discuss Yu-Gi-Oh! Not for trading. There are other places for that.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kinetic [/i] [B][color=darkblue] You have Summoned Skull, but not the right cards to support it all.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Summoned Skull doesn't need really any support. You can just toss it in there (Maintaining a small amount of high-level monsters) for a bit of power. That's what makes it so versatile. But to bring its full potential in like a (Dark)Beatdown, some support is required, but nothing more than field cards and power-ups.
  17. *Adds Disney deal to list of hated things* They're doign everything to get attention and sales. Tis a sad thing... Why even put them into magna form? Better off the way they are now.
  18. Since it seems nobody knows, I'll guess I'll tell everybody. It's Beast of talwar. The English PSV card came before the Japanese one, which shortly was released in the Japanese Collector Tins.
  19. Nope. Hint: [spoiler]Its one of the new cards. (In a set that have been released)[/spoiler]
  20. That would be Compensation of Blood. Correct? Which English TCG card came before the Japanese version of the card?
  21. I know that. But there are two approaches to Black Paladin. Either BM theme with a bit of fusion. Or Dragon Destroyer (BB) with fusion. Each requires its own kind of support. Choose which approcah to use. Dragon Destroyers with BP are more effective.
  22. But the BEWD won't be in English. UD doesn't do reprints like those.
  23. Try focusing more on either BM or BB. Selecting one will help narrow your card choices.
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mztik_Gohan10 [/i] [B]Such as Trap Hole can be used as an opponent is attacking.[/B][/QUOTE] Actually, Trap Hole is used when a monster is summoned. That's the only time its effect comes into play.
  25. I believe we have another Joey duel. [spoiler]]Joey vs. Weevil[/spoiler]
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