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Everything posted by Hyper
[size=1]I just got ym Ace of base import Cd's, [i]Da Capo[/i] and [i]AOB Collection[/i]. As I'm posting at, it's Travel to Romantis, but I'm also soon to listen to Cruel Summer, Ceclia, and my fave, Tokyo Girl! I trade back and forth between the the old and new CD's. The newer ones are much better crafted, but the old ones are more my style.[/size]
[size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kiteS23 [/i] [B]Another question I would like to add though is, What is Cubia's purpose in the game. I personally think that he is a minion of Helba's that she used to test kite. [/B][/QUOTE] I personally thought that Cubia was just a highly evolved/[b]mutated[/b] virus expansion that was born and spread after Skeith was desroyed. But your theory makes sense. How else would Helba know it's name? I don't think it's in the Epitaph.[/size]
[size=1]Alright, Logan has filled me on the next step of MMOBU. Any member deciding to audition will post their entry piece right here. If you need a more thorough explanation check out the previous MMOBU thread.I just need to set a few rules down. -ALL entries must be recieved by midnight of the sixteenth. Entries after that will be ignored. -No copying! The judges expect all entries to be completely original. That means no copying other member's work, or any piece in general. If for any reason the judges suspect anything, they can PM the member. PM logan or myself with any questions. If I've forgotten anything, I'll let Logan add on. [/size]
[size=1]I have another gap. Heh. Key of the Twilight. No clue as to what it is, and readng the Epitaph analysis I think no one else does. So what could it be? I have two guesses. Either can be totally out of the question. Or not. -The braclet -The Aura's No why am I think this? Several reasons. I'll start with the bracelet. What is so special about the bracelet? Sure it can hack and Data Drain, but it's not the only thign that can. Helba can. Remember she gave you a Virus Core. And she also interupted your confrontation with Lios. I can't remember if it was protected, but I'm sure they had some protection. So what is unique about the bracelet? It glows when near Aura and the Phases. My second guess are the Aura's. Black and normla Aura. Just assume that Black Aura was Dark Aura. And that the other Aura was Light Aura (we think she is the "Shining Girl" so it can't be that hard). Now what comes between light and dark on an average day? Twilight. And that's all I know for now.[/size]
My friend tells me that something is trying to awake Aura differently. (Direct quote from him) Perhaps that might be Morganna? He didn't know the name.
[size=1]This contains information from Infection, if you haven't beaten it, you may not want to read this. On my way to fully understanding the .hack series I came across a gap, preventing me from a serious conclusion. What do the phases do? I know something is trying to awaken Aura differently, but I know very little. After you defeat a phase, the system temporarily crashes. (I just got into Mutation yesterday). Yet they have no introduction. All of a sudden they just start popping up. What do the phases have to do with the "Epitaph of Twilight"? Watch the cinematic of Skeith being Data drained form the Desktop. The video is called Phase One Skeith, Epitaph in Stone. Watch closely, and take a look at thew Data Drained Skeith. Now watch the video from the begining of the game. Remember that weird stone? It's exactly the same as the DD Skeith. And the same applies to Innis, and most likely the other phases. How can I link the two? Keep in mind, I have seen barely any of SIGN, and am not able to all the time.[/size]
[size=1][b]Boys:[/b] Gareth - My history teacher just had a baby last month. In class she'd tell us her name ideas. This one was my favorite. It also reminded me of Garet from Golden Sun. Darius - Again, my teacher's name ideas. Darius, King of the Persian Emperor. At least he was..for a short time. Ray - I just like the way it sounds. Names with "R" are cool. I have a friend named Ray, although that has nothing to do with it. [b]Girls:[/b] Jennifer - Dunno. It's a pretty name. Not too short or chopy. And it's the name of my favorite actress. (Jennifer Garner! Yahoo!) Kierra - Heh. Girls swoon over Orlando Bloom. So this should be self-explanatory if you think hard enough (Lol!). But like I said before, names with "R" are cool.[/size]
[size=1]Alright then, we have our four judges! Logan and I have chosen three others to join Ryan (our first judge). These judges without a doubt portray all of our desired requirements, and seem to be quite an intresting group of judges. So let's introduce our three new judges...*Cue drum roll* Raiha! DeathKnight! Maladjusted! If there has been any confusion, or for any reason one the judges has to back out, please PM either Logan or myself.[/size]
