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Everything posted by Hyper
My friends and I just go off to our on little place where we duel to our heart's content. Althouh sometimes it gets windy and to avoid the risk of our cards blowing (It happens; But nothing was lost) we head to our classroom and just duel there.
Besides the availability and pool of cards, I've noticed a couple differences. In Japan, you can pretty much make a deck and theme about anything. In the English TCG, the only types of decks you can use have very limited choices. The English 1:1 ratio doesn't necessarily apply for Japanese decks. I've seen some with as little as 12 monsters and 30 Magics and Traps. The theme for English can be different in Japanese. For instance the burner deck. In English this would usually have cards like Gravity Bind, Hayabusa Knight, and other Direct Damage monsters along with M/T stuff such as Ookazi and Tremendous Fire. Thats the greatesttyp of Burner in English. In Japan, thats about the worst type of burner. This does have to do with card pulls a bit. The new burners in Japan focus o other cards, sucha s Drug reaction, Big Bang Girl and stuff. The metagame for Japan is different, so new cards and strategies are more likely. Now these are few I've noticed. Besides "They have 302 Unino cards", what similarities differences have you noticed?
Hope I can make another one. Fun. Name: Mini-Hyper Magic Type: Dark Type: Sorcerer Plushie! (Can I do that?) Pictue: [url=http://otakuworld.com/mascot/art/Sephiroth.gif]Click[/url] Plushie Protecter - All special effects, traps, and magics do not effect HyperShadow while this monster is on the field. (I'm not expecting this little guy to be strong) Plushi Kick - MiniHyper runs up and kicks opponent in the shins. (Size is an advantage) The fun begins. *giggles*
Heh. Fire decks are hard. I've tried making them and it had to be the hardest to make yet. I'd be ncie to see Altron's deck.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Beelzebumon [/i] [B]Getting all rares and super rares isn't actually an error; it's just a statistical improbability. You know the statistics for getting the rares? Well, you can calculate the odds of a single pack containing nothing but rares based on that. I could do it myself, but I'm too lazy. The point is, I can theoretically pick up a PSV pack with Jinzo, Thousand eyes Restrict, Premature Burial, Call of the Haunted, Ceasefire, Goblin Strike force and others, but the odds against it are very high. As you've clearly demonstrated, though, it's not impossible. [/B][/QUOTE] That would be usefull. Exactly how can you do this?
An important think to have is a 1:1 ratio. Remove and replace a few cards until your traps are equa to your monsters. 20 of each helps. Magics and Traps are important, but what good are they with no monsters to protect yourself with?
I know a lot of duelists who use Kuribohs in they're deck. Although not many of them put them into battle...
You've got most of the right cards, and a solid attempt. But some cards just don't belong. Try not to mix Relinquished and a Beatdown deck. Missing a few trap staples. Just try to focus eveyrhting with duplicates and such.
Well in one of my booster boxes I got to rares. Both super rares. (Fairy Meteor Crush and Nobleman of Crossout) 25 beats 24. Heh.
And beatdowns. Those are the most popular, due to the large amounts of power-house monsters in the current game invironment.
Heh. Lets see. A deck requires 40 cards. Organize this anyway yuo wish, but tis good to have an equal balance like 20 monsters, 14 magics, 6 traps. Decks should and packs should be sold at any local card store. It really depends on whats available to you. If you plan on getting a deck, you could one of the Yugi or Kaiba starters, but in March the Pegasus and Joey starters will be released. Those will be the better of the four. For opening attack monsters, make sure they have at least 1800+ attack. (Seven Colored Fish, La Jinn) Or the card should have really good effect (Like Cyber Jar or Ma-Eater bug) And maybe if you're using defense, use card with 2000+ defense. Always be sure to have a deck THEME. This is the focus of your deck. theOtaku.com has good info about deck themes, but tis really your choice. Sicne if you fo to theOtaku I won't need to explain the staple cards if you read the deck-building article. But here is how you telll the rarity of cards. They are either First Editon or Unlimited. It will have a mark saying whether or not it is First Edition. Black or white Letters, no holographic picture: Common Silver Letters, no holographic picture: Normal Rare Holographic picture, normal writing: Super Rare Gold Letters, holographic picture: Ultra rare Rainbow letetrs, holographic picture with a "prism" design (You'll know it when you see it) Promo or Secret Rare (Most likely this one) If you need mroe help, just ask. This should give you a good start on what to do.
Welll character decks by Battle City ruels can sometimes be effective if they're made properly.
Solemne Judgement. I guess because it was the only good counter card that I had at the time. Still pretty good. Its gotten me out of several tight jams before.
New update: UpperDeck WILL be putting Red-Eyes in the Joey Deck, along with Relinquished in the Pegasus deck. Both in Ultra-Rare versions. I still don't know about Poly. [img]http://www.yugiohrealms.com/images/starter_j.gif[/img][img]http://www.yugiohrealms.com/images/starter_p.gif[/img]
I used to look out the windows and doors in an anonymous manner so that people thoguht I was looking for a way to escape.
Ginny, you're a brave person to come out and say this. Although I wouldn't know much to say, since I can't really relate. But stay strong :) *Gives Ginny more Auron plushies*
Heh thats another one. The TV Show style. I've beeen meaning to try the battle City rules in duel myself.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by egyptgirl [/i] [B]King Piranha Level: 7 Type: Water Attribute: Fish Desciption: The King of Piranhas and the deadliest creature in the Amazon River. ATK: 2650 DEF: 2000 Take that all you Amazoness cards!!! WHAHAHA! :D [/B][/QUOTE] My fun begins...lol Amazoness Fisherman (Err...woman) Level: 4 Type: Earth Attribute: Warrior Effect: Gain half of the attack of the opposing monster if it is a WATER main type. ATK: 1900 DEF: 500 Take that. Heheheheh ::giggles::
We all know the basic TCG rules right? But does anyone here play with some sort of special rules or victory conditions? I've played with a group of different styles of playing. Here's a list of some of the msot common. Have anyone palyed these kinds? Which style other than the official rules do you normally play by? No Tributes - Possibly the most common style other than the real rules. Obviously, you play with no tributes. Per Ante (0.o;; okay..) - The winner gets to take one rare card rare card from the losers deck. Hehe.This comes in several forms. Usually me and my friends play with just normal rares, no supers, ultras, or secret rares. Really helps get good cards. But dangerous to play. I don't take staples or anything too important. Tag Team - Just like in the duels with the Labyrinth brothers and the Mask brothers. This can be very fin. I usually play 2 vs. 2. and it works great. Tyhis is really fun. So whats YOUR style?
I'd try to concentrate your theme a lot more. Get rid of all those cards that are minorities in your decks focus. Cards such as Umi don't belogn in this deck. Try getting a few mroe Summone Skulls and to cut down on some of those useless tribute monsters like Illusionist Faceless Mage.
Think of it this way: Would you rather have one Direct Damage attacker (Rainbow Flower for example) or have 5 (DD Attackers) of them? Try getting some Goblin Attack Forces. Although they seem to be excess, they can be very helpful.
Name: HyperShadow Magic: Dark Type: Sorceror Pic: My Avi. But thats a whole other thing... Effects and abilities: 1) Maelstrom - Do damage to all thing son the field, including self and increase atatck by 300, for one turn. 2) Summon - Special Effect - Summon a monster to the field. For one turn only.
Although in the English TCG, although there is know distinguish between sacrifice and tribute, if you know what cards require what, it can help determine rulings. Cannon Soldier [i]sacrifices[/i] monster to do damage. In order to summon a Dark Magician, [i]tributes[/i] must be made.