[size=1]Logan and I are looking for a few specific things in judges. These aspects will be important for having an objective and enjoyable team.[list] [*]High post quality. Need I say more? [*]Personality. Judges should arbitrate based on what they think, and personally is a great tool here. [*]Humor and wit. This is a fun contest, and to emphasize that, fun judges are required.[/list] And don't worry if you're not chosen as a judge; You can still try and showcase your talent as a contestant. Currently we're focued on finding the perfect judges.[/size]
[size=1]After some deliberation between Logan and I, we've decided that Ryan will be our first judge. Congrats, Ryan ^_^! Having only four empty oppurtunities, the judge selection [b]is not[/b] a first-come-first-serve system. Sorry for any difficulties, Hyper.[/size]
[size=1]This game actually looks fun. Usually I'm not drawn to DMC/Castlevania-ish games. The Legion is what caught my eye, and it really seems to be an innovative feature. I'd say that's the only reason I want to get this game. That and the cool names.[/size]
[size=1]Wouldn't you have to fight them [i]to[/i] kill them?[/size]
[size=1]A very old cat named Chico who's got skin cancer on his ear. Right now, we're just making sure he enjoys the rest of his days. I also have a chocolate lab named Abby, who just turned three. she often get's possed when chasing tennis balls, and other dogs (especially poodles) try to hit on her.[/size]
[size=1]I don't find a problem with them too much. It's only natural for some players to want to be the best, and PKing other players is just for fun. In every online game, such as Everquest, the situation usually is the same.[/size]
[size=1]A lot of my friends find the series boring. But I think that it is just not a simple action series. The plot is rather complex and I find it like a giant puzzle. The .hack franchise is just a different type of anime, that not too many people are used to.[/size]
[size=1]Is it actually hot keys? I figured that with the technology in the series, the virtual reality headset could respond to facial muscles activity and project them in "The World". But hotkeys [i]would[/i] be much easier.[/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shy [/i] [B][size=1]I was thinking that we could split up the Otaku Anime forums into two categories: Otaku Anime and Junior Otaku Anime. This would be done for two main reasons. [list=1] [*] To protect impressionable youth from the mature discussions such as "Sexiest Anime Character" that might arise. [*] Conversely, the original Otaku Anime could focus more serious discussion rather than the favorites topics that younger members love to make. [/list=1] Basically any anime that is generally geared for members 13 years old and under would be discussed in Junior Otaku Anime. Yu-Gi-Oh and Digimon are two of our most popular forums, but they obviously skew a much different audience than that of .hack//SIGN or Cowboy Bebop. Here is what I propose for the forums in each category.[list] [*]Otaku Anime: Anime Lounge, .hack//SIGN, Evangelion, Gundam, Yu Yu Hakusho [*]Junior Otaku Anime: Junior Anime Lounge, Dragonball, Yu-Gi-Oh, Digimon [/list] Junior Otaku Anime would be a little less strict than Otaku Anime, since the members who viist it would obviously be less mature. We can't hold 13 year olds up to the same standards as 25 year olds, and that has always been a problem we faced when punishing members. So yeah, if you want to write sillier stuff then post in Junior Otaku Anime, and if you want to have mature discussions about mature anime stay in Otaku Anime. [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1]I find a lot of flaws in that. I think it's almost putting a label on members. It'd end up being "Mature Adults" vs. "Spammy Little Kids aka Juniors" (You said something yourself along those lines). Not every 13-year old is the same. Post quality varies in each member. You're right though, there are a bunch of spammy teens, but I find that thought almost stereotypical. And what if an anime junior likes one of the mature categories? Good or bad discussions can come from any forum, I don't think it matters if it's juniors or mature people. OB enforces high post quality, and if that standard is kept strong, I see no need for junior forums because some young members don't read the rules. Protection from threads such as "Sexiest Anime Character"? There are other things that could use protecting. Some words aren't censored that may be more of a concern.[/size]
Besides the one you have to meet in order to finish the game, how can I obtain the member adresses of Natsume and Sanjuro. (I think there might be one more; Not sure) I had the keywords to Natsume area, but I wasn't told what server. I have no clue about the rest. Could somebody tell me what I have to do?
[size=1]Can anyone tell me what Server/Area Mu Guardians are found? I'm preparing for my battle with Skeith and I'm looking to make use of at least on of the Rare Twin Blades.[/size]
Relationships at 12 aren't worth it. I still have yet to see one last longer than 10 days. But what exactly do you need help with? You want to keep going out with her? Well just wait, I guess. If she's with someone else they'll break up pretty soon. It always happens. Especially over summer.
[size=1]Heh, this idea just came to me. I have to say, Animal Crossing is my new favorite game. And for all the people with the game, I think it would be nice to share your town, so just fill out this stuff for fun, if you'd like. [b][u]Town Stuff[/u][/b] [i]Town Name:[/i] Rockwood [i]Town Fruit:[/i] Cherries (Native), Pears, and Apples. [i]Town Tune:[/i] DEDEgagC Abbcgfaa [i]Villagers:[/i] Admiral, Yuka, Candi, Claude, Snooty, Sally, Bob, Woolio, Hank, Maddie, Vesta, Truffles, and Wart Jr. [i]Tom Nook's Store Design:[/i] Nookway [b][u]House Info[/u][/b] [i]Roof:[/i] Orange [i]Size:[/i] Huge House, huge basement. [i]House Themes:[/i] A rustic cabin theme. I plan on adding more western influences aswell. [i]Future House Plans:[/i] Add a second story. Top Floor be some kind of Asian/Zen theme. I want my basement to have a theme, but it won't allow carpets. Can I fix that? [i]House Music:[/i] Comrade K.K on the first floor, K.K. Love Song in the Basement. [i]Highest HRA Score:[/i] 5,419 [i]Current HRA Score:[/i] 5,419 [b][u]*Collections[/u][/b] [i]Insects:[/i] A medium amount. [i]Fish:[/i] A semi-large amount. [i]Fossils:[/i] A medium amount [i]Gyroids:[/i] Three Gyroids. [i]NES Games:[/i] CluClu Land, ExciteBike. [i]K.K. Songs:[/i] Two songs *I'll get the exact numbers later* [b][u]Favorites[/u][/b] [i]Favorite Villager:[/i] Bob [i]Least Favorite Villager:[/i] Admiral (He painted my roof black without my consent) [i]Favorite Insect:[/i] Great Purple Emperor Buttterfly [i]Favorite Fish:[/i] Arawana (Worth 10,000 Bells!!) [i]Favorite Fossil:[/i] Apatosaurus Bones [i]Favorite Gyroid:[/i] Sproid (Out of the ones I have) [i]Favorite Furniture:[/i] Matryoshka [i]Favorite/Current Outfit:[/i] Dragon Suit [i]Favorite K.K. Song:[/i] Comrade K.K. [i]Favorite NES Game:[/i] Dunno. I haven't played any. I don't have an E-Reader. I've done a lot for my town. I have my Oddjobs business for anyone who needs help, I started an anti-littering club, and founded the FFE (Foreign Fruit Exchange). Tada, that's my town. I can't wait to see yours. [/size]
[size=1]I'd be like a Twin Blade! I'm not a heavy attacker, pretty light, and strikes fast with preferrable two weapons. Sounds like a Twin Blade to me. ^_^ A Long Arm might suite me aswell. But being new to the series I don't know much about them. Look pretty cool. Other than that I'd be a Wavemaster and then a Heavy Blade. But I don't know all the PC types so I'll get back to you on that. A Katana is a type of sword.[/size]
I don't think they were demoted. They left on free will, and the gym still ahd full functional leaders. Besides, who would demote them?
Well I love this song as well. (And yet I know little about the series) Does anyoen know where I can get the full version of Obsession? (The song